八年级上册 Unit 5-7(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(人教版)

八上Unit 5-7测
1. —Mr. Yang bought an expensive car last week.
—Really?He must be very________.
A. shy B. talented C. Friendly D. rich
2. —Can you tell me why he is late
—Sorry,I don't know the________.
A. menu B. culture C. reason D. role
3 You don't need to________ to go to the pub(酒吧)—just jeans and a T shirt are OK.
A. dress up B. get up C. look up D. put up
4. — Yan Hui was ill yesterday. I think you can today.
— OK. I will try to finish the work.
A. take her place B. take place
C. in the place of D. in the first place
5. Mickey is one of _________ in the world.
A. famousest cartoon character B. the most famous cartoon characters
C. famousest cartoon characters D. the most famous cartoon character
6. Selina has many_____________, such as drawing, dancing and taking photos.
A. hobbies B. resolutions C. promises D. schoolwork
7. Julie, I think my life is very boring.
—Why don’t you _____________some hobbies like singing or dancing
A. grow up B. put up C. take up D. make up
8.— Joe, I like Chinese but I can't speak it well.
— I think the best way to ________ your Chinese is to live in China.
A. describe B. improve C. choose D. discuss
9.—Which hobby do you think the least time
—Collecting stamps.
A. takes up B. puts up C. gives up D. makes up
10. —Tom, I won't have enough time to go shopping with you this afternoon.
—Mum, you _________________ me the day before yesterday.
A. ordered B. knew C. let D. promised
11. It's________ for me to get there before 8:00 p.m.. The rain is too heavy,and the plane won't take off.
A. Impossible B. Already C. necessary D. unlucky
12. You shouldn't________ everything you read. You should read and think.
A. believe B. decide C. hope D. discuss
13. —What are you doing,Susan
—Oh,I'm________ my watch. I can't remember where I put it.
A. hoping for B. asking for C. looking for D. waiting for
14.—Jane and Lisa are sisters, but their faces have different _______________.
—Yeah, Jane’s face is round but Lisa’s long.
A. colors B. shapes C. heights D. sizes
15. —How was your vacation in America
—It couldn't be worse! I don't _______________ want to talk about it.
A. even B. hardly C. ever D. mainly
1. I read an__________ story in today's newspaper. The story made me very___________.(excite)
2. David thinks his work is (mean), because it can always bring happiness to others.
3. In our lifetime, we might meet something (danger), but we should face it bravely.
4. We hope to see further     in your work over the coming year.(improve)
5. Helping others can make you much ________________ (happy).
6. It’s necessary for you to make a ________________ (week) plan.
7. Do you know the ________ (mean) of this new word
8.The noise made sleep    (possible), so I got up and read a book.
9. It’s natural for us to feel     when we do such    work for long.(bore)
10.We ____________ (have) a meeting in 3 days.
1. Can you tell us the m idea of the passage
2.He is a disabled person, so he can just do some s     work.
3.She asked me the r    why I was late this morning.
4. I q________________ if you are a good student.
5. Some resolutions are about p________________ health.
6. No one helped them. They took the heavy box home t___________.
7. There are some clothes stores on the other s______ of the street.
8.Alice thought it was a good plan, but I d    with her.
9.Some scientists b    there will be more robots in our homes.
10.Yesterday he f     off the bike and hurt his legs.
As long as you_________ __________ ___________, you will win the competition.
Miss Yi is a great teacher and she     always________ __________help students in trouble.
Life was very hard_________ _________ _________
I am sure that you                   your resolutions.
This question is    difficult    me     answer.
This story                 children’s eating habits.
7. 我将要培养一项爱好,像跳舞或滑冰。
I will _____________ ____________ a hobby ____________ dancing or skating.
Do you think it’s       a   to be in two places              
It's difficult___________ ___________a robot_________ like a human.
We don't know________ _________ _______in the future.
A: Hey, Tony. You look so excited. What's up
B: 1. And we will be in the final (决赛).
A: You mean the school soccer games
B: Yes. It was quite hard for us to beat Class Two.
A: Congratulations to you 'all!
B: 2. But now I am a little nervous.
A: Take it easy. You should be confident and believe in your team.
B: But sometimes I feel that we don't work well enough as a team.
A: Teamwork is very important. 3.
B: Sounds good. I'll do it right away.
A: 4.
B: Next Tuesday.
A: 5. I will be free then and I can watch the game.
B: See you then. Bye!
A: See you!
A. By the way, when is the final
B. That would be nice!
C. We have just won a game!
D. Thanks, Cindy.
E. What about next Tuesday
F. Maybe you can talk with your teammates about that.
G. What should I do
A: Hi, Lisa. Tomorrow is Sunday. 1    
B: I’m going shopping with my mother. My mother is going to buy a new skirt for me.
A: Really You are so lucky. 2.            
B: We are going to buy it in Beifang Supermarket. 3.           
A: I’m afraid not. I’m going to take piano lessons.
B: I see. 4.          
A: At two o’clock in the afternoon.
B: Is that interesting
A: Yes, I love it very much.
B: 5.           
A: Yes. That’s my dream and I’m going to work hard for it.
In recent years, with the development of technology, many popular apps(应用程序) have been produced. These days, 1. app has caught great attention. It is Douyin, a video sharing app. Douyin first 2. (appear) in 2016. Now it is many people's favorite app, 3. (especial) the young.
With Douyin, users can record videos, edit(编辑) and share 4. (they) online. It is very easy and interesting. We can share our videos with our friends with just a tap on the mobile phone screen. What's more, it's a great way to spend our free time by 5. (look) through those funny videos.
However, every coin has two 6. (side). The app also has bad things. Some people spend long hours 7. the app, which is harmful to their health. What's more, users can also find some bad things on the app. Such thing is unsuitable and 8. (meaning).
In my opinion, Douyin should check the videos before they are uploaded(上传) in order to keep a 9. (health) environment for its users. Douyin is not good 10. teenagers. We should not use it too often.
Some class friends, who succeeded in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor (教授). Their dialogue soon ___1___ into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his students coffee, the professor went to the ___2___ and returned with a large pot (壶)of coffee and a couple of ___3__—porcelain (瓷), plastic, glass (水晶), some of them look ___4___, some expensive, some delicate (精致).The professor told them to ___5__ themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee ___6___ hand, the professor said: “If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up by you, ___7___ behind the plain and cheap ones. It is ___8___ for you to choose only the best for yourselves, but I think that is the __9___ of your problems and stress. We know that the cup itself can’t make the coffee taste better. In most cases (情况) it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What _____10______ of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you went for the ____11____ cups of all directly. And then you began eyeing each other’s cups. Now consider this: Life is the ____12_____; the jobs, money and power in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold life, and the type of cup we have does not change the quality of life we _____13_____. Sometimes, by concentrating (专注) only on the cup, we ______14____ to enjoy the coffee God has ____15_____ for us. God brews (煮) the coffee, not the cups...Enjoy your coffee!”
The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
Live easily. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
1. A. stopped B. looked C. became D. turned
2. A. sitting-room B. living-room C. bedroom D. kitchen
3. A. cups B. pans C. bowls D. boxes
4. A. plain (朴素的) B. clean C. ugly D. fine
5. A. devote B. help C. take D. pick
6. A. for B. by C. in D. with
7. A. running B. leaving C. hiding D. keeping
8. A. wise B. important C. natural D. necessary
9. A. answer B. cause C. result D. reason
10. A. both B. neither C. all D. none
11. A. best B. worse C. worst D. better
12. A. tea B. water C. wine D. coffee
13. A. dislike B. live C. make D. use
14. A. fail B. succeed C. wish D. try
15. A. sold B. gave C. bought D. provided
Do you love having your own room Do you love not having to clean it So do many teens.
But sometimes this means your room becomes so messy, you can’t find what you want. You can’t even see the floor!
It doesn’t get like that because you are lazy. It gets like that because you are not organized (有条理的). But don’t worry, American mother and daughter authors Julie and Jessi Morgenstern are here to help. They have written “Organizing from the Inside Out for Teens” to help make your life more organized.
In the book, the authors point out that your room is the only space in the world just for you. If you keep it clean and tidy, you will find things easier and have more success in life! But, to have success, you must organize all parts of your life. Not just your room! The book gives many tips to help you do this:
* Always put things back where you found them.
* Keep anything important in one easy-to-reach drawer.
* Put labels (标签) on your drawers saying what is in them.
* When you buy a new textbook, put your old ones away.
* Make a plan for each day. Then you will know what you should be doing at all times.
* Keep to your plan.
If you follow these tips, you will learn to manage your space and time. And your future will be full of success!
1. According to the article, your room becomes messy because ________.
A. you are lazy B. you don’t clean it
C. you are not organized D. you don’t sweep the floor
2. The book written by Julie and Jessi Morgenstern tells us ________.
A. how to have your own room B. how to clean your room
C. how to find what you want D. how to organize your life well
3. The book gives the following tips except ________.
A. throwing away old things B. putting things back in their places
C. keeping important things in a drawer D. making a plan every day and keeping to it
4. The article is about ________.
A. how to make your room clean B. an advertisement for a book
C. how to have a bright future D. an introduction to Julie and Jessi Morgenstern
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
八上Unit 5-7测
1. —Mr. Yang bought an expensive car last week.
—Really?He must be very________.
A. shy B. talented C. Friendly D. rich
【解析】句意:——杨先生上周买了一辆非常贵的车。——真的吗?他一定非常富有。A. shy 害羞的; B. talented 有才能的; C. friendly 友好的; D. rich富有的;根据句意故选D
2. —Can you tell me why he is late
—Sorry,I don't know the________.
A. menu B. culture C. reason D. role
【解析】句意:——你能告诉我他为什么迟到吗?——对不起,我不知道原因。A. menu 菜单; B. culture 文化; C. reason 原因; D. role作用;根据句意故选C
3 You don't need to________ to go to the pub(酒吧)—just jeans and a T shirt are OK.
A. dress up B. get up C. look up D. put up
【解析】句意:你去酒吧你不需要打扮,穿牛仔裤和体恤衫就可以。A. dress up 打扮; B. get up 起床; C. look up 查看; D. put up张贴;根据句意故选A
4. — Yan Hui was ill yesterday. I think you can today.
— OK. I will try to finish the work.
A. take her place B. take place
C. in the place of D. in the first place
考查动词短语。take her place代替她的位置;take place发生;in the place of代替;in the first place起初。情态动词can后跟动词原形,选项C和D为介词短语,故排除C和D;根据“Yan Hui was ill yesterday.”可知,这里指可以代替她,故选A。
5. Mickey is one of _________ in the world.
A. famousest cartoon character B. the most famous cartoon characters
C. famousest cartoon characters D. the most famous cartoon character
形容词最高级the most famous最著名的;one of… 意为“……之一”,后面用可数名词复数,排除A和D;famous是双音节形容词,其最高级是前面加most,排除C,故选B。
6. Selina has many_____________, such as drawing, dancing and taking photos.
A. hobbies B. resolutions C. promises D. schoolwork
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:赛琳娜有很多爱好,比如画画、跳舞和拍照。hobbies名词,爱好;resolutions名词,决心;promises名词,承诺;schoolwork名词,功课。根据后文drawing, dancing and taking photos可知,这里指“爱好”。故选A。
7. Julie, I think my life is very boring.
—Why don’t you _____________some hobbies like singing or dancing
A. grow up B. put up C. take up D. make up
【解析】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:——朱莉,我觉得我的生活很无聊。——你为什么不喜欢唱歌和跳舞之类的爱好呢?A. grow up长大;B. put up张贴;C. take up接受;D. make up编造。根据句意,A、B、D三个选项都不合句意,可排除。故选C。
8.— Joe, I like Chinese but I can't speak it well.
— I think the best way to ________ your Chinese is to live in China.
A. describe B. improve C. choose D. discuss
【答案】 B
【解析】——乔,我喜欢中文,但我说不好。——我认为提高你中文的最佳方法是居住在中国 。A describe,描述; B improve,提高; C choose,选择; D discuss,讨论。根据 I like Chinese I can't speak it well.可知喜欢但是说不好,那么就会想着提高, 故选B。
9.—Which hobby do you think the least time
—Collecting stamps.
A. takes up B. puts up C. gives up D. makes up
【答案】 A
【解析】句意:---你认为哪一项爱好占用的时间最少 ---集邮。take up占用; put up张贴; give up放弃; make up组成,构成。根据句意,故答案为A。
10. —Tom, I won't have enough time to go shopping with you this afternoon.
—Mum, you _________________ me the day before yesterday.
A. ordered B. knew C. let D. promised
11. It's________ for me to get there before 8:00 p.m.. The rain is too heavy,and the plane won't take off.
A. Impossible B. Already C. necessary D. unlucky
【解析】句意:在晚上8点之前到达那里对于我来说是不可能的,雨下得太大,飞机不会起飞。impossible不可能的;already已经;necessary必要的;unlucky不幸运的。根据句意The rain is too heavy , and the plane won’t take off可知,因为雨下得大,飞机不起飞,所以8点之前到达是不可能的,故选A。
12. You shouldn't________ everything you read. You should read and think.
A. believe B. decide C. hope D. discuss
【解析】句意:你不应该相信你读的一切,你应该阅读并且思考。believe相信;decide决定;hope希望;discuss讨论。根据句意You should read and think可知,阅读后要思考,所以不应该相信你读过的一切。故应选A。
13. —What are you doing,Susan
—Oh,I'm________ my watch. I can't remember where I put it.
A. hoping for B. asking for C. looking for D. waiting for
【解析】句意:-Susan,你在做什么?-哦,我正在找我的手表,我想不起来我把它放在哪里了。hoping for希望得到;asking for要求得到;looking for寻找;waiting for寻找。根据句意I can’t remember where I put it可知,Susan在寻找她的手表。故选C。
14.—Jane and Lisa are sisters, but their faces have different _______________.
—Yeah, Jane’s face is round but Lisa’s long.
A. colors B. shapes C. heights D. sizes
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:——简和丽莎是姐妹,但她们脸形不同。——是的,简的脸是圆的,但是丽莎的脸很长。A. colors 颜色;B. shapes形状;C. heights高度;D. sizes尺寸。根据Jane's face is round but Lisa's is long(简的脸是圆的,但丽莎的脸很长)可知,她们脸型不同,应选择B。
15. —How was your vacation in America
—It couldn't be worse! I don't _______________ want to talk about it.
A. even B. hardly C. ever D. mainly
【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:——你在美国的假期怎么样?——再糟糕不过了,我甚至不想谈论它。A. even甚至;B. hardly几乎不;C. ever曾经;D. mainly主要地。根据it couldn't be worse(再糟糕不过了)可知,我甚至不想谈论它。故选A。
1. I read an__________ story in today's newspaper. The story made me very___________.(excite)
2. David thinks his work is (mean), because it can always bring happiness to others.
3. In our lifetime, we might meet something (danger), but we should face it bravely.
4. We hope to see further     in your work over the coming year.(improve)
5. Helping others can make you much ________________ (happy).
6. It’s necessary for you to make a ________________ (week) plan.
7. Do you know the ________ (mean) of this new word
8.The noise made sleep    (possible), so I got up and read a book.
9. It’s natural for us to feel     when we do such    work for long.(bore)
10.We ____________ (have) a meeting in 3 days.
【答案】1.exciting excited 2.meaningful 3.dangerous 4.improvement 5.happier 6.weekly 7.meaning 8.impossible 9.bored boring 10.will have
1. Can you tell us the m idea of the passage
2.He is a disabled person, so he can just do some s     work.
3.She asked me the r    why I was late this morning.
4. I q________________ if you are a good student.
5. Some resolutions are about p________________ health.
6. No one helped them. They took the heavy box home t___________.
7. There are some clothes stores on the other s______ of the street.
8.Alice thought it was a good plan, but I d    with her.
9.Some scientists b    there will be more robots in our homes.
10.Yesterday he f     off the bike and hurt his legs.
【答案】1.main 2.simple 3.reason 4.question 5.physical 6.themselves 7.side 8.disagree 9.believe 10.fell
As long as you_________ __________ ___________, you will win the competition.
Miss Yi is a great teacher and she     always________ __________help students in trouble.
Life was very hard_________ _________ _________
I am sure that you                   your resolutions.
This question is    difficult    me     answer.
This story                 children’s eating habits.
7. 我将要培养一项爱好,像跳舞或滑冰。
I will _____________ ____________ a hobby ____________ dancing or skating.
Do you think it’s       a   to be in two places              
It's difficult___________ ___________a robot_________ like a human.
We don't know________ _________ _______in the future.
【答案】1.try/do your best 2.is; ready to 3.in the 1960s 4.are able to keep 5.too; for; to 6.has to do with 7. take up;like 8.possible for; human/person; at the same time 9.to make; think  10.what will happen
A: Hey, Tony. You look so excited. What's up
B: 1. And we will be in the final (决赛).
A: You mean the school soccer games
B: Yes. It was quite hard for us to beat Class Two.
A: Congratulations to you 'all!
B: 2. But now I am a little nervous.
A: Take it easy. You should be confident and believe in your team.
B: But sometimes I feel that we don't work well enough as a team.
A: Teamwork is very important. 3.
B: Sounds good. I'll do it right away.
A: 4.
B: Next Tuesday.
A: 5. I will be free then and I can watch the game.
B: See you then. Bye!
A: See you!
A. By the way, when is the final
B. That would be nice!
C. We have just won a game!
D. Thanks, Cindy.
E. What about next Tuesday
F. Maybe you can talk with your teammates about that.
G. What should I do
A: Hi, Lisa. Tomorrow is Sunday. 1    
B: I’m going shopping with my mother. My mother is going to buy a new skirt for me.
A: Really You are so lucky. 2.            
B: We are going to buy it in Beifang Supermarket. 3.           
A: I’m afraid not. I’m going to take piano lessons.
B: I see. 4.          
A: At two o’clock in the afternoon.
B: Is that interesting
A: Yes, I love it very much.
B: 5.           
A: Yes. That’s my dream and I’m going to work hard for it.
【答案】1.What are you going to do
2.Where are you going shopping
3.Would you like to go with us
4.What time are you going to take your lessons/What time do you take your piano lessons
5.Are you going to be a pianist when you grow up
In recent years, with the development of technology, many popular apps(应用程序) have been produced. These days, 1. app has caught great attention. It is Douyin, a video sharing app. Douyin first 2. (appear) in 2016. Now it is many people's favorite app, 3. (especial) the young.
With Douyin, users can record videos, edit(编辑) and share 4. (they) online. It is very easy and interesting. We can share our videos with our friends with just a tap on the mobile phone screen. What's more, it's a great way to spend our free time by 5. (look) through those funny videos.
However, every coin has two 6. (side). The app also has bad things. Some people spend long hours 7. the app, which is harmful to their health. What's more, users can also find some bad things on the app. Such thing is unsuitable and 8. (meaning).
In my opinion, Douyin should check the videos before they are uploaded(上传) in order to keep a 9. (health) environment for its users. Douyin is not good 10. teenagers. We should not use it too often.
【答案】1.an 2.appeared 3.especially 4. them 5.looking 6.sides 7. on 8.meaningless 9.healthy
10. for
Some class friends, who succeeded in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor (教授). Their dialogue soon ___1___ into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his students coffee, the professor went to the ___2___ and returned with a large pot (壶)of coffee and a couple of ___3__—porcelain (瓷), plastic, glass (水晶), some of them look ___4___, some expensive, some delicate (精致).The professor told them to ___5__ themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee ___6___ hand, the professor said: “If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up by you, ___7___ behind the plain and cheap ones. It is ___8___ for you to choose only the best for yourselves, but I think that is the __9___ of your problems and stress. We know that the cup itself can’t make the coffee taste better. In most cases (情况) it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What _____10______ of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you went for the ____11____ cups of all directly. And then you began eyeing each other’s cups. Now consider this: Life is the ____12_____; the jobs, money and power in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold life, and the type of cup we have does not change the quality of life we _____13_____. Sometimes, by concentrating (专注) only on the cup, we ______14____ to enjoy the coffee God has ____15_____ for us. God brews (煮) the coffee, not the cups...Enjoy your coffee!”
The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
Live easily. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
1. A. stopped B. looked C. became D. turned
2. A. sitting-room B. living-room C. bedroom D. kitchen
3. A. cups B. pans C. bowls D. boxes
4. A. plain (朴素的) B. clean C. ugly D. fine
5. A. devote B. help C. take D. pick
6. A. for B. by C. in D. with
7. A. running B. leaving C. hiding D. keeping
8. A. wise B. important C. natural D. necessary
9. A. answer B. cause C. result D. reason
10. A. both B. neither C. all D. none
11. A. best B. worse C. worst D. better
12. A. tea B. water C. wine D. coffee
13. A. dislike B. live C. make D. use
14. A. fail B. succeed C. wish D. try
15. A. sold B. gave C. bought D. provided
【答案】1. D 2 D 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. D
stopped停止;looked看;became成为;turned转变。根据“Their dialogue soon...into complaints about stress in work and life.”可知,可知此处是指谈论的话题变成了对工作和生活的抱怨。固定短语turn into“变成”。故选D。
sitting-room起居室;living-room起居室;bedroom卧室;kitchen厨房。根据“returned with a large pot (壶)of coffee”可知,此处是指要给客人准备咖啡,因此去的是厨房。故选D。
cups杯;pans锅;bowls碗;boxes盒。根据“porcelain (瓷), plastic, glass (水晶)”可知,此处是指教授拿出了很多装咖啡的各种各样的杯子。故选A。
plain朴素的;clean干净的;ugly丑的;fine好的。根据“...some expensive, some delicate (精致).”以及“behind the plain and cheap ones.”可知,此处是指教授拿出的杯子,一些很朴素、一些很昂贵,一些很精致。故选A。
devote致力于;help帮助;take拿;pick挑选。根据“The professor told them to...themselves to the coffee.”可知,此处是指教授让他们自己去拿杯子倒咖啡。固定短语help oneself to sth.“自取”。故选B。
for为了;by通过;in在……里面;with用。根据“When all the students had a cup of coffee”可知,此处是指每个人的手里都拿着一个杯子。in hand“在手里”。故选C。
running跑;leaving离开;hiding躲藏;keeping保持。根据“all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up by you,”可知,此处是指好的都被拿走,剩下的都是普通的便宜的杯子。固定短语leave behind“剩下”。故选B。
wise明智的;important重要的;natural自然的;necessary必要的。根据“...choose only the best for yourselves”可知,此处是指每个人都要最好的,这是很正常的。故选C。
answer回答;cause原因;result结果;reason理由。根据“the...of your problems and stress.”可知,此处是指导致你们问题和压力原因。固定短语be the cause of sth.“导致某事的原因”。故选B。
both两者都;neither两者都不;all全部;none一个也没有。根据“In most cases (情况) it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.”可知,此处是指你们真正想要的是咖啡,而不是杯子。故选C。
best最好的;worse更糟糕的;worst最差的;better更好的。根据“And then you began eyeing each other’s cups.”可知,看着别人的杯子,是在进行比较,因此此处是指你直接去选最好的杯子。故选A。
tea茶;water水;wine酒;coffee咖啡。根据“the jobs, money and power in society are the cups.”可知,此处是指教授把咖啡比喻成生活,把杯子比喻成工作、金钱和社会地位。故选D。
dislike不喜欢;live居住;make制作;use使用。根据“the type of cup we have does not change the quality of life”可知,此处是指我们所拥有的杯子并没有改变我们过着的生活的质量。固定短语live a life“过着……的生活”。故选B。
fail失败;succeed成功;wish希望;try尝试。根据“Sometimes, by concentrating (专注) only on the cup”可知,此处是指我们过于把注意力集中于杯子上,我们不能享受上帝所赐的咖啡。故选A。
sold卖;gave给;bought买;provided提供。根据“Sometimes, by concentrating (专注) only on the cup”可知,此处是指上帝为我们提供的咖啡。固定短语provide sth. for sb.“提供某人某物”。故选D。
Do you love having your own room Do you love not having to clean it So do many teens.
But sometimes this means your room becomes so messy, you can’t find what you want. You can’t even see the floor!
It doesn’t get like that because you are lazy. It gets like that because you are not organized (有条理的). But don’t worry, American mother and daughter authors Julie and Jessi Morgenstern are here to help. They have written “Organizing from the Inside Out for Teens” to help make your life more organized.
In the book, the authors point out that your room is the only space in the world just for you. If you keep it clean and tidy, you will find things easier and have more success in life! But, to have success, you must organize all parts of your life. Not just your room! The book gives many tips to help you do this:
* Always put things back where you found them.
* Keep anything important in one easy-to-reach drawer.
* Put labels (标签) on your drawers saying what is in them.
* When you buy a new textbook, put your old ones away.
* Make a plan for each day. Then you will know what you should be doing at all times.
* Keep to your plan.
If you follow these tips, you will learn to manage your space and time. And your future will be full of success!
1. According to the article, your room becomes messy because ________.
A. you are lazy B. you don’t clean it
C. you are not organized D. you don’t sweep the floor
2. The book written by Julie and Jessi Morgenstern tells us ________.
A. how to have your own room B. how to clean your room
C. how to find what you want D. how to organize your life well
3. The book gives the following tips except ________.
A. throwing away old things B. putting things back in their places
C. keeping important things in a drawer D. making a plan every day and keeping to it
4. The article is about ________.
A. how to make your room clean B. an advertisement for a book
C. how to have a bright future D. an introduction to Julie and Jessi Morgenstern
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C
1. 细节理解题。根据“It doesn’t get like that because you are lazy. It gets like that because you are not organized (有条理的).”可知,你的房间变得凌乱,因为你没有规划。故选C。
2. 细节理解题。根据“They have written “Organizing from the Inside Out for Teens” to help make your life more organized.”可知,他们写的这本书告诉我们如何组织好你的生活。故选D。
3. 细节理解题。根据“Always put things back where you found them.;Keep anything important in one easy-to-reach drawer.;Put labels (标签) on your drawers saying what is in them.;When you buy a new textbook, put your old ones away.;Make a plan for each day. Then you will know what you should be doing at all times.;Keep to your plan.”可知,在所给的建议中没有“扔掉旧东西”这一建议。故选A。
4. 主旨大意题。根据“If you follow these tips, you will learn to manage your space and time. And your future will be full of success!”及短文内容可知,这篇文章是关于如何有一个光明的未来。故选C。
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