八年级下册 Unit 4-6(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(人教版)

八下Unit 4-6测
1. —What's wrong, Jenny? —I ______ my textbook at home.
A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left
2. —Why was your teacher ________ Mark
—Because he didn't finish his homework on time.
A. different from B. angry with C. similar to D. interested in
3. I really hope things ________.
A. give away B. give out C. put off D. work out
4. —How long may I ________ the book
—________ a week.
5.—It’s too hot. Why not go swimming with us —___________ .
A. Good idea! B. That’s right!
C. Well done! D. Congratulations!
6. —I phoned you. Why didn't you ______?
—Sorry,I didn't hear.
A. come up B. pick up C. go up D. look up
7. The rain beat ______the windows. I enjoyed the sound of rain.
A. to B. towards C. against D. at
8. —What were your family members doing ______ the heavy snowstorm came
—We were trying to play a card game at home.
A. while B. when C. as soon as D. since
9. Frank fell asleep ______ he was having an English class.
A. while B. before C. as soon as D. until
10. A car accident ______on Central Street this morning.
A. took place B. broke C. happened D. fell
11. —Anna looks a bit ______ today. What happened
—I don't know.
A. blind B. strong C. strange D. fair
12. My parents were ______ shocked when they heard the surprising news.
A. recently B. heavily C. hardly D. completely
13. Finally, a god was so ___ by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains ____ .
A. moving; away B. moveable; off C. moved; away D. moved; off
14. I want to post the letter. Could you ______ me to the post office
A. lead B. turn C. give D. carry
15. The weather was ______ cold that many people got a cold
A. so B. so a C. such D. such a
16. The pictures can ______ me ______ the life living in the countryside with my grandparents.
A. let; down B. remind; of C. think; about D. give; up
17. Her voice __________ very sweet.
A. hears B. listens C. sounds D. feels
18. You should believe in yourself. Nobody else can _____ you.
A. win B. beat C. beats D. wins
19. —Mr. Li______ to Mary carefully when I came into the classroom this morning.
—He is very patient(有耐心) ______he is young.
A. talking;but B. was talking;though
C. talks;though D. talked;however
20. ----Mary won the first prize in the competition.
----_________. She said she made several terrible mistakes.
A. I think so. B. You’re welcome.
C. You must be kidding! D. It doesn’t matter.
1.I don’t mind __________(lend)you some money.
2.I think the __________(communicate)between friends is useful. It helps them to become friendlier.
3.The __________(relate)between them is the mother and the son.
4.We are ready for the coming __________(compete).
5.The little cat is afraid of (strange).
6.It was moving, so I had trouble (see) it (clear).
7.In recent time people were busy (learn) to use computers.
8. (fall) trees, (break) windows and rubbish were everywhere.
9. Which do you prefer,Chinese food or __________(west) food?
10. They got__________ (marry) many years ago.
1. My neighbor o__________ to help me when I was in trouble.
2.Don’t look at me like that. You are making me n__________.
3.She went there i__________ of me, because I was ill yesterday.
4.In order to understand the sentence better, the teacher e__________ it again.
5.He got up very early as u__________, but he found something u__________ happening outside.
6.We teach them new reading s__________ and share our knowledge.
7.This painting “Bamboo” is one of the most t__________ works of Zheng Banqiao.
8.At last she r her dream of becoming a writer at the age of thirty.
9.They're going to play a ___________another school team next week.
10.Marry didn’t fall a until her parents came back, so she looks sleepy now.
11.It snowed h last night and there must be a lot of snow on Emei Mountain.
12. Peter jumped into the river and saved the little boy yesterday. How b___________ he is!
13. Mr. Brown has a beautiful w__________ and three lovely children.
14. It rained last night and the g__________ was wet.
15.It’s easy to get l__________ in the forest.
____________ ____________ ______________ talk to your parents
My parents don’t______________ me _____________ ____________ ___________ with my friends.
I found my sister____________ ___________ my things yesterday.
_________ she's wrong, it's not ______________ ______________ ______________ .
This morning his alarm didn’t , so he late.
Although a heavy rain, Lucy was still her way .
He was tired that he soon.
We dinner in the kitchen we the news on the radio.
The boy _________ _________ _________ with a beautiful girl in 2019.
_________ _________ him a long time_________ _________ writing the passage.
Ed: Hi, Shelley! ___1___ What’s the matter
Shelley: I can’t find my school bag! It’s got all my books in!
Ed: Oh, no! ___2___
Shelley: Umm, I went to the sports center with my friends. After that, we went to buy a drink, and then we went to the park.
Ed: ___3___
Shelley: I’m not sure. I was on my way home when I realized I didn’t have it. I went back to the park to look for it. ___4___ I don’t know what to do.
Ed: Don’t worry! Perhaps a friend saw it and took it home.
Shelley: No, I don’t think so. ___5___
Ed: Well, maybe you left it in the shop. Let’s go and ask if it’s there.
Shelley: OK. I hope so!
A. But I couldn’t find it!
B. Sounds interesting.
C. Where did you go after school
D. You look upset.
E. Did you leave it in the park
F. No one called me.
Liu Xiuxiang was born in 1.__________ poor family. When he was 4, his father died. His mother developed mental health problems. When he was 10, his 2.__________(old)brother and sisters left and never returned. 3.__________(make)a living, Liu collected rubbish. And in high school he worked 10 hours a day during summer vacation. Though 4.__________ was difficult to live, he never gave up his study.
In 2007, Liu failed the College Entrance Examination. He wondered 5.__________ he should continue studying. After spending the 6.__________(fifty)day in a bathhouse, he decided to go back to school. In 2008, he 7.__________(final)passed the College Entrance Examination and went to university.
8.__________ graduation, he became a history teacher in his hometown. Liu set a good example for the poor children to take control of lives through education.
Now Liu gives 9.__________(speech)around the country. His speeches inspire(鼓舞)many students and encourage people to help those from poor families. Since 2012, he has helped 10.__________ than 1,900 students and called on more teachers to work in poor areas.
Liu was titled “The Most Beautiful Teacher” in 2020. His story moves us a lot.
A few weeks ago, I found a perfect pair of shoes waiting for me at the store. They were green, blue, red and white, with just the right style. I could actually hear them calling ___1___— “Leila, Leila, Leila!”
“Mom!” I pointed at the ___2___ shoes. “Those are exactly the ones I need! Can I have them Please ”
“Let’s see how ___3___ they are,” said Mom.
My heart broke when we saw the price —$ 100! I knew Mom would ___4___ buy them.
“I only have $25,” I ___5___ what I was going to do.
Autumn was surely here. The days were ___6___, and the leaves were falling from the trees. I was looking out of the window one afternoon, watching the leaves falling in the yard. Suddenly I got a(n) ___7___. I rushed downstairs.
“Mom,” I called into the living room. “I think I know ___8___ I can make money to buy those shoes!”
Mom looked up from her book. “And how’s that, Leila ”
“People want their ___9___ clean and tidy. I can rake(耙) leaves for them.”
A smile slowly spread across Mom’s face. “Now that’s a good idea!”
Each week, I ___10___ leaves in people’s yards and put them in waste bins. It took five ___11___ of hard work. I raked leaves until I got blisters(水疱) on my hands. My coats and trousers got dirty, but I didn’t ___12___. As time went by, I was getting closer to my goal. In the end, I got enough ___13___.
The big day finally came. Mom drove me to the store, and I walked ___14___ into the shoe store. I found the shoes I’d wanted so much and tried them on in my size. They ___15___ me perfectly! I finally had the exact shoes I wanted!
1. A. me B. you C. him D. them
2 A. big B. old C. ugly D. colorful
3. A. funny B. heavy C. expensive D. different
4. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never
5. A. hated B. agreed C. refused D. wondered
6. A. hotter B. cooler C. wetter D. longer
7. A. gift B. idea C. email D. photo
8. A. how B. why C. when D. whether
9. A. stores B. rooms C. yards D. schools
10. A. talked about B. played with C. listened to D. picked up
11. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years
12. A. care B. decide C. follow D. answer
13. A. time B. money C. coats D. shoes
14. A. sadly B. angrily C. excitedly D. secretly
15. A. fit B. found C. helped D. missed
Katie’s father was at the airport waiting to meet her. She was going to spend a week with him, and usually she really enjoyed their visits. But this time was different: her dad was getting married, and Katie wasn’t at all sure if she liked the idea.
On the way from the airport to her dad’s house, Katie almost kept silent. Finally, her dad asked, “Do you want to talk about it, Katie ”
For a moment, Katie sat silently. Then she said, “I’m sorry, Dad. I just don’t think I want you to get married.”
“I thought you liked Celia,” Katie’s dad said.
“I do like Celia” Katie answered, “It’s not that at all. I just don’t know if I want her for a stepmother—that’s totally different.”
“It really is different,” her dad agreed, “But I hope you’ll get to like having Celia as a stepmother. She likes you a lot, you know, and I’ll bet Megan will, too.”
“Who’s Megan ” Katie asked. She hadn’t heard that name before.
“She’s Celia’s daughter,” her dad replied, “She is your age, actually, so maybe you’ll even have something in common.”
After dropping Katie’s luggage (行李) off at her dad’s house, Katie and her dad went to meet Celia and Megan at a restaurant. They were going to have dinner together. When they got to the restaurant, Celia and Megan were already there. Celia introduced Megan to Katie. At first, Katie didn’t know what to say to Megan. But then, Megan said, “Mom, don’t forget I have swimming practice tomorrow.”
“You like to swim ” Katie asked hopefully.
“I love it—I’m on our school swimming team,” Megan answered excitedly, “Do you swim ”
“I love to swim, too” Katie said with a smile. Maybe having Celia as a stepmother wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
1. How did Katie feel about her dad’s getting married at the beginning of the story
A. Unhappy. B. Excited. C. Shocked. D. Agreeable.
2. How did Katie’s dad know that Katie had something on her mind
A. Katie shouted at her dad. B. Katie wouldn’t get in the car with her dad.
C. Katie didn’t say very much. D. Katie told her dad she was angry with him.
3. The underlined word “She” refers to ________.
A. Katie B. Megan C. Katie’s mother D. Megan’s mother
4. Which sentence in the passage lets the reader know that Katie would end up being happy
A. “I’m sorry, Dad.” B. “I have swimming practice tomorrow.”
C. “I do like Celia. D. “...a stepmother wasn’t going to be so bad after all.”
Recently, many people think it’s risky to use credit (信用) card numbers online. However, from time to time, we all use passwords and ID numbers on the Internet. We think we are safe, but that may not be true! A new kind of attack (攻击) is being used by dishonest people to steal IDs and credit card numbers from web surfers. This new kind of attack is called “phishing”.
Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing”, and it means that a thief is trying to trick people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait (诱饵) in the form of great online deals or services. For example, phishers might use false emails and websites to trick people into revealing (透露) credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate (模仿) well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may make as many as 5% of the people believe and give away their personal information.
It’s really a big problem! Actually, tricking 5% of the online population is huge. Now more than 4.6 billion people have access (进入权) to the Internet, and 75% of those Internet users live in the wealthiest countries on Earth. It has been reported that phishers send more than 40 billion false messages each year. Even by tricking only 5% of the people, phishers can make a lot of money.
Amy, 18, from California, received an email. A man told Amy that she could get a million dollars in her account as a reward if she sent a thousand dollars to him. Amy did as the man said at once. The “thief” used Amy’s Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.
How can people avoid being cheated online Above all, they have to learn to recognize the email that has been sent by a phisher. Always be careful with any email with urgent (紧急的) requests for personal information. Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting, but false, statements in their emails so that people will reply right away. Never give out personal information to phishers. And if an offer sounds too good to be true, it is.
1. Phishing is compared to ________ according to the passage.
A. making money B. playing games C. catching fish D. writing emails
2.Which writing skill is used in Para. 3
A. Giving examples. B. Listing numbers. C. Raising questions. D. Using sayings.
3. Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word “transfer” in Para. 4
transfer v. (transferred, transferring)
①to move from one place, school, job etc to another
②to connect the call of someone to someone else’s
③to move money from one account to another
④to change from one bus, plane etc to another
A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④
4. Besides introducing what phishing is, the writer also tells us how to ________.
A. help to catch phishers B. reply to urgent emails
C. pay by credit card D. protect ourselves online
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
八下Unit 4-6测
1. —What's wrong,Jenny? —I ______ my textbook at home.
A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left
2. —Why was your teacher ________ Mark
—Because he didn't finish his homework on time.
A. different from B. angry with C. similar to D. interested in
【解析】句意:-你的老师为什么生Mark的气?-因为他没有按时完成他的作业。different from和…不同;angry with sb.生某人的气;similar to与…相似;interested in对…感兴趣。根据句意Because he didn't finish his homework on time.可知,Mary没有按时完成作业,老师会生气,故应选B。
3. I really hope things ________.
A. give away B. give out C. put off D. work out
【解析】句意:我真的希望事情能够成功。give away捐赠,泄露;give out分发;put off推迟;work out计算出;实现。根据句意可知,这里表示希望事情能够成功,故应选D。
4. —How long may I ________ the book
—________ a week.
【解析】句意:-这本书我可以保存多长时间?-一周。keep保存,是持续性动词;borrow借,瞬间性动词;return归还,瞬间性动词;in在…里面;在一段时间之后,和将来时态搭配;from从….;to到…;for后跟一段时间。句中How long是针对一段时间提问的,故borrow和return不对,排除B和C。第二个空后是一段时间,表示动作持续一段时间,应用for,故选D。
5.—It’s too hot. Why not go swimming with us —___________ .
A. Good idea! B. That’s right!
C. Well done! D. Congratulations!
【解析】句意:天太热了。为什么不去和我们一起游泳?—好主意 !A. Good idea!好主意! B. That’s right!是的,没错!C. Well done!干得好 !D. Congratulations!祝贺!故选A。
6. —I phoned you. Why didn't you ______?
—Sorry,I didn't hear.
A. come up B. pick up C. go up D. look up
【解析】句意:-我给你打电话了,你为什么不接?-对不起,我没有听到。come up走近,发生;pick up接;go up上升;look up查找。根据对话的意思可知,这里表示接电话的意思,故应选B。
7. The rain beat ______the windows. I enjoyed the sound of rain.
A. to B. towards C. against D. at
8. —What were your family members doing ______ the heavy snowstorm came
—We were trying to play a card game at home.
A. while B. when
C. as soon as D. since
【解析】句意:-当大的暴风雪来临的时候你的家人们正在做什么?-我们正在家里玩卡片游戏。while当…时候,引导时间状语从句,从句中常用过去进行时态,谓语动词应该是持续性动词;when当…时候,引导时间状语从句,从句中用一般过去时,谓语动词是瞬间性动词;as soon as一…就…;since自从。在这个时间状语从句中,谓语动词came是瞬间性动词,故应选B。
9. Frank fell asleep ______ he was having an English class.
A. while B. before C. as soon as D. until
【解析】句意:当Frank正在上英语课的时候他睡着了。while当…时候,引导时间状语从句;before在…之前;as soon as 一…就…;until直到…时候。根据句意和从句中使用的时态可知应选A。while引导时间状语从句时,从句中谓语动词应该是持续性的,常用进行时态,主句用一般过去时态。
10. A car accident ______on Central Street this morning.
A. took place B. broke C. happened D. fell
【解析】句意:今天早上在中央大街发生了一场交通事故。took place发生,指有计划、有安排发生某事;broke打破;happened发生,过去式;fell摔倒。根据句意可知,交通事故是意外发生的,故应选C。
11. —Anna looks a bit ______ today. What happened
—I don't know.
A. blind B. strong C. strange D. fair
【解析】句意:-Anna今天看起来有点奇怪,发生什么事了?-我不知道。blind瞎的,盲的;strong强壮的;strange奇怪的;fair公平的。根据句意What happened可知,说话人觉得Anna不对劲,好像发生了什么事,所以应选C。
12. My parents were ______ shocked when they heard the surprising news.
A. recently B. heavily C. hardly D. completely
13. Finally, a god was so ___ by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains ____ .
A. moving; away B. moveable; off C. moved; away D. moved; off
【解析】句意:最后,上帝被愚公感动了,他派神仙把山搬走了。take away把……拿/搬走;moving感人的,修饰物;moved被感动的,修饰人;moveable可移动的。结合句意可知,答案为C。
点睛: moved 与 moving 都是形容词,并且都是从 move 变化而来的。在句子中都可以用作定语或表语,但它们的意思和在句中的用法有差异。moved 意为感动的,一般修饰人;而 moving 意为令人感动的,一般修饰物。像这样表示情感、情绪的词很多,只要稍加分析,就不难发现这样的规律:带 -ed 的词表示人的感受,带 -ing 的词表示物的性质和状态。
14. I want to post the letter. Could you ______ me to the post office
A. lead B. turn C. give D. carry
【解析】句意:我想寄这封信。你能带我去邮局吗?A. lead引导;B. turn旋转;C. give给予;D. carry搬运。结合句意可知,答案为A。
15. The weather was ______ cold that many people got a cold
A. so B. so a C. such D. such a
【解析】句意:天气很冷,许多人得了感冒。so...that…与such... that…引导结果状语从句,so修饰 形容词或副词;such修饰名词,名词的前面可叹有一个形容词来修饰,cold为形容词形式,前面要用so来修饰,故答案为A
16. The pictures can ______ me ______ the life living in the countryside with my grandparents.
A. let; down B. remind; of C. think; about D. give; up
【解析】句意:这些照片使我想起了和祖父母住在乡下的生活。A. let; down 使失望;B. remind; of 使想起;C. think; about考虑;D. give; up放弃。结合句意可知,答案为B。
17. Her voice __________ very sweet.
A. hears B. listens C. sounds D. feels
【解析】句意:她的声音听起来非常甜。A. hears 听见; B. listens听; C. sounds听起来; D. feels感觉;根据hears和listens 是实意动词,用副词修饰,sweet.形容词,排除A、B;根据voice和sweet应该是声音听起来甜美;故选C。
18. You should believe in yourself. Nobody else can _____ you.
A. win B. beat C. beats D. wins
考查动词辨析。beat “打赢”“战胜”。用于比赛时,后接宾语是战胜对手,表示“赢了某人”。win “赢得;获胜”, 用作及物动词,后接宾语是表示某种比赛的名词或战争,而不是参加比赛的对手。“you”指对手,故空格处填“beat”,所填词跟在情态动词之后该用原形。故选B。
19. —Mr. Li______ to Mary carefully when I came into the classroom this morning.
—He is very patient(有耐心) ______he is young.
A. talking;but B. was talking;though
C. talks;though D. talked;however
【解析】句意:-今天早上当我走进教室的时候,李老师正在和Mary仔细地谈话。-尽管他很年轻,他很有耐心。talking现在分词形式,谈话;was talking 过去进行时,正在谈话;talks第三人称单数形式;talked过去式;but但是;though尽管。根据句意可知,第一个空表示过去某个时间正在做某事,应用过去进行时态;第二个空是though引导让步状语从句。故选B。
20. ----Mary won the first prize in the competition.
----_________. She said she made several terrible mistakes.
A. I think so. B. You’re welcome.
C. You must be kidding! D. It doesn’t matter.
【解析】试题分析:I think so 我想是这样;You must be kidding你在开玩笑吧;You are welcome欢迎你,不客气; It doesn’t matter没关系。句意:---Mary在比赛中获得了一等奖。---你一定在开玩笑吧。她说她犯了严重的错误。可知选C最符合语境。
1.I don’t mind __________(lend)you some money.
2.I think the __________(communicate)between friends is useful. It helps them to become friendlier.
3.The __________(relate)between them is the mother and the son.
4.We are ready for the coming __________(compete).
5.The little cat is afraid of (strange).
6.It was moving, so I had trouble (see) it (clear).
7.In recent time people were busy (learn) to use computers.
8. (fall) trees, (break) windows and rubbish were everywhere.
9. Which do you prefer,Chinese food or __________(west) food?
10. They got__________ (marry) many years ago.
【答案】1.leading 2.communication 3.relationship 4.competition 5.strangers 6.seeing clearly 7.learning 8.fallen broken 9.western 10.married
1. My neighbor o__________ to help me when I was in trouble.
2.Don’t look at me like that. You are making me n__________.
3.She went there i__________ of me, because I was ill yesterday.
4.In order to understand the sentence better, the teacher e__________ it again.
5.He got up very early as u__________, but he found something u__________ happening outside.
6.We teach them new reading s__________ and share our knowledge.
7.This painting “Bamboo” is one of the most t__________ works of Zheng Banqiao.
8.At last she r her dream of becoming a writer at the age of thirty.
9.They're going to play a ___________another school team next week.
10.Marry didn’t fall a until her parents came back, so she looks sleepy now.
11.It snowed h last night and there must be a lot of snow on Emei Mountain.
12. Peter jumped into the river and saved the little boy yesterday. How b___________ he is!
13. Mr. Brown has a beautiful w__________ and three lovely children.
14. It rained last night and the g__________ was wet.
15.It’s easy to get l__________ in the forest.
【答案】1.offered 2.nervous 3.instead 4.explained 5.usual unusually 6.skills 7.traditional 8.realized 9.against 10.asleep 11.heavily 12.brave 13.wife 14.ground 15.lost
____________ ____________ ______________ talk to your parents
My parents don’t______________ me _____________ ____________ ___________ with my friends.
I found my sister____________ ___________ my things yesterday.
_________ she's wrong, it's not ______________ ______________ ______________ .
This morning his alarm didn’t , so he late.
Although a heavy rain, Lucy was still her way .
He was tired that he soon.
We dinner in the kitchen we the news on the radio.
The boy _________ _________ _________ with a beautiful girl in 2019.
_________ _________ him a long time_________ _________ writing the passage.
【答案】1.Why don't you 2.allow me to hang out 3.looking through 4.Although a big deal.
5. go off; woke up 6. there was; making; home 7. so; fell asleep 8. were having; when; heard
9.fell in love 10.It took; to finish
Ed: Hi, Shelley! ___1___ What’s the matter
Shelley: I can’t find my school bag! It’s got all my books in!
Ed: Oh, no! ___2___
Shelley: Umm, I went to the sports center with my friends. After that, we went to buy a drink, and then we went to the park.
Ed: ___3___
Shelley: I’m not sure. I was on my way home when I realized I didn’t have it. I went back to the park to look for it. ___4___ I don’t know what to do.
Ed: Don’t worry! Perhaps a friend saw it and took it home.
Shelley: No, I don’t think so. ___5___
Ed: Well, maybe you left it in the shop. Let’s go and ask if it’s there.
Shelley: OK. I hope so!
A. But I couldn’t find it!
B. Sounds interesting.
C. Where did you go after school
D. You look upset.
E. Did you leave it in the park
F. No one called me.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. F
1.根据“What’s the matter”可知,对方看起来状态不好,所以关心关心怎么了,D选项“你看起来很沮丧”符合,故选D。
2.根据“Umm, I went to the sports center with my friends”可知,询问对方去了哪里,C选项“放学后你去哪里”符合,故选C。
3.根据“I’m not sure. I was on my way home when I realized I didn’t have it”可知,询问对方知不知道在哪里弄丢的,E选项“你把它落在公园了吗”符合,故选E。
4.根据“I went back to the park to look for it”及“I don’t know what to do”可知,回到公园找它,但是找不到,所以不知道该怎么做,A选项“但我找不到它”符合,故选A。
5.根据“Perhaps a friend saw it and took it home”及“No, I don’t think so”可知,对于对方的猜测进行否定,此处是朋友没有找到它的依据,F选项“没人给我打电话”符合,故选F。
Liu Xiuxiang was born in 1.__________ poor family. When he was 4, his father died. His mother developed mental health problems. When he was 10, his 2.__________(old)brother and sisters left and never returned. 3.__________(make)a living, Liu collected rubbish. And in high school he worked 10 hours a day during summer vacation. Though 4.__________ was difficult to live, he never gave up his study.
In 2007, Liu failed the College Entrance Examination. He wondered 5.__________ he should continue studying. After spending the 6.__________(fifty)day in a bathhouse, he decided to go back to school. In 2008, he 7.__________(final)passed the College Entrance Examination and went to university.
8.__________ graduation, he became a history teacher in his hometown. Liu set a good example for the poor children to take control of lives through education.
Now Liu gives 9.__________(speech)around the country. His speeches inspire(鼓舞)many students and encourage people to help those from poor families. Since 2012, he has helped 10.__________ than 1,900 students and called on more teachers to work in poor areas.
Liu was titled “The Most Beautiful Teacher” in 2020. His story moves us a lot.
【答案】1. a 2. elder 3. To make 4. it 5. if/whether 6.fiftieth 7. finally 8. After 9. speeches 10. more
A few weeks ago, I found a perfect pair of shoes waiting for me at the store. They were green, blue, red and white, with just the right style. I could actually hear them calling ___1___— “Leila, Leila, Leila!”
“Mom!” I pointed at the ___2___ shoes. “Those are exactly the ones I need! Can I have them Please ”
“Let’s see how ___3___ they are,” said Mom.
My heart broke when we saw the price —$ 100! I knew Mom would ___4___ buy them.
“I only have $25,” I ___5___ what I was going to do.
Autumn was surely here. The days were ___6___, and the leaves were falling from the trees. I was looking out of the window one afternoon, watching the leaves falling in the yard. Suddenly I got a(n) ___7___. I rushed downstairs.
“Mom,” I called into the living room. “I think I know ___8___ I can make money to buy those shoes!”
Mom looked up from her book. “And how’s that, Leila ”
“People want their ___9___ clean and tidy. I can rake(耙) leaves for them.”
A smile slowly spread across Mom’s face. “Now that’s a good idea!”
Each week, I ___10___ leaves in people’s yards and put them in waste bins. It took five ___11___ of hard work. I raked leaves until I got blisters(水疱) on my hands. My coats and trousers got dirty, but I didn’t ___12___. As time went by, I was getting closer to my goal. In the end, I got enough ___13___.
The big day finally came. Mom drove me to the store, and I walked ___14___ into the shoe store. I found the shoes I’d wanted so much and tried them on in my size. They ___15___ me perfectly! I finally had the exact shoes I wanted!
1. A. me B. you C. him D. them
2 A. big B. old C. ugly D. colorful
3. A. funny B. heavy C. expensive D. different
4. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never
5. A. hated B. agreed C. refused D. wondered
6. A. hotter B. cooler C. wetter D. longer
7. A. gift B. idea C. email D. photo
8. A. how B. why C. when D. whether
9. A. stores B. rooms C. yards D. schools
10. A. talked about B. played with C. listened to D. picked up
11. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years
12. A. care B. decide C. follow D. answer
13. A. time B. money C. coats D. shoes
14. A. sadly B. angrily C. excitedly D. secretly
15. A. fit B. found C. helped D. missed
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A
me我;you你;him他;them他们。根据“Those are exactly the ones I need! Can I have them”可知,似乎这双漂亮的鞋在向“我”召唤,故选A。
big大的;old旧的;ugly丑陋的;colorful富有色彩的。根据“They were green, blue, red and white, with just the right style”可知,这双鞋五彩斑斓的,故选D。
funny滑稽的;heavy沉重的;expensive昂贵的;different不同的。根据“My heart broke when we saw the price —$ 100”可知,是去看看这双鞋多么昂贵,故选C。
always总是;usually通常;sometimes有时;never从不。根据“My heart broke when we saw the price —$100”可知,看到昂贵的价格作者就知道妈妈不会买的,never符合语境。故选D。
hated憎恨;agreed同意;refused拒绝;wondered想知道。根据“I only have $25”及前文的描述可知,这双鞋的价格是$100,作者只有$25,所以不知道怎么办,故选D。
hotter更热的;cooler更凉爽的;wetter更湿的;longer更长的。根据“Autumn was surely here”及常识可知,秋天来了,天气会更凉快,故选B。
gift礼物;idea想法;email邮件;photo照片。根据“I think I know … I can make money to buy those shoes”可知,作者想到了自己赚钱买鞋的方法,故选B。
how怎样;why为什么;when何时;whether是否。根据“People want their…clean and tidy. I can rake(耙) leaves for them.”可知,想到了如何赚钱,故选A。
stores商店;rooms房间;yards院子;schools学校。根据“leaves in people’s yards”可知,作者想到的办法是打扫院子,故选C。
talked about谈论;played with与……玩耍;listened to听;picked up拾起。根据“leaves in people’s yards and put them in waste bins”可知,拾起树叶并放进垃圾桶,故选D。
days天;weeks星期;months月份;years年。根据“Each week”可知,作者花了五周来打扫院子,故选B。
care关心;decide决定;follow跟随;answer回答。根据“My coats and trousers got dirty”及but可知,虽然很脏,但是作者并不在乎,故选A。
time时间;money金钱;coats外套;shoes鞋。根据“I think I know…I can make money to buy those shoes”可知,最后作者赚足了钱,故选B。
sadly难过地;angrily生气地;excitedly兴奋地;secretly秘密地。根据“In the end, I got enough”可知,作者拿着自己赚的钱,兴奋地去买喜欢的鞋,故选C。
fit适合;found找到;helped帮助;missed想念。根据“I found the shoes I’d wanted so much and tried them on in my size”可知,鞋非常适合自己,故选A。
Katie’s father was at the airport waiting to meet her. She was going to spend a week with him, and usually she really enjoyed their visits. But this time was different: her dad was getting married, and Katie wasn’t at all sure if she liked the idea.
On the way from the airport to her dad’s house, Katie almost kept silent. Finally, her dad asked, “Do you want to talk about it, Katie ”
For a moment, Katie sat silently. Then she said, “I’m sorry, Dad. I just don’t think I want you to get married.”
“I thought you liked Celia,” Katie’s dad said.
“I do like Celia” Katie answered, “It’s not that at all. I just don’t know if I want her for a stepmother—that’s totally different.”
“It really is different,” her dad agreed, “But I hope you’ll get to like having Celia as a stepmother. She likes you a lot, you know, and I’ll bet Megan will, too.”
“Who’s Megan ” Katie asked. She hadn’t heard that name before.
“She’s Celia’s daughter,” her dad replied, “She is your age, actually, so maybe you’ll even have something in common.”
After dropping Katie’s luggage (行李) off at her dad’s house, Katie and her dad went to meet Celia and Megan at a restaurant. They were going to have dinner together. When they got to the restaurant, Celia and Megan were already there. Celia introduced Megan to Katie. At first, Katie didn’t know what to say to Megan. But then, Megan said, “Mom, don’t forget I have swimming practice tomorrow.”
“You like to swim ” Katie asked hopefully.
“I love it—I’m on our school swimming team,” Megan answered excitedly, “Do you swim ”
“I love to swim, too” Katie said with a smile. Maybe having Celia as a stepmother wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
1. How did Katie feel about her dad’s getting married at the beginning of the story
A. Unhappy. B. Excited. C. Shocked. D. Agreeable.
2. How did Katie’s dad know that Katie had something on her mind
A. Katie shouted at her dad. B. Katie wouldn’t get in the car with her dad.
C. Katie didn’t say very much. D. Katie told her dad she was angry with him.
3. The underlined word “She” refers to ________.
A. Katie B. Megan C. Katie’s mother D. Megan’s mother
4. Which sentence in the passage lets the reader know that Katie would end up being happy
A. “I’m sorry, Dad.”
B. “I have swimming practice tomorrow.”
C. “I do like Celia.
D. “...a stepmother wasn’t going to be so bad after all.”
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D
1.推理判断题。根据“I’m sorry, Dad. I just don’t think I want you to get married.”可知,不想让父亲结婚,因此一开始是不开心的。故选A。
2.推理判断题。根据“On the way from the airport to her dad’s house, Katie almost kept silent.”可知,在从机场到她爸爸家的路上,凯蒂几乎保持沉默,由此能看出凯蒂内心有事。故选C。
3.词句猜测题。根据“Who’s Megan ”和“‘She’s Celia’s daughter,’ her dad replied, ‘She is your age, actually, so maybe you’ll even have something in common.’”可知,这里的She指“Megan”。故选B。
4.推理判断题。根据最后一段“...Katie said with a smile. Maybe having Celia as a stepmother wasn’t going to be so bad after all.”可知,凯蒂是笑着跟梅根对话的,可知凯蒂最终也会开心。故选D。
Recently, many people think it’s risky to use credit (信用) card numbers online. However, from time to time, we all use passwords and ID numbers on the Internet. We think we are safe, but that may not be true! A new kind of attack (攻击) is being used by dishonest people to steal IDs and credit card numbers from web surfers. This new kind of attack is called “phishing”.
Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing”, and it means that a thief is trying to trick people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait (诱饵) in the form of great online deals or services. For example, phishers might use false emails and websites to trick people into revealing (透露) credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate (模仿) well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may make as many as 5% of the people believe and give away their personal information.
It’s really a big problem! Actually, tricking 5% of the online population is huge. Now more than 4.6 billion people have access (进入权) to the Internet, and 75% of those Internet users live in the wealthiest countries on Earth. It has been reported that phishers send more than 40 billion false messages each year. Even by tricking only 5% of the people, phishers can make a lot of money.
Amy, 18, from California, received an email. A man told Amy that she could get a million dollars in her account as a reward if she sent a thousand dollars to him. Amy did as the man said at once. The “thief” used Amy’s Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.
How can people avoid being cheated online Above all, they have to learn to recognize the email that has been sent by a phisher. Always be careful with any email with urgent (紧急的) requests for personal information. Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting, but false, statements in their emails so that people will reply right away. Never give out personal information to phishers. And if an offer sounds too good to be true, it is.
1. Phishing is compared to ________ according to the passage.
A. making money B. playing games C. catching fish D. writing emails
2.Which writing skill is used in Para. 3
A. Giving examples. B. Listing numbers. C. Raising questions. D. Using sayings.
3. Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word “transfer” in Para. 4
transfer v. (transferred, transferring)
①to move from one place, school, job etc to another
②to connect the call of someone to someone else’s
③to move money from one account to another
④to change from one bus, plane etc to another
A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④
4. Besides introducing what phishing is, the writer also tells us how to ________.
A. help to catch phishers B. reply to urgent emails
C. pay by credit card D. protect ourselves online
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D
1.细节理解题。根据“Like real fishermen, phishers use bait in the form of great online deals or services.”可知,就像真正的渔夫一样,网络钓鱼者以在线交易或服务的形式使用诱饵;将“Phishing”比作“catching fish”。故选C。
3.词句猜测题。根据“The ‘thief’ used Amy’s Social Security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.”可知,这名“小偷”使用艾米的社会安全号码获得了以她名字命名的信用卡,并转移了她的钱,因此“transfer”意为“to move money from one account to another”。故选C。
4.推理判断题。根据“How can people avoid being cheated online ”可知,最后一段作者还告诉我们如何避免在网上被欺骗。故选D。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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