
is an old saying in China that goes, "The
days of the Sanjiu period are the coldest days.
""Sanjiu period", which
is in Minor Cold, refers to the third
nine day period (the 19th to the 27th day)
after the day of the Winter Solstice(冬至). There
are many different customs related to Minor Cold in
Eating hotpot
During Minor Cold people should eat some hot food to benefit the body and defend against the
cold weather. Winter
is the best time to have hotpot and braised mutton with soy sauce. But it is
important to notice that too much spicy food may cause health problems.
Eating huangyacai
In Tianjin, there is a custom to have huangyacai, a kind of Chinese cabbage, during
Minor Cold. There are large amounts of vitamins A and B in huangyacai. As huangyacai is fresh
and tender, it is fit for frying, roasting and braising.
Eating glutinous rice(糯米饭)
to tradition, the Cantonese eat glutinous
rice in the morning during Minor Cold. Cantonese people add some fried preserved(腌制的)
pork, sausage and peanuts and mix
them into the rice.
Eating vegetable rice
In ancient times, people in Nanjing took Minor
Cold quite seriously, but
as time went by, the celebration of Minor Cold gradually disappeared. However, the custom of eating vegetable rice
is still followed today. The
rice is steamed and is unspeakably delicious. Among the ingredients(原 料), aijiaohuang (a kind of green
vegetable), sausage and salted duck are the specialties in Nanjing.
1.What do we know about Minor Cold
A.It refers to the Winter Solstice.
B.The Sanjiu period is in this period.
C.It lasts twenty seven days.
D.It marks the first day of winter.
2.What is a special custom in Tianjin in Minor Cold
A.Eating hotpot. B.Having huangyacai.
C.Having vitamin A and B pills. D.Buying cabbage.
3.How do the Cantonese eat glutinous rice
A.They fry and toast it.
B.They eat it for dinner.
C.They mix it with many other things.
D.They steam it with soy sauce.
4.This text may be taken from the column (栏目) of a newspaper.
A.travel B.culture C.fashion D.science
If you're reading this, you were probably born in the 2000s. The oh ohs. The 21st century.
That would make you young,
creative, connected, global, and no doubt smart.
Maybe good looking,
too. Right But what do other people think about your generation
adults worry that you're more interested in the
screen in front of you than the world around you. They think of you as the "face down generation" because you use your phone so
much and they wonder how you will
deal with school, friends, and family.
Are today's
teenagers too busy texting and taking
selfies to become successful in real life — or "IRL", as
you would say
adults worry that today's youth are spoilt (宠坏的) and don't want to face the challenges
of adult life. Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by "helicopter parents". They were always there to guide and help
them with a busy schedule filled with homework
and extra curricular activities such as dancing, drawing, or sports. With parents who do everything for
them, today's youth seem to prefer to live like teenagers
even when they are in their 20s or
Does the face down generation
need a heads up Well, probably not.
The fact is that many of today's
teenagers are better educated and more creative than past generations. They also seem to be enthusiastic (热情的) and willing to become
leaders. More young people than ever volunteer
to help their communities. There are also brave
young people such as Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who won the 2014 Nobel
Peace Prize for pushing girls'rights to go to school.
So if you're one of the oh ohs,
there's reason to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking
up for the face down generation. Chances are that you will do GR8 (great) and
LOL (laugh out loud).
5.What can we learn about the oh ohs
A.They are addicted to screens. B.They are always in bad mood.
C.They were born before the 2000s. D.They are busy with their texts.
6.Which of the following is true about "helicopter parents"
A.They travel by air all year round.
B.They instruct everything for their children.
C.They depend on their teenagers.
D.They avoid challenges of adult life.
7.What qualities does the oh ohs have in para 4
A.Proud. B.Awkward. C.Passionate. D.Peaceful.
8.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.Face down Generation B.Promising Generation
C.Struggling Teenagers D.Generation Under Control
In 1916, two girls of wealthy families, best friends from Auburn,
N. Y. —Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood—traveled to a settlement in the Rocky
Mountains to teach in a one room schoolhouse.
The girls had gone to Smith College. They wore expensive clothes. So for them to move to Elkhead, Colo. to instruct
the children whose shoes were held together with string was a surprise. Their stay in
Elkhead is the subject of Nothing
Daunted: The Unexpected Education of Two
Society Girls in the West by Dorothy Wickenden, who is a
magazine editor and Dorothy Woodruff's
Why did they go then Well, they wanted to do something useful. Soon, however, they realized what they had undertaken.
moved in with a local family, the
Harrisons, and, like them, had little privacy,
rare baths, and a blanket of snow on their quilt when they woke up in the
morning. Some mornings, Rosamond and Dorothy would arrive at the schoolhouse to
find the children weeping from the cold. In spring, the snow was replaced by
mud over ice.
In Wickenden's book, she
expanded on the history of the West
and also on feminism, which of course influenced the girls' decision
to go to Elkhead. A hair raising
section concerns the building of the railroads,
which entailed ( 牵 涉 ) drilling
through the Rockies, often in blinding snowstorms. The book ends
with Rosamond and Dorothy's return to Auburn.
Wickenden is a
very good storyteller. The sweep of
the land and the stoicism (坚忍)
of the people move her to some beautiful writing. Here is a picture
of Dorothy Woodruff,
on her horse, looking down from a hill top:" When the sun slipped behind the mountains,
it shed a rosy glow all around them. Then a
full moon rose. The snow was marked only by small animals: foxes, coyotes, mice,
and varying hares, which turned white in the winter. "
9.Why did Dorothy and Rosamond go to the Rocky Mountains
A.To teach in a school. B.To study American history.
C.To write a book. D.To do sightseeing.
10.What can we learn about the girls from paragraph 3
A.They enjoyed much respect. B.They had a room with a bathtub.
C.They lived with the local kids. D.They suffered severe hardships.
11.Which part of Wickenden's writing is hair raising
A.The extreme climate of Auburn.
B.The living conditions in Elkhead.
C.The railroad building in the Rockies.
D.The natural beauty of the West.
12.What is the text
A.A news report. B.A book review.
C.A children's story. D.A diary entry.
people think that hippos (河马) are cute and funny looking.
They are really fat and they have short, thick legs. They also have little
round ears that wiggle (摆动)
Hippos look funny, but
you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Hippos
are extremely violent
and dangerous. In fact, they kill more people than any
other animal in Africa. Think of how
many dangerous animals that Africa
has. It has got crocodiles, snakes, lions,
elephants and many more. Hippos are more dangerous than all of them.
Hippos are naturally very dangerous animals, but there are some situations that make them even more dangerous than
normal. They are very territorial. That means that they stay in one area which
they consider to be their private area. If
a person or animal enter a
hippo's area, the hippo will attack.
Hippos also often attack when they are returning to the water.
Hippos eat on land and return to water at dusk. If a
hippo sees an animal when it's
returning to the water, it will
become violent.
Hippos are so strong that they often kill crocodiles. There are two reasons
that explain why hippos and crocodiles often
fight. First of all, hippos and crocodiles
live in the same areas. Since hippos are territorial,
they don't like having crocodiles nearby. Also, crocodiles often eat young hippos. For that reason, adult
hippos frequently kill crocodiles.
Mother and daughter hippos have close relationships. However,
hippos don't have any other close relationship with each other. Hippos often live together in large
groups, but scientists don't
know why. It's hard to study the behaviour of male and female hippos,
because males and females look the same.
Hippos are violent, but they are herbivores. A herbivore is an animal that eat only plants. An adult
hippo eats about 50 kilograms of plants every day. Hippos are much more comfortable in the
water, but they can run fast
on land. Their top speed is about 19 kilometers per hour. That's much faster than humans can run.
13.What is the text mainly about
A.The fight between hippos and crocodiles.
B.How to tell male hippos and female ones.
C.Africa's most dangerous animal — hippos.
D.Why hippos get violent.
14.If an animal is territorial, what does that mean
A.It is afraid of other animals.
B.It stays within a limited area.
C.It does not like to live in large groups.
D.It does not want other animals to enter its area.
15.What can we learn from the text
A.Hippos swim faster than crocodiles.
B.It is hard to explain why hippos live in groups.
C.Male and female hippos look different.
D.Violent animals usually eat plants.
16.What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A.To inform. B.To entertain. C.To instruct. D.To persuade.
Wildlife faces threats from
habitat destruction, pollution, and some human activities. Although protecting
wildlife may seem too hard at times, even small actions in your own
neighborhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how
to protect wildlife through small actions. Create wildlife friendly areas in
your backyard.
When trying to make your garden more beautiful, you can choose plants
that can provide food and shelter for the
native wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. Besides, bird or
bat houses in your yard or garden can attract and shelter more species.
Avoid harming the natural ecosystem
(生态系统) in
your backyard.
Some plants from other places
can kill or harm the native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.
Have a greener lifestyle.
By using less water and fewer fuels, you
will do good to help protect
the wildlife around you. Take buses or the subway if you can, turn
off the electric devices when you're not using them, take showers for a shorter
time, and keep the temperature in your room at or below 68 Fahrenheit degrees in winter.
Buy products that
are friendly to wildlife.
Don't buy products that are made from endangered
animals. Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, or
hunters who are eager to earn money with them.
money to organizations that protect wildlife and their habitats.
You can give money to organizations or groups that
protect wildlife in your neighborhood,
thus promoting their work.
17.The purpose of this passage is to _______.
A.tell us why protecting wildlife is extremely important now
B.suggest that we protect wildlife through words
C.explain why protecting wildlife is not as hard as people think
D.give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions
18.Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT mentioned in the passage
A.Animal diseases. B.Destruction of habitat.
C.Pollution. D.Hunters.
19.What behaviour do you think the author would disagree with
A.Planting proper trees in gardens.
B.Buying a sweater that is made from antelope fur as a gift.
C.Donating some money to WWF.
D.Reading books about wildlife.
20.In which section of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage
A.Environment. B.Teaching. C.Business. D.Geography.
Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures, we tend to ignore our health.  21.   It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.
 22.   We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses.  23.   This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic conditions we live in.
It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness.  24.   For instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style. There are different levels of exercises for different age groups and we must do them according to our own health and age.
Additionally, it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases.  25.   This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.
A. Fitness levels decide the quality of life. B. Health and fitness are interrelated to each other. C. It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind. D. For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily. E. If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner. F. There are some activities which everyone should do in our life. G. This makes our body suffer and we catch lifestyle and other diseases.
You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.
For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their 26. was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay. Nearly. Last year, I started dating, but with reservations. When I first dated Steve, I 27. he had a dog, Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was 28. that he was an animal lover, I 29. that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 30. , the cat.
The next week we 31. our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we paused to catch our 32. , Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing(求婚) I liked him too, but so soon He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 33. , I began to fall for him.
We 34. to date, though neither of us brought up the future. And then in late
November, Tilly had an operation on her 35. . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I worried that Tilly 36. climbing the stairs could reopen the wound. Then Steve suggested his house. All worked 37. . The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, respected
Flora's space; Steve and I formed a good team 38. for Tilly. We made good housemates.
A year later, much to my delight, this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me. He did not kneel(跪) down, nor did I 39. him to. That's only for giving 40. to the dogs that brought us together.
26.A.ownership B.membership C.companionship D.leadership
27.A.feared B.doubted C.hoped D.learned
28.A.unsatisfied B.amused C.terrified D.excited
29.A.predicted B.worried C.regretted D.insisted
30.A.Flora B.Chance C.Molly D.Tilly
31.A.tied B.walked C.bathed D.fed
32.A.breath B.balance C.attention D.imagination
33.A.By the way B.In that case
C.By all means D.In that moment
34.A.continued B.decided C.intended D.pretended
35.A.eye B.tail C.ear D.leg
36.A.secretly B.constantly C.eventually D.unwillingly
37.A.late B.hard C.fine D.free
38.A.looking B.caring C.waiting D.calling
39.A.beg B.trust C.need D.aid
40.A.toys B.awards C.food D.water
41.(2018·天津)My washing machine ___________this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.
A.was repaired B.is repaired
C.is being repaired D.has been repaired
42.(2023高一上·宣化期末)______ you ______ the problems you're causing
A.Do; aware of B.Are; aware of
C.Do; aware that D.Are; aware that
43.(2023高一上·宣化期末)Now with the development of science and technology, more robots ________ to do the housework.
A.are using B.are being used C.were used D.will be used
44.(2023高一上·宣化期末)Don't be too _____about other people's private affairs: the privacy right is protected by law.
A.crazy B.concerned C.alarmed D.creative
45.(2023高一上·宣化期末)A study shows the speed _______ temperatures change will continue to increase over the next several decades.
A.in that B.at that C.at which D.in which
46.(2023高一上·宣化期末)I'd love to spend more time with my family, but my new job _______ I am busy all day long always disappoints my expectations.
A.to which B.by which C.for which D.with which
47.(2023高一上·宣化期末)We have to hold the meeting in the small hall because the meeting room where we planned to hold the meeting _____.
A.is being decorated B.is decorating
C.will be decorated D.will decorate
48.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The church_____the 13th century.
A.is dating from B.is dated from
C.dates back to D.is dated back to
49.(2023高一上·宣化期末)I still remember the year _______ we got together to celebrate the anniversary.
A.which B.that C.when D.in that
50.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The local government set up a ______ to protect the endangered species.
A.herd B.extinction C.reserve D.harmony
51.(2023高一上·宣化期末)My parents _______ me day and night while I was in hospital.
A.made progress B.watched over C.reminded of D.made out
52.(2023高一上·宣化期末)Only then __________what she meant.
A.did I understand B.do I understand
C.I understood D.had I understood
53.(2023高一上·宣化期末)It is difficult for the animals to ________ the changes.
A.adapt to B.search for C.die out D.stir up
54.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The measures were effective and in June 2015, The Tibetan antelope was _______ from the endangered species list.
A.stopped B.protected C.prevented D.removed
55.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The farm ______ I visited last year is beautiful.
A.who B.where C.whose D.which
1.细节题。根据第一段中的"Sanjiu period", which is in Minor Cold, refers to the third nine day period“三九”是小寒中的第三个九天,可知“三九”在小寒节气中,故选B。
2.细节题。根据第二个标题下段落中的“In Tianjin, there is a custom to have huangyacai”,可知在天津,小寒节气时天津人吃黄芽菜,故选B。
3.细节题。根据第三个标题下的“Cantonese people add some fried preserved(腌制的) pork, sausage and peanuts and mix them into the rice广东人会在米饭里加入一些炒好的腊肉、香肠和花生”,可知广东人在小寒节气会把糯米饭和很多其他的东西,比如腊肉、香肠和花生混合在一起吃,故选C。
5.细节题。根据第三段中的“They think of you as the "face down generation" because you use your phone so much他们认为你们是“脸朝下的一代”,因为你们太频繁地使用手机”,可知这一代人沉迷于手机和电子屏幕,故选A。
6.细节题。根据第四段中的“Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by "helicopter parents". They were always there to guide and help them with a busy schedule filled with homework and extra curricular activities多90后和00后都是由“直升机父母”抚养长大的。他们总是在那里指导和帮助他们在充满作业和课外活动的繁忙时间表”,可知“直升机父母”为孩子们安排好了一切,故选B。
7.细节题。根据第五段中的“ They also seem to be enthusiastic (热情的) and willing to become leaders他们似乎也很热情,愿意成为领导者”,可知这一代人是富有热情的,故选C。
8.主旨题。文章第二段最后一句提出“But what do other people think about your generation ”(但是其他人怎么看你们这一代人呢 )后,下文论述了成年人对于00后的种种担忧,认为他们经常使用手机,称他们是“低头族”的一代,也担心“直升机父母”将他们宠坏了。作者认为00后受过更好的教育和更有创造力,也能关爱他们,对他们的未来充满希望。因此文章是讨论关于00后的不同的看法。所以短文的最佳标题为“低头族”,故选A。
9.细节题。根据第一段中的“In 1916, two girls of wealthy families, best friends from Auburn, N. Y. —Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood—traveled to a settlement in the Rocky Mountains to teach in a one room schoolhouse1916年,来自纽约州奥本的两个富裕家庭的女孩——多萝西·伍德拉夫和罗莎蒙德·安德伍德——来到落基山脉的一个居民点,在一间只有一间教室的校舍里教书”,可知这两名女生去落基山脉教书,故选A。
10.细节题。根据第三段中的“ little privacy几乎没有隐私”、“ rare baths几乎不洗澡”、“a blanket of snow on their quilt when they woke up in the morning当他们早上醒来时,被子上盖着一层雪”、“weeping from the cold冻哭了”等词和句子,可知两名女生在这里受了很多的苦,故选D。
11.细节题。根据第四段中的“A hair raising section concerns the building of the railroads令人毛骨悚然的部分涉及铁路的建设”,可知令人毛骨悚然的部分是修建铁路的时候,故选C。
13.细节题。根据第二段最后一句“Hippos also are more dangerous than all of them”,可知河马比鳄鱼、狮子、大象、蛇都要危险的动物,故选C。
14.词义猜测题。根据第四段第四句“Since hippos are territorial, they don't like having crocodiles nearby”,可知河马是有自己领地的,因此他们不喜欢其他动物进入他的领地.故选D。
15.细节题。根据第四段" hippos don't have any other close relationship with each other. Hippos often live together in large groups, but scientists don't know why河马之间没有任何亲密的关系.河马经常成群生活在一起,但科学家们不知道为什么",可知很难解释为什么河马群居,故选B。
16.推断题。根据全文描写Hippos are naturally very dangerous animals河马天生是非常危险的动物,Hippos are so strong that they often kill crocodiles河马非常强壮,它们经常杀死鳄鱼和 Hippos are violent河马很暴力等等可知,文章主要是告诉读者,河马是最危险的动物,故选A。
17.细节题。根据第一段最后一句话“Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions”,可知文章主要介绍的是保护野生动物的建议,故选D。
18.细节题。根据第一段第一句话“Wildlife faces threats from habitat destruction, pollution, and some human activities野生动物面临着栖息地破坏、污染和一些人类活动的威胁”,可知野生动物面对的威胁不包括疾病,故选A。
19.细节题。根据第四个标题下第一句话“Don't buy products that are made from endangered animals不要购买由濒危动物制成的产品”,可知“Buying a sweater that is made from antelope fur as a gift买一件羚羊毛制成的毛衣作为礼物”是错误的,作者不会同意,故选B。
A. 健康水平决定生活质量。
B. 健康和健身是相互关联的。
C. 它也有助于我们保持冷静和放松我们的思想。
D. 例如,我们可能有容易感冒的倾向。
E. 如果我们保持身体健康,我们就能更好地享受生活。
F. 在我们的生活中,每个人都应该做一些活动。
G. 这使我们的身体受苦,我们染上了生活方式和其他疾病。
21.根据空格后句子中的these diseases可知,空格处应提到了diseases,结合选项,可知“This makes our body suffer and we catch lifestyle and other diseases这使我们的身体受苦,我们染上了生活方式和其他疾病”符合题意要求,使上下文连贯,故选G。
22.根据空格后的“We need to be fit to have a healthy body我们需要有一个健康的身体”和“ if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body如果我们是健康的,我们自然会被保持身体健康所吸引”,可知这一段讲述的是health和fitness的相互促进的关系,故选B。
23.结合选项,可知空格后的“This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy这并不一定意味着我们不健康”中的this指代的应是“we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily ”,即“容易感冒,并不是我们不健康,而是我们身体的健康水平与年龄和气候条件不相匹配”,故选D。
24.根据空格后的for instance,可知空格后的“we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style无论我们的年龄和工作方式如何,我们都必须每天锻炼”是对空格处内容的举例说明,结合选项,可知“There are some activities which everyone should do in our life”符合语境要求,能使上下文连贯,故选F。
25.空格前的句子“It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases它有助于提高我们的免疫系统,保护我们免受疾病的侵害”介绍了充足睡眠的好处,选项C“ It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind它也有助于我们保持冷静和放松我们的思想”顺承上句,介绍了充足睡眠的另一好处,故选C。
26.句意:他们的陪伴几乎足以驱除我的孤独。A. ownership所有权,物主身份;B. membership 会员身份,成员资格;C. companionship陪伴;D. leadership 领导,领导地位。根据上文的中 enjoyed living with my dogs,可知作者和两只宠物狗一起生活,所以此处指两只狗的陪(companionship)能让作者远离孤独,故选C。
27.句意:当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,我知道他有一只狗,莫莉和一只猫,弗洛拉。A. feared害怕;B. doubted怀疑;C. hoped希望;D. learned了解到。作者和 Steve 初次约会,应该是在交谈中了解到(learned)他养了一条狗和一只猫,故选D。
28.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫弗洛拉。A. unsatisfied 不满意的;B. amused被逗乐的,觉得好笑的;C. terrified 极度惊恐的;D. excited 兴奋的。由I enjoyed living with my dogs可知作者养宠物,根据下文 he was an animal lover 可知,在得知 Steve 也喜欢动物后,作者应该是感到非常兴奋或激动的(excited),故选D。
29.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫弗洛拉。A. predicted预言,预测;B. worried担心;C. regretted懊悔,惋惜;D. insisted坚决要求,坚持;坚称。根据上文可知,作者有两条狗,Steve 养了一条狗和一只猫,作者应该会担心(worried)三条狗有点多,而且也担心自己的狗会袭击 Steve 的猫,故选B。
30.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫弗洛拉。联系上文提到了 Steve 的猫名叫 Flora,而空后的 the cat 为同位语,所以此处应该填猫的名字,故选A。
31.句意:第二个星期我们一起遛狗。A. tied绑,系;B. walked瘤(狗);C. bathed洗澡;D. fed喂养。联系下文内容可知,作者带着狗和 Steve 一起走在户外玩,由此可知他们是在一起遛狗,故选B。
32.句意:当我们停下来喘口气时,史蒂夫单膝跪地。A. breath呼吸;B. balance平衡;C. attention注意力;D. imagination想象力。根据上文的 It was a hot day. 可知,天气很热,所以两人停下来喘口气,歇一歇,catch one's breath 喘口气,故选A。
33.句意:在那一刻,我开始爱上他。A. By the way顺便说一下 B. In that case 既然那样;假如那样的话C. By all means一定,务必;尽一切办法;D. In that moment在那一刻。根据空格后的 I began to fall for him 可知作者爱上了 Steve,是因为 Steve 在炎热的天气里单膝下跪,给作者的狗喂水喝,在那一瞬间(in that moment),作者爱上了他,故选D。
34.句意:我们继续约会,但谁也没提未来的事。A. continued继续;B. decided决定;C. intended打算;D. pretended假装。根据下文,可知作者和 Steve 后来还交往着,所以应该是他们仍继续(continued)约会,故选A。
35.句意:11月,Tilly做了腿部手术。A. eye眼睛;B. tail尾巴;C. ear耳朵;D. leg腿。根据下文的 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound 了解到爬楼梯会使 Tilly 的伤口重新开裂,由此可以判断手术的伤口是在腿(leg)上,故选D。
36.句意:我担心Tilly不断地爬楼梯可能会重新打开伤口。A. secretly 秘密地;B. constantly经常地;C. eventually最终;D. unwillingly不情愿地,勉强地。根据上文的 I took the dogs out four times a day 可知作者每天要遛四次狗,Tilly 会经常地(constantly)爬楼梯,故选B。
37.句意:一切都进行正常。A. late迟的;B. hard难的;C. fine好的;D. free免费的,自由的。根据下文的 three dogs formed a pack …, Steve and I formed a good team …, We made good housemates,可知作者和 Steve 两人以及两个人的宠物都相处得很融洽,所以一切进展得很好(fine),故选C。
38.句意:史蒂夫和我组成了一个很好的团队来照顾Tilly。A. looking看;B. caring照顾;C. waiting等待;D. calling打电话。根据上文可知 Tilly 做了手术,由此可推断此处指作者和 Steve 一起“照看”Tilly;care for 照看;照料,故选B。
39.句意:他没有下跪,我也不需要他下跪。A. beg乞求;B. trust信任;C. need需要;D. aid援助。根据下文可知,在Steve单膝跪地给她的狗喂水的那一刻,就已经说明一切了——作者不需要(need)他单膝跪地求婚了,故选C。
40.句意:这只是因为你给那些让我们走到一起的狗喝了水。A. toys玩具;B. awards奖;C. food食物;D. water睡。根据上文的 He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs,Steve 给狗喂水(water)的那一刻就已经把两人联系在了一起,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:这周我的洗衣机正在修,所以我不得不手洗衣服。根据后句so I have to wash my clothes by hand.可知,洗衣机正在修,故用现在进行时态的被动语态。故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:你意识到你造成的问题了吗?选项中的aware是形容词,其固定短语是be aware of或be aware that;be aware of后接名词或名词性短语;be aware that后接从句;根据句意,you're causing是定语从句修饰先行词the problems,即第2个空格后是名词性短语,故选B。
【点评】考查固定短语be aware of,注意它与be aware that的区别。
【解析】【分析】句意:现在随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的机器人被用来做家务。根据时间状语now,可知句子应使用现在进行时态;根据句意,主语“more robots”和谓语动词“use”是被动关系,所以应填现在进行时态的被动语态,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:不要太关心别人的私事,隐私权是受法律保护的。A. crazy疯狂的;B. concerned关心的;C. alarmed担忧的,惊恐的;D. creative有创造力的。 根据空格后的“the privacy right is protected by law隐私权是受法律保护的”,可知不能态关心别人的隐私;be concerned about是固定短语,意“关心,挂念”,符合语境要求,故选B。
【点评】 考查词义辨析,注意根据上下文意思和语境要求,结合单词意思,做出正确选择。
【解析】【分析】句意:我想花更多的时间和我的家人在一起,但是我的新工作总是让我失望,我整天都在忙。“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的来源主要有三种:1)与定语从句中的动词或形容词构成固定短语;2)与先行词搭配使用;3)依据句意确定使用;观察此句,可知属于上述第1种情况,be busy with是固定短语,意“忙于……”,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们不得不在小大厅里开会,因为我们计划开会的会议室正在装修中。根据句意,句子主语“the meeting room”和谓语动词“decorate”是被动关系,即“会议室被装修”;其次,“会议室被装修”的动作与“We have to hold the meeting in the small hall”同时进行,所以应使用现在进行时态的被动语态,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:这座教堂可以追溯到13世纪。date back to是固定短语,意“回溯到……”,不可以用语被动语态和进行时态,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:我还记得那年我们聚在一起庆祝结婚纪念日。定语从句关系代词和关系副词的判断方法:1)判断从句意义或语法结构是否完整。若完整则需用关系副词;若不完整,则需用关系代词;2)关系副词的选择需根据先行词进行判断;关系代词的选择则需用根据先行词是指人还是指物,并注意特殊情况。句中,定语从句“we got together to celebrate the anniversary”意“我们聚在一起庆祝周年纪念日”意义完整,需选用关系副词,先行词the year表示时间,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:当地政府建立了一个保护区来保护濒危物种。A. herd牧人;B. extinction展览;C. reserve保护区;D. harmony和谐。根据空格后的目的状语“ to protect the endangered species”,可知是建立“保护区reserve”,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:我住院期间,我父母日夜照顾我。A. made progress取得进步;B. watched over 照管 ;C. reminded of提醒;D. made out辨认出。根据后半句“while I was in hospital我住院期间”,可知父母日夜照顾我,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:那时我才明白她的意思。only +状语,放在句首,需用部分倒装结构(即“助动词放在主语之前”);根据空格后的从句谓语动词meant(一般过去时态),可知空格处应使用一般过去时态,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:动物们很难适应这些变化。A. adapt to适应;B. search for搜寻;C. die out灭绝;D. stir up激起。根据空格后的the changes(意“变化”),结合选项,可知应是“适应变化”,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:这些措施取得了成效,2015年6月,藏羚羊被从濒危物种名单中移除。A. stopped停止;B. protected保护;C. prevented预防;D. removed移除。根据上句“The measures were effective”,可知得益于有力的措施,藏羚羊被从濒危物种名单中移除了出来,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:我去年参观过的农场很漂亮。定语从句汉语意思或者语法结构不完整时需要选择关系代词,排除选项B;先行词the farm指物,排除A;whose引导定语从句时,其后须跟名词,且先行词与该其后的名称构成所属格关系,可排除,故选D。
is an old saying in China that goes, "The
days of the Sanjiu period are the coldest days.
""Sanjiu period", which
is in Minor Cold, refers to the third
nine day period (the 19th to the 27th day)
after the day of the Winter Solstice(冬至). There
are many different customs related to Minor Cold in
Eating hotpot
During Minor Cold people should eat some hot food to benefit the body and defend against the
cold weather. Winter
is the best time to have hotpot and braised mutton with soy sauce. But it is
important to notice that too much spicy food may cause health problems.
Eating huangyacai
In Tianjin, there is a custom to have huangyacai, a kind of Chinese cabbage, during
Minor Cold. There are large amounts of vitamins A and B in huangyacai. As huangyacai is fresh
and tender, it is fit for frying, roasting and braising.
Eating glutinous rice(糯米饭)
to tradition, the Cantonese eat glutinous
rice in the morning during Minor Cold. Cantonese people add some fried preserved(腌制的)
pork, sausage and peanuts and mix
them into the rice.
Eating vegetable rice
In ancient times, people in Nanjing took Minor
Cold quite seriously, but
as time went by, the celebration of Minor Cold gradually disappeared. However, the custom of eating vegetable rice
is still followed today. The
rice is steamed and is unspeakably delicious. Among the ingredients(原 料), aijiaohuang (a kind of green
vegetable), sausage and salted duck are the specialties in Nanjing.
1.What do we know about Minor Cold
A.It refers to the Winter Solstice.
B.The Sanjiu period is in this period.
C.It lasts twenty seven days.
D.It marks the first day of winter.
2.What is a special custom in Tianjin in Minor Cold
A.Eating hotpot. B.Having huangyacai.
C.Having vitamin A and B pills. D.Buying cabbage.
3.How do the Cantonese eat glutinous rice
A.They fry and toast it.
B.They eat it for dinner.
C.They mix it with many other things.
D.They steam it with soy sauce.
4.This text may be taken from the column (栏目) of a newspaper.
A.travel B.culture C.fashion D.science
1.细节题。根据第一段中的"Sanjiu period", which is in Minor Cold, refers to the third nine day period“三九”是小寒中的第三个九天,可知“三九”在小寒节气中,故选B。
2.细节题。根据第二个标题下段落中的“In Tianjin, there is a custom to have huangyacai”,可知在天津,小寒节气时天津人吃黄芽菜,故选B。
3.细节题。根据第三个标题下的“Cantonese people add some fried preserved(腌制的) pork, sausage and peanuts and mix them into the rice广东人会在米饭里加入一些炒好的腊肉、香肠和花生”,可知广东人在小寒节气会把糯米饭和很多其他的东西,比如腊肉、香肠和花生混合在一起吃,故选C。
If you're reading this, you were probably born in the 2000s. The oh ohs. The 21st century.
That would make you young,
creative, connected, global, and no doubt smart.
Maybe good looking,
too. Right But what do other people think about your generation
adults worry that you're more interested in the
screen in front of you than the world around you. They think of you as the "face down generation" because you use your phone so
much and they wonder how you will
deal with school, friends, and family.
Are today's
teenagers too busy texting and taking
selfies to become successful in real life — or "IRL", as
you would say
adults worry that today's youth are spoilt (宠坏的) and don't want to face the challenges
of adult life. Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by "helicopter parents". They were always there to guide and help
them with a busy schedule filled with homework
and extra curricular activities such as dancing, drawing, or sports. With parents who do everything for
them, today's youth seem to prefer to live like teenagers
even when they are in their 20s or
Does the face down generation
need a heads up Well, probably not.
The fact is that many of today's
teenagers are better educated and more creative than past generations. They also seem to be enthusiastic (热情的) and willing to become
leaders. More young people than ever volunteer
to help their communities. There are also brave
young people such as Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who won the 2014 Nobel
Peace Prize for pushing girls'rights to go to school.
So if you're one of the oh ohs,
there's reason to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking
up for the face down generation. Chances are that you will do GR8 (great) and
LOL (laugh out loud).
5.What can we learn about the oh ohs
A.They are addicted to screens. B.They are always in bad mood.
C.They were born before the 2000s. D.They are busy with their texts.
6.Which of the following is true about "helicopter parents"
A.They travel by air all year round.
B.They instruct everything for their children.
C.They depend on their teenagers.
D.They avoid challenges of adult life.
7.What qualities does the oh ohs have in para 4
A.Proud. B.Awkward. C.Passionate. D.Peaceful.
8.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.Face down Generation B.Promising Generation
C.Struggling Teenagers D.Generation Under Control
5.细节题。根据第三段中的“They think of you as the "face down generation" because you use your phone so much他们认为你们是“脸朝下的一代”,因为你们太频繁地使用手机”,可知这一代人沉迷于手机和电子屏幕,故选A。
6.细节题。根据第四段中的“Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by "helicopter parents". They were always there to guide and help them with a busy schedule filled with homework and extra curricular activities多90后和00后都是由“直升机父母”抚养长大的。他们总是在那里指导和帮助他们在充满作业和课外活动的繁忙时间表”,可知“直升机父母”为孩子们安排好了一切,故选B。
7.细节题。根据第五段中的“ They also seem to be enthusiastic (热情的) and willing to become leaders他们似乎也很热情,愿意成为领导者”,可知这一代人是富有热情的,故选C。
8.主旨题。文章第二段最后一句提出“But what do other people think about your generation ”(但是其他人怎么看你们这一代人呢 )后,下文论述了成年人对于00后的种种担忧,认为他们经常使用手机,称他们是“低头族”的一代,也担心“直升机父母”将他们宠坏了。作者认为00后受过更好的教育和更有创造力,也能关爱他们,对他们的未来充满希望。因此文章是讨论关于00后的不同的看法。所以短文的最佳标题为“低头族”,故选A。
In 1916, two girls of wealthy families, best friends from Auburn,
N. Y. —Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood—traveled to a settlement in the Rocky
Mountains to teach in a one room schoolhouse.
The girls had gone to Smith College. They wore expensive clothes. So for them to move to Elkhead, Colo. to instruct
the children whose shoes were held together with string was a surprise. Their stay in
Elkhead is the subject of Nothing
Daunted: The Unexpected Education of Two
Society Girls in the West by Dorothy Wickenden, who is a
magazine editor and Dorothy Woodruff's
Why did they go then Well, they wanted to do something useful. Soon, however, they realized what they had undertaken.
moved in with a local family, the
Harrisons, and, like them, had little privacy,
rare baths, and a blanket of snow on their quilt when they woke up in the
morning. Some mornings, Rosamond and Dorothy would arrive at the schoolhouse to
find the children weeping from the cold. In spring, the snow was replaced by
mud over ice.
In Wickenden's book, she
expanded on the history of the West
and also on feminism, which of course influenced the girls' decision
to go to Elkhead. A hair raising
section concerns the building of the railroads,
which entailed ( 牵 涉 ) drilling
through the Rockies, often in blinding snowstorms. The book ends
with Rosamond and Dorothy's return to Auburn.
Wickenden is a
very good storyteller. The sweep of
the land and the stoicism (坚忍)
of the people move her to some beautiful writing. Here is a picture
of Dorothy Woodruff,
on her horse, looking down from a hill top:" When the sun slipped behind the mountains,
it shed a rosy glow all around them. Then a
full moon rose. The snow was marked only by small animals: foxes, coyotes, mice,
and varying hares, which turned white in the winter. "
9.Why did Dorothy and Rosamond go to the Rocky Mountains
A.To teach in a school. B.To study American history.
C.To write a book. D.To do sightseeing.
10.What can we learn about the girls from paragraph 3
A.They enjoyed much respect. B.They had a room with a bathtub.
C.They lived with the local kids. D.They suffered severe hardships.
11.Which part of Wickenden's writing is hair raising
A.The extreme climate of Auburn.
B.The living conditions in Elkhead.
C.The railroad building in the Rockies.
D.The natural beauty of the West.
12.What is the text
A.A news report. B.A book review.
C.A children's story. D.A diary entry.
9.细节题。根据第一段中的“In 1916, two girls of wealthy families, best friends from Auburn, N. Y. —Dorothy Woodruff and Rosamond Underwood—traveled to a settlement in the Rocky Mountains to teach in a one room schoolhouse1916年,来自纽约州奥本的两个富裕家庭的女孩——多萝西·伍德拉夫和罗莎蒙德·安德伍德——来到落基山脉的一个居民点,在一间只有一间教室的校舍里教书”,可知这两名女生去落基山脉教书,故选A。
10.细节题。根据第三段中的“ little privacy几乎没有隐私”、“ rare baths几乎不洗澡”、“a blanket of snow on their quilt when they woke up in the morning当他们早上醒来时,被子上盖着一层雪”、“weeping from the cold冻哭了”等词和句子,可知两名女生在这里受了很多的苦,故选D。
11.细节题。根据第四段中的“A hair raising section concerns the building of the railroads令人毛骨悚然的部分涉及铁路的建设”,可知令人毛骨悚然的部分是修建铁路的时候,故选C。
people think that hippos (河马) are cute and funny looking.
They are really fat and they have short, thick legs. They also have little
round ears that wiggle (摆动)
Hippos look funny, but
you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Hippos
are extremely violent
and dangerous. In fact, they kill more people than any
other animal in Africa. Think of how
many dangerous animals that Africa
has. It has got crocodiles, snakes, lions,
elephants and many more. Hippos are more dangerous than all of them.
Hippos are naturally very dangerous animals, but there are some situations that make them even more dangerous than
normal. They are very territorial. That means that they stay in one area which
they consider to be their private area. If
a person or animal enter a
hippo's area, the hippo will attack.
Hippos also often attack when they are returning to the water.
Hippos eat on land and return to water at dusk. If a
hippo sees an animal when it's
returning to the water, it will
become violent.
Hippos are so strong that they often kill crocodiles. There are two reasons
that explain why hippos and crocodiles often
fight. First of all, hippos and crocodiles
live in the same areas. Since hippos are territorial,
they don't like having crocodiles nearby. Also, crocodiles often eat young hippos. For that reason, adult
hippos frequently kill crocodiles.
Mother and daughter hippos have close relationships. However,
hippos don't have any other close relationship with each other. Hippos often live together in large
groups, but scientists don't
know why. It's hard to study the behaviour of male and female hippos,
because males and females look the same.
Hippos are violent, but they are herbivores. A herbivore is an animal that eat only plants. An adult
hippo eats about 50 kilograms of plants every day. Hippos are much more comfortable in the
water, but they can run fast
on land. Their top speed is about 19 kilometers per hour. That's much faster than humans can run.
13.What is the text mainly about
A.The fight between hippos and crocodiles.
B.How to tell male hippos and female ones.
C.Africa's most dangerous animal — hippos.
D.Why hippos get violent.
14.If an animal is territorial, what does that mean
A.It is afraid of other animals.
B.It stays within a limited area.
C.It does not like to live in large groups.
D.It does not want other animals to enter its area.
15.What can we learn from the text
A.Hippos swim faster than crocodiles.
B.It is hard to explain why hippos live in groups.
C.Male and female hippos look different.
D.Violent animals usually eat plants.
16.What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A.To inform. B.To entertain. C.To instruct. D.To persuade.
13.细节题。根据第二段最后一句“Hippos also are more dangerous than all of them”,可知河马比鳄鱼、狮子、大象、蛇都要危险的动物,故选C。
14.词义猜测题。根据第四段第四句“Since hippos are territorial, they don't like having crocodiles nearby”,可知河马是有自己领地的,因此他们不喜欢其他动物进入他的领地.故选D。
15.细节题。根据第四段" hippos don't have any other close relationship with each other. Hippos often live together in large groups, but scientists don't know why河马之间没有任何亲密的关系.河马经常成群生活在一起,但科学家们不知道为什么",可知很难解释为什么河马群居,故选B。
16.推断题。根据全文描写Hippos are naturally very dangerous animals河马天生是非常危险的动物,Hippos are so strong that they often kill crocodiles河马非常强壮,它们经常杀死鳄鱼和 Hippos are violent河马很暴力等等可知,文章主要是告诉读者,河马是最危险的动物,故选A。
Wildlife faces threats from
habitat destruction, pollution, and some human activities. Although protecting
wildlife may seem too hard at times, even small actions in your own
neighborhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how
to protect wildlife through small actions. Create wildlife friendly areas in
your backyard.
When trying to make your garden more beautiful, you can choose plants
that can provide food and shelter for the
native wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. Besides, bird or
bat houses in your yard or garden can attract and shelter more species.
Avoid harming the natural ecosystem
(生态系统) in
your backyard.
Some plants from other places
can kill or harm the native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.
Have a greener lifestyle.
By using less water and fewer fuels, you
will do good to help protect
the wildlife around you. Take buses or the subway if you can, turn
off the electric devices when you're not using them, take showers for a shorter
time, and keep the temperature in your room at or below 68 Fahrenheit degrees in winter.
Buy products that
are friendly to wildlife.
Don't buy products that are made from endangered
animals. Keep in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, or
hunters who are eager to earn money with them.
money to organizations that protect wildlife and their habitats.
You can give money to organizations or groups that
protect wildlife in your neighborhood,
thus promoting their work.
17.The purpose of this passage is to _______.
A.tell us why protecting wildlife is extremely important now
B.suggest that we protect wildlife through words
C.explain why protecting wildlife is not as hard as people think
D.give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions
18.Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT mentioned in the passage
A.Animal diseases. B.Destruction of habitat.
C.Pollution. D.Hunters.
19.What behaviour do you think the author would disagree with
A.Planting proper trees in gardens.
B.Buying a sweater that is made from antelope fur as a gift.
C.Donating some money to WWF.
D.Reading books about wildlife.
20.In which section of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage
A.Environment. B.Teaching. C.Business. D.Geography.
17.细节题。根据第一段最后一句话“Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions”,可知文章主要介绍的是保护野生动物的建议,故选D。
18.细节题。根据第一段第一句话“Wildlife faces threats from habitat destruction, pollution, and some human activities野生动物面临着栖息地破坏、污染和一些人类活动的威胁”,可知野生动物面对的威胁不包括疾病,故选A。
19.细节题。根据第四个标题下第一句话“Don't buy products that are made from endangered animals不要购买由濒危动物制成的产品”,可知“Buying a sweater that is made from antelope fur as a gift买一件羚羊毛制成的毛衣作为礼物”是错误的,作者不会同意,故选B。
Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures, we tend to ignore our health.  21.   It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.
 22.   We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses.  23.   This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic conditions we live in.
It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness.  24.   For instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style. There are different levels of exercises for different age groups and we must do them according to our own health and age.
Additionally, it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases.  25.   This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.
A. Fitness levels decide the quality of life. B. Health and fitness are interrelated to each other. C. It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind. D. For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily. E. If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner. F. There are some activities which everyone should do in our life. G. This makes our body suffer and we catch lifestyle and other diseases.
A. 健康水平决定生活质量。
B. 健康和健身是相互关联的。
C. 它也有助于我们保持冷静和放松我们的思想。
D. 例如,我们可能有容易感冒的倾向。
E. 如果我们保持身体健康,我们就能更好地享受生活。
F. 在我们的生活中,每个人都应该做一些活动。
G. 这使我们的身体受苦,我们染上了生活方式和其他疾病。
21.根据空格后句子中的these diseases可知,空格处应提到了diseases,结合选项,可知“This makes our body suffer and we catch lifestyle and other diseases这使我们的身体受苦,我们染上了生活方式和其他疾病”符合题意要求,使上下文连贯,故选G。
22.根据空格后的“We need to be fit to have a healthy body我们需要有一个健康的身体”和“ if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body如果我们是健康的,我们自然会被保持身体健康所吸引”,可知这一段讲述的是health和fitness的相互促进的关系,故选B。
23.结合选项,可知空格后的“This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy这并不一定意味着我们不健康”中的this指代的应是“we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily ”,即“容易感冒,并不是我们不健康,而是我们身体的健康水平与年龄和气候条件不相匹配”,故选D。
24.根据空格后的for instance,可知空格后的“we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style无论我们的年龄和工作方式如何,我们都必须每天锻炼”是对空格处内容的举例说明,结合选项,可知“There are some activities which everyone should do in our life”符合语境要求,能使上下文连贯,故选F。
25.空格前的句子“It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases它有助于提高我们的免疫系统,保护我们免受疾病的侵害”介绍了充足睡眠的好处,选项C“ It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind它也有助于我们保持冷静和放松我们的思想”顺承上句,介绍了充足睡眠的另一好处,故选C。
You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.
For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their 26. was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay. Nearly. Last year, I started dating, but with reservations. When I first dated Steve, I 27. he had a dog, Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was 28. that he was an animal lover, I 29. that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 30. , the cat.
The next week we 31. our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we paused to catch our 32. , Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing(求婚) I liked him too, but so soon He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 33. , I began to fall for him.
We 34. to date, though neither of us brought up the future. And then in late
November, Tilly had an operation on her 35. . I took the dogs out four times a day, and I worried that Tilly 36. climbing the stairs could reopen the wound. Then Steve suggested his house. All worked 37. . The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, respected
Flora's space; Steve and I formed a good team 38. for Tilly. We made good housemates.
A year later, much to my delight, this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me. He did not kneel(跪) down, nor did I 39. him to. That's only for giving 40. to the dogs that brought us together.
26.A.ownership B.membership C.companionship D.leadership
27.A.feared B.doubted C.hoped D.learned
28.A.unsatisfied B.amused C.terrified D.excited
29.A.predicted B.worried C.regretted D.insisted
30.A.Flora B.Chance C.Molly D.Tilly
31.A.tied B.walked C.bathed D.fed
32.A.breath B.balance C.attention D.imagination
33.A.By the way B.In that case
C.By all means D.In that moment
34.A.continued B.decided C.intended D.pretended
35.A.eye B.tail C.ear D.leg
36.A.secretly B.constantly C.eventually D.unwillingly
37.A.late B.hard C.fine D.free
38.A.looking B.caring C.waiting D.calling
39.A.beg B.trust C.need D.aid
40.A.toys B.awards C.food D.water
26.句意:他们的陪伴几乎足以驱除我的孤独。A. ownership所有权,物主身份;B. membership 会员身份,成员资格;C. companionship陪伴;D. leadership 领导,领导地位。根据上文的中 enjoyed living with my dogs,可知作者和两只宠物狗一起生活,所以此处指两只狗的陪(companionship)能让作者远离孤独,故选C。
27.句意:当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,我知道他有一只狗,莫莉和一只猫,弗洛拉。A. feared害怕;B. doubted怀疑;C. hoped希望;D. learned了解到。作者和 Steve 初次约会,应该是在交谈中了解到(learned)他养了一条狗和一只猫,故选D。
28.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫弗洛拉。A. unsatisfied 不满意的;B. amused被逗乐的,觉得好笑的;C. terrified 极度惊恐的;D. excited 兴奋的。由I enjoyed living with my dogs可知作者养宠物,根据下文 he was an animal lover 可知,在得知 Steve 也喜欢动物后,作者应该是感到非常兴奋或激动的(excited),故选D。
29.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫弗洛拉。A. predicted预言,预测;B. worried担心;C. regretted懊悔,惋惜;D. insisted坚决要求,坚持;坚称。根据上文可知,作者有两条狗,Steve 养了一条狗和一只猫,作者应该会担心(worried)三条狗有点多,而且也担心自己的狗会袭击 Steve 的猫,故选B。
30.句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫弗洛拉。联系上文提到了 Steve 的猫名叫 Flora,而空后的 the cat 为同位语,所以此处应该填猫的名字,故选A。
31.句意:第二个星期我们一起遛狗。A. tied绑,系;B. walked瘤(狗);C. bathed洗澡;D. fed喂养。联系下文内容可知,作者带着狗和 Steve 一起走在户外玩,由此可知他们是在一起遛狗,故选B。
32.句意:当我们停下来喘口气时,史蒂夫单膝跪地。A. breath呼吸;B. balance平衡;C. attention注意力;D. imagination想象力。根据上文的 It was a hot day. 可知,天气很热,所以两人停下来喘口气,歇一歇,catch one's breath 喘口气,故选A。
33.句意:在那一刻,我开始爱上他。A. By the way顺便说一下 B. In that case 既然那样;假如那样的话C. By all means一定,务必;尽一切办法;D. In that moment在那一刻。根据空格后的 I began to fall for him 可知作者爱上了 Steve,是因为 Steve 在炎热的天气里单膝下跪,给作者的狗喂水喝,在那一瞬间(in that moment),作者爱上了他,故选D。
34.句意:我们继续约会,但谁也没提未来的事。A. continued继续;B. decided决定;C. intended打算;D. pretended假装。根据下文,可知作者和 Steve 后来还交往着,所以应该是他们仍继续(continued)约会,故选A。
35.句意:11月,Tilly做了腿部手术。A. eye眼睛;B. tail尾巴;C. ear耳朵;D. leg腿。根据下文的 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound 了解到爬楼梯会使 Tilly 的伤口重新开裂,由此可以判断手术的伤口是在腿(leg)上,故选D。
36.句意:我担心Tilly不断地爬楼梯可能会重新打开伤口。A. secretly 秘密地;B. constantly经常地;C. eventually最终;D. unwillingly不情愿地,勉强地。根据上文的 I took the dogs out four times a day 可知作者每天要遛四次狗,Tilly 会经常地(constantly)爬楼梯,故选B。
37.句意:一切都进行正常。A. late迟的;B. hard难的;C. fine好的;D. free免费的,自由的。根据下文的 three dogs formed a pack …, Steve and I formed a good team …, We made good housemates,可知作者和 Steve 两人以及两个人的宠物都相处得很融洽,所以一切进展得很好(fine),故选C。
38.句意:史蒂夫和我组成了一个很好的团队来照顾Tilly。A. looking看;B. caring照顾;C. waiting等待;D. calling打电话。根据上文可知 Tilly 做了手术,由此可推断此处指作者和 Steve 一起“照看”Tilly;care for 照看;照料,故选B。
39.句意:他没有下跪,我也不需要他下跪。A. beg乞求;B. trust信任;C. need需要;D. aid援助。根据下文可知,在Steve单膝跪地给她的狗喂水的那一刻,就已经说明一切了——作者不需要(need)他单膝跪地求婚了,故选C。
40.句意:这只是因为你给那些让我们走到一起的狗喝了水。A. toys玩具;B. awards奖;C. food食物;D. water睡。根据上文的 He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs,Steve 给狗喂水(water)的那一刻就已经把两人联系在了一起,故选D。
41.(2018·天津)My washing machine ___________this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.
A.was repaired B.is repaired
C.is being repaired D.has been repaired
【解析】【分析】句意:这周我的洗衣机正在修,所以我不得不手洗衣服。根据后句so I have to wash my clothes by hand.可知,洗衣机正在修,故用现在进行时态的被动语态。故选C。
42.(2023高一上·宣化期末)______ you ______ the problems you're causing
A.Do; aware of B.Are; aware of
C.Do; aware that D.Are; aware that
【解析】【分析】句意:你意识到你造成的问题了吗?选项中的aware是形容词,其固定短语是be aware of或be aware that;be aware of后接名词或名词性短语;be aware that后接从句;根据句意,you're causing是定语从句修饰先行词the problems,即第2个空格后是名词性短语,故选B。
【点评】考查固定短语be aware of,注意它与be aware that的区别。
43.(2023高一上·宣化期末)Now with the development of science and technology, more robots ________ to do the housework.
A.are using B.are being used C.were used D.will be used
【解析】【分析】句意:现在随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的机器人被用来做家务。根据时间状语now,可知句子应使用现在进行时态;根据句意,主语“more robots”和谓语动词“use”是被动关系,所以应填现在进行时态的被动语态,故选B。
44.(2023高一上·宣化期末)Don't be too _____about other people's private affairs: the privacy right is protected by law.
A.crazy B.concerned C.alarmed D.creative
【解析】【分析】句意:不要太关心别人的私事,隐私权是受法律保护的。A. crazy疯狂的;B. concerned关心的;C. alarmed担忧的,惊恐的;D. creative有创造力的。 根据空格后的“the privacy right is protected by law隐私权是受法律保护的”,可知不能态关心别人的隐私;be concerned about是固定短语,意“关心,挂念”,符合语境要求,故选B。
【点评】 考查词义辨析,注意根据上下文意思和语境要求,结合单词意思,做出正确选择。
45.(2023高一上·宣化期末)A study shows the speed _______ temperatures change will continue to increase over the next several decades.
A.in that B.at that C.at which D.in which
46.(2023高一上·宣化期末)I'd love to spend more time with my family, but my new job _______ I am busy all day long always disappoints my expectations.
A.to which B.by which C.for which D.with which
【解析】【分析】句意:我想花更多的时间和我的家人在一起,但是我的新工作总是让我失望,我整天都在忙。“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的来源主要有三种:1)与定语从句中的动词或形容词构成固定短语;2)与先行词搭配使用;3)依据句意确定使用;观察此句,可知属于上述第1种情况,be busy with是固定短语,意“忙于……”,故选D。
47.(2023高一上·宣化期末)We have to hold the meeting in the small hall because the meeting room where we planned to hold the meeting _____.
A.is being decorated B.is decorating
C.will be decorated D.will decorate
【解析】【分析】句意:我们不得不在小大厅里开会,因为我们计划开会的会议室正在装修中。根据句意,句子主语“the meeting room”和谓语动词“decorate”是被动关系,即“会议室被装修”;其次,“会议室被装修”的动作与“We have to hold the meeting in the small hall”同时进行,所以应使用现在进行时态的被动语态,故选A。
48.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The church_____the 13th century.
A.is dating from B.is dated from
C.dates back to D.is dated back to
【解析】【分析】句意:这座教堂可以追溯到13世纪。date back to是固定短语,意“回溯到……”,不可以用语被动语态和进行时态,故选C。
49.(2023高一上·宣化期末)I still remember the year _______ we got together to celebrate the anniversary.
A.which B.that C.when D.in that
【解析】【分析】句意:我还记得那年我们聚在一起庆祝结婚纪念日。定语从句关系代词和关系副词的判断方法:1)判断从句意义或语法结构是否完整。若完整则需用关系副词;若不完整,则需用关系代词;2)关系副词的选择需根据先行词进行判断;关系代词的选择则需用根据先行词是指人还是指物,并注意特殊情况。句中,定语从句“we got together to celebrate the anniversary”意“我们聚在一起庆祝周年纪念日”意义完整,需选用关系副词,先行词the year表示时间,故选C。
50.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The local government set up a ______ to protect the endangered species.
A.herd B.extinction C.reserve D.harmony
【解析】【分析】句意:当地政府建立了一个保护区来保护濒危物种。A. herd牧人;B. extinction展览;C. reserve保护区;D. harmony和谐。根据空格后的目的状语“ to protect the endangered species”,可知是建立“保护区reserve”,故选C。
51.(2023高一上·宣化期末)My parents _______ me day and night while I was in hospital.
A.made progress B.watched over C.reminded of D.made out
【解析】【分析】句意:我住院期间,我父母日夜照顾我。A. made progress取得进步;B. watched over 照管 ;C. reminded of提醒;D. made out辨认出。根据后半句“while I was in hospital我住院期间”,可知父母日夜照顾我,故选B。
52.(2023高一上·宣化期末)Only then __________what she meant.
A.did I understand B.do I understand
C.I understood D.had I understood
【解析】【分析】句意:那时我才明白她的意思。only +状语,放在句首,需用部分倒装结构(即“助动词放在主语之前”);根据空格后的从句谓语动词meant(一般过去时态),可知空格处应使用一般过去时态,故选A。
53.(2023高一上·宣化期末)It is difficult for the animals to ________ the changes.
A.adapt to B.search for C.die out D.stir up
【解析】【分析】句意:动物们很难适应这些变化。A. adapt to适应;B. search for搜寻;C. die out灭绝;D. stir up激起。根据空格后的the changes(意“变化”),结合选项,可知应是“适应变化”,故选A。
54.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The measures were effective and in June 2015, The Tibetan antelope was _______ from the endangered species list.
A.stopped B.protected C.prevented D.removed
【解析】【分析】句意:这些措施取得了成效,2015年6月,藏羚羊被从濒危物种名单中移除。A. stopped停止;B. protected保护;C. prevented预防;D. removed移除。根据上句“The measures were effective”,可知得益于有力的措施,藏羚羊被从濒危物种名单中移除了出来,故选D。
55.(2023高一上·宣化期末)The farm ______ I visited last year is beautiful.
A.who B.where C.whose D.which
【解析】【分析】句意:我去年参观过的农场很漂亮。定语从句汉语意思或者语法结构不完整时需要选择关系代词,排除选项B;先行词the farm指物,排除A;whose引导定语从句时,其后须跟名词,且先行词与该其后的名称构成所属格关系,可排除,故选D。



上一篇:外研版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science Developing Ideas & Presenting Ideas课时练习(含答案)

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