九年级下册 Unit 1-2(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(沪教牛津版)

九下Unit 1-2测
1. They _____ a website to raise money for their voyage around the world.
A. gave up B. wake up C. sat up D. set up
【解析】句意:他们建立了一个网站,为环球航行筹集资金A、 放弃 B.醒来 C.坐直 D.建立。
2. He has _____ from a poor young man to a successful business man.
A. raised B. spread C. traded D. risen
【解析】句意:他已从一个贫穷的年轻人成长为一个成功的商人。Raise 及物动词。后面要接宾语。Rise 不及物动词。
3. Peter ______ my brother ________good at playing the guitar.
A.as well as; is B. as well; is C. as well as; are D. as well; are
【解析】 as well as 也。遵从“就远原则”也就是说,谓语动词要与as well as 前面的主语一致。
4. — Did she give you anything _____ this watch
— A letter, actually.
A. except B. beside C. besides D. during
【解析】except 除。。。之外。不包含在内。 Besides 除之外还有。包括在内。所以本句意思是:除了这块表外,她还给了你什么?
5.Marco Polo _______ on a journey to Asia with his father and uncle.
A. set up B. open up C. set off D. set in
【解析】A. set up 建立 B. open up 开辟 C. set off出发 D. set in 开始
6. —Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.
—She said she would never forget some pleasant ________ while working there.
A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D. emotions
【解析】句意:王太太去年被派去一个贫穷的山村教英语。 她说她在那里工作时永远不会忘记一些愉快的经历。A、 实验 B.表达,表情 C.经历 D.情感
7. In most cities in China, fireworks are not allowed to be ______ in the city centre.
A. switched off B. turned off C. taken off D. set off
【解析】A. switched off 关上(电器等) B. turned off 关上(电器等) C. taken off 起飞,脱下 D. set off 1,出发,动身。2,使。。。爆炸.句意:在中国大多数城市,市中心不允许燃放烟花。
8. They failed ______ any useful information for their experiment.
A. find B. found C. to find D. to finding
【解析】fail to do 做某事不成功。Fail 只接不定式。
9. Ben _______ to give up smoking and now he is healthy and full of energy.
A. managed B. pretended C. failed D. tried
【解析】A. managed to do 完成(困难的事);勉力完成。B. pretended to do 假装做某事 C. failed to do 失败,未能做某事 D. tried to do 努力做某事。句意:本设法戒烟了,现在他身体健康,精力充沛。
10. My younger sister works very hard ____ she can pass the exam.
A. that B. so that C. in order to D. for
【解析】so that 目的是,以便。引导结果状语从句。
1. Lots of _______(explore) were sent by the emperor to look for wealth.
2. We try to maintain good ________(relate) with our customer.
3. China is a ______(develop) country while America is a ______(develop)country.
4. Columbus’s ________ (discover) of America opened up the New World to Europe.
5. Health is more important than _________ (wealthy).
6. Lucy writes as ______________ (careful) as Jim. They are really very good students.
7. He is one of __________________ (popular) singers in our city, we all like him.
8. I prefer to see animals living in their ____________ (nature) state.
9. Does his absence make a ____________ (different) to your work?
10. It took a long time to find a ____________ (solve) to the problem.
【答案】1. explorers 2.relation 3. developing; developed 4.discovery 5.wealth 6.carefully 7.the most popular 8.natural 9.difference 10.solution
1. The teacher advised us to read English novels to d__________ our reading skills.
2. Ivy wanted to t__________ her comic book for my CD of Taylor Swift.
3. I made friends from different countries and knew a lot about f_________ cultures.
4. Columbus was a famous e__________ in the world.
5. The Sun r__________ in the east.
6. Health is much more important than w__________ because money can’t buy a good body.
【解析】 句意: 健康比财富重要得多,因为钱买不到好的身体。
7 .The Internet helps s___________ information fast and easily.
【解析】 句意: 因特网有助于快速方便地搜索信息
8. Hi Cathy, do you have a s______ moment I want to have a quick word with you.
9. If you don’t study hard, you’ll f____ in the exam.
10. If you m_______ to solve the problems on your own, I’ll treat you a big meal.
11. He a_________ stealing the man’s money.
12. W_________ problems we meet with, we will not give up our dreams.
1. 阅读有助于开拓我们的思维。
Reading helps _________ _________ our minds.
2. 去年12月,他去了台湾旅行。
He _______ _______ _______ _______ to Taiwan last December.
3. 这艘船将于本周五从上海起航前往首尔。
The ship will _______ _______ from Shanghai to Seoul on Friday.
4. 兰登被称为我们班的一位学霸。
Landon _______ ________ _______ a straight-A student in our class.
5 她太害羞了,不敢回答我的问题。
She was ________ shy _______ answer my question.
6. 作为例子,我们把上面的片子和下面的做个比较。
As an example, we __________ the slide above __________the one below.
7. 老师没有告诉我们问题的答案,我们只好自己讨论了。
Our teacher didn’t tell us________ ________ ________the question. So we had to discuss by ourselves.
8. 虽然她很忙,她还坚持自学英语。
________ ________ ________ ________,she kept on learning English by herself.
I agree with you .
I like reading books in the library .
We the busy life in Guangzhou.
buy a new house,he earn more money.
Shoes before entering.
【答案】1.open up 2.go on a trip 3.set sail 4.is known as 5.too to 6.compare with 7.the answer to
8.Although he was 6.to a certain degree 7.in my spare time 8.have got used to 9. In order to tried to
10.must be taken off
In ancient times, many Chinese goods were brought to the West. The most famous ones included (1) s_______, china, tea, silver, etc. Some people even believed pasta(意大利面食) was brought from China to Italy by Marco Polo, a (2)p_______ of East-West communication and trade.
In 2005, Chinese scientists discovered a 4,000-year-old bowl of noodles. This (3)d_______ appeared to mark the earliest example of the noodles in history.
American food writer Jen Lin-Liu explains that the Chinese were probably the first (4)p_______ to eat noodles, and on the Western side of the world, the earliest record of noodles dates back to around 500 and 600 AD. However, Lin-Liu stresses that doesn’t mean China “invented” pasta.
In fact, Chinese noodles were made with soft wheat as China only had soft wheat back then: they couldn’t have created dried pasta. So Chinese noodles didn’t (5)d_______ into what is now known as pasta. And pasta didn’t make its way from China to Italy. Foods can appear in different places at different times with no connection to each other.
【答案】silk pioneer discovery people develop
B 语法填空
The young violinist Vanessa Mae is the 1.________(one) musician to use techno(泰克诺) dance and rock music in 2.________(tradition) classical music. Vanessa Mae loves pop music, and she is also a very good classical violinist, and she brought the two kinds of music together.
Vanessa Mae was born in Singapore 3.________ October 27, 1978. She 4.________(move) to London with her family when she was four. A year later, she started to learn the violin. When she was eight, she went to Beijing 5.________ (study) the violin. 6.________ she was ten, she played with a very famous group of classical musicians. But Vanessa Mae didn't only play 7.________ violin. She learned the piano before she started to play the violin.
She likes lots of different kinds of music, from Beethoven to the Beatles, and she wants to play the music she likes. She has played at classical concerts all over the world, and she has also played at pop concerts 8.________ pop stars.
A lot of people don't like the way she uses modern rhythms, 9.________(noise) drums and guitars in traditional music. But Vanessa Mae has done one important thing: she 10.________(bring) many new fans to classical music. For the first time, many young people began to listen to classical music.
【答案】1.first 2.traditional 3.on 4.moved 5.to study 6.When 7.the 8.with 9.noisy 10.has brought
Early in the 16th century, it was difficult for people to live without enough food. So lots of people tried hard ____1___Asia to gain wealth. In order to find Asia, they had to find a way to pass South Africa based on___2__ they had known about all the routes. The man____3____ finally found the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific was Ferdinand Magellan.
Magellan sailed from Seville in August, 1519, ___4____ five ships and about 280 men. Fourteen months later, after ____5____ the cold winter on the coast of Patagonia, he discovered the channel(海峡)which is now called Magellan Straits. In November, 1520, after many months of __6______from rocks and storms, the three remaining ships seemed to come close to the success. They sailed into the ocean from the other side of South America __7___.
They then ___8____, hoping to reach Asia. But they couldn't see any land ____9____ they reached the islands
off the coast of Asia. What's worse, before they arrived at ___10____islands, which was later known as Philippines, most of them had already died of starvation. While they were staying in the Philippines, Magellan ___11___ in a battle.
The remaining officers then had to get back to Spain. They decided to sail around Africa. After _____12___ difficulties, one ship with eighteen men sailed into Seville three years after leaving. They were all that remained of Magellan's expedition(探险队),which was one of ___13_____ expeditions in the world.
The adventure of Magellan's expedition told us that when facing difficulties, we ___14_____not give up easily. Instead, we need to be confident of ____15_____ and tried our best to fight against them.
1. A. reach B. reached C. to reach D. reaches
2. A. how B. what C. where D. which
3. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
4. A. for B. with C. without D. by
5. A. spend B. spending C. spent D. to spend
6. A. dangers B. dangerous C. dangerously D. danger
7. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeed
8 A. continues B. was continuing C. continued D. has continued
9. A. while B. after C. since D. until
10. A. a B. an C. the D. /
11. A. killed B. was killed C. killing D. had killed
12. A. many B. any C. few D. little
13. A. great B. the greatest C. greater D. most greatest
14. A. would B. should C. might D. need
15. A. our B. us C. ourselves D. we
1. C考查动词。try to do sth.为固定搭配,意为"尽 力做某事”。
2. B 考查宾语从句。what they had known about all the routes点为“他们知道的与所有路迭相关的知识”。
3. A考查定语从句的关系代词。先行词为man, 在定语从句中作主语,故用who。
4. B 考查介词。with five ships and about 280 men 意 为“带着5艘船和大约280人”。with在这里表 伴随。
5. B考查动词。after是介词,后接动名词形式,故 用 spending.
6. A 考查名词。dangers from rocks and storms 意为 “礁石和暴风雨所带来的危险” 。
7. C 考查副词。副词successfully修饰动词sailed.
8. C 考查时态。故事发生在过去,时态为一般过 去时。
9. D 考查连词。此句是指“直到他们上了亚洲海岸 线沿岸的岛屿后,他们才看见有小岛”。
10. C 考查冠词。the在此处表示第二次出现的 islands .
11. B考查被动语态。麦哲伦在战争中被杀死。
12. A考查形容词。此处指在经历许多困难后,一 艘船驶进了塞维利亚岛帖。
13. B考查形容词。麦哲伦探险队是世界上最伟大的 探险队之一。
14. B 考查情态动词。should not give up easily 表示 “不应该轻易放弃”。
15. C 考查代词。be confident of ourselves 表示“对我们自己有信心”。
A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit tired, so they took a ___16___ on the bench. When the daughter saw someone selling apples, she asked her father to buy her an apple.
Her father didn't bring much ___17___ with him, but it was enough for two apples. So he did, and ___18___ both of them to his daughter, smiling.
His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand. Then the father asked her if she could ___19___ one of the apples with him. When the girl heard this, she___20___ took a bite from one apple. And before her father could speak, she also took a bite from the second apple.
The father was ___21___. He wondered what mistake he made caused his daughter to act in such a greedy
way He was lost in thought. Perhaps he was just thinking too much. His daughter was too ___22___ to understand about sharing and giving. The smile disappeared from his face.
Suddenly, his daughter with an apple in her left hand said, “Daddy, have this one! It is juicier and ___23___.” Her father was speechless. He felt___24___ about making the judgment so quickly about a small child. But his smile ___25___ knowing why his daughter took a bite from each apple. Always spare some more time to understand things better.
16. A. sleep B. picture C. look D. break
17. A. water B. money C. paper D. juice
18. A. gave B. compared C. joined D. explained
19. A. cut B. wash C. share D. save
20. A. quickly B. nervously C. bravely D. patiently
21. A. satisfied B. shocked C. moved D. happy
22. A. afraid B. young C. silly D. excited
23. A. sweeter B. dearer C. saltier D. bigger
24. A. proud B. great C. ashamed D. tired
25. A. went away B. ended up C. ran off D. came back
【答案】16. D 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. D
16.D句意:女儿有点累了,所以他们在长凳上休息。sleep睡觉;picture画画;look看;break打破;休息。根据句意The young daughter was a little bit tired可知,“女儿有点累了”,因此应休息一下。take a break是固定短语,故选D。
17.B句意:她的爸爸没有带太多的钱,但是足够买两个苹果。water水;money钱;paper纸;juice果汁。根据空后but it was enough for two apples可知,买苹果需要花钱,故这里应选B。
18.A句意:所以他就买了两个苹果,把他们都给了女儿,笑着。gave 给;compared比较,对比;joined参加,加入;explained解释。根据His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand.下文,女儿左手一个苹果,右手一个苹果,所以父亲把两个苹果都给了她。故应选A。
19.C句意:然后父亲问她是否能跟他分享一个苹果。cut切割;wash洗;share分享;save拯救。根据下文Suddenly, his daughter with an apple in her left hand said, “Daddy, have this one! It is juicier and __18___.”可知,父亲也想吃一个苹果,因此这里应表示“分享”,选C,用于短语share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物。
20.A句意:当女孩听到这个的时候,她马上咬了一口苹果。quickly快速地;nervously紧张地;bravely勇敢地;patiently有耐心地。根据句中And before her father could speak…可知,女孩听到父亲的话,马上在每个苹果上咬了一口,故A选项符合文意。
21.B句意:这个父亲惊呆了。satisfied满足的,满意的;shocked吃惊的;moved移动;happy开心的。根据上下文When the girl heard this, she___20__ took a bite from one apple. And before her father could speak, she also took a bite from the second apple….He wondered what mistake he made caused his daughter to act in such a greedy way.可知,女儿的做法让父亲很吃惊,他不知道为什么女儿会这么贪婪。故应选B。
22.句意:他的女儿太小还不懂得分享和给予。afraid害怕的;young年轻的;silly傻的,愚蠢的;excited兴奋的。根据上文A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit tired, so…可知,女儿还很小,不懂得分享,故应选B。
24.C句意:他感到很惭愧,这么快就对一个孩子做出了判断。proud骄傲的;great伟大的;ashamed惭愧的;tired累的。根据上文He wondered what mistake he made caused his daughter to act in such a greedy way和句意可知,父亲为刚才的所想感到很惭愧。故应选C。
25.D句意:知道他的女儿为什么咬了每一个苹果,他的笑容又回来了。went away离开;ended up结束;ran off跑走;came back回来。根据上文He wondered what mistake he made caused his daughter to act in such a greedy way. He was lost in thought. Perhaps he was just thinking too much. His daughter was too __22___ to understand about sharing and giving. The smile disappeared from his face.可知,当父亲误会女儿的时候,他的笑容消失了。而这里他了解了女儿为什么这样做时,他的笑容又回来了。故应选D。
Do you wonder why schools take a break during summer for more than two months, while your parents still work hard Well, it seems to start in the early 19th century. In the late 18th century, school calendars(日历)were different between cities and countries.
City schools were open all the year with just a few short breaks. However, experts began to wonder: was a long school calendar good enough Some experts felt that too much school time could make teachers and students tired. Meanwhile, sickness and poor health used to be common in the 18th century because of poorly ventilated(通风的)classrooms.
City officials cared about the warning of the experts and shortened the school year by a quarter. Summer was picked over other seasons because diseases would spread easily during the hot months. Besides, rich people in cities traditionally went away on vacations during summer.
On the other hand, country schools had quite different school calendars. In the 19th century, country kids spent just five or six months in school — two to three months in summer and the same in winter — and the rest of the year working on farms. So while city educators worried that children were too busy, officials in the country thought their students were too free.
It was in the early 20th century that public-school officials in many farm states made their school year longer, and introduced the same summer break to country schools as city schools’.
But do you know that summer vacation is the time when you can lose what you have learned According to Johns Hopkins Center, children score worse on tests in early September than in late June. Their research also shows that longer breaks from school can stop the learning process for children. Students can lose about 2.6 months of grade level equivalency(等值)in Maths and reading skills over the summer months. Every year teachers in the new school year have to spend some weeks helping kids catch up with the materials they have forgotten over summer vacation.
1. When did schools probably begin to take a summer break for over two months
A. In the late 18th century. B. In the early 19th century.
C. In the late 19th century. D. In the early 20th century.
2. How many disadvantages of a long school calendar are mentioned in Paragraph 2
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. Why did country kids spend just about half a year at school
A. Because they had to help with the farm work.
B. Because they had to avoid diseases in schools.
C Because their family took them away for vacations.
D. Because educators suggested more free time for them.
4. According to their research, John Hopkins Center probably agrees that ________.
A. longer summer vacation is good for school calendars
B. longer summer vacation is bad for students and should be cancelled
C. longer summer vacation has a bad effect on students’ study
D. longer summer vacation results in students’ falling behind others
【答案】1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C
1.细节理解题。根据“Do you wonder…it seems to start in the early 19th century.”可知,学校开始放两个多月的暑假是从十九世纪早期开始的。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据“Some experts felt that too much school time could make teachers and students tired.”“Meanwhile, sickness and poor health used to be common in the 18th century because of poorly ventilated(通风的)classrooms.”可知,较长的学校日历带来的缺点一个是会让学生和老师都感到疲惫,另一个则是因为通风条件差的教室更容易传播疾病,因此一共有两个缺点。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据“and the rest of the year working on farms”可知,乡下的孩子们其余的时间要帮忙做农活。故选A。
4.推理判断题。根据“Students can lose about 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in Maths and reading skills over the summer months.”可知,孩子们的数学水平和阅读技能都下降了,所以较长的暑假会给孩子们的学业带来不好的影响。故选C。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
九下Unit 1-2测
1. They _____ a website to raise money for their voyage around the world.
A. gave up B. wake up C. sat up D. set up
2. He has _____ from a poor young man to a successful business man.
A. raised B. spread C. traded D. risen
3. Peter ______ my brother ________good at playing the guitar.
A.as well as; is B. as well; is C. as well as; are D. as well; are
4. — Did she give you anything _____ this watch
— A letter, actually.
A. except B. beside C. besides D. during
5.Marco Polo _______ on a journey to Asia with his father and uncle.
A. set up B. open up C. set off D. set in
6. —Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.
—She said she would never forget some pleasant ________ while working there.
A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D. emotions
7. In most cities in China, fireworks are not allowed to be ______ in the city centre.
A. switched off B. turned off C. taken off D. set off
8. They failed ______ any useful information for their experiment.
A. find B. found C. to find D. to finding
9. Ben _______ to give up smoking and now he is healthy and full of energy.
A. managed B. pretended C. failed D. tried
10. My younger sister works very hard ____ she can pass the exam.
A. that B. so that C. in order to D. for
1. Lots of _______(explore) were sent by the emperor to look for wealth.
2. We try to maintain good ________(relate) with our customer.
3. China is a ______(develop) country while America is a ______(develop)country.
4. Columbus’s ________ (discover) of America opened up the New World to Europe.
5. Health is more important than _________ (wealthy).
6. Lucy writes as ______________ (careful) as Jim. They are really very good students.
7. He is one of __________________ (popular) singers in our city, we all like him.
8. I prefer to see animals living in their ____________ (nature) state.
9. Does his absence make a ____________ (different) to your work?
10. It took a long time to find a ____________ (solve) to the problem.
1. The teacher advised us to read English novels to d__________ our reading skills.
2. Ivy wanted to t__________ her comic book for my CD of Taylor Swift.
3. I made friends from different countries and knew a lot about f_________ cultures.
4. Columbus was a famous e__________ in the world.
5. The Sun r__________ in the east.
6. Health is much more important than w__________ because money can’t buy a good body.
7 .The Internet helps s___________ information fast and easily.
8. Hi Cathy, do you have a s______ moment I want to have a quick word with you.
9. If you don’t study hard, you’ll f____ in the exam.
10. If you m_______ to solve the problems on your own, I’ll treat you a big meal.
11. He a_________ stealing the man’s money.
12. W_________ problems we meet with, we will not give up our dreams.
1. 阅读有助于开拓我们的思维。
Reading helps _________ _________ our minds.
2. 去年12月,他去了台湾旅行。
He _______ _______ _______ _______ to Taiwan last December.
3. 这艘船将于本周五从上海起航前往首尔。
The ship will _______ _______ from Shanghai to Seoul on Friday.
4. 兰登被称为我们班的一位学霸。
Landon _______ ________ _______ a straight-A student in our class.
5 她太害羞了,不敢回答我的问题。
She was ________ shy _______ answer my question.
6. 作为例子,我们把上面的片子和下面的做个比较。
As an example, we __________ the slide above __________the one below.
7. 老师没有告诉我们问题的答案,我们只好自己讨论了。
Our teacher didn’t tell us________ ________ ________the question. So we had to discuss by ourselves.
8. 虽然她很忙,她还坚持自学英语。
________ ________ ________ ________,she kept on learning English by herself.
I agree with you .
I like reading books in the library .
We the busy life in Guangzhou.
buy a new house,he earn more money.
Shoes before entering.
In ancient times, many Chinese goods were brought to the West. The most famous ones included (1) s_______, china, tea, silver, etc. Some people even believed pasta(意大利面食) was brought from China to Italy by Marco Polo, a (2)p_______ of East-West communication and trade.
In 2005, Chinese scientists discovered a 4,000-year-old bowl of noodles. This (3)d_______ appeared to mark the earliest example of the noodles in history.
American food writer Jen Lin-Liu explains that the Chinese were probably the first (4)p_______ to eat noodles, and on the Western side of the world, the earliest record of noodles dates back to around 500 and 600 AD. However, Lin-Liu stresses that doesn’t mean China “invented” pasta.
In fact, Chinese noodles were made with soft wheat as China only had soft wheat back then: they couldn’t have created dried pasta. So Chinese noodles didn’t (5)d_______ into what is now known as pasta. And pasta didn’t make its way from China to Italy. Foods can appear in different places at different times with no connection to each other.
B 语法填空
The young violinist Vanessa Mae is the 1.________(one) musician to use techno(泰克诺) dance and rock music in 2.________(tradition) classical music. Vanessa Mae loves pop music, and she is also a very good classical violinist, and she brought the two kinds of music together.
Vanessa Mae was born in Singapore 3.________ October 27, 1978. She 4.________(move) to London with her family when she was four. A year later, she started to learn the violin. When she was eight, she went to Beijing 5.________ (study) the violin. 6.________ she was ten, she played with a very famous group of classical musicians. But Vanessa Mae didn't only play 7.________ violin. She learned the piano before she started to play the violin.
She likes lots of different kinds of music, from Beethoven to the Beatles, and she wants to play the music she likes. She has played at classical concerts all over the world, and she has also played at pop concerts 8.________ pop stars.
A lot of people don't like the way she uses modern rhythms, 9.________(noise) drums and guitars in traditional music. But Vanessa Mae has done one important thing: she 10.________(bring) many new fans to classical music. For the first time, many young people began to listen to classical music.
Early in the 16th century, it was difficult for people to live without enough food. So lots of people tried hard ____1___Asia to gain wealth. In order to find Asia, they had to find a way to pass South Africa based on___2__ they had known about all the routes. The man____3____ finally found the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific was Ferdinand Magellan.
Magellan sailed from Seville in August, 1519, ___4____ five ships and about 280 men. Fourteen months later, after ____5____ the cold winter on the coast of Patagonia, he discovered the channel(海峡)which is now called Magellan Straits. In November, 1520, after many months of __6______from rocks and storms, the three remaining ships seemed to come close to the success. They sailed into the ocean from the other side of South America __7___.
They then ___8____, hoping to reach Asia. But they couldn't see any land ____9____ they reached the islands
off the coast of Asia. What's worse, before they arrived at ___10____islands, which was later known as Philippines, most of them had already died of starvation. While they were staying in the Philippines, Magellan ___11___ in a battle.
The remaining officers then had to get back to Spain. They decided to sail around Africa. After _____12___ difficulties, one ship with eighteen men sailed into Seville three years after leaving. They were all that remained of Magellan's expedition(探险队),which was one of ___13_____ expeditions in the world.
The adventure of Magellan's expedition told us that when facing difficulties, we ___14_____not give up easily. Instead, we need to be confident of ____15_____ and tried our best to fight against them.
1. A. reach B. reached C. to reach D. reaches
2. A. how B. what C. where D. which
3. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
4. A. for B. with C. without D. by
5. A. spend B. spending C. spent D. to spend
6. A. dangers B. dangerous C. dangerously D. danger
7. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeed
8 A. continues B. was continuing C. continued D. has continued
9. A. while B. after C. since D. until
10. A. a B. an C. the D. /
11. A. killed B. was killed C. killing D. had killed
12. A. many B. any C. few D. little
13. A. great B. the greatest C. greater D. most greatest
14. A. would B. should C. might D. need
15. A. our B. us C. ourselves D. we
A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit tired, so they took a ___16___ on the bench. When the daughter saw someone selling apples, she asked her father to buy her an apple.
Her father didn't bring much ___17___ with him, but it was enough for two apples. So he did, and ___18___ both of them to his daughter, smiling.
His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand. Then the father asked her if she could ___19___ one of the apples with him. When the girl heard this, she___20___ took a bite from one apple. And before her father could speak, she also took a bite from the second apple.
The father was ___21___. He wondered what mistake he made caused his daughter to act in such a greedy
way He was lost in thought. Perhaps he was just thinking too much. His daughter was too ___22___ to understand about sharing and giving. The smile disappeared from his face.
Suddenly, his daughter with an apple in her left hand said, “Daddy, have this one! It is juicier and ___23___.” Her father was speechless. He felt___24___ about making the judgment so quickly about a small child. But his smile ___25___ knowing why his daughter took a bite from each apple. Always spare some more time to understand things better.
16. A. sleep B. picture C. look D. break
17. A. water B. money C. paper D. juice
18. A. gave B. compared C. joined D. explained
19. A. cut B. wash C. share D. save
20. A. quickly B. nervously C. bravely D. patiently
21. A. satisfied B. shocked C. moved D. happy
22. A. afraid B. young C. silly D. excited
23. A. sweeter B. dearer C. saltier D. bigger
24. A. proud B. great C. ashamed D. tired
25. A. went away B. ended up C. ran off D. came back
Do you wonder why schools take a break during summer for more than two months, while your parents still work hard Well, it seems to start in the early 19th century. In the late 18th century, school calendars(日历)were different between cities and countries.
City schools were open all the year with just a few short breaks. However, experts began to wonder: was a long school calendar good enough Some experts felt that too much school time could make teachers and students tired. Meanwhile, sickness and poor health used to be common in the 18th century because of poorly ventilated(通风的)classrooms.
City officials cared about the warning of the experts and shortened the school year by a quarter. Summer was picked over other seasons because diseases would spread easily during the hot months. Besides, rich people in cities traditionally went away on vacations during summer.
On the other hand, country schools had quite different school calendars. In the 19th century, country kids spent just five or six months in school — two to three months in summer and the same in winter — and the rest of the year working on farms. So while city educators worried that children were too busy, officials in the country thought their students were too free.
It was in the early 20th century that public-school officials in many farm states made their school year longer, and introduced the same summer break to country schools as city schools’.
But do you know that summer vacation is the time when you can lose what you have learned According to Johns Hopkins Center, children score worse on tests in early September than in late June. Their research also shows that longer breaks from school can stop the learning process for children. Students can lose about 2.6 months of grade level equivalency(等值)in Maths and reading skills over the summer months. Every year teachers in the new school year have to spend some weeks helping kids catch up with the materials they have forgotten over summer vacation.
1. When did schools probably begin to take a summer break for over two months
A. In the late 18th century. B. In the early 19th century.
C. In the late 19th century. D. In the early 20th century.
2. How many disadvantages of a long school calendar are mentioned in Paragraph 2
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. Why did country kids spend just about half a year at school
A. Because they had to help with the farm work.
B. Because they had to avoid diseases in schools.
C Because their family took them away for vacations.
D. Because educators suggested more free time for them.
4. According to their research, John Hopkins Center probably agrees that ________.
A. longer summer vacation is good for school calendars
B. longer summer vacation is bad for students and should be cancelled
C. longer summer vacation has a bad effect on students’ study
D. longer summer vacation results in students’ falling behind others
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