八年级上册 Unit 5-6(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(沪教牛津版)

八上Unit 5-6测
1. —What do you think of the visit to the fire station yesterday
—It’s very ____________. The children learned to be careful with fire.
A. harmful B. educational C. helpless D careful
2 Alice_____ writing five perfect reports so far.
A. completes B. completed C. was completing D. has completed
【解析】 so far 到目前为止。用现在完成时态。
3.There is only ______water in the bottle.
A. bit B. a bit of C. few D. a few of
【解析】a bit of 修饰不可数名词。表示“一点”
4. My pen-friend in America invited me to _____ his country.
A. come over to B. say goodbye to C. keep in touch with D. look forward to
【解析】A. come over to 来到 B. say goodbye to向某人道别 C. keep in touch with与。。。保持联系 D. look forward to期待。。。根据句意选A
5. Martha is a ______ girl . She always smiles and says hello to others .
A. shy B. friendly C. crazy D. healthy
6. Will we be late for English class this morning
Don’t _____ it. We have an hour more.
A. take after B. worry about C. look after D. take in
【解析】A. take after与。。。相似 B. worry about 担心 C. look after照顾 D. take in吸收。根据句意用B
7. Emma got the first prize in the competition! Let’s have a party to _________.
A, encourage B. celebrate C. understand D. develop.
【解析】 句意:Emma 在比赛得了一等奖,我们开个聚会来庆祝一下吧!
8. Finally we succeeded __________ the heavy box into the classroom.
A. pull B. to pull C. pulled D. in pulling
【解析】 succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事。
9. Ben, the fridge is ______ now. It’s time to go to the supermarket.
A. empty B. huge C. full D. fresh
【解析】冰箱是空的。该去超市买点东西。A. empty 空的 B. huge 巨大的 C. full满的D. fresh新鲜的
10. Jenny ____ this jar with a lot of sweets.
A. filled B. is full C. full D. is filled
【解析】fill 装满 灌满。动词。Fill 。。。with 把。。。装满。
11. He tried to act______ what he saw just now.
A. as B. on C. out D. for
【解析】act out 表演出来。句意:他尽力将他所看到的表现出来。
12.Everyone is here ______ Tom.
A. except B. except for C. besides D. beside
【解析】 except 后接的词同整体词(主语)一般是同类, 指在同类的整体中除去一个部分;except for后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面。 besides意为“除……之外(还有)”,表示除去的部分包括在内。除了Tom 外大家都到了。
1. Lisa is a ______________(Britain) girl. She comes from England.
2. We should do our best to protect the natural and _____________ (culture) treasure.
3. I look forward to_____________ (tour)around the world one day.
4. He went to the US for further _____________ (educational).
5. If you want to be _____________ (success), you need to work hard.
6. You should read the _____________ (introduce) first.
7.Look at that ________ (wood) monkey. How cute it is!
8.The main ______________ (different) between the groups is age.
9.I spent my happy ____________ (child) with my grandparents in Sichuan Province.
10.Please enter the meeting room _________ (quiet) if you are late.
【答案】1.British 2.cultural 3.touring 4.education 5.successful 6.introduction
7.wooden 8.difference 9.childrenhood 10.quietly
1.The students on the educational exchange have learnt a lot about Chinese c ___________.
2. I’m g ___________to help you.
3.Many people will come to our party and the most important g___________ is Mr. White.
【解析】句意:很多人来参加我们的聚会,其中最重要的客人是White 先生。
4.I tried to learn to speak French, but I didn’t have much s ________. It was really difficult for me.
5.Young people should r ___________ the old and help them.
6.When you come to visit Guangzhou, you must taste the delicious l food.
7. The a____________ temple is over 300 years old.
8. It took about five years to build the h___________ ship.
9. After leaving school, Dan joined the a___________ and became a soldier.
【解析】离开学校后,Dan 参军了成为一名士兵。
10.They were all there e______________ me.
【解析】句意: 他们都在这儿除我之外。
1. 她起初有些害怕 。
She was a little afraid _____________ ____________.
2. 我想让你们了解一下中国的传统节日 。
I’d like to __________ you ___________ some traditional festivals in China.
3. 这些学生上个月来到中国 。
The students ________ _________ __________ China last month.
4. 到目前为止,这部电影我已看了三遍 。
I__________ _________ the film three times __________ _________.
5. 我很高兴能给你提点建议 。
I _________ __________ _________give you some advice.
6. 不要嘲笑,盯着或是拿残疾人开玩笑。
Don't laugh at , stare at or __________ __________ __________ disabled people.
They __________ __________ __________ the prisoner and __________ him to the prison again.
She________ _________ ________anger, don't _______ _________ __________her.
He _______ _______many places of interest ______they came to China.
10. 我的爸爸命令我的哥哥马上停止玩游戏。
My father__________ my brother___________ ____________ _____________games at once.
【答案】1.at first 2.introduce to 3.came over to 4.have seen so far 5. am glad to 6.make fun of 7.succeeded in catching putting 8.is full of make fun of 9.has visited since 10.ordered to stop playing
Some British students are in Beijing on an educational (1) e_______. They will visit local schools, make new friends and learn about Chinese (2) c______.
Sarah was nervous at first but now she is (3) g______ to be a guest in her host family. She can use chopsticks and can speak a little Chinese.
They study with Chinese students on the weekdays. At the weekend, they (4) t_______ around the city.
Eric thinks it is a fantastic experience for them. They have already learnt a lot about China. The teachers have also (5) i______ them to Chinese painting.
1 ______________ 2 ____________ 3 ______________ 4 _____________ 5 _______________
【答案】exchange culture glad tour introduced
The Trojan horse
“The Greeks tried to capture the Trojan city for ten years. Now they’ve given up and sailed away!”
“But they’ve left a huge wooden horse.” The Trojan soldiers pulled it into the city and they all celebrated that night. By midnight, the main square was empty, (1) e ____ for the huge horse. Suddenly a secret door opened on the side of the wooden horse. The horse was (2)f ____ of Greek soldiers! They (3)q ____ climbed out of the horse one by one.
The soldiers opened the main gates. The Greek army (4)e ____ the city. In one night, they (5) s ____ in capturing it through a clever trick.
1.___________ 2._________ 3.________ 4._________ 5.____________
【答案】except full quietly entered succeeded
Jim started painting when he was three years old. 1. _________ he was five, he was already very good at it. He painted many beautiful and interesting 2. _________ (picture), and people paid a lot of money for them. They said, “This boy is 3. _________ (go) to be famous when he grows up, and then we're going to sell these pictures for 4. ________ lot more money.”
Jim's pictures were 5. _________ (difference) from other people's works, because he never painted on the whole paper. He only painted 6. _________ half of it, and the other half was empty.
“That's very smart,” everyone said. “No one else 7. _________ (do) that like him! There must be something special on his pictures.” One day, someone bought one of 8. _________ (Jim) pictures and then asked him,
“Please tell 9. _________ (I), Jim, why do you paint on the bottom of the paper, but not on the top half ”
“Because I'm short,” Jim said, “and my brushes don't reach very 10. _________ (highly). That's why I only paint on the bottom half of the paper.”
【答案】1.When 2.pictures 3.going 4.a 5.different 6.on 7.does 8.Jim's 9.me 10.high
You really want to improve your English Anyone will tell you the simple answer — study in Britain. You want to have ____1____amazing experience and make friends that you will keep for life The answer is the same.
Every year, ____2_____students take the trip to study in Great Britain. In the summer, the number is much ____3____. During the trip, students can study English at school and visit places of ____4___ such as Buckingham Palace or Oxford Street as well.
Kids spend 20% of their lives in school, so it is not ____5____ that they welcome the chance ____6_____ English in a more interesting way. What is more surprising to learn is how students from so many different cultures ____7____make friends.
I studied in a residential(寄宿) school just outside London ____8____ four weeks one summer. I was 14 and it was the longest I’d ever been away from home. To be honest, I thought it would be much harder than it actually was. The least interesting part of the day was the morning classes. _____9____ after lunch we had activities and hiking. In the evening, if we weren’t on a trip, we did everything from talent shows ____10____treasure hunts.
On my return home, I soon ___11_____how much better I was at English. The biggest problem was finding my class too easy! I ___12_____ found that my thought was different from that of the other students. I had learnt a lot about ____13____ cultures and about myself. I wasn’t the same as my classmates anymore. That was the hardest thing to accept.
_____14______ abroad is a life-changing experience and one I’d recommend(推荐) to anyone. The girls I shared a room with I still keep in touch with two of them. And ____15_____English conversations are a little longer than they were back then! Every year they come and visit me in my London home.
1.A. \ B. an C. a D. the
2.A. thousand B. thousands of C. thousand of D. thousands
3.A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest
4.A. interests B. interesting C. interested D. interest
5.A. surprised B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprise
6.A. to learn B. learning C. learnt D. learns
7.A. should B. must C. need D. can
8.A.in B. for C. in D.at
9.A. and B. or C. so D. but
10.A. to B. away C. in D. for
11.A. find B. will find C. was finding D. found
12.A. too B. also C. either D. as well
13.A. other B. others C. the others D. another
14.A. study B. studied C. studying D. studies
15.A. we B. ours C. our D. us
2.考查数词用法,thousands of 数以千计的。概数。只有B表述正确。答案选B
4.考查固定搭配用法,place of interest 名胜古迹。答案选D
5.考查形容词用法,句意:因此,他们以更有趣的方式迎接学习英语的机会,这并不奇怪。surprising形容事物的。这里用ing的形容词。 答案选B
8.考查介词用法,一段时间four weeks前面用介词for,答案选B
10.考查介词用法,句意:晚上,如果我们不去旅行,我们做一切事情从才艺表演到寻宝。from 。。。to从。。。到。答案选A
12.考查词语辨异,都是表示“也” also 用在句中。答案选B
Once upon a time,there lived a girl in ancient China named Mulan. Mulan's father used to be a general. He was too old to fight. but not too old to__16__ Mulan how to ride a horse and use a sword(剑). Girls usually did not learn these__17_. But Mulan's father believed everyone should know how to_ 18 _ even girls.
One day, the emperor sent soldiers to Mulan's village. The war was coming. Men were __19__for the army. the leader of the soldiers put up a list of names in the village square. Each name meant one man from each family.
Mulan saw her father's name on the list. She knew her father couldn't fight in a war. Mulan's brother was a young child. There was__20__ Mulan who could take her father's place. But the army did not lake girls as fighting men.
Quietly, the next morning,Mulan stole her father's armor. She dressed up herself as a_ _ 21__. The soldiers accepted "him" in her__22__ place.
Mulan was very careful over the years. No one found that she was a girl. When the war was over,Mulan received a special prize from the emperor for her_ 23 _.
The emperor gave her a horse and a lot of wealth!
Her family greeted her with joy. Mulan dressed once again in the clothes of a woman.
Two of the men who had worked with Mulan__ 24 __by her home, on their way home. When Mulan greeted them, they could not believe their eyes.
After recalling many memories, they__ 25 __believed that Mulan was a woman. They spread Mulan's story across China and it inspired many young women to ride horses and use swords.
16. A. give B. provide C. learn D. teach
17. A. exercise B. meanings C. skills D. subjects
18. A. share B. draw C. care D. fight
19. A. needed B. saved C. caught D. beaten
20. A. even B. only C. still D. else
21. A. horse B. child C. general D. man
22. A. father's B. brother's C. mother's D. uncle's
23. A. power B. difference C. courage D. illness
24. A. stood B. stopped C. covered D. disappeared
25. A. suddenly B. confident C. finally D. perhaps
【答案】16. D 17. C 17. D 18. A 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. C
16. 句意“他太老了以至于不能打仗,但是他可以教木兰如何骑马和使用剑”。
本题考查动词辨析。A. give给;B. provide提供;C. learn学习;D. teach教。根据 how to ride a horse and use a sword可知,是指教她如何骑马和使用剑,故选D。
17. 句意“女孩通常不学这些技能”。
本题考查名词辨析。A. exercise练习; B. meanings意思; C. skills技能; D. subjects科目。根据前文ride a horse and use a sword“骑马和使用剑”可知,骑马和使用剑是技能,故选C。
18. 句意“但是木兰的父亲认为每个人应该知道如何打仗,甚至是女孩”。
本题考查动词辨析。A. share分享;B. draw画画;C. care关心;D. fight战斗。根据前文how to ride a horse and use a sword可知,木兰的父亲教她如何骑马和使用剑,她认为女孩也应该参加战斗,故选D。
19 句意“战争即将到来,军队需要男人”。
本题考查动词辨析。A. needed需要;B. saved挽救;C. caught抓住;D. beaten打败。根据The war was coming战争即将来临,推出需要男人去打仗,故选A。
20. 句意“只有木兰能代替她父亲的位置”。
本题考查副词辨析。A. even甚至;B. only仅仅;C. still仍然;D. else其他的。根据She knew her father couldn't fight in a war. Mulan's brother was a young child“她知道她的父亲不能参加战争。木兰的弟弟还小”推出,木兰是唯一个可以替父从军的人,故选B。
21. 句意“她将自己乔装打扮成男人”。
本题考查名词辨析。A. horse马;B. child孩子;C. general将军;D. man男人。根据The soldiers accepted"him",关键从"him"说明他把自己打扮成男人的样子,故选D。
22. 句意“士兵们接受她代替她父亲的位置”。
本题考查名词辨析。A. father's父亲的;B. brother's兄弟的;C. mother's妈妈的;D. uncle's叔叔的。根据全文可知,她是替父从军,所以代替父亲的位置。故选A。
23. 句意“当战争结束时,木兰因为她的勇气而收到了皇帝特别的奖励”。
本题考查名词辨析。A. power能量;B. difference不同;C. courage勇气;D. illness 疾病。根据Mulan received a special prize from the emperor 木兰收到皇帝给的一个特殊奖,推出是因为她的勇气得到奖赏的,故选C。
24. 句意“两个以前和木兰共事过的男人在回家的路上停在她家旁”。
本题考查动词辨析。A. stood站;B. stopped停止;C. covered覆盖;D. disappeared消失。根据When Mulan greeted them可知,木兰迎接他们,推出他们停在了木兰的家旁,故选B。
25. 句意“在回忆了许多记忆之后,他们最终相信木兰是个女人”。
本题考查副词辨析。A. suddenly突然;B. confident自信;C. finally最后;D. perhaps 可能。根据They spread Mulan's story across China可知,他们把木兰的故事传遍了中国,推出他们最后相信了木兰是女孩,故选C。
There are many famous people in the history of China. Here is a story between two of them.
During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC) to the Warring States Period (475-221BC) in ancient China, there was a Taoist school (道家学派) and a representative of Taoism was Zhuang Zhou, known as Zhuangzi (庄子) in history.
One day, Zhuangzi and his friend Huizi (惠子) walked down to a river. Crossing it by a small bridge, they stopped to watch some fish swimming in the water. The two friends began to discuss whether fish are happy. After watching them for a while, Zhuangzi started, “These little fish are swimming freely around. How happy they must be!” Huizi asked, “But you are not a fish. How do you know that the fish are happy ”
Zhuangzi said, “But you are not me. How do you know that I don’t know whether fish are happy ” Huizi said, “I am not you, so of course I do not know how you think about it. But you are not a fish, so it is impossible that you know how fish think about it.” Zhuangzi said, “Let’s go back to the beginning. You ask me how I know what fish enjoy. Clearly, you believe that I know what fish enjoy—by asking me how I know it! Well, let me explain how. I know it by being beside this river.”
Children, which of them was right
Zhuangzi said the fish were happy. Did he really know He was not a fish, so of course he could not know. But he was happy in his heart, and he placed his own happiness onto the fish. Although having a great deal of knowledge, Zhuangzi was interested in neither being famous nor becoming rich. He was in love with nature and he wanted to be close to mountains and rivers, birds and animals. He devoted himself to searching for the beauty and interest of life. So, seeing a clear sky and fine weather, feeling a gentle breeze and watching fish swimming in pools made Zhuangzi naturally felt his heart filled with gladness. He considered everything in nature as his family, and of course he felt that fish had feelings, too.
Huizi, being a friend of Zhuangzi, a great thinker, was no common person. He was an excellent politician (政治家) of his day, and a senior official with a record of great achievements. How could he have either wish or interest to care about flowers, birds, and fish He cared more about people, and not at all the world of nature. And so, the fact that he did not understand the enjoyment of fish is not surprising.
Zhuangzi and Huizi, which one do you like
1. Zhuangzi and Huizi were discussing ________.
A. what happened in Warring States Period B. who the representative of Taoism was
C. where they could watch fish swim D. whether fish were happy in the water
2. According to Paragraph 2-3, which of the following shows the correct order
①Huizi asked how Zhuangzi knew that the fish were happy.
②They stopped to watch some fish swimming in the water.
③Zhuangzi explains how he knew whether the fish were happy.
④Zhuangzi asked how Huizi knew that he didn’t know whether fish were happy.
A. ①②③④ B. ①③②④ C. ②①④③ D. ②①③④
3. Zhuangzi said the fish were happy because ________.
A. he really knew that the fish were happy
B. he felt that fish had the same feelings as he did
C. he was interested in being happy fish in nature
D. the fish placed their own happiness onto him
4. According to Paragraph 6, Huizi may be more interested in the passage named ________.
A. How to solve hunger and save more B. How to be a successful fisherman
C. Where can you watch birds easily D. Which flower suits you most
5. What is the best title for the passage
A. Zhuangzi and Huizi. B. The Enjoyment of Fish.
C. What is Taoist school D. The Story of Fish.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
1. 细节理解题。根据第三段“The two friends began to discuss whether fish are happy.”可知,两人在讨论鱼是否快乐。故选D。
2. 细节理解题。根据第三段“... they stopped to watch some fish swimming in the water.”可知,他们停下来看鱼在水里游泳,故②排在第一;根据第三段“Huizi asked, ‘But you are not a fish. How do you know that the fish are happy ’”可知,惠子问庄子是怎么知道鱼是快乐的,故①排在第二;根据第四段“Zhuangzi said, ‘But you are not me. How do you know that I don’t know whether fish are happy ’”可知,庄子问惠子怎么知道他不知道鱼是快乐的,故④排在第三;根据第四段“‘Well, let me explain how. I know it by being beside this river.’”可知,庄子解释了他如何知道鱼是快乐的,故③排在第四。故选C。
3. 细节理解题。根据第六段“But he was happy in his heart, and he placed his own happiness onto the fish.”可知,庄子内心是快乐的,他把自己的快乐寄托在鱼身上,所以他觉得鱼和他有一样的感受。故选B。
4. 推理判断题。根据“How could he have either wish or interest to care about flowers, birds, and fish He cared more about people, and not at all the world of nature.”可知,惠子对花鸟鱼等自然之物不感兴趣,他更关心人,而不是自然界。故他可能会对《如何解决饥饿和拯救更多的人》感兴趣。故选A。
5. 最佳标题题。根据文章主旨判断,庄子和惠子争辩的核心内容是鱼是否快乐,故“鱼之乐”最适合做标题。故选B。
Zheng He was an amazing man. He was born in 1371. (1)_________ Over time Zhu Di saw that Zheng He was very clever and strong and they became close friends. In 1403 Zhu Di became the king of China and he asked Zheng He to join his government.
The king wanted to learn more about the world and show other countries his power. (2)____________ Between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He led seven sea trips to different parts of the world. He certainly traveled to India, Africa and the Middle East. (3)______ _______
Zheng He led a fleet with 28,000 men and over 300 ships, such as boats for food, water and even soldiers’ horses. Each of his trips lasted between two and four years. (4)____________ On these trips, he brought with him many Chinese goods like silk and medicine to give to foreign kings or to sell for local goods. (5) __________
A. When he returned, his boats were always full of expensive things such as gold and treasures, and strange animals like a giraffe. B. So he gave orders to build many new ships and made Zheng He their leader. C. Eleven years later, he was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. D. A few people think his ships have even reached South America and Australia. E. And it is believed that he sailed more than 50,000 kilometers during the years of his travels.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
八上Unit 5-6测
1. —What do you think of the visit to the fire station yesterday
—It’s very ____________. The children learned to be careful with fire.
A. harmful B. educational C. helpless D careful
2 Alice_____ writing five perfect reports so far.
A. completes B. completed C. was completing D. has completed
3.There is only ______water in the bottle.
A. bit B. a bit of C. few D. a few of
4. My pen-friend in America invited me to _____ his country.
A. come over to B. say goodbye to C. keep in touch with D. look forward to
5. Martha is a ______ girl . She always smiles and says hello to others .
A. shy B. friendly C. crazy D. healthy
6. Will we be late for English class this morning
Don’t _____ it. We have an hour more.
A. take after B. worry about C. look after D. take in
7. Emma got the first prize in the competition! Let’s have a party to _________.
A, encourage B. celebrate C. understand D. develop.
8. Finally we succeeded __________ the heavy box into the classroom.
A. pull B. to pull C. pulled D. in pulling
9. Ben, the fridge is ______ now. It’s time to go to the supermarket.
A. empty B. huge C. full D. fresh
10. Jenny ____ this jar with a lot of sweets.
A. filled B. is full C. full D. is filled
11. He tried to act______ what he saw just now.
A. as B. on C. out D. for
12.Everyone is here ______ Tom.
A. except B. except for C. besides D. beside
1. Lisa is a ______________(Britain) girl. She comes from England.
2. We should do our best to protect the natural and _____________ (culture) treasure.
3. I look forward to_____________ (tour)around the world one day.
4. He went to the US for further _____________ (educational).
5. If you want to be _____________ (success), you need to work hard.
6. You should read the _____________ (introduce) first.
7.Look at that ________ (wood) monkey. How cute it is!
8.The main ______________ (different) between the groups is age.
9.I spent my happy ____________ (child) with my grandparents in Sichuan Province.
10.Please enter the meeting room _________ (quiet) if you are late.
1.The students on the educational exchange have learnt a lot about Chinese c ___________.
2. I’m g ___________to help you.
3.Many people will come to our party and the most important g___________ is Mr. White.
4.I tried to learn to speak French, but I didn’t have much s ________. It was really difficult for me.
5.Young people should r ___________ the old and help them.
6.When you come to visit Guangzhou, you must taste the delicious l food.
7. The a____________ temple is over 300 years old.
8. It took about five years to build the h___________ ship.
9. After leaving school, Dan joined the a___________ and became a soldier.
10.They were all there e______________ me.
1. 她起初有些害怕 。
She was a little afraid _____________ ____________.
2. 我想让你们了解一下中国的传统节日 。
I’d like to __________ you ___________ some traditional festivals in China.
3. 这些学生上个月来到中国 。
The students ________ _________ __________ China last month.
4. 到目前为止,这部电影我已看了三遍 。
I__________ _________ the film three times __________ _________.
5. 我很高兴能给你提点建议 。
I _________ __________ _________give you some advice.
6. 不要嘲笑,盯着或是拿残疾人开玩笑。
Don't laugh at , stare at or __________ __________ __________ disabled people.
They __________ __________ __________ the prisoner and __________ him to the prison again.
She________ _________ ________anger, don't _______ _________ __________her.
He _______ _______many places of interest ______they came to China.
10. 我的爸爸命令我的哥哥马上停止玩游戏。
My father__________ my brother___________ ____________ _____________games at once.
Some British students are in Beijing on an educational (1) e_______. They will visit local schools, make new friends and learn about Chinese (2) c______.
Sarah was nervous at first but now she is (3) g______ to be a guest in her host family. She can use chopsticks and can speak a little Chinese.
They study with Chinese students on the weekdays. At the weekend, they (4) t_______ around the city.
Eric thinks it is a fantastic experience for them. They have already learnt a lot about China. The teachers have also (5) i______ them to Chinese painting.
1 ______________ 2 ____________ 3 ______________ 4 _____________ 5 _______________
The Trojan horse
“The Greeks tried to capture the Trojan city for ten years. Now they’ve given up and sailed away!”
“But they’ve left a huge wooden horse.” The Trojan soldiers pulled it into the city and they all celebrated that night. By midnight, the main square was empty, (1) e ____ for the huge horse. Suddenly a secret door opened on the side of the wooden horse. The horse was (2)f ____ of Greek soldiers! They (3)q ____ climbed out of the horse one by one.
The soldiers opened the main gates. The Greek army (4)e ____ the city. In one night, they (5) s ____ in capturing it through a clever trick.
1.___________ 2._________ 3.________ 4._________ 5.____________
Jim started painting when he was three years old. 1. _________ he was five, he was already very good at it. He painted many beautiful and interesting 2. _________ (picture), and people paid a lot of money for them. They said, “This boy is 3. _________ (go) to be famous when he grows up, and then we're going to sell these pictures for 4. ________ lot more money.”
Jim's pictures were 5. _________ (difference) from other people's works, because he never painted on the whole paper. He only painted 6. _________ half of it, and the other half was empty.
“That's very smart,” everyone said. “No one else 7. _________ (do) that like him! There must be something special on his pictures.” One day, someone bought one of 8. _________ (Jim) pictures and then asked him,
“Please tell 9. _________ (I), Jim, why do you paint on the bottom of the paper, but not on the top half ”
“Because I'm short,” Jim said, “and my brushes don't reach very 10. _________ (highly). That's why I only paint on the bottom half of the paper.”
You really want to improve your English Anyone will tell you the simple answer — study in Britain. You want to have ____1____amazing experience and make friends that you will keep for life The answer is the same.
Every year, ____2_____students take the trip to study in Great Britain. In the summer, the number is much ____3____. During the trip, students can study English at school and visit places of ____4___ such as Buckingham Palace or Oxford Street as well.
Kids spend 20% of their lives in school, so it is not ____5____ that they welcome the chance ____6_____ English in a more interesting way. What is more surprising to learn is how students from so many different cultures ____7____make friends.
I studied in a residential(寄宿) school just outside London ____8____ four weeks one summer. I was 14 and it was the longest I’d ever been away from home. To be honest, I thought it would be much harder than it actually was. The least interesting part of the day was the morning classes. _____9____ after lunch we had activities and hiking. In the evening, if we weren’t on a trip, we did everything from talent shows ____10____treasure hunts.
On my return home, I soon ___11_____how much better I was at English. The biggest problem was finding my class too easy! I ___12_____ found that my thought was different from that of the other students. I had learnt a lot about ____13____ cultures and about myself. I wasn’t the same as my classmates anymore. That was the hardest thing to accept.
_____14______ abroad is a life-changing experience and one I’d recommend(推荐) to anyone. The girls I shared a room with I still keep in touch with two of them. And ____15_____English conversations are a little longer than they were back then! Every year they come and visit me in my London home.
1.A. \ B. an C. a D. the
2.A. thousand B. thousands of C. thousand of D. thousands
3.A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest
4.A. interests B. interesting C. interested D. interest
5.A. surprised B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprise
6.A. to learn B. learning C. learnt D. learns
7.A. should B. must C. need D. can
8.A.in B. for C. in D.at
9.A. and B. or C. so D. but
10.A. to B. away C. in D. for
11.A. find B. will find C. was finding D. found
12.A. too B. also C. either D. as well
13.A. other B. others C. the others D. another
14.A. study B. studied C. studying D. studies
15.A. we B. ours C. our D. us
Once upon a time,there lived a girl in ancient China named Mulan. Mulan's father used to be a general. He was too old to fight. but not too old to__16__ Mulan how to ride a horse and use a sword(剑). Girls usually did not learn these__17_. But Mulan's father believed everyone should know how to_ 18 _ even girls.
One day, the emperor sent soldiers to Mulan's village. The war was coming. Men were __19__for the army. the leader of the soldiers put up a list of names in the village square. Each name meant one man from each family.
Mulan saw her father's name on the list. She knew her father couldn't fight in a war. Mulan's brother was a young child. There was__20__ Mulan who could take her father's place. But the army did not lake girls as fighting men.
Quietly, the next morning,Mulan stole her father's armor. She dressed up herself as a_ _ 21__. The soldiers accepted "him" in her__22__ place.
Mulan was very careful over the years. No one found that she was a girl. When the war was over,Mulan received a special prize from the emperor for her_ 23 _.
The emperor gave her a horse and a lot of wealth!
Her family greeted her with joy. Mulan dressed once again in the clothes of a woman.
Two of the men who had worked with Mulan__ 24 __by her home, on their way home. When Mulan greeted them, they could not believe their eyes.
After recalling many memories, they__ 25 __believed that Mulan was a woman. They spread Mulan's story across China and it inspired many young women to ride horses and use swords.
16. A. give B. provide C. learn D. teach
17. A. exercise B. meanings C. skills D. subjects
18. A. share B. draw C. care D. fight
19. A. needed B. saved C. caught D. beaten
20. A. even B. only C. still D. else
21. A. horse B. child C. general D. man
22. A. father's B. brother's C. mother's D. uncle's
23. A. power B. difference C. courage D. illness
24. A. stood B. stopped C. covered D. disappeared
25. A. suddenly B. confident C. finally D. perhaps
There are many famous people in the history of China. Here is a story between two of them.
During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC) to the Warring States Period (475-221BC) in ancient China, there was a Taoist school (道家学派) and a representative of Taoism was Zhuang Zhou, known as Zhuangzi (庄子) in history.
One day, Zhuangzi and his friend Huizi (惠子) walked down to a river. Crossing it by a small bridge, they stopped to watch some fish swimming in the water. The two friends began to discuss whether fish are happy. After watching them for a while, Zhuangzi started, “These little fish are swimming freely around. How happy they must be!” Huizi asked, “But you are not a fish. How do you know that the fish are happy ”
Zhuangzi said, “But you are not me. How do you know that I don’t know whether fish are happy ” Huizi said, “I am not you, so of course I do not know how you think about it. But you are not a fish, so it is impossible that you know how fish think about it.” Zhuangzi said, “Let’s go back to the beginning. You ask me how I know what fish enjoy. Clearly, you believe that I know what fish enjoy—by asking me how I know it! Well, let me explain how. I know it by being beside this river.”
Children, which of them was right
Zhuangzi said the fish were happy. Did he really know He was not a fish, so of course he could not know. But he was happy in his heart, and he placed his own happiness onto the fish. Although having a great deal of knowledge, Zhuangzi was interested in neither being famous nor becoming rich. He was in love with nature and he wanted to be close to mountains and rivers, birds and animals. He devoted himself to searching for the beauty and interest of life. So, seeing a clear sky and fine weather, feeling a gentle breeze and watching fish swimming in pools made Zhuangzi naturally felt his heart filled with gladness. He considered everything in nature as his family, and of course he felt that fish had feelings, too.
Huizi, being a friend of Zhuangzi, a great thinker, was no common person. He was an excellent politician (政治家) of his day, and a senior official with a record of great achievements. How could he have either wish or interest to care about flowers, birds, and fish He cared more about people, and not at all the world of nature. And so, the fact that he did not understand the enjoyment of fish is not surprising.
Zhuangzi and Huizi, which one do you like
1. Zhuangzi and Huizi were discussing ________.
A. what happened in Warring States Period B. who the representative of Taoism was
C. where they could watch fish swim D. whether fish were happy in the water
2. According to Paragraph 2-3, which of the following shows the correct order
①Huizi asked how Zhuangzi knew that the fish were happy.
②They stopped to watch some fish swimming in the water.
③Zhuangzi explains how he knew whether the fish were happy.
④Zhuangzi asked how Huizi knew that he didn’t know whether fish were happy.
A. ①②③④ B. ①③②④ C. ②①④③ D. ②①③④
3. Zhuangzi said the fish were happy because ________.
A. he really knew that the fish were happy
B. he felt that fish had the same feelings as he did
C. he was interested in being happy fish in nature
D. the fish placed their own happiness onto him
4. According to Paragraph 6, Huizi may be more interested in the passage named ________.
A. How to solve hunger and save more B. How to be a successful fisherman
C. Where can you watch birds easily D. Which flower suits you most
5. What is the best title for the passage
A. Zhuangzi and Huizi. B. The Enjoyment of Fish.
C. What is Taoist school D. The Story of Fish.
Zheng He was an amazing man. He was born in 1371. (1)_________ Over time Zhu Di saw that Zheng He was very clever and strong and they became close friends. In 1403 Zhu Di became the king of China and he asked Zheng He to join his government.
The king wanted to learn more about the world and show other countries his power. (2)____________ Between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He led seven sea trips to different parts of the world. He certainly traveled to India, Africa and the Middle East. (3)______ _______
Zheng He led a fleet with 28,000 men and over 300 ships, such as boats for food, water and even soldiers’ horses. Each of his trips lasted between two and four years. (4)____________ On these trips, he brought with him many Chinese goods like silk and medicine to give to foreign kings or to sell for local goods. (5) __________
A. When he returned, his boats were always full of expensive things such as gold and treasures, and strange animals like a giraffe. B. So he gave orders to build many new ships and made Zheng He their leader. C. Eleven years later, he was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. D. A few people think his ships have even reached South America and Australia. E. And it is believed that he sailed more than 50,000 kilometers during the years of his travels.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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