八年级下册 Unit 9-10(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(人教版)

八下Unit 9-10测
1. —I have never been to such an interesting place.
—Me ______.We can go there together next time.
A. too B. neither C. either D. also
2. ______the girls in my class joined the English club.
A. Three quarters B. Three quarter in C Three quarter D. Three quarters of
3. Nick got an A in the math test. His parents were happy and said he _______ a lot.
A. competed B. laughed C. communicated D. progressed
4. After hearing the scary story, the little kid hid behind the door and shook with ________.
A. stress B. surprise C. laughter D. fear
5 There are many cars in the street. It’s not ________ for children to play there.
A. free B. safe C. crazy D. useful
6. —How long have you ______here
—For two days. I______ here the day before yesterday.
A. been;came B. come;come C. came;has come D. been;have come
7. —Where is Mr. Miller
—He ________ to New York. He ________ there three times.
A. has been; has gone B. has gone; has gone C. has gone; has been D. has been; has been
8. —Do you know Bob
—Who is he I have never ________ him.
A. talked about B. cared for C. heard of D. heard from
9.Miss Miller is nice and teaches well. She is very popular ________ the students.
A. inside B. between C. among D. around
10.It is a(n) ________ for a young man like you not to study hard.
A feeling B. shame C. deal D. opinion
11.The villagers ___________ the idea of a road through their village with satisfaction.
A. question B. provide C. think D. regard
12.Don’t talk about this to anyone, ________ not to your mother, or she will be worried.
A. actually B. especially C. suddenly D. simply
13.If Mike doesn’t go to watch the movie Journey to the West: Demon Chapter, his brother won’t go ________.
A. both B. too C. neither D. either
14.Mr. Brown ________ his hometown for a long time. He really misses it.
A. left B. has left C. went away from D. has been away from
15.Could you please help ________ the information about the passengers I’m busy now.
A. bring out B. check out C. work out D. give out
1. There is no wind and the lake looks so ________(peace).
2. Jill doesn’t like eating _________(Japan) food.
3. ________(thousand) of people visit the Great Wall every year.
4.October 1st is an ______(usual)day, because it's the birthday of China
5. After the child was _______ (sleep ) , the mother left the room quietly .
6.Lily learned how (dress) herself when she was three years old.
7.He is a (truth) person, therefore I extremely trust him.
8.My brother is considering (give) away some of his old things to others.
9.Mike (have) his phone since last September. He (buy) it after he got his first job.
10.I went to a yard _______ (sell ) and bought something in need .
1. We don’t know w_________ it’s going to rain or not tomorrow.
2.He has made p__________ in his work and his boss is very satisfied with him.
3.In the hot summer, they always go s_________ cool for a holiday.
4.China is developing in a very r__________ way, it is becoming stronger and stronger.
5.My parents always e___________ me to work hard so that I can have a better future.
6.He is a t child. I'm sure he will tell us the truth.
7.The material of the blue dress is silk, so it feels s and smooth.
8.So many young people r milk shake as the most delicious drink.
9.It's a good habit to give away the old things before we p with them.
10.In the past, we mainly got information from paper books, but now we usually s for information online.
1. 这儿的气温全年在20摄氏度以下。
The temperature here _________ below 20℃ ________ ________ ________.
2. 凯特,有几个女孩在等你。
Kate, there are ________ ________ ________ ________ waiting for you.
If you don’t go shopping , __________ __________ __________.
Nowadays, leave the countryside work in the cities.
5. 舍弃自己最喜爱的东西是不容易的。
It’s not easy to ________ ________ one’s favorite things.
Bill for a long time, he still very well now.
Please ask them to for me.
Amy wants her old things they sweet memories.
I home at least once a year, but I for almost three years now.
We good friends since we the same club.
Michelle Giaquinto is from Australia. She is working as a cook in a restaurant in Italy. She has traveled to over 30 countries. She is having a talk with a reporter about her travels.
(Q=Question; A=Answer)
Q: What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to
A: It's difficult to choose "the most beautiful" place I've visited, because every place is beautiful in its own way. But I have very good memories of the Himalayan mountains in Nepal.
Q: __1___
A: I stayed in a beautiful hotel in Marrakech, Morocco. It wasn't very big, but it had a green yard with a fountain (喷泉) in the middle. The colorful tiles (瓷砖) everywhere were fantastic.
Q: ___2___
A: Fried crickets (油炸蟋蟀) on the street in Bangkok, Thailand. And they weren't bad.
Q: ___3___
A: I have always been very lucky in my travels, but someone stole (偷) my bag on a train when I was in India. Getting very ill in a lonely part of Pakistan wasn't very nice, either.
Q: __4___
A: Indonesia, a country with a very interesting culture. I plan to go there next year.
Q: ___5___
A: Australia has so many interesting places to visit, as it's so large. But my favorites are the sights (风景) along the Great Barrier Reef, North Queensland. I also love the big, open spaces of our deserts and national parks, especially Uluru National Park.
A. What's the most interesting place you've visited in your own country
B. Which country have you always wanted to visit
C. Have you ever made any friends while traveling
D. What's the nicest hotel you've ever stayed in
E. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten in your travels
F. Have you had any bad experiences while traveling
B 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。
A: Frank, have you seen the exhibits (展览品) at the art museum
B: _________1________. What about you
A: I went there last Sunday. I saw a lot of great paintings.
B: _________2__________
A: Yes. It was so crowded that it was hard to see everything.
B: Did you see many paintings by famous artists
A: Yes. Michelle T’s paintings were there.
B: I like her work. __________3__________
A: I’d love to, but I am busy these days. You can ask Joe. ________4_________.
B: OK. And he’s interested in art, right
A: _________5_________.
All around the world, families celebrate special days together. Traditions for these days _____1_____ (be) very different. Some of them may surprise you.
Families in most countries have a special day to celebrate mothers. In Serbia, this day is on _____2____ second Sunday before Christmas. On that day, children sneak(溜)into their _____3____(mother)bedroom and tie her feet with ribbon(丝带)so that she can’t get out of bed. Then they shout, “Mother’s Day, Mother’s Day! What will you pay _____4____(get) away ” Then the mother gives _____5_____ (they) small treats and presents as payment so that the kids “free” her.
In China, they say that _____6____ (baby) are one year old when they are born. After that, all children celebrate their birthday on New Year’s Day because that’s when they grow a year _____7_____ (old). Actual birthdays are ____8____ (usual) celebrated with a big family meal. The tradition is that the “birthday boy” or “birthday girl” should fill their mouth with as many long noodles ____9____ they can and then eat them. This is because in Chinese culture, long noodles are a symbol ______10_____ long life.
Larry seemed always silent and didn’t have any friend. His teacher Mr. Brown ___1___ this. One day, he asked Larry to meet him after class. Mr. Brown said, “I see that you don’t talk to anyone or show any ___2___ in anything. What’s wrong ” Larry replied, “Sir, I have a very ___3___ life. I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep ___4___ them. Because of this, I can’t focus my attention on anything and don’t even feel like talking to ___5___.”
Mr. Brown listened carefully, thought for a while and said, “Would you like some lemonade(柠檬汽水) ” Larry felt a little ___6___ and nervously replied, “Yes, thank you!”
While ___7___ lemonade, Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. Larry made a ___8___ face as soon as he drank a sip of that lemonade. Seeing this, Mr. Brown asked “You don’t like it ”
“Um…it’s just there is a bit too much ___9___ in it,” Larry answered.
Mr. Brown stopped him, “Oh, it doesn’t matter. I will throw it away.” As the teacher was lifting the glass to ___10___, Larry stopped him and said, “Sir, please don’t throw it away. ___11___ we put a little more sugar in the lemonade, it will be fine to drink.”
Hearing this, Mr. Brown said___12___, “This is what I want to hear from you. To improve the ___13___ of lemonade, we don’t need to remove the salt from it, we can just add some sugar to it. Similarly, we cannot remove sad things that have ___14___ happened to us, but we can add sweetness of good experiences in our life. If you keep on crying about your ___15___, neither your present will be right nor the future will be bright.”
Larry realized his problem and promised to live a positive life.
1. A. enjoyed B. noticed C. believed D. forgot
2. A. fear B. anger C. interest D. politeness
3. A. simple B. difficult C. quiet D. common
4. A. looking for B. learning from C. laughing at D. thinking about
5. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody
6. A. surprised B. tired C. bored D. shamed
7. A. buying B. cooking C. preparing D. drinking
8. A. serious B. friendly C. patient D. strange
9. A. sugar B. water C. salt D. lemonade
10. A. keep it away B. take it away C. drink it up D. use it up
11. A. If B. Since C. Although D. Unless
12. A. bravely B. coldly C. happily D. angrily
13. A. taste B. color C. shape D. smell
14. A. never B. already C. nearly D. seldom
15. A. style B. habit C. decision D. past
Last year, my husband and I decided to visit New Zealand. We wanted to tour the country, but we both hate long car journeys. Our travel agent advised a 13-day coach trip(长途客车旅行). It was a good price, so we booked (预订) it and our plane tickets to Christchurch. We made a good choice. The coach journeys passed quickly and our driver told us about each place. We learned a lot from him.
We flew from London to Christchurch and had a free day there before the coach trip started. We weren’t at all ____1____, so we walked around the city from morning to night. It has good museums, many restaurants and lovely shops.
The most unforgettable place we visited on the trip was Queenstown. We had three days there, but it wasn’t enough. We did lots of things there, from sailing(乘船航行) to climbing. At the end of each day, we felt we had no energy(精力) at all. But the next morning it seemed that everything was fresh again!
All the hotels we lived in were good. My favorite one was the Puka Park Lodge. It was on a hill above a beach and there were trees everywhere. We woke up and listened to the birds singing. Now, when we’re eating breakfast at home and we hear the noise of the traffic (路上行驶的车辆), we think of those beautiful mornings in New Zealand!
1. How did the writer and her husband go to Christchurch
A. By plane. B. By train. C. By coach. D. By boat.
2. The best word for "____________" is __________.
A. brave B. surprised C. lucky D. tired
3. What did the writer think of her stay in Queenstown
A. Strange. B. Dangerous. C. Enjoyable. D. Relaxing.
4. Where was the Puka Park Lodge
A In the city center. B. In a bird park. C. On a beach. D. On a hill.
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. The writer didn’t like museums in Christchurch.
B. The writer’s husband didn’t like Puka Park Lodge.
C. The writer and her husband learned a lot from their coach driver.
D. The writer and her husband planned to visit New Zealand next year.
He was there every morning sitting still on the front steps of his house. In the morning light, I could see the shadows that were etched (蚀刻) deep within the lines around his eyes.
Each morning I walked this route with my daughter to her school. We were new to the neighborhood so I didn’t know many of my neighbors. On one beautiful autumn morning, as we passed his house, my daughter called out to him, “Hi, Mr. Man!” Always the outgoing child, I wasn’t surprised at her enthusiasm (热情). But her cheerfulness soon faded when the man didn’t look at her and say “Hi” back.
As we continued on our walk to school, my daughter asked why the man didn’t want to say hi to her. Because I didn’t have an answer, I said simply, “Maybe he is having a bad day.” Later I knew that Bob lost his wife in a car accident.
A few days later, as we approached Bob’s house on our way to school, my daughter called out “Hi, Mr. Man!” and as usual, he didn’t answer. But then she ran onto his front garden and picked up a beautiful red autumn leaf. She continued up one step and handed it to him. I held my breath.
As she skipped back to me, she said, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Man!” This time, he made a reply. In a soft gentle voice, he thanked her and said, “See you tomorrow.”
From then on, Bob and my daughter exchanged greetings each morning. Our friendship with Bob continued for many years. But, the sweetest day was when Bob attended my daughter’s high school graduation. Bob gave my daughter a gift—a book on recognizing various plants and trees. There, collected in the pages that described an oak tree, was the leaf my daughter had given to Mr. Man when they met. He had dried and pressed it and kept it all these years.
1. What puzzled the girl
A. The cause of the man’s sadness. B. The shadows in the man’s eyes.
C. The man’s sitting still on the steps. D. The man’s not answering her greeting.
2. The underlined word “faded” in paragraph 2 probably means ________.
A. continued B. improved C. increased D. disappeared
3. How did the writer feel when her daughter gave the red leaf to the man
A. She was nervous about what would go on. B. She was proud of her daughter.
C. She felt happy to see the changes of the man. D. She felt it strange to do so.
4. Why did Bob keep that little red leaf
A . It was a reminder of his painful days. B. It stood for the girl’s coldness.
C. It was care and kindness from the girl. D. It showed his rich knowledge of trees.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
八下Unit 9-10测
1. —I have never been to such an interesting place.
—Me ______.We can go there together next time.
A. too B. neither C. either D. also
【解析】句意:——我从没有去过这样一个有趣的地方。——我也没有去过。我们下次能一起去那里。too也,用于肯定句;neither也不,位于否定句;either也,位于否定句;also也,位于肯定句句中。根据I have never been to such an interesting place.可知此处表示否定句,根据We can go there together next time.表示我没有去过,故用neither,故选B。
2. ______the girls in my class joined the English club.
A. Three quarters B. Three quarter in C Three quarter D. Three quarters of
【解析】句意:我班的四分之三的女孩加入英语俱乐部。表示分数时,当分子大于一时,分母用复数形式,表示某个范围的几分之几,用介词of,四分之三用Three quarters of,故选D。
3. Nick got an A in the math test. His parents were happy and said he _______ a lot.
A. competed B. laughed C. communicated D. progressed
【解析】句意:尼克在数学考试中得了个A。他的父母很高兴,说他进步很多。考查动词辨析题。A. competed竞争;B. laughed笑;C. communicated沟通;D. progressed进步。根据句意和语境,可知前三个选项都与句意不合,故选D。
4. After hearing the scary story, the little kid hid behind the door and shook with ________.
A. stress B. surprise C. laughter D. fear
考查名词辨析。stress压力;surprise惊奇;laughter笑声;fear害怕。根据“After hearing the scary story”可知,应是听了恐怖故事害怕得发抖,故选D。
5 There are many cars in the street. It’s not ________ for children to play there.
A. free B. safe C. crazy D. useful
【解析】句意:街上有许多小汽车。孩子们在那里玩不安全。考查形容词辨析题。A. free自由的;B. safe安全的;C. crazy不理智的;D. useful有用的。根据句意结构和语境,可知ACD三个选项意思都与句意不符,故选B。
6. —How long have you ______here
—For two days. I______ here the day before yesterday.
A. been;came B. come;come C. came;has come D. been;have come
【解析】句意:------你来这里多长时间了?------两天了,我前天来的。本题考查动词时态和动词词义辨析。A.现在完成时;一般过去式;B. 现在完成时;一般现在时; D.现在完成时;现在完成时。上句How long(多长时间)询问时间段,可知此句用现在完成时,句中谓语应用延续性谓语动词,下句时间the day before yesterday(前天),此句应用一般过去式; be here(在/来这里)延续性动词,come here(来这里)非延续动词;为非延续性动词,故排除。结合句意和语境可知选A。
7. —Where is Mr. Miller
—He ________ to New York. He ________ there three times.
A. has been; has gone B. has gone; has gone C. has gone; has been D. has been; has been
考查动词时态。has gone to去了某地(还未回来);has been to去过某地(已回来)。根据“He… to New York”可知,去了纽约还没有回来,故第一空填has gone。根据“there three times”可知,去过三次,故选C。
8. —Do you know Bob
—Who is he I have never ________ him.
A. talked about B. cared for C. heard of D. heard from
考查动词短语辨析。talked about谈论;cared for关心;heard of听说;heard from收到……来信。根据“Who is he ”及语境,故选C。
9.Miss Miller is nice and teaches well. She is very popular ________ the students.
A. inside B. between C. among D. around
【解析】句意:Miller小姐很好,教得好。她很受学生的欢迎。A. inside里面的,在…里面;在…以内;B. between在…之间(两者);C. among处在…中,在…中间(三者或以上);D. around大约;在周围; 围绕。结合句意和语境可知选C。
10.It is a(n) ________ for a young man like you not to study hard.
A feeling B. shame C. deal D. opinion
【解析】句意:像你这样的年轻人不努力学习是件可耻的事。A. feeling感情;感觉,知觉,情绪; 气氛;B. shame羞愧;羞辱;C. deal交易,处理;D. opinion意见,主张,评价。结合句意和语境可知选B。
11.The villagers ___________ the idea of a road through their village with satisfaction.
A. question B. provide C. think D. regard
【解析】句意:村民们满意地看待一条路通过他们村里的这个主意。A. question问题;怀疑, 疑问;B. provide提供,供给,供应;C. think想,以为,思索;D. regard注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关。结合句意和语境可知选D。
12.Don’t talk about this to anyone, ________ not to your mother, or she will be worried.
A. actually B. especially C. suddenly D. simply
【解析】句意:不要把这事告诉任何人,特别是不要告诉你母亲,否则她会担心的。A. actually实际上; 确实;B. especially尤其地;主要地,特别地;C. suddenly意外地,忽然地;D. simply简直; 简单地,不过,仅仅。结合句意和语境可知选B。
13.If Mike doesn’t go to watch the movie Journey to the West: Demon Chapter, his brother won’t go ________.
A. both B. too C. neither D. either
【解析】句意:如果迈克不去看电影《西游伏妖篇》,他的兄弟也不会去看电影。A. both两者都;B. too(用于肯定句和疑问句句)也;C. neither两者都不;D. either(否定句中)也,(两者之中)任何一个。结合句意和语境可知选D。
14.Mr. Brown ________ his hometown for a long time. He really misses it.
A. left B. has left C. went away from D. has been away from
【解析】句意:布朗先生离开家乡已经很久了。他真地想家了。for +时间段:表示做某事做了这段时间了,此句时态一般用于完成时态(现在完成时或过去完成时),谓语动词用延续性动词。根据for a long time(很长一段时间)结合He really misses it.(对现在影响“想家”)可知此句时态用现在完成时,A和C是过去式,排除;left(原形leave)是终止性动词,be away是延续性动词,故选D。
15.Could you please help ________ the information about the passengers I’m busy now.
A. bring out B. check out C. work out D. give out
【解析】句意:你能帮我查一下有关乘客的信息吗?我现在很忙。A. bring out公布,出版,使出现;B. check out 检查,检验;C. work out解决,作出 ;D. give out发出,分发。结合句意和语境可知选B。
1. There is no wind and the lake looks so ________(peace).
2. Jill doesn’t like eating _________(Japan) food.
3. ________(thousand) of people visit the Great Wall every year.
4.October 1st is an ______(usual)day, because it's the birthday of China
5. After the child was _______ (sleep ) , the mother left the room quietly .
6.Lily learned how (dress) herself when she was three years old.
7.He is a (truth) person, therefore I extremely trust him.
8.My brother is considering (give) away some of his old things to others.
9.Mike (have) his phone since last September. He (buy) it after he got his first job.
10.I went to a yard _______ (sell ) and bought something in need .
【答案】 1. peaceful 2. Japanese 3.Thousands 4.unusual 5.asleep 6.to dress 7.truthful 8.giving 9.has had bought 10.sold
1. We don’t know w_________ it’s going to rain or not tomorrow.
2.He has made p__________ in his work and his boss is very satisfied with him.
3.In the hot summer, they always go s_________ cool for a holiday.
4.China is developing in a very r__________ way, it is becoming stronger and stronger.
5.My parents always e___________ me to work hard so that I can have a better future.
6.He is a t child. I'm sure he will tell us the truth.
7.The material of the blue dress is silk, so it feels s and smooth.
8.So many young people r milk shake as the most delicious drink.
9.It's a good habit to give away the old things before we p with them.
10.In the past, we mainly got information from paper books, but now we usually s for information online.
【答案】1.whether 2.progross 3.somewhere 4.rapid 5.encourage 6.truthful 7.soft 8.reguard 9.part 10.search
1. 这儿的气温全年在20摄氏度以下。
The temperature here _________ below 20℃ ________ ________ ________.
2. 凯特,有几个女孩在等你。
Kate, there are ________ ________ ________ ________ waiting for you.
If you don’t go shopping , __________ __________ __________.
Nowadays, leave the countryside work in the cities.
5. 舍弃自己最喜爱的东西是不容易的。
It’s not easy to ________ ________ one’s favorite things.
Bill for a long time, he still very well now.
Please ask them to for me.
Amy wants her old things they sweet memories.
I home at least once a year, but I for almost three years now.
We good friends since we the same club.
【答案】1. is all year round / around 2. a couple of girls 3. neither will I 4. millions of Chinese; to search for 5.part with 6. Although; hasn’t skated; skates 7. check out the information
8. to keep; because; bring back 9. used to return; haven’t been back 10. have been ; joined
Michelle Giaquinto is from Australia. She is working as a cook in a restaurant in Italy. She has traveled to over 30 countries. She is having a talk with a reporter about her travels.
(Q=Question; A=Answer)
Q: What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to
A: It's difficult to choose "the most beautiful" place I've visited, because every place is beautiful in its own way. But I have very good memories of the Himalayan mountains in Nepal.
Q: __1___
A: I stayed in a beautiful hotel in Marrakech, Morocco. It wasn't very big, but it had a green yard with a fountain (喷泉) in the middle. The colorful tiles (瓷砖) everywhere were fantastic.
Q: ___2___
A: Fried crickets (油炸蟋蟀) on the street in Bangkok, Thailand. And they weren't bad.
Q: ___3___
A: I have always been very lucky in my travels, but someone stole (偷) my bag on a train when I was in India. Getting very ill in a lonely part of Pakistan wasn't very nice, either.
Q: __4___
A: Indonesia, a country with a very interesting culture. I plan to go there next year.
Q: ___5___
A: Australia has so many interesting places to visit, as it's so large. But my favorites are the sights (风景) along the Great Barrier Reef, North Queensland. I also love the big, open spaces of our deserts and national parks, especially Uluru National Park.
A. What's the most interesting place you've visited in your own country
B. Which country have you always wanted to visit
C. Have you ever made any friends while traveling
D. What's the nicest hotel you've ever stayed in
E. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten in your travels
F. Have you had any bad experiences while traveling
【答案】1. D 2. E 3. F 4. B 5. A
B 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。
A: Frank, have you seen the exhibits (展览品) at the art museum
B: _________1________. What about you
A: I went there last Sunday. I saw a lot of great paintings.
B: _________2__________
A: Yes. It was so crowded that it was hard to see everything.
B: Did you see many paintings by famous artists
A: Yes. Michelle T’s paintings were there.
B: I like her work. __________3__________
A: I’d love to, but I am busy these days. You can ask Joe. ________4_________.
B: OK. And he’s interested in art, right
A: _________5_________.
【答案】1. No, I haven’t
2. Was the museum crowded / Were there a lot of visitors
3. Can you go to / Would you like to go to the museum with me again
4. He has never been there
5. Yes, you’re right
All around the world, families celebrate special days together. Traditions for these days _____1_____ (be) very different. Some of them may surprise you.
Families in most countries have a special day to celebrate mothers. In Serbia, this day is on _____2____ second Sunday before Christmas. On that day, children sneak(溜)into their _____3____(mother)bedroom and tie her feet with ribbon(丝带)so that she can’t get out of bed. Then they shout, “Mother’s Day, Mother’s Day! What will you pay _____4____(get) away ” Then the mother gives _____5_____ (they) small treats and presents as payment so that the kids “free” her.
In China, they say that _____6____ (baby) are one year old when they are born. After that, all children celebrate their birthday on New Year’s Day because that’s when they grow a year _____7_____ (old). Actual birthdays are ____8____ (usual) celebrated with a big family meal. The tradition is that the “birthday boy” or “birthday girl” should fill their mouth with as many long noodles ____9____ they can and then eat them. This is because in Chinese culture, long noodles are a symbol ______10_____ long life.
【答案】1. Are/have been 2. the 3. mother’s 4. to get 5. them 6. babies 7. older
8. usually 9. as 10. of'
Larry seemed always silent and didn’t have any friend. His teacher Mr. Brown ___1___ this. One day, he asked Larry to meet him after class. Mr. Brown said, “I see that you don’t talk to anyone or show any ___2___ in anything. What’s wrong ” Larry replied, “Sir, I have a very ___3___ life. I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep ___4___ them. Because of this, I can’t focus my attention on anything and don’t even feel like talking to ___5___.”
Mr. Brown listened carefully, thought for a while and said, “Would you like some lemonade(柠檬汽水) ” Larry felt a little ___6___ and nervously replied, “Yes, thank you!”
While ___7___ lemonade, Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. Larry made a ___8___ face as soon as he drank a sip of that lemonade. Seeing this, Mr. Brown asked “You don’t like it ”
“Um…it’s just there is a bit too much ___9___ in it,” Larry answered.
Mr. Brown stopped him, “Oh, it doesn’t matter. I will throw it away.” As the teacher was lifting the glass to ___10___, Larry stopped him and said, “Sir, please don’t throw it away. ___11___ we put a little more sugar in the lemonade, it will be fine to drink.”
Hearing this, Mr. Brown said___12___, “This is what I want to hear from you. To improve the ___13___ of lemonade, we don’t need to remove the salt from it, we can just add some sugar to it. Similarly, we cannot remove sad things that have ___14___ happened to us, but we can add sweetness of good experiences in our life. If you keep on crying about your ___15___, neither your present will be right nor the future will be bright.”
Larry realized his problem and promised to live a positive life.
1. A. enjoyed B. noticed C. believed D. forgot
2. A. fear B. anger C. interest D. politeness
3. A. simple B. difficult C. quiet D. common
4. A. looking for B. learning from C. laughing at D. thinking about
5. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody
6. A. surprised B. tired C. bored D. shamed
7. A. buying B. cooking C. preparing D. drinking
8. A. serious B. friendly C. patient D. strange
9. A. sugar B. water C. salt D. lemonade
10. A. keep it away B. take it away C. drink it up D. use it up
11. A. If B. Since C. Although D. Unless
12. A. bravely B. coldly C. happily D. angrily
13. A. taste B. color C. shape D. smell
14. A. never B. already C. nearly D. seldom
15. A. style B. habit C. decision D. past
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D
enjoyed欣赏;noticed注意;believed相信;forgot忘记。根据“Larry seemed always silent and didn’t have any friend.”可知,Larry总是沉默寡言,没有一个朋友,这是老师注意到的事情,故选B。
fear害怕;anger生气;interest兴趣;politeness礼貌。根据“I see that you don’t talk to anyone”可知,Larry不和任何人说话,对什么都没兴趣,show interest in,固定短语,故选C。
simple简单的;difficult困难的;quiet安静的;common共同的。根据“I have to face some very sad incidents”可知,生活艰难,故选B。
looking for寻找;learning from向……学习;laughing at嘲笑;thinking about考虑。根据“I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep…them.”可知,忍不住一直想悲伤的事情,故选D。
anybody任何人;somebody某人;everybody每个人;nobody没有人。根据前文“I see that you don’t talk to anyone”可知,不跟任何人讲话,故选A。
buying买;cooking做饭;preparing准备;drinking喝。根据“Would you like some lemonade(柠檬汽水) ”可知,布朗先生去准备柠檬水,故选C。
serious严肃的;friendly友好的;patient耐心的;strange奇怪的。根据“Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. ”可知,多盐少糖,所以味道很奇怪,故选D。
sugar糖;water水;salt盐;lemonade柠檬水。根据“Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. ”可知,多盐,所以很咸,故选C。
keep it away保持距离;take it away拿走;drink it up喝光;use it up用光。根据“I will throw it away.”可知,布朗先生要把它扔掉,故选B。
If如果;Since因为;Although虽然;Unless除非。“we put a little more sugar in the lemonade”是“it will be fine to drink”的条件,用if引导条件状语从句,故选A。
bravely勇敢地;coldly冷漠地;happily开心地;angrily生气地。根据“This is what I want to hear from you.”可知,布朗先生得到了想要的回答,所以很开心,故选C。
taste味道;color颜色;shape形状;smell气味。根据“we don’t need to remove the salt from it, we can just add some sugar to it”可知,是为了改善柠檬水的味道,故选A。
never从不;already已经;nearly几乎;seldom很少。根据“we cannot remove sad things that have…happened to us”可知,已经发生的事不能更改,故选B。
style风格;habit习惯;decision决定;past过去。根据“If you keep on crying about your…”可知,不要沉溺于过去的痛苦,故选D。
Last year, my husband and I decided to visit New Zealand. We wanted to tour the country, but we both hate long car journeys. Our travel agent advised a 13-day coach trip(长途客车旅行). It was a good price, so we booked (预订) it and our plane tickets to Christchurch. We made a good choice. The coach journeys passed quickly and our driver told us about each place. We learned a lot from him.
We flew from London to Christchurch and had a free day there before the coach trip started. We weren’t at all ____1____, so we walked around the city from morning to night. It has good museums, many restaurants and lovely shops.
The most unforgettable place we visited on the trip was Queenstown. We had three days there, but it wasn’t enough. We did lots of things there, from sailing(乘船航行) to climbing. At the end of each day, we felt we had no energy(精力) at all. But the next morning it seemed that everything was fresh again!
All the hotels we lived in were good. My favorite one was the Puka Park Lodge. It was on a hill above a beach and there were trees everywhere. We woke up and listened to the birds singing. Now, when we’re eating breakfast at home and we hear the noise of the traffic (路上行驶的车辆), we think of those beautiful mornings in New Zealand!
1. How did the writer and her husband go to Christchurch
A. By plane. B. By train. C. By coach. D. By boat.
2. The best word for "____________" is __________.
A. brave B. surprised C. lucky D. tired
3. What did the writer think of her stay in Queenstown
A. Strange. B. Dangerous. C. Enjoyable. D. Relaxing.
4. Where was the Puka Park Lodge
A In the city center. B. In a bird park. C. On a beach. D. On a hill.
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. The writer didn’t like museums in Christchurch.
B. The writer’s husband didn’t like Puka Park Lodge.
C. The writer and her husband learned a lot from their coach driver.
D. The writer and her husband planned to visit New Zealand next year.
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C
1.题意:作者和她丈夫怎么去的基督城?考查细节理解题。根据We flew from London to Christchurch,可知是坐飞机,故选A。
2.题意:“______”上最好的词是“______”。考查文意理解题。根据下文so we walked around the city from morning to night.,可知他们没有感到多累,故选D。
3.题意:作者对她留在皇后镇有什么想法?考查细节理解题。根据The most unforgettable place we visited on the trip was Queenstown.,非常难忘,可知玩得很尽兴,故选C。
4.题意:普卡公园旅馆在哪里?考查细节理解题。根据My favorite one was the Puka Park Lodge. It was on a hill above a beach and there were trees everywhere.,可知它在海滩上的一座小山上,故选D。
5.题意:根据文章下列哪一项是正确的?考查细节理解题。A. The writer didn’t like museums in Christchurch.作者不喜欢基督城博物馆;根据It has good museums,,可知说法错误。B. The writer’s husband didn’t like Puka Park Lodge. 作者的丈夫不喜欢普卡公园旅馆;根据All the hotels we lived in were good.,可知说法错误。C. The writer and her husband learned a lot from their coach driver. 这位作者和她的丈夫从教练那里学到了很多东西;根据our driver told us about each place. We learned a lot from him.,可知说法正确。D. The writer and her husband planned to visit New Zealand next year. 这位作家和她的丈夫计划明年访问新西兰;根据短文内容,可知作者介绍的就是在新西兰旅游的事,故说法错误。综合以上分析,故选C。
He was there every morning sitting still on the front steps of his house. In the morning light, I could see the shadows that were etched (蚀刻) deep within the lines around his eyes.
Each morning I walked this route with my daughter to her school. We were new to the neighborhood so I didn’t know many of my neighbors. On one beautiful autumn morning, as we passed his house, my daughter called out to him, “Hi, Mr. Man!” Always the outgoing child, I wasn’t surprised at her enthusiasm (热情). But her cheerfulness soon faded when the man didn’t look at her and say “Hi” back.
As we continued on our walk to school, my daughter asked why the man didn’t want to say hi to her. Because I didn’t have an answer, I said simply, “Maybe he is having a bad day.” Later I knew that Bob lost his wife in a car accident.
A few days later, as we approached Bob’s house on our way to school, my daughter called out “Hi, Mr. Man!” and as usual, he didn’t answer. But then she ran onto his front garden and picked up a beautiful red autumn leaf. She continued up one step and handed it to him. I held my breath.
As she skipped back to me, she said, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Man!” This time, he made a reply. In a soft gentle voice, he thanked her and said, “See you tomorrow.”
From then on, Bob and my daughter exchanged greetings each morning. Our friendship with Bob continued for many years. But, the sweetest day was when Bob attended my daughter’s high school graduation. Bob gave my daughter a gift—a book on recognizing various plants and trees. There, collected in the pages that described an oak tree, was the leaf my daughter had given to Mr. Man when they met. He had dried and pressed it and kept it all these years.
1. What puzzled the girl
A. The cause of the man’s sadness. B. The shadows in the man’s eyes.
C. The man’s sitting still on the steps. D. The man’s not answering her greeting.
2. The underlined word “faded” in paragraph 2 probably means ________.
A. continued B. improved C. increased D. disappeared
3. How did the writer feel when her daughter gave the red leaf to the man
A. She was nervous about what would go on. B. She was proud of her daughter.
C. She felt happy to see the changes of the man. D. She felt it strange to do so.
4. Why did Bob keep that little red leaf
A . It was a reminder of his painful days. B. It stood for the girl’s coldness.
C. It was care and kindness from the girl. D. It showed his rich knowledge of trees.
【答案】1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C
1.细节理解题。根据“As we continued on our walk to school, my daughter asked why the man didn’t want to say hi to her.”可知,女儿不理解为什么那个男人不想跟她打招呼,故选D。
2.词句猜测题。分析“But her cheerfulness soon faded when the man didn’t look at her and say ‘Hi’ back.”可知,那个男人没有看她,也没有对她说“嗨”,所以女儿的兴奋很快就消失了,此处“faded”的意思是“消失”,故选D。
3.推理判断题。根据“But then she ran onto his front garden and picked up a beautiful red autumn leaf. She continued up one step and handed it to him. I held my breath.”可知,邻居发生了悲伤的事,所以面对女儿的打招呼不理会,但是女儿递给邻居一片美丽的秋叶,作者屏住呼吸,是因为不知道邻居会作何反应,接下来会发生什么。故选A。
4.推理判断题。根据“Our friendship with Bob continued for many years.”和“He had dried and pressed it and kept it all these years.”可知,是女儿的热情安慰了沉浸在悲伤中的鲍勃,鲍勃收藏的不只是那片秋叶,更是女儿是关心和善意。故选C。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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