九年级上册 Unit 1-2(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(沪教牛津版)

九上Unit 1-2测
1—Do you believe that paper is made _____ wood
—Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made ______ paper.
A. from; from B. from; of C. of; from D. of; of
2.It’s _________ of Yang Xiangming to save the boy who fell into the river
A. patient B. energetic C. brave D. confident
3.If you read a lot, your life will be filled _______ pleasure.
A. by B. of C. for D. with
4. special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting.
A. What B. What a C. How a D. How
5. ___________wonderful the music is! What’s its name
A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
6—Tom, __________ the umbrella with you. Look at the dark sky, it’s going to rain.
—Thank you, Dad.
A. take B. wear C. use D. make
7. The boy is so smart that he has learnt all these stories by ____ heart.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
8.You should avoid ______ too much hamburgers. It’s bad for your health.
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. to eating
9. The maths problem is very easy, so I can work it out ________.
A. in trouble B. without difficulty C. by heart D. with your help
10 If you don’t study hard, you’ll ________ your parents ________.
A. let; down B. write; down C. look; up D. cheer; up
11. It’s hard work, but we’ll keep ________ until we make it.
A. try B. tried C. trying D. to try
12. —Why do you like this novel
—Because the ________ in it are exciting.
A. achievements B. seats C. lecture D. actions
1. Why are you still having a rest here Stop (work).
2. I know ____________ (exact)what we do.
3. She stopped her car in time to avoid _________ (hit)the dog.
4. She cried out with _________ (please)when she saw her little sister.
5. Hundreds of ____________ (invite)are being sent out this week.
6. You must be very proud of your _______________ (achieve).
7. No one knew who was telling the _________ (true).
8. My mother nodded in _____________ (agree).
9. Do you know the ___________ (weigh)of the Earth
10. The boy’s eyes were __________(fill) with tears when he heard the bad news.
1 What a h ______________ animal the elephant is!
2 Please f___________ the cup with coffee.
3 Well done! Your answer is c_________.
4. I wished I lived in the g________ age.
5.The children s________ the problem in a better way with their teacher's help.
6. It was a p__________ to dance with you. I really enjoyed it.
7. We all c_________ that Tim is the best student in our class.
8. Grace eats like a bird because she wants to r_________ her weight.
9 They invited Mr Smith to give a l_________ on wild animals.
10. His face turned p_______ when he heard the news.
When she woke up ,she found that her basket _________ _________ _________leaves.
Don’t _________ ________ ________ ________. He may be angry.
He worked out the problem _________ __________ . I was _______ ________ him.
________ ________ _________ to take part in the activity.
_______ _______ me nearly two hour _______ ________ the football match.
Their dreams _________ _________ ___________ excellent dancers.
It’s a good habit ________ ________ _________ _________ after dinner.
3. 他在电脑游戏上浪费了太多的时间,一直没有通过这次考试。
He spent ________ ________ time _________ computer games ________ he didn’t pass the exam.
The sugar in our daily food_________ ________ _________
Do you want to the ball match ___ _____ _____ _______
One day, Sun Quan sent Cao Cao a 1p_________.It was a huge elephant. Cao Cao wanted to find out the w__________ of the elephant.
“What a 3 h_________ animal it is! Can anyone tell me how to weigh it he asked the crowd around him.
Just then. young Cao Chong had a wonderful idea. He asked some soldiers to lead the elephant onto a boat. As the heavy animal walked onto it, the boat went lower into the water. Cao Chong drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went. The elephant was then 4 t_________ off the boat and the boat was filled with rocks
5 u ___________it went down again and water reached the line on the boat.
Cao Cao was very happy with his son.
B 语法填空
Lu Xun is one of the 1. _________(great)Chinese writers of the 20th century. 2. _________his famous novels, he also wrote many influential articles 3. _______the living conditions of Chinese people.
Born in 1881 to a 4. _________(wealth)family, Lu Xun had a happy 5. ____________(child). In 1893, however, his grandfather, a senior government official, was put into prison 6. _________taking money. At the same time, his father 7. ______________(become)seriously ill. 8. _________that time on, his family were no longer 9. ___________(accept)by their relatives and friends. These early experiences greatly influenced his 10. _________(write)
Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor man, was born in Kentucky, USA, on February 12th 1809. He was one of ___1____ presidents in American history. When he was going to make a speech for the presidential election(总统选举)in a hall, a man tried to make him angry by____2_____ that his father was a poor shoemaker. Every one in the hall laughed out____3_____.
“Thank you____4____reminding me of my father,” said Lincoln. “____5_____ he has been gone for a long time, for me, he was always an excellent shoemaker. I can never do better in politics(政治)____6_____my father did in shoemaking.
However, the man didn't stop_____7______ fun of Lincoln. So Lincoln continued, “As far as I ____8_____,
my father repaired shoes for your family. Now I can take over_____9____job. Although I ____10______not be as good as my father, I will do my best to make your shoes comfortable.” Then he turned to all the people in the hall and said, “If_____11____here has problems with your shoes, please come to me and I will not let you down. And the last thing ___12_____I want to say that my father is a great shoemaker.”
This time,____13______man who laughed at him couldn't say a word. Lincoln______14_____ the respect of the people for his tolerance (宽容)and ____15______. He not only protected his father, but also got lots of
1.A. great B. greater C. the greatest D. greatest
2.A. saying B. said C. to saying D. say
3.A. loud B. loudness C. louder D. loudly
4.A. of B. for C. by D. with
5.A. Although B. Because C. If D. So
6 A. and B. than C. since D. or
7 A. make B. made C. making D. to make
8 A. know B. knew C. knowing D. have known
9 A. he B. she C. his D. her
10 A. should B. must C. need D. may
11 A. everyone B. anyone C. no one D. none
12 A. that B. which C. who D. where
13 A. a B. an C. the D. /
14 A. was won B. winning C. wins D. won
15 A. intelligent B. intelligence C. intelligences D. intelligently
One day, a farmer was looking for a water source for his farm. So, he went to his neighbor and asked him if he could sell his well水井)to him. His neighbor ___16___. The farmer bought the well happily. But the neighbor was a cunning(狡猾的)man.
The next day, as the farmer came to get water from his well, his neighbor came and ___17___ to let him take any water. The farmer was ___18___. He asked, “Why can’t I take water I already bought the well from you.”
The neighbor replied, “I sold you the well not the water.”
The farmer went to the emperor to ___19__ justice(公正). He explained what had happened.
The emperor called on Birbal, his ___20___ courtier(朝臣)
Birbal asked the ___21___, “Why don’t you let the farmer take water from the well You did sell the well to the farmer.”
The neighbor ___22___, “I did sell the well to the farmer, but not the water in it. Therefore, he has no right to get water from the well.”
Birbal asked them to come later.
The next day, all went to the place where the well was. There Birbal said to the neighbor, “Look, you are ___23___ right, and you sold the well not the water. Since you sold the well not the water, you have no right to keep the water in the farmer’s well. Now you have two ___24___: Either you pay a high rent(租金)to the farmer or take it out immediately” The neighbor realized that his plan had ___25___. He said sorry to the farmer and went home quickly.
Cheating will not get you anything. If you cheat, you will pay soon enough.
16. A. believed B. laughed C. prevented D. agreed
17. A. refused B. avoided C. complained D. offered
18. A. stupid B. surprised C. excited D. interested
19. A. ask for B. wait for C. look for D. pay for
20. A. oldest B. closest C. wisest D. busiest
21. A. farmer B. neighbor C. emperor D. courtier
22. A. replied B. doubted C. asked D. ordered
23. A. carefully B. wisely C. especially D. completely
24. A. decisions B. choices C. methods D. directions
25. A. succeeded B. finished C. failed D. changed
In the fight against COVID-19, many national heroes have become well-known to the public. On August 11, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping commended(表彰)four of them for their outstanding contribution(杰出的贡献).
Zhong Nanshan was given the Medal of the Republic(共和国勋章). He has been leading the Chinese government’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19. The old expert got a result that COVID-19 could be spread between humans.
“The People’s Hero” was given to three others. They are Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei.
Zhang Boli is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) expert. He has been in charge of(负责) the research of COVID-19 treatments(治疗)connecting TCM with Western medicine.
Zhang Dingyu was the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital in 2020. He got an illness in 2018. However, he chose to stay with his partners in Wuhan to save lives.
Chen Wei is a professor. She has made great achievements in the research on COVID-19. She is also one of the key leaders in China’s Ebola vaccine(埃博拉疫苗)research.
The purpose of giving the nation’s top honors to these people was to show the great courage and the spirit of working together of the Chinese people.
1.How many people was given “the People’s Hero” by Chinese President Xi Jinping
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
2.Who got an illness in 2018 according to the passage
A.Zhong Nanshan. B.Zhang Boli. C.Zhang Dingyu. D.Chen Wei.
3.Which of the following is right in the passage
A.Chen Wei is the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital.
B.Zhang Dingyu is a traditional Chinese medicine expert.
C.Zhong Nanshan got a result that COVID-19 could not be spread between humans.
D.Zhang Boli has been in charge of the research connecting TCM with Western medicine.
Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. His father taught music while his mother cared for kids at home. The family was not wealthy, but Galileo’s parents paid for him to go to school.
At first Galileo planned to become a doctor, but he changed his mind. He liked a different kind of science—physics. In Galileo's time, not much was known about how objects moved. Centuries earlier, a Greek(希腊人)named Aristotle had written down his ideas about movements, and everyone seemed to believe them. Galileo questioned those ideas and did experiments (实验)that showed how things really worked. For example, Aristotle thought that a heavier object would fall faster than a lighter one of the same size and shape. No one had ever really tested this idea. It just seemed to be true. Then Galileo came along, dropped two balls from a high tower, and discovered that they hit the ground at the same time!
In later years, Galileo became interested in how the stars and planets move. He watched the sky with a telescope(望远镜)he built himself. Once again, he saw things no one had ever seen before. For example, he saw that the moon was not smooth. Then he noticed that the sun had spots (斑点)that seemed to move. Galileo realized from his observations (观察)that the earth was moving around the sun. A Polish (波兰的)scientist named Copernicus had said this recently, but no one believed him. Galileo knew that Copernicus was right. Unluckily, Galileo's announcement got him into trouble with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church said that the earth was at the center of the universe (宇宙)with the sun traveling around it. This was what people had long believed, but Galileo said it was untrue. So he was sent to prison(监狱). He was soon set free, but for the rest of his life he had to stay in his house and yard.
Galileo died in 1642, but his work helped to change the world. He is sometimes called the father of modern science, because he showed us how important it is to look carefully at things and to test out ideas with experiments.
1 Both Galileo and Copernicus believed that ________.
A. two objects fall at the same speed
B. the moon is smooth
C. the earth goes around the sun
D. the earth is the center of the universe
2. We can infer from this passage that ________.
A. Galileo's parents didn't value the education
B. all of Aristotle's ideas were proved to be wrong
C. Galileo knew Copernicus and exchanged letters with him
D. the Catholic Church was very powerful in Galileo's time
3. While Galileo stayed at home in his later years, he most probably ________.
A. learned to play music
B. began to practice medicine
C. continued with his science experiments
D. wrote books on modern science
4 According to this passage, Galileo is called "the father of modem science" because he ________.
A. was brave to fight against the church
B. questioned other scientists1 ideas
C. built a telescope to look at the stars and planets
D. made careful observations and tested his ideas
5. Which would be a good title for this passage
A. Mysteries in the universe
B. Galileo, father of modern science
C. “Is it true ” —Different ideas in science
D. Great minds saved the world
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
九上Unit 1-2测
1—Do you believe that paper is made _____ wood
—Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made ______ paper.
A. from; from B. from; of C. of; from D. of; of
【解析】考查介词的用法。be made of“由……制成 (物理变化)”,be made from,“由……制作(发生化学变化,制成以后看不见原材料)”。因此第一空使用be made from;第二空使用be made of。
2.It’s _________ of Yang Xiangming to save the boy who fell into the river
A. patient B. energetic C. brave D. confident
考查形容词辨析。A. patient 有耐心的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. brave勇敢的;D. confident有信心的。结合句意,他救了那个掉进河里的男孩可推知他是个勇敢的人,brave符合语境,故选C。
3.If you read a lot, your life will be filled _______ pleasure.
A. by B. of C. for D. with
考查介词辨析和固定搭配。A. by通过;B. of表示所属关系,……的;C. for为了;D. with和……一起。be filled with充满、装满,固定搭配。故选D。
4. special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting.
A. What B. What a C. How a D. How
【解析】句意:我们上的课多么不寻常啊!我们学到了很多剪纸的知识。感叹句的基本结构:How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语+其他! What+(a/an)+(形容词)+名词+主语+谓语+其他!题干中的中心词classess是可数名词复数,符合“What+形容词+可数名词复数+(主语+谓语+其他)!”,故答案选A。
5. ___________wonderful the music is! What’s its name
A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
【解析】句意:——多么美妙的音乐啊!它的名字是什么 ——Victory。考查感叹句。how和what都可用于引导感叹句:how修饰形容词或副词,what修饰名词或名词性短语。本句wonderful(美妙的)是形容词,需用how引导。根据句意结构,可知选A。
6—Tom, __________ the umbrella with you. Look at the dark sky, it’s going to rain.
—Thank you, Dad.
A. take B. wear C. use D. make
【答案】A句意:——汤姆,带上雨伞。看这漆黑的天空,要下雨了。——谢谢你,爸爸。祈使句。考查动词辨析。A. 拿;B. 穿;C. 用;D. 制作。根据下文Look at the dark sky, it’s going to rain.可知take sth with sb(某人随身携带……)符合句意,故选A。
7. The boy is so smart that he has learnt all these stories by ____ heart.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
【解析】by heart 固配,记得。
8.You should avoid ______ too much hamburgers. It’s bad for your health.
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. to eating
【解析】avoid 只接动名词。避免做某事。
9. The maths problem is very easy, so I can work it out ________.
A. in trouble B. without difficulty C. by heart D. with your help
【解析】 in trouble“处于困境中”;without difficulty“轻而易举”;by heart“单凭记忆,能背诵”;with your help“在你的帮助下”。由前分句句意“这道数学题很容易”可知后分句句意为“所以我能轻而易举地把它算出来”。故选B。
10 If you don’t study hard, you’ll ________ your parents ________.
A. let; down B. write; down C. look; up D. cheer; up
【解析】由条件状语从句句意“如果你不努力学习”可知主句句意为“你将会使你的父母失望”。let sb. down意为“使某人失望”,故选A。
11. It’s hard work, but we’ll keep ________ until we make it.
A. try B. tried C. trying D. to try
【答案】 C
【解析】keep doing sth.意为“一直做某事”,为固定搭配。
12. —Why do you like this novel
—Because the ________ in it are exciting.
A. achievements B. seats C. lecture D. actions
【解析】achievement“成就”;seat“座位”; lecture “演讲”;action“情节”。句意:“你为什么喜欢这部小说?”“因为里面的情节令人激动。”故选D。
1. Why are you still having a rest here Stop (work).
2. I know ____________ (exact)what we do.
3. She stopped her car in time to avoid _________ (hit)the dog.
4. She cried out with _________ (please)when she saw her little sister.
5. Hundreds of ____________ (invite)are being sent out this week.
6. You must be very proud of your _______________ (achieve).
7. No one knew who was telling the _________ (true).
8. My mother nodded in _____________ (agree).
9. Do you know the ___________ (weigh)of the Earth
10. The boy’s eyes were __________(fill) with tears when he heard the bad news.
【答案】1.to work 2.exactly 3.hitting 4.pleasure 5.invitation 6.achievement 7.truth 8.agreement 9.weight 10.filled
1 What a h ______________ animal the elephant is!
2 Please f___________ the cup with coffee.
3 Well done! Your answer is c_________.
4. I wished I lived in the g________ age.
5.The children s________ the problem in a better way with their teacher's help.
6. It was a p__________ to dance with you. I really enjoyed it.
7. We all c_________ that Tim is the best student in our class.
8. Grace eats like a bird because she wants to r_________ her weight.
9 They invited Mr Smith to give a l_________ on wild animals.
10. His face turned p_______ when he heard the news.
【答案】 1 huge heavy 2 fill 3 correct 4.golden 5.solve 6.pleasure 7 consider 8 reduce 9 lecture 10.pale
When she woke up ,she found that her basket _________ _________ _________leaves.
Don’t _________ ________ ________ ________. He may be angry.
He worked out the problem _________ __________ . I was _______ ________ him.
________ ________ _________ to take part in the activity.
_______ _______ me nearly two hour _______ ________ the football match.
Their dreams _________ _________ ___________ excellent dancers.
It’s a good habit ________ ________ _________ _________ after dinner.
3. 他在电脑游戏上浪费了太多的时间,一直没有通过这次考试。
He spent ________ ________ time _________ computer games ________ he didn’t pass the exam.
The sugar in our daily food_________ ________ _________
Do you want to the ball match ___ _____ _____ _______
【答案】1 was full of /was filled with 2, play jokes on him 3 without difficulty happy with
4.It’s a pleasure 5. It took to watch 6.are to be /become 7.to take a walk
8.too much playing(on) and 9.should be reduced 10. 3.join in at the same time
One day, Sun Quan sent Cao Cao a 1p_________.It was a huge elephant. Cao Cao wanted to find out the w__________ of the elephant.
“What a 3 h_________ animal it is! Can anyone tell me how to weigh it he asked the crowd around him.
Just then. young Cao Chong had a wonderful idea. He asked some soldiers to lead the elephant onto a boat. As the heavy animal walked onto it, the boat went lower into the water. Cao Chong drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went. The elephant was then 4 t_________ off the boat and the boat was filled with rocks
5 u ___________it went down again and water reached the line on the boat.
Cao Cao was very happy with his son.
【答案】1.present 2.weight 3.huge/heavy 4.taken 5.until
B 语法填空
Lu Xun is one of the 1. _________(great)Chinese writers of the 20th century. 2. _________his famous novels, he also wrote many influential articles 3. _______the living conditions of Chinese people.
Born in 1881 to a 4. _________(wealth)family, Lu Xun had a happy 5. ____________(child). In 1893, however, his grandfather, a senior government official, was put into prison 6. _________taking money. At the same time, his father 7. ______________(become)seriously ill. 8. _________that time on, his family were no longer 9. ___________(accept)by their relatives and friends. These early experiences greatly influenced his 10. _________(write)
【答案】greatest Besides about wealthy childhood for became From accepted writing
Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor man, was born in Kentucky, USA, on February 12th 1809. He was one of ___1____ presidents in American history. When he was going to make a speech for the presidential election(总统选举)in a hall, a man tried to make him angry by____2_____ that his father was a poor shoemaker. Every one in the hall laughed out____3_____.
“Thank you____4____reminding me of my father,” said Lincoln. “____5_____ he has been gone for a long time, for me, he was always an excellent shoemaker. I can never do better in politics(政治)____6_____my father did in shoemaking.
However, the man didn't stop_____7______ fun of Lincoln. So Lincoln continued, “As far as I ____8_____,
my father repaired shoes for your family. Now I can take over_____9____job. Although I ____10______not be as good as my father, I will do my best to make your shoes comfortable.” Then he turned to all the people in the hall and said, “If_____11____here has problems with your shoes, please come to me and I will not let you down. And the last thing ___12_____I want to say that my father is a great shoemaker.”
This time,____13______man who laughed at him couldn't say a word. Lincoln______14_____ the respect of the people for his tolerance (宽容)and ____15______. He not only protected his father, but also got lots of
1.A. great B. greater C. the greatest D. greatest
2.A. saying B. said C. to saying D. say
3.A. loud B. loudness C. louder D. loudly
4.A. of B. for C. by D. with
5.A. Although B. Because C. If D. So
6 A. and B. than C. since D. or
7 A. make B. made C. making D. to make
8 A. know B. knew C. knowing D. have known
9 A. he B. she C. his D. her
10 A. should B. must C. need D. may
11 A. everyone B. anyone C. no one D. none
12 A. that B. which C. who D. where
13 A. a B. an C. the D. /
14 A. was won B. winning C. wins D. won
15 A. intelligent B. intelligence C. intelligences D. intelligently
1.C考查形容词最高级用法。One of +形容词最高级+复数名词。句式结构。 故答案选C
2.A考查介词用法。By介词后面接动词用Ving形式。 故答案选A
3.D考查副词用法。句意:大厅里的每个人都大声大笑起来。副词修饰动词。 故答案选D
4.B考查句式用法。Thank you for为。。。。而感谢! 故答案选B
6.B考查连词用法。前后句子转折关系。用but 故答案选B
7.C考查动词用法。句意:然而,这名男子并没有停止取笑林肯。 Stop doing 停止做某事。Stop to do停下来做某事。根据句意用stop doing。 故答案选C
8.A考查时态用法。句意:据我所知,我父亲为你们家修鞋。引述说话原文,用现在时态。 故答案选A
9.C考查代词用法。名词前面用形容词性物代。 故答案选C
10.D考查情态动词用法。句意:虽然我不如我父亲好,但我会尽力让你的鞋子舒适。May可能,表示一种可能性。 故答案选D
11.B考查不定代词用法。句意:如果你的鞋子有问题,请找我,我不会让你失望的。 条件状语从句中一般用anyone表示“任何人” 故答案选B
12.A考查定语从句用法。The last thing是先行词。指物有最高级 故答案只能选A
14.D考查动词用法。这里叙述过去发生的事情用过去时态。 故答案选D
15.B考查词语辨异用法。句意:林肯因他的宽容和智慧赢得了人民的尊重。这里用名词intelligence不可数名词。 故答案选B
One day, a farmer was looking for a water source for his farm. So, he went to his neighbor and asked him if he could sell his well水井)to him. His neighbor ___16___. The farmer bought the well happily. But the neighbor was a cunning(狡猾的)man.
The next day, as the farmer came to get water from his well, his neighbor came and ___17___ to let him take any water. The farmer was ___18___. He asked, “Why can’t I take water I already bought the well from you.”
The neighbor replied, “I sold you the well not the water.”
The farmer went to the emperor to ___19__ justice(公正). He explained what had happened.
The emperor called on Birbal, his ___20___ courtier(朝臣)
Birbal asked the ___21___, “Why don’t you let the farmer take water from the well You did sell the well to the farmer.”
The neighbor ___22___, “I did sell the well to the farmer, but not the water in it. Therefore, he has no right to get water from the well.”
Birbal asked them to come later.
The next day, all went to the place where the well was. There Birbal said to the neighbor, “Look, you are ___23___ right, and you sold the well not the water. Since you sold the well not the water, you have no right to keep the water in the farmer’s well. Now you have two ___24___: Either you pay a high rent(租金)to the farmer or take it out immediately” The neighbor realized that his plan had ___25___. He said sorry to the farmer and went home quickly.
Cheating will not get you anything. If you cheat, you will pay soon enough.
16. A. believed B. laughed C. prevented D. agreed
17. A. refused B. avoided C. complained D. offered
18. A. stupid B. surprised C. excited D. interested
19. A. ask for B. wait for C. look for D. pay for
20. A. oldest B. closest C. wisest D. busiest
21. A. farmer B. neighbor C. emperor D. courtier
22. A. replied B. doubted C. asked D. ordered
23. A. carefully B. wisely C. especially D. completely
24. A. decisions B. choices C. methods D. directions
25. A. succeeded B. finished C. failed D. changed
【答案】16. D 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C
believed相信;laughed嘲笑;prevented阻止;agreed同意;根据“The farmer bought the well happily.”可知,邻居同意卖给农夫水井了,故选D。
refused拒绝;avoided避免;complained抱怨;offered提供;根据“He asked, “Why can’t I take water...”可知,邻居拒绝让农夫打水,故选A。
stupid愚蠢的;surprised惊讶的;excited激动的;interested感兴趣的;根据“The farmer bought the well happily.”以及“Why can’t I take water”可知,农夫买了水井而邻居却不让他打水,对此农夫很费解,应该是指惊讶的,故选B。
ask for请求;wait for等待;look for寻找;pay for支付;根据句意及“The emperor called on Birbal...”可知,农夫去皇帝那里请求给出公正的裁定,故选A。
oldest最老的;closest最亲密的;wisest最明智的;busiest最忙的;根据“The next day, all went to the place where the well was. There Birbal said to the neighbor...take it out immediately” ”可知,对于此事的处理方式来看,这个朝臣是聪明的,故选C。
farmer农夫;neighbor邻居;emperor皇帝;courtier朝臣;根据“Why don’t you let the farmer take water from the well You did sell the well to the farmer.”可知,朝臣问的是邻居,故选B。
replied回复;doubted怀疑;asked问;ordered命令;根据“Why don’t you let the farmer take water from the well You did sell the well to the farmer.”可知,朝臣问了问题,邻居要回答问题,故选A。
carefully仔细地;wisely明智地;especially尤其;completely完全;根据“ you sold the well not the water.”可知,朝臣告诉邻居他说的是完全正确,故选D。
decisions决定;choices选择;methods方法;directions方向;根据“Either you pay a high rent(租金)to the farmer...take it out immediately”可知,朝臣给邻居两个选择,故选B。
succeeded成功;finished完成;failed失败;changed改变;根据“Either you pay a high rent(租金)to the farmer...take it out immediately”可知,邻居意识到自己的计划失败了,被识破了,故选C。
In the fight against COVID-19, many national heroes have become well-known to the public. On August 11, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping commended(表彰)four of them for their outstanding contribution(杰出的贡献).
Zhong Nanshan was given the Medal of the Republic(共和国勋章). He has been leading the Chinese government’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19. The old expert got a result that COVID-19 could be spread between humans.
“The People’s Hero” was given to three others. They are Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei.
Zhang Boli is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) expert. He has been in charge of(负责) the research of COVID-19 treatments(治疗)connecting TCM with Western medicine.
Zhang Dingyu was the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital in 2020. He got an illness in 2018. However, he chose to stay with his partners in Wuhan to save lives.
Chen Wei is a professor. She has made great achievements in the research on COVID-19. She is also one of the key leaders in China’s Ebola vaccine(埃博拉疫苗)research.
The purpose of giving the nation’s top honors to these people was to show the great courage and the spirit of working together of the Chinese people.
1.How many people was given “the People’s Hero” by Chinese President Xi Jinping
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
2.Who got an illness in 2018 according to the passage
A.Zhong Nanshan. B.Zhang Boli. C.Zhang Dingyu. D.Chen Wei.
3.Which of the following is right in the passage
A.Chen Wei is the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital.
B.Zhang Dingyu is a traditional Chinese medicine expert.
C.Zhong Nanshan got a result that COVID-19 could not be spread between humans.
D.Zhang Boli has been in charge of the research connecting TCM with Western medicine.
【答案】1.C 2.C 3.D
1.细节理解题。根据““The People’s Hero” was given to three others.”可知,“人民英雄”的称号送给另外三个人,故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据“Zhang Dingyu was the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital in 2020. He got an illness in 2018.”可知,张定于在2018年生病了,故选C。
3.推理判断题。根据“Zhang Boli is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) expert. He has been in charge of(负责) the research of COVID-19 treatments(治疗)connecting TCM with Western medicine.”可知,张伯礼负责中西医结合的研究。故选D。
Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. His father taught music while his mother cared for kids at home. The family was not wealthy, but Galileo’s parents paid for him to go to school.
At first Galileo planned to become a doctor, but he changed his mind. He liked a different kind of science—physics. In Galileo's time, not much was known about how objects moved. Centuries earlier, a Greek(希腊人)named Aristotle had written down his ideas about movements, and everyone seemed to believe them. Galileo questioned those ideas and did experiments (实验)that showed how things really worked. For example, Aristotle thought that a heavier object would fall faster than a lighter one of the same size and shape. No one had ever really tested this idea. It just seemed to be true. Then Galileo came along, dropped two balls from a high tower, and discovered that they hit the ground at the same time!
In later years, Galileo became interested in how the stars and planets move. He watched the sky with a telescope(望远镜)he built himself. Once again, he saw things no one had ever seen before. For example, he saw that the moon was not smooth. Then he noticed that the sun had spots (斑点)that seemed to move. Galileo realized from his observations (观察)that the earth was moving around the sun. A Polish (波兰的)scientist named Copernicus had said this recently, but no one believed him. Galileo knew that Copernicus was right. Unluckily, Galileo's announcement got him into trouble with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church said that the earth was at the center of the universe (宇宙)with the sun traveling around it. This was what people had long believed, but Galileo said it was untrue. So he was sent to prison(监狱). He was soon set free, but for the rest of his life he had to stay in his house and yard.
Galileo died in 1642, but his work helped to change the world. He is sometimes called the father of modern science, because he showed us how important it is to look carefully at things and to test out ideas with experiments.
1 Both Galileo and Copernicus believed that ________.
A. two objects fall at the same speed
B. the moon is smooth
C. the earth goes around the sun
D. the earth is the center of the universe
2. We can infer from this passage that ________.
A. Galileo's parents didn't value the education
B. all of Aristotle's ideas were proved to be wrong
C. Galileo knew Copernicus and exchanged letters with him
D. the Catholic Church was very powerful in Galileo's time
3. While Galileo stayed at home in his later years, he most probably ________.
A. learned to play music
B. began to practice medicine
C. continued with his science experiments
D. wrote books on modern science
4 According to this passage, Galileo is called "the father of modem science" because he ________.
A. was brave to fight against the church
B. questioned other scientists1 ideas
C. built a telescope to look at the stars and planets
D. made careful observations and tested his ideas
5. Which would be a good title for this passage
A. Mysteries in the universe
B. Galileo, father of modern science
C. “Is it true ” —Different ideas in science
D. Great minds saved the world
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B
1.推理判断题。根据第三段“Galileo realized from his observations that the earth was moving around the sun. …Galileo knew that Copernicus was right”可知伽利略通过观察意识到地球是绕着太阳转的,哥白尼也这样认为,伽利略知道哥白尼是对的。可知二人都认为地球是绕着太阳转的。故选C。
2.推理判断题。根据第三段“Galileo's announcement got him into trouble with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church said that the earth was at the center of the universe with the sun traveling around it…So he was sent to prison”可知伽利略的宣言和天主教的看法起了冲突,后来被判入狱。可知天主教在当时很有势力。故选D。
3.推理判断题。根据第二段“Galileo questioned those ideas and did experiments that showed how things really worked”及第三段“for the rest of his life he had to stay in his house and yard”伽利略询问这些想法,做实验证明这些想法是否奏效,伽利略在生命晚期仍待在家,可知伽利略最有可能继续做他的科学实验。故选C。
4.细节理解题。根据最后一段“ He is sometimes called the father of modern science because he showed us how important it is to look carefully at things and to test out ideas with experiments” 他被称为“现代科学之父”是因为他向大家显示仔细观察事物,用实验测验自己的想法的重要性。故选D。
5.标题概括题。根据最后一段“his work helped to change the world. He is sometimes called the father of modern science11 because he showed us how important it is to look carefully at things and to test out ideas with experiments”可知文章讲述伽利略通过观察用实验证明世人的想法和观点是否正确,被人们成为“现代科学之父”。标题可概括为“Galileo, father of modern science”。故选B。
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