九年级全一册 Unit 1-2(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(人教版)

九年级全册Unit 1-2测
1. —How do you learn English, Toby
—I often practice English chatting my American friend.
A. in; to B. by; of C. by; with D. with by
2. —What’s the ________to your success, Mr. Miller
—It all depends on my hard work.
A.part B.opinion C.matter D.secret
3. I didn’t catch what you said just now. Can you    it again
A.reply B.review C.repeat D.refuse
4. —The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult.
—The doctor is right, __________you eat, _________you will be.
A. The less; the healthier B. The less; the more healthier
C. The more; the healthier D. The more; the more healthier
5.When you visit a museum, you should ___________ the instructions.
A.compare with B.look forward to C.pay attention to D.try out
6.He is just a small child, so you must be ________ him. Don’t shout at him.
A.afraid of B.proud of C.patient with D.popular with
7.Whether or not we can have a great success   our learning habits.
A. depends on     B. plays a role in C. comes up with       D. looks up to
8. The old man for six years because of the bad illness.
A. has died B. has been dead C. is dying D. died
9. Mike doesn’t care about he can make much money. He just works for fun.
A. that B. whether C. if D. how
10.—Hi, Jill. I’d like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma.
—Really Make sure the news is true before you it.
receive B. spread C. cancel D. hear
11.—Jack, let's have a picnic after school.
—Sorry. I have Frank to work on the biology report with him.
A.advised B. expected C. made D. promised
12.I don't know ______ he will come tomorrow. ______ he comes, I'll tell you.
A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If
13.—To the students, what should the teacher at school
—Of course the ways they study, I think.
A. give up B. part with C. care about D. clear out
14. —Why are you late for dinner, Jim
—At first I wanted to take a taxi, but I walking here because of the heavy traffic.
A. ended up B. took up C. gave up D. looked up
15.John _________with a knife but now he _________with chopsticks after living in Beijing for several months.
A. used to eat; is used to eat B. used to eating; gets used to eat
C. used to eat; is used to eating D. was used to eating; is used to eat
1.Nothing is a waste if we have a (create) mind.
2.I think a successful (learn) should have good learning habits.
3. Mary becomes ________ (interest)in singing.
4.The teacher told us to pay attention to (spell) English words.
5. Each of us spoke at the meeting (active).
6.His ________(know) of English is very limited.
7. The___________ (die) fish made my little sister sad for several days.
8. We should treat everyone with kindness and____________(warm), spreading love and joy everywhere we go.
9.The game tells children the _____________(important) of sharing love and joy.
10. He __________ (punish) because of doing wrong.
1.Mr. Green is very smart. He has the a     to do the job well. We all trust him.
2.We work with our hands and think with our b     . 
3.The number of the students has i________since last year.
4.People who learn wisely and well will a_________ their dreams more easily.
5. Sam learns Chinese by making n_______. He always writes down what his teacher says
6. As a language learner, we should learn some u_____________ sayings.
7.Parents usually w     their kids not to speak to strangers.
8.Bad news always s      faster than good news.
9.If you feel tired, you should l      down and have a rest.
10.He went to the front line. His father didn’t know whether he was alive or d    .
10.Have you ever read one of the n________ written by Charles Dickens
1. 他们经常把需要学习的内容与有趣的事情联系起来。
They often what they need to study .
To my surprise, I found I ________ a lot ________ ________ with this stranger.
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games encourage the public to ________ ________ ________ winter sports.
A good listener must ________ ________ ________ ________ questions.
My grandfather is in      he is very old.
If you remember these new words, you will       of this
The girl was ____________   she was afraid to go out alone.
This box is________ ________ ________ ________a heart.
                  to have a long vacation!
10. 新年是清洗和冲走霉运的时候。
The new year is a time for and bad things.
It is the Lantern Festival today. Lin Jie comes to see his American friend Jim.
Jim: Hi, Lin Jie. Nice to see you.
Lin Jie: Hi, Jim. 1. .
Jim: Sweet dumplings 2. I know people eat them at the Lantern Festival.
Lin Jie: How great you are! 3. .
Jim: Well, on the day people will watch lantern shows at night and guess the riddles on the lanterns. This festival is on the 15th of the first lunar month. It is handed down from the Tang Dynasty. 4. .
Lin Jie: So glad to hear that! I am proud of you. Now it's time to cook the delicious food. 5. .
A. I’m fine.
B. Wow, thanks!
C. What else do you know about this festival
D. Here are some sweet dumplings for you.
E. I hope you will like it.
F. You know I really love Chinese culture.
G. What do you think of the Lantern Festival
A: Hi, Jane. You made great progress in English during the long winter vacation. 1.             
B: Just by taking online courses and finishing my homework in time. Sometimes I watched the online classes again when necessary.
A: But I didn't make full use of the time. So I can't catch up with my classmates now. I feel worried and hopeless.
B: 2.           . Read a lot and do exercises, and you'll get improved.
A: Good idea. When I have difficulties, 3.             
B: No problem. I am always there if you need help.
A: It's very kind of you. By the way, what's the title of your tomorrow's speech
B: Only 1.5℃.
A:Sounds interesting. But it's just a number. 4.             
B: It means we need to keep temperature increases below 1.5℃.
A: If not, what would happen
B: Unexpected disasters(灾难) would hit the earth again and again.
A: True. The forest fires in Australia have given us warnings. 5.             
B: The fires lasted for several months. It is reported that countless wild animals have been killed and thousands of people have lost their homes in the big fires.
A: What a bitter lesson!
Chinese New Year 1.    (begin) in late January or early February. It is one of the
2.    (great) festivals in China. Many things are done to get ready 3.     this festival. The house is cleaned before the holiday. No sweeping is done during the holiday, 4.    
people worry that good luck will be cleaned away.
Best 5.    (wish) are written on red paper and hung around the house. On the first day of Chinese New Year, children are given red envelopes. Food is 6.     most important part of the holiday season. Special foods are eaten on certain days. Different foods have different 7.    (mean) behind them. For example, fish is said to mean success. Chinese New Year is8.    (certain) regarded as a time to be with family members. Many visits are done during the 15 days. Many traditions are to honor the family members who 9.    (die) in the past. What an 10.    (interest) festival it is!
When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike Who played football and 1 kites with you in the park Who helped you work out the difficult math problem Who taught you the difference between right and wrong
Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for 2 . The third Sunday in June is Father's Day. So why 3 do some things to thank your dad for all his love and support(支持)
The idea of Father's Day came from an 4 lady called Samara Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted an unusual day to remember her 5 . He raised(抚养)six children by himself 6 his wife died. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to thank all the great, selfless and loving dads. Her father was born 7 , so she wanted to hold the first Father's Day celebration(庆祝)on his birthday in 1909. In 1924, most of the Americans like the idea of Father's Day. In the end, the third Sunday in June was named Father's Day.
There are many ways 8 your love and thanks. Send him a postcard. Usually fathers like cards. So, maybe a good one can make him laugh. A small gift, such as a photo of your family or a lovely wallet 9 make him feel like a king. Send him flowers:the rose is the official Father's Day flower. At last don't 10 to say "I love you, dad!"
1.A.flew B.bought C.sold D.played
2.A.you B.her C.his D.him
3.A.don't B.doesn't C.not D.didn't
4.A.English B.Indian C.African D.American
5.A.mother B.father C.grandfather D.brother
6.A.when B.until C.after D.before
7.A.in May B.in July C.in June D.in August
8.A.to give B.to show C.to bring D.to say
9.A.should B.can C.must D.need
10.A.remember B.forget C.to forget D.to remember
We all have those moments when bright ideas hit us, but not everyone can develop such moments into the fruits of creative thinking. While we believe creative thinking is the falling apple of Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists, we seldom notice that creative thinking is in fact a process (过程).
Let’s look at what happened in 1666.
Sitting in the garden, Newton watched an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the earth. Newton believed it did. He called it “gravity (重力)”.
This story has become one of the most popular examples of “eureka” moments. But when we cheer for the great discovery, the whole process of creative thinking shouldn’t be forgotten.
Newton studied mathematics for long to have a better understanding of the world. He always enjoyed finding new ways to solve problems. The falling apple was only the fruit of years of hard work before. It also started the train of thought that continued for the next twenty years.
Newton began to examine “gravity” carefully. He experimented (实验). Then he studied the results and used what he had learned to do new experiments. In 1687, the greatest scientific work ever written came out.
The whole process of creative thinking works the same in our life.
In school, we prepare ourselves for the right moment. Once the moment comes, we catch it and then keep on working in the years to come. It takes much to get the fruits of creative thinking, but the sweetest fruits will be ready for those who wait the longest.
1. You may read the passage in a ________.
A. notice B. picture C. magazine D. dictionary
2. The underlined word “eureka” in Paragraph (段落) 4 probably means “________”.
A. I’ve got it B. I give up C. I’ve no idea D. I believe it
3. The writer mainly develops his idea by ________.
A. raising questions B. giving examples
C. listing numbers D. explaining differences
4. The creative thinking process for Newton follows the order of ________.
a. He caught the right moment. b. He did experiments over and over.
c. He saw an apple fall from a tree. d. He studied mathematics for long.
A. a-c-d-b B. b-a-c-d C. a-b-c-d D. d-c-a-b
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
九年级全册Unit 1-2测
1. —How do you learn English, Toby
—I often practice English chatting my American friend.
A. in; to B. by; of C. by; with D. with by
【解析】本题考查介词的用法。by+动名词短语表示“通过……方式”,chat with表示“与……聊天”。句意为:“你是如何学习英语的,Toby ”“我经常通过和我的美国朋友聊天来练习英语。”故选C。
2. —What’s the ________to your success, Mr. Miller
—It all depends on my hard work.
A.part B.opinion C.matter D.secret
考查名词辨析。part部分;opinion观点;matter事情;secret秘密。根据答语“It all depends on my hard work.”可知,答语为“全靠我的努力”,所以此处表示“米勒先生,你成功的秘诀是什么?”的含义。故选D。
3. I didn’t catch what you said just now. Can you    it again
A.reply B.review C.repeat D.refuse
【解析】考查动词辨析,句意:“我没听懂你刚才说的话。你能再重复一遍吗?”,A. reply回复;B. review检查,评论;C. repeat重复;D. refuse拒绝,根据didn’t catch没有听懂,所以让对方再重复一遍。故选C。
4. —The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult.
—The doctor is right, __________you eat, _________you will be.
A. The less; the healthier B. The less; the more healthier
C. The more; the healthier D. The more; the more healthier
5.When you visit a museum, you should ___________ the instructions.
A.compare with B.look forward to C.pay attention to D.try out
【解析】句意:当你参观一家博物馆时,你应该注意要求。compare with和……作比较;look forward
to期望,pay attention to注意;try out试验。根据When you visit a museum,可知参观博物馆时,应注意博物馆的要求,故选C。
6.He is just a small child, so you must be ________ him. Don’t shout at him.
A.afraid of B.proud of C.patient with D.popular with
本题可用“联系上下文法”解答。be afraid of意为“害怕……”;be proud of意为“为……自豪”;be patient with意为“对……有耐心”;be popular with意为“受……欢迎”。由后句“Don’t shout at him.(不要朝他大喊大叫)”可知,前句应意为“他只是个小孩子,所以你必须对他有耐心”。因此空格处应用patient with。故选C。
7.Whether or not we can have a great success   our learning habits.
A. depends on     B. plays a role in C. comes up with       D. looks up to
【解析】depend on依赖,取决于;play a role in在……方面发挥作用;come up with提出,想出;look up to尊敬。结合句意可知,我们能否取得巨大的成功取决于我们的学习习惯,故答案为A。
8. The old man for six years because of the bad illness.
A. has died B. has been dead C. is dying D. died
【解析】die是短暂性动词,不能与时间段“for six years”连用,应用be dead。
9. Mike doesn’t care about he can make much money. He just works for fun.
A. that B. whether C. if D. how
10.—Hi, Jill. I’d like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma.
—Really Make sure the news is true before you it.
receive B. spread C. cancel D. hear
【解析】考查动词词义辨析。发话者想与对方分享“珠穆朗玛峰高度的最新新闻”。应答者用“Really ”表达怀疑,并要求对方在传播这条新闻之前确保这条新闻的真实性。故选B。
11.—Jack, let's have a picnic after school.
—Sorry. I have Frank to work on the biology report with him.
A.advised B. expected C. made D. promised
【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:“杰克,放学后让我们去野餐吧。”“对不起,我已经    弗兰克和他一起写生物报告了。”advise意为“建议”;expect意为“期待”;make意为“使”;promise意为“承诺,许诺”。根据句意可知选D。
12.I don't know ______ he will come tomorrow. ______ he comes, I'll tell you.
A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If
13.—To the students, what should the teacher at school
—Of course the ways they study, I think.
A. give up B. part with C. care about D. clear out
【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:“对于学生来说,在学校老师应该 什么 ”“我认为当然是他们学习的方式。” give up意为“放弃”; part with意为“分离”;care about意为“关心”;clear out意为“清除”。根据关键词“To the students”可知,此处指老师应该关心学生的哪些方面。care about符合句意。故选C。
14. —Why are you late for dinner, Jim
—At first I wanted to take a taxi, but I walking here because of the heavy traffic.
A. ended up B. took up C. gave up D. looked up
【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意: “吉姆,你为什么晚饭迟到了 ”“起初我想打车,但由于交通堵塞,我最终步行来到这里。”end up意为“最终成为,最后处于”;take up意为“占用”;give up意为“放弃”; look up意为“查阅”。根据句意可知选A。
15.John _________with a knife but now he _________with chopsticks after living in Beijing for several months.
A. used to eat; is used to eat B. used to eating; gets used to eat
C. used to eat; is used to eating D. was used to eating; is used to eat
1.Nothing is a waste if we have a (create) mind.
2.I think a successful (learn) should have good learning habits.
3. Mary becomes ________ (interest)in singing.
4.The teacher told us to pay attention to (spell) English words.
5. Each of us spoke at the meeting (active).
6.His ________(know) of English is very limited.
7. The___________ (die) fish made my little sister sad for several days.
8. We should treat everyone with kindness and____________(warm), spreading love and joy everywhere we go.
9.The game tells children the _____________(important) of sharing love and joy.
10. He __________ (punish) because of doing wrong.
【答案】1.creative 2.learner 3.interested 4.spelling 5.actively 6.knowledge
7.dead 8.warmth 9.importance 7.meaning mean 8.was punished 10.finishing
1.Mr. Green is very smart. He has the a     to do the job well. We all trust him.
2.We work with our hands and think with our b     . 
3.The number of the students has i________since last year.
4.People who learn wisely and well will a_________ their dreams more easily.
5. Sam learns Chinese by making n_______. He always writes down what his teacher says
6. As a language learner, we should learn some u_____________ sayings.
7.Parents usually w     their kids not to speak to strangers.
8.Bad news always s      faster than good news.
9.If you feel tired, you should l      down and have a rest.
10.He went to the front line. His father didn’t know whether he was alive or d    .
10.Have you ever read one of the n________ written by Charles Dickens
【答案】1.ability 2.brain 3.increased 4.achieve 5.notes 6. useful 7.warn 8.spreads 9.lie 10.dead
1. 他们经常把需要学习的内容与有趣的事情联系起来。
They often what they need to study .
To my surprise, I found I ________ a lot ________ ________ with this stranger.
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games encourage the public to ________ ________ ________ winter sports.
A good listener must ________ ________ ________ ________ questions.
My grandfather is in      he is very old.
If you remember these new words, you will       of this
The girl was ____________   she was afraid to go out alone.
This box is________ ________ ________ ________a heart.
                  to have a long vacation!
10. 新年是清洗和冲走霉运的时候。
The new year is a time for and bad things.
【答案】1.connect with something interesting 2.have in common 3.pay attention to 4.be good at questioning
5.good health although 6.have a better understanding 7.so scary that 8. in the shape of 9. How my brother wishes 10.cleaning washing away
It is the Lantern Festival today. Lin Jie comes to see his American friend Jim.
Jim: Hi, Lin Jie. Nice to see you.
Lin Jie: Hi, Jim. 1. .
Jim: Sweet dumplings 2. I know people eat them at the Lantern Festival.
Lin Jie: How great you are! 3. .
Jim: Well, on the day people will watch lantern shows at night and guess the riddles on the lanterns. This festival is on the 15th of the first lunar month. It is handed down from the Tang Dynasty. 4. .
Lin Jie: So glad to hear that! I am proud of you. Now it's time to cook the delicious food. 5. .
A. I’m fine.
B. Wow, thanks!
C. What else do you know about this festival
D. Here are some sweet dumplings for you.
E. I hope you will like it.
F. You know I really love Chinese culture.
G. What do you think of the Lantern Festival
A: Hi, Jane. You made great progress in English during the long winter vacation. 1.             
B: Just by taking online courses and finishing my homework in time. Sometimes I watched the online classes again when necessary.
A: But I didn't make full use of the time. So I can't catch up with my classmates now. I feel worried and hopeless.
B: 2.           . Read a lot and do exercises, and you'll get improved.
A: Good idea. When I have difficulties, 3.             
B: No problem. I am always there if you need help.
A: It's very kind of you. By the way, what's the title of your tomorrow's speech
B: Only 1.5℃.
A:Sounds interesting. But it's just a number. 4.             
B: It means we need to keep temperature increases below 1.5℃.
A: If not, what would happen
B: Unexpected disasters(灾难) would hit the earth again and again.
A: True. The forest fires in Australia have given us warnings. 5.             
B: The fires lasted for several months. It is reported that countless wild animals have been killed and thousands of people have lost their homes in the big fires.
A: What a bitter lesson!
【答案】1.How did you learn English
2.Don't worry/Never give up/Come on/Cheer up
3.can you help me
4.What does it mean
5.How long did the fires last
Chinese New Year 1.    (begin) in late January or early February. It is one of the
2.    (great) festivals in China. Many things are done to get ready 3.     this festival. The house is cleaned before the holiday. No sweeping is done during the holiday, 4.    
people worry that good luck will be cleaned away.
Best 5.    (wish) are written on red paper and hung around the house. On the first day of Chinese New Year, children are given red envelopes. Food is 6.     most important part of the holiday season. Special foods are eaten on certain days. Different foods have different 7.    (mean) behind them. For example, fish is said to mean success. Chinese New Year is8.    (certain) regarded as a time to be with family members. Many visits are done during the 15 days. Many traditions are to honor the family members who 9.    (die) in the past. What an 10.    (interest) festival it is!
【答案】1.begins 2.greatest 3.for 4.because 5.wishes 6.the 7.meanings 8.certainly 
9.died 10.interesting
When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike Who played football and 1 kites with you in the park Who helped you work out the difficult math problem Who taught you the difference between right and wrong
Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for 2 . The third Sunday in June is Father's Day. So why 3 do some things to thank your dad for all his love and support(支持)
The idea of Father's Day came from an 4 lady called Samara Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted an unusual day to remember her 5 . He raised(抚养)six children by himself 6 his wife died. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to thank all the great, selfless and loving dads. Her father was born 7 , so she wanted to hold the first Father's Day celebration(庆祝)on his birthday in 1909. In 1924, most of the Americans like the idea of Father's Day. In the end, the third Sunday in June was named Father's Day.
There are many ways 8 your love and thanks. Send him a postcard. Usually fathers like cards. So, maybe a good one can make him laugh. A small gift, such as a photo of your family or a lovely wallet 9 make him feel like a king. Send him flowers:the rose is the official Father's Day flower. At last don't 10 to say "I love you, dad!"
1.A.flew B.bought C.sold D.played
2.A.you B.her C.his D.him
3.A.don't B.doesn't C.not D.didn't
4.A.English B.Indian C.African D.American
5.A.mother B.father C.grandfather D.brother
6.A.when B.until C.after D.before
7.A.in May B.in July C.in June D.in August
8.A.to give B.to show C.to bring D.to say
9.A.should B.can C.must D.need
10.A.remember B.forget C.to forget D.to remember
【答案】1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B
考查代词辨析及语境。you你,你们,人称代词;her她,人称猜测宾格;his他的,物主代词;him他,人称代词宾格。根据上文 “Your dad.”可知,该空指代的是“你的爸爸”,在句中作介词for的宾语,用宾格形式。故选D。
考查助动词辨析及语境。don't不,助动词;doesn't用于主语为第三人称单数时;not不,副词;didn't用于一般过去时态。根据句意可知,这里考查了句型Why not…. 表示提建议,“为什么不……”,后面跟动词原形。故选C。
4.句意:父亲节的想法来源于1909年一个叫Samara Smart Dodd的美国女士。
考查形容词辨析及语境。English英国的;Indian印度的;African非洲的;American美国的。根据下文 “In 1924, most of the Americans like the idea of Father's Day.”可知,父亲节首先是在美国开始的,因此这是一个美国的女士。故选D。
考查名词辨析及语境。mother妈妈;father爸爸;grandfather爷爷;brother兄弟。根据下文 “Dodd thought there needed to be a day to thank all the great, selfless and loving dads.”可知,Dodder想要有一个特殊的日子来感谢爸爸。故选B。
考查连词辨析及语境。when当……时候;until直到……时候;after在……之后;before在……之前。根据句中的by himself可知,应该是“在他妻子去世之后,他独自抚养孩子”。故选C。
考查名词辨析及语境。in May在五月;in July在七月;in June在六月;in August在八月。根据下文 “In the end, the third Sunday in June was named Father's Day.”可知父亲节是六月的第三个星期日,由此可知Dodd爸爸的生日在六月。故选C。
考查动词辨析及语境。to give给;to show展示;to bring带来;to say说。根据文意可知,短文讲述的是父亲节的由来,在父亲节的时候,我们用不同的方式来表达对爸爸的爱和感谢。故选B。
考查动词辨析及语境。remember记得;forget忘记;to forget动词不定式;to remember动词不定式。这是一个祈使句,don’t后跟动词原形,先排除C和D。根据文意可知,父亲节就是要向爸爸表达感谢和爱的,所以这里应表示“不要忘记……”。故选B。
We all have those moments when bright ideas hit us, but not everyone can develop such moments into the fruits of creative thinking. While we believe creative thinking is the falling apple of Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists, we seldom notice that creative thinking is in fact a process (过程).
Let’s look at what happened in 1666.
Sitting in the garden, Newton watched an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the earth. Newton believed it did. He called it “gravity (重力)”.
This story has become one of the most popular examples of “eureka” moments. But when we cheer for the great discovery, the whole process of creative thinking shouldn’t be forgotten.
Newton studied mathematics for long to have a better understanding of the world. He always enjoyed finding new ways to solve problems. The falling apple was only the fruit of years of hard work before. It also started the train of thought that continued for the next twenty years.
Newton began to examine “gravity” carefully. He experimented (实验). Then he studied the results and used what he had learned to do new experiments. In 1687, the greatest scientific work ever written came out.
The whole process of creative thinking works the same in our life.
In school, we prepare ourselves for the right moment. Once the moment comes, we catch it and then keep on working in the years to come. It takes much to get the fruits of creative thinking, but the sweetest fruits will be ready for those who wait the longest.
1. You may read the passage in a ________.
A. notice B. picture C. magazine D. dictionary
2. The underlined word “eureka” in Paragraph (段落) 4 probably means “________”.
A. I’ve got it B. I give up C. I’ve no idea D. I believe it
3. The writer mainly develops his idea by ________.
A. raising questions B. giving examples
C. listing numbers D. explaining differences
4. The creative thinking process for Newton follows the order of ________.
a. He caught the right moment. b. He did experiments over and over.
c. He saw an apple fall from a tree. d. He studied mathematics for long.
A. a-c-d-b B. b-a-c-d C. a-b-c-d D. d-c-a-b
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D
2.词义猜测题。根据“But when we cheer for the great discovery, the whole process of creative thinking shouldn’t be forgotten.”及“This story has become one of the most popular examples”可知此处表示牛顿发现“重力”的事情是一个重大发现的例子,eureka意为“(欢呼)找到了;有了”,即“I’ve got it”。故选A。
3.篇章结构题。根据“While we believe creative thinking is the falling apple of Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists, we seldom notice that creative thinking is in fact a process.”及文中就牛顿的事例作出的讨论,可知作者主要通过举例子来阐述他的思想。故选B。
4.排序题。根据“Newton studied mathematics for long to have a better understanding of the world. ... The falling apple was only the fruit of years of hard work before. It also started the train of thought that continued for the next twenty years. ... He experimented.”可知牛顿学了很久数学(d),之后他看见一个苹果从树上掉下来(c),他抓住了这个时刻(a)并反复做实验(b),正确的排序是d-c-a-b。故选D。
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