九年级全一册 Unit 9-10(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(人教版)

九年级全册Unit 9-10测
1. —Alice prefers________ to ________.
—Then, let’s ask her to take part in our dancing club.
A. dancing;singing B. singing;dance C. singing;dancing D. to sing;dance
考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:prefer doing sth to doing sth“宁愿做……也不愿做”,排除B和D选项。根据答语“let’s ask her to take part in our dancing club”可知,更喜欢跳舞,故选A。
2.After a day's hard work, I like listening to ________ music that helps me fall asleep.
A. smooth B. loud C. exciting D. noisy
考查形容词辨析。smooth悦耳的;loud大声的;exciting兴奋的;noisy吵闹的。根据“that helps me fall asleep”可知,此处指的应是悦耳的音乐帮助我入睡。故选A。
3. —Can you sing along________ us
—Yes, I can also dance ________ the music.
A. with; to B. with; with C. to; with D. to; to
考查介词短语和动词短语。根据语境可知,问句“你能和我们一起唱歌吗”,along with与……一起,固定搭配,故此处应为介词with;答语“我也可以跟着音乐跳舞”,dance to跟着……舞蹈,固定搭配,故此处应为to。故选A。
4.My mother has a poor     of direction, so she is always afraid to go out alone.
A. scene B. silence C. service D. sense
5. Everyone was deeply     when they saw one of     movies.
A. moved; the most moving B. moving; the most moved
C. moving; the most moving D. moved; the most moved
【答案】 A
【解析】moving 动人的一般修饰“物” moved “感人的”一般修饰人。One 后面用形容词最高级。答案选A
6.All my family members think people should    doctors and nurses for their contributions.
A. promise B. praise C. present D. prepare
【解析】考查动词辨析。句意: 我全家都认为人们应当赞扬医生和护士所做的贡献。promise意为“许诺”;praise意为“表扬”;present意为“展现”;prepare意为“准备”。故选B。
7.—Tom, do you often clean your room by yourself
—Yes. I don't like to___________ my parents too much. I am not a child any longer.
A.depend on B.work on C.get on D.turn on
【解析】句意:——汤姆,你经常自己打扫房间吗 ——对。我不太喜欢依赖父母。我不再是个孩子了。
考查动词短语。depend on依赖;work on从事;get on上车;turn on打开。根据“I am not a child any longer.”,可知是指我不喜欢依赖父母;like to do sth.喜欢做某事,故选A。
8.—Mike can't go to the party with us because he has to stay at home and look after his mother.
—   , we won't wait for him any more.
A. After all     B. In that case C. For example   D. Above all
9.Jack's mother was so tired. She fell asleep she lay down on the bed.
A. until B. as soon as C. unless D. although
【解析】句意:Jack的妈妈是如此的累,她一躺在床上就睡着了。until直到…时候,引导时间状语从句;as soon as一…就…,引导时间状语从句;unless除非,如果不,引导条件状语从句;although尽管,虽然,引导让步状语从句。根据句意可知应选B。
10.The host ______ his hand and ______ hands with his guests one by one.
A. hold out; shake B. held out; shook
C. holds out; shaken D. hold out; shakes
考查动词时态辨析。and表示并列,连接两个时态一致的动词;根据句意表示可知这件事情已经完成,动词用一般过去式,伸手的过去式是held out;握手的过去式是shook hands with sb.。故选B。
11.You should ____ the bottle before you drink this kind of medicine.
A. shake B. break C. read D. leave
12.Tom, you should ________ this iPad mini. It is________ .
A. value; value B. valuable; valuable
C. value; valuable D. valuable; value
【解析】句意:汤姆,你应该珍惜这个新iPad mini,这很贵的。
13.— I want to________ my friends’ home this afternoon. Would you mind my________ back a little late
—Not at all. Just go ahead.
A. drop by; come B. dropped in; coming
C. drop by; coming D. dropped at; come
考查动词短语以及动词用法。drop by sb.意为“顺便拜访某人”;drop by sp. 意为“顺便拜访某地”。drop in on sb.“顺便拜访某人”;drop in at sp.“顺便拜访某地”。mind one’s/sb. doing sth.“介意某人做某事”。故选C。
14.Our dream will come true if we ________ on our study. So I________ study harder.
A. make an effort; plan to B. make an effort to; make a plan to
C. make an effort; make plans D. make an effort to; make plans to
考查动词短语。make an effort on sth.“在某方面付出努力”;make an effort to do sth.“努力做某事”;plan to do sth.=make a plan to do sth.=make plans to do sth.“计划做某事”。故选A。
15.The boy likes planes very much and he often goes to see planes land and .
A. take care of B. take off C. take after D. take down
【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。take care of意为“照顾”;take off意为“脱下;起飞”;take after意为“长得像;效仿”;take down意为“拿下”。句意:这个男孩非常喜欢飞机,他经常去看飞机着陆和起飞。故答案为B。
1. His mother is a famous    (direct).
2.Her father bought a ________(electron) dictionary for her yesterday.
3.I prefer the movie is that has a happy ____________(end).
4.I think ______(walk) along the river is a good way to relax.
5.No matter how terrible the weather was, they stuck to     (make) their way to the final place.
6. The story is so     that everyone is deeply      . (move)
7.What should I wear if I     (invite) to a party next time
8.To my    (surprised), they helped me find my lost bike.
9.The book provides     (value) advice for teenagers.
10.It's      (polite) to turn your back on someone who is speaking to you.
【答案】1.director 2.electronic 3.ending 4.walking 5.making 6.moving moved 7.am invited 8.surprise 9.valuable 10.impolite
1.There is coffee and tea. Which would you p    
2.My grandma often goes to the park in her s    time.
3. He will never forget the p_________ experience because his back got hurt in the accident.
4. Our teacher p________Alice because she often helps the old woman on weekends.
5. It's very important to m________ the computer technology in the future.
6. Maria was supposed to a_________ at 7:00, but she came late.
7. After the exam, we all felt very r___________.
8.I consider you my best friend and I shall always v    our friendship.
9.The more e    you put into your study, the greater progress you will make.
10.These b________ table manners are useful. Please remember them well.
【答案】1.prefer 2.spare 3.painful 4.praises 5.master 6.expect 7.relaxed 8.value 9.effort
We should never take anything ___________doesn't ________ ________ us.
He is a quiet boy___________ likes listening to ________ ________ ________music.
3. 我知道你很忙。既然那样,你就不必和我们一起去了。
I know you are busy.             , you don't need to go with us.
Whether or not he will come back ________ _______ if ________ ________ ________ _________
The sick children need to watch the movies ________ _________ _________ _________ _________
I just wrote down a few words on the paper because I was ________ _________ _________ _________ about.
People in Korea bow when they meet_______ ______ _____ ________.
8. 考试时如果你足够细心,就会避免犯错误。
If you are________ ________ during the tests, you will avoid     ____________.
At last, we all      with the light on.
We ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ have a party to welcome the exchange students last week.
【答案】1.which/that belongs to 2.who/that different kinds of 3.in that case 4. depends on it will rain tomorrow 5.that/which can cheer them up 6.too tired to think 7. are supposed to for the first time 8.careful enough making mistakes 9.get used to sleeping 10.went out of our way to
A: Have you ever met foreigners
B. Yes, of course.
A:1. .
B: I said hello to him, and he replied politely
A:2. . He introduced two Koreans to me. 3. .
B: Koreans are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time. And then
A: I bowed, too. 4. .
B: You don't have to feel embarrassed. Different countries have different customs.
B: Yes, you are right.
A. Koreans look like Ch unease.
B. Because I'm hungry.
C. Better learn about some.
D. I held out my hand, but they bowed.
E. I went to John's party last night.
F. What did you do
G. I felt embarrassed at that time.
A: Hi, Linda! I saw you were downloading music. 1.            
B: I like music that I can dance to.
A: 2.            
B: Because I can dance while I'm listening to it.
A: I remember you didn't like dancing.
B: No, but I have to do so.
A: Why
B: You see, I'm putting on weight these days. 3.            . 
A: Oh, that's true. Do you do it every day
B: No, I'm too busy on weekdays. 4.            .
A: But in my opinion, you should do it every day so as to lose weight.
B: You're right. 5.            .
A: Not at all.
【答案】1.What kind of music do you like
2.But why (do you like it)
3.Dancing can help me lose weight
4.So I can do it only on/at weekends
5.Thanks for your advice
The young violinist Vanessa Mae is the 1.________(one) musician to use techno(泰克诺) dance and rock music in 2.________(tradition) classical music. Vanessa Mae loves pop music, and she is also a very good classical violinist, and she brought the two kinds of music together.
Vanessa Mae was born in Singapore 3.________ October 27, 1978. She 4.________(move) to London with her family when she was four. A year later, she started to learn the violin. When she was eight, she went to Beijing 5.________ (study) the violin. 6.________ she was ten, she played with a very famous group of classical musicians. But Vanessa Mae didn't only play 7.________ violin. She learned the piano before she started to play the violin.
She likes lots of different kinds of music, from Beethoven to the Beatles, and she wants to play the music she likes. She has played at classical concerts all over the world, and she has also played at pop concerts 8.________ pop stars.
A lot of people don't like the way she uses modern rhythms, 9.________(noise) drums and guitars in traditional music. But Vanessa Mae has done one important thing: she 10.________(bring) many new fans to classical music. For the first time, many young people began to listen to classical music.
【答案】1.first 2.traditional 3.on 4.moved 5.to study 6.When 7.the 8.with 9.noisy 10.has brought
Sam was worried. The following morning, he would have art class. It was his favourite class, but there was a ____1___. Sam saw the world differently from everybody else. When he drew, birds had different-sized wings, and buildings had strange shapes. Every time he painted a picture, his teachers and classmates would be ____2____.
It was time for the art class. Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper in front of him.
“ Good morning class, ” said Mr. White. “ Today, we’re going to paint … ”
Sam ____3___, wondering what the next word would be. Please, he thought, not houses. Not buildings …
“ We’re going to paint ____4____” said Mr. White, with a smile.
“ Yes! Great! ” said Sam ____4___.
“ We can’t paint that! ” shouted Mike from the other side of the classroom.
“Sure you can,” replied Mr. White ___6___. “ Think about it, Mike. What makes you happy ”
“ Umm … beaches, sunshine, and … ice-cream! ” said Mike.
“ Well, there you go. That’s how you paint it. Start working! ” said Mr. White.
Sam was already ____7____. He splashed (泼洒) large amounts of paint all over the __8___. It was really beautiful! There were shapes that we didn’t have in the real world and the colours were so shining. The whole class ____9____ and Sam looked proud.
From that day on, Sam was never ____10_____ about art class. He knew that he could paint happiness, no matter what he painted.
1. A. difference B. problem C. reason D. way
2. A. encouraged B. relaxed C. satisfied D. surprised
3. A. agreed B. replied C. understood D. waited
4. A. buildings B. houses C. happiness D. summer
5. A. excitedly B. carelessly C. kindly D. sadly
6. A. angrily B. patiently C. secretly D. worriedly
7. A. painting B. playing C. talking D. writing
8. A. book B. floor C. paper D. wall
9. A. cheered B. doubted C. finished D. regretted
10. A. careful B. certain C. happy D. nervous
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D
difference差异;problem问题;reason原因;way方式。根据“It was his favourite class, but”he“Sam saw the world differently from everybody else.”可知,but后表转折,应该指有一个问题。故选B。
encouraged受鼓舞的;relaxed放松的;satisfied满意的;surprised惊讶的。根据“Sam saw the world differently from everybody else. When he drew, birds had different-sized wings, and buildings had strange shapes.”可知,此处老师和同学是惊讶的,故选D。
agreed同意;replied回复;understood理解;waited等待。根据“wondering what the next word would be. Please, he thought, not houses. Not buildings …”可知,他在等待着老师说出要画的内容。故选D。
buildings建筑;houses房子;happiness快乐,幸福;summer夏天。根据“What makes you happy ”和“He knew that he could paint happiness”可知,此处画的是幸福,故选C。
excitedly兴奋地;carelessly粗心地;kindly体贴地,友好地;sadly伤心地。根据“Yes! Great!”可知,萨姆很兴奋,故选A。
angrily气愤地;patiently耐心地;secretly秘密地;worriedly担忧地。根据““ We can’t paint that! ” shouted Mike from the other side of the classroom.”可知,此处怀特先生听到了迈克的反对建议,没有生气,耐心地回复。故选B。
painting画;playing玩;talking交谈;writing写。根据“He splashed (泼洒) large amounts of paint”可知,萨姆已经在进行绘画了。故选A。
book书;floor地板;paper 纸;wall墙。根据“Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper in front of him.”可知,应该在纸上进行绘画,故选C。
cheered欢呼;doubted怀疑;finished结束;regretted后悔。根据“Sam looked proud”可知,全班都为他欢呼,故选A。
careful小心的;certain确定的;happy快乐的;nervous紧张的。根据“Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper in front of him.”和“He knew that he could paint happiness”可知,之前是紧张的,但现在得到了大家的认可,就不再紧张了。故选D。
Music is different from songs. Songs express feelings with lyrics, but music with tones(音调). Unlike songs, music tones themselves have no specific meanings. Different people may get different things from the same musical performance. Though some music works are difficult to understand, people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them. Different people like different music: some love classical music, and others take pleasure in pop music. Most young people like pop music.
Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s. The best-known early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”. Pop music has taken the place of native music in many parts of the world. It has caused the number of people for jazz to become much smaller than in the 1950s and earlier and it has now begun to become the most popular. Much pop music is without artistic value, but the works of some pop singers such as the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the groups like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent. And there is still great interest in it today. Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.
1.The biggest difference between music and songs is    .
A. feelings B. lyrics and tones C. languages and countries D. meanings
2.According to the passage, the number of people for jazz in the 1950s and earlier was    it is today.
A. much greater than B. much smaller than C.as great as D.as small as
3.What does the underlined word “kind” mean
A. Clear B. Clean C. Hard D. Exciting.
4.Which of the following has now become the most popular according to the passage
A. Native music. B. Jazz. C. Pop music. D. Classical music.
5.Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage
A. People can get different things from the same piece of music.
B. Pop music began to be popular in the mid-twentieth century.
C. The best-known early form of pop music was “rock and roll”.
D. Much pop music is of great artistic value, so it interests young people greatly.
1:B 细节理解题。根据文章的第二句话Songs express feelings with lyrics(歌词), but music with tones (音调)歌曲表达带歌词的感情,但是音乐是带音调的感情,故选B。
2.根据It has caused the number of people for jazz to become much smaller than in the 1950s and earlier and it has now begun to become the most popular.可知答案。
3.根据Different people may get different things from the same musical performance.
4 C 细节理解题。根据第二段的Pop music has taken the place of (取代)native music in many parts of the world流行音乐已经取代了世界上许多地方的本土音乐,故选C。
5 D 概括推断题题。根据第一段的第四句话判断A是符合文章的;根据第二段的第一句话判断B是符合文章的;根据第二段的第二句话判断C是符合文章的。用排除法选D。
Why do you need hobbies A study has found that people are more positive (积极的) when they take part in a relaxing activity. ___1__ Scientists also think they might be good for your brain.
How do you choose the right hobby Start with what you enjoyed in the past. Did you once play football ___2__ If you find it isn’t for you, stop and tum to something new. Probably joining a class or a team will give you a chance to meet other people.
Which relaxing activities are good for physical health It’s clear that exercise is going to be good for your body, for example walking. ___3_ A review of 94 studies found that dancing three times a week improved balance in older people. Getting out in nature is helpful, whether you’re hiking or doing something less active.
Which hobbies keep your mind active ___4___ Playing the piano or listening to your favorite band can help you make it. Researches have found reading is also good for your brain.
___5__ So let’s take up great hobbies
A. Dancing is wonderful exercise.
B. Take it up again or start something else.
C. Hobbies let you forget your worries and have fun.
D. Learning an instrument and reading are the best choices.
E. Other studies have shown that hobbies can give you a sense of achievement.
【答案】1. E 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C
1.根据“A study has found that people are more positive (积极的) when they take part in a relaxing activity. ”可知,此处应提到的是研究的结论,E选项“其他研究表明,爱好可以给你成就感”符合,故选E。
2.根据“How do you choose the right hobby Start with what you enjoyed in the past”可知,从你感兴趣的开始培养成一种爱好,B选项“再次培养它或开始别的爱好”符合,故选B。
3.根据“It’s clear that exercise is going to be good for your body, for example walking”和“dancing”可知,此处应介绍跳舞这种锻炼方式,A选项“跳舞是很好的运动”符合,故选A。
4.根据“Which hobbies keep your mind active”可知,此处应回答让大脑保持活跃的爱好是哪些,D选项“学习乐器和阅读是最好的选择”符合,故选D。
5.根据“So let’s take up great hobbies”及此空格的位置可知,此空应是一个总结的话语,C选项“爱好让你忘记烦恼,享受乐趣”符合,故选C。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
九年级全册Unit 9-10测
1. —Alice prefers________ to ________.
—Then, let’s ask her to take part in our dancing club.
A. dancing;singing B. singing;dance C. singing;dancing D. to sing;dance
2.After a day's hard work, I like listening to ________ music that helps me fall asleep.
A. smooth B. loud C. exciting D. noisy
3. —Can you sing along________ us
—Yes, I can also dance ________ the music.
A. with; to B. with; with C. to; with D. to; to
4.My mother has a poor     of direction, so she is always afraid to go out alone.
A. scene B. silence C. service D. sense
5. Everyone was deeply     when they saw one of     movies.
A. moved; the most moving B. moving; the most moved
C. moving; the most moving D. moved; the most moved
6.All my family members think people should    doctors and nurses for their contributions.
A. promise B. praise C. present D. prepare
7.—Tom, do you often clean your room by yourself
—Yes. I don't like to___________ my parents too much. I am not a child any longer.
A.depend on B.work on C.get on D.turn on
8.—Mike can't go to the party with us because he has to stay at home and look after his mother.
—   , we won't wait for him any more.
A. After all     B. In that case C. For example   D. Above all
9.Jack's mother was so tired. She fell asleep she lay down on the bed.
A. until B. as soon as C. unless D. although
10.The host ______ his hand and ______ hands with his guests one by one.
A. hold out; shake B. held out; shook
C. holds out; shaken D. hold out; shakes
11.You should ____ the bottle before you drink this kind of medicine.
A. shake B. break C. read D. leave
12.Tom, you should ________ this iPad mini. It is________ .
A. value; value B. valuable; valuable
C. value; valuable D. valuable; value
13.— I want to________ my friends’ home this afternoon. Would you mind my________ back a little late
—Not at all. Just go ahead.
A. drop by; come B. dropped in; coming
C. drop by; coming D. dropped at; come
14.Our dream will come true if we ________ on our study. So I________ study harder.
A. make an effort; plan to B. make an effort to; make a plan to
C. make an effort; make plans D. make an effort to; make plans to
15.The boy likes planes very much and he often goes to see planes land and .
A. take care of B. take off C. take after D. take down
1. His mother is a famous    (direct).
2.Her father bought a ________(electron) dictionary for her yesterday.
3.I prefer the movie is that has a happy ____________(end).
4.I think ______(walk) along the river is a good way to relax.
5.No matter how terrible the weather was, they stuck to     (make) their way to the final place.
6. The story is so     that everyone is deeply      . (move)
7.What should I wear if I     (invite) to a party next time
8.To my    (surprised), they helped me find my lost bike.
9.The book provides     (value) advice for teenagers.
10.It's      (polite) to turn your back on someone who is speaking to you.
1.There is coffee and tea. Which would you p    
2.My grandma often goes to the park in her s    time.
3. He will never forget the p_________ experience because his back got hurt in the accident.
4. Our teacher p________Alice because she often helps the old woman on weekends.
5. It's very important to m________ the computer technology in the future.
6. Maria was supposed to a_________ at 7:00, but she came late.
7. After the exam, we all felt very r___________.
8.I consider you my best friend and I shall always v    our friendship.
9.The more e    you put into your study, the greater progress you will make.
10.These b________ table manners are useful. Please remember them well.
We should never take anything ___________doesn't ________ ________ us.
He is a quiet boy___________ likes listening to ________ ________ ________music.
3. 我知道你很忙。既然那样,你就不必和我们一起去了。
I know you are busy.             , you don't need to go with us.
Whether or not he will come back ________ _______ if ________ ________ ________ _________
The sick children need to watch the movies ________ _________ _________ _________ _________
I just wrote down a few words on the paper because I was ________ _________ _________ _________ about.
People in Korea bow when they meet_______ ______ _____ ________.
8. 考试时如果你足够细心,就会避免犯错误。
If you are________ ________ during the tests, you will avoid     ____________.
At last, we all      with the light on.
We ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ have a party to welcome the exchange students last week.
A: Have you ever met foreigners
B. Yes, of course.
A:1. .
B: I said hello to him, and he replied politely
A:2. . He introduced two Koreans to me. 3. .
B: Koreans are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time. And then
A: I bowed, too. 4. .
B: You don't have to feel embarrassed. Different countries have different customs.
B: Yes, you are right.
A. Koreans look like Ch unease.
B. Because I'm hungry.
C. Better learn about some.
D. I held out my hand, but they bowed.
E. I went to John's party last night.
F. What did you do
G. I felt embarrassed at that time.
A: Hi, Linda! I saw you were downloading music. 1.            
B: I like music that I can dance to.
A: 2.            
B: Because I can dance while I'm listening to it.
A: I remember you didn't like dancing.
B: No, but I have to do so.
A: Why
B: You see, I'm putting on weight these days. 3.            . 
A: Oh, that's true. Do you do it every day
B: No, I'm too busy on weekdays. 4.            .
A: But in my opinion, you should do it every day so as to lose weight.
B: You're right. 5.            .
A: Not at all.
The young violinist Vanessa Mae is the 1.________(one) musician to use techno(泰克诺) dance and rock music in 2.________(tradition) classical music. Vanessa Mae loves pop music, and she is also a very good classical violinist, and she brought the two kinds of music together.
Vanessa Mae was born in Singapore 3.________ October 27, 1978. She 4.________(move) to London with her family when she was four. A year later, she started to learn the violin. When she was eight, she went to Beijing 5.________ (study) the violin. 6.________ she was ten, she played with a very famous group of classical musicians. But Vanessa Mae didn't only play 7.________ violin. She learned the piano before she started to play the violin.
She likes lots of different kinds of music, from Beethoven to the Beatles, and she wants to play the music she likes. She has played at classical concerts all over the world, and she has also played at pop concerts 8.________ pop stars.
A lot of people don't like the way she uses modern rhythms, 9.________(noise) drums and guitars in traditional music. But Vanessa Mae has done one important thing: she 10.________(bring) many new fans to classical music. For the first time, many young people began to listen to classical music.
Sam was worried. The following morning, he would have art class. It was his favourite class, but there was a ____1___. Sam saw the world differently from everybody else. When he drew, birds had different-sized wings, and buildings had strange shapes. Every time he painted a picture, his teachers and classmates would be ____2____.
It was time for the art class. Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper in front of him.
“ Good morning class, ” said Mr. White. “ Today, we’re going to paint … ”
Sam ____3___, wondering what the next word would be. Please, he thought, not houses. Not buildings …
“ We’re going to paint ____4____” said Mr. White, with a smile.
“ Yes! Great! ” said Sam ____4___.
“ We can’t paint that! ” shouted Mike from the other side of the classroom.
“Sure you can,” replied Mr. White ___6___. “ Think about it, Mike. What makes you happy ”
“ Umm … beaches, sunshine, and … ice-cream! ” said Mike.
“ Well, there you go. That’s how you paint it. Start working! ” said Mr. White.
Sam was already ____7____. He splashed (泼洒) large amounts of paint all over the __8___. It was really beautiful! There were shapes that we didn’t have in the real world and the colours were so shining. The whole class ____9____ and Sam looked proud.
From that day on, Sam was never ____10_____ about art class. He knew that he could paint happiness, no matter what he painted.
1. A. difference B. problem C. reason D. way
2. A. encouraged B. relaxed C. satisfied D. surprised
3. A. agreed B. replied C. understood D. waited
4. A. buildings B. houses C. happiness D. summer
5. A. excitedly B. carelessly C. kindly D. sadly
6. A. angrily B. patiently C. secretly D. worriedly
7. A. painting B. playing C. talking D. writing
8. A. book B. floor C. paper D. wall
9. A. cheered B. doubted C. finished D. regretted
10. A. careful B. certain C. happy D. nervous
Music is different from songs. Songs express feelings with lyrics, but music with tones(音调). Unlike songs, music tones themselves have no specific meanings. Different people may get different things from the same musical performance. Though some music works are difficult to understand, people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them. Different people like different music: some love classical music, and others take pleasure in pop music. Most young people like pop music.
Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s. The best-known early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”. Pop music has taken the place of native music in many parts of the world. It has caused the number of people for jazz to become much smaller than in the 1950s and earlier and it has now begun to become the most popular. Much pop music is without artistic value, but the works of some pop singers such as the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the groups like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent. And there is still great interest in it today. Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.
1.The biggest difference between music and songs is    .
A. feelings B. lyrics and tones C. languages and countries D. meanings
2.According to the passage, the number of people for jazz in the 1950s and earlier was    it is today.
A. much greater than B. much smaller than C.as great as D.as small as
3.What does the underlined word “kind” mean
A. Clear B. Clean C. Hard D. Exciting.
4.Which of the following has now become the most popular according to the passage
A. Native music. B. Jazz. C. Pop music. D. Classical music.
5.Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage
A. People can get different things from the same piece of music.
B. Pop music began to be popular in the mid-twentieth century.
C. The best-known early form of pop music was “rock and roll”.
D. Much pop music is of great artistic value, so it interests young people greatly.
Why do you need hobbies A study has found that people are more positive (积极的) when they take part in a relaxing activity. ___1__ Scientists also think they might be good for your brain.
How do you choose the right hobby Start with what you enjoyed in the past. Did you once play football ___2__ If you find it isn’t for you, stop and tum to something new. Probably joining a class or a team will give you a chance to meet other people.
Which relaxing activities are good for physical health It’s clear that exercise is going to be good for your body, for example walking. ___3_ A review of 94 studies found that dancing three times a week improved balance in older people. Getting out in nature is helpful, whether you’re hiking or doing something less active.
Which hobbies keep your mind active ___4___ Playing the piano or listening to your favorite band can help you make it. Researches have found reading is also good for your brain.
___5__ So let’s take up great hobbies
A. Dancing is wonderful exercise.
B. Take it up again or start something else.
C. Hobbies let you forget your worries and have fun.
D. Learning an instrument and reading are the best choices.
E. Other studies have shown that hobbies can give you a sense of achievement.
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