2022-2023高三英语二轮复习专题练习(新高考)专题十五 完形填空(15空)(含解析)

专题十五 完形填空(15空)
Anxious exam candidates’ problem is the run-up or preparation, not the exam itself.
Exams are always tense and worrying, especially for those of an anxious disposition. The silence of the hall; the 1 of the clock; the content expression of the person at the neighbouring desk. It therefore seems 2 surprising that those who worry about tests do systematically 3 than those who do not. Unexpectedly, according to research in Psychological Science by Maria Theobald, it is not the pressure of the exam which causes the problem. It is the 4 pressure.
What Dr Therobald found was that 5 on the day of the test did not predict exam performance at all. What predicted it was the level of knowledge a student 6 in the earlier learning activities and the mock (模拟) exam. Those who 7 well in these also did well in the real thing, 8 how anxious they were on the day. What actually 9 students were high levels of anxiety during the weeks before the exam took place. The greater a student’s anxiety in the days before the exam, the lower his or her knowledge-gain was during that period, leaving that student with less material to 10 during the exam itself.
This is a positive discovery, for it suggests the anxious might achieve better result by adjusting their 11 when revising. Dr. Theobald notes that test-anxiety is at its worst when students have low 12 of success and at the same time know that passing the exam is 13 important. To reduce this anxiety, she proposes a 14 for students to consider as they revise. First, they can raise their belief in their own abilities by reminding themselves of just how much they know. Second, they can 15 the significance of the test by reminding themselves that, while it is important, it is not a life or death situation. It really isn’t.
1.A. clicking B. ticking C. dropping D. ringing
2.A. slightly B. basically C.hardly D. completely
3.A. worse B. better C. less D. higher
4.A. presentation B. memory C. revision D. time
5.A. atmosphere B. expression C. outcome D. anxiety
6.A. prepared B. forgot C. displayed D. increased
7.A. performed B. responded C. behaved D. activated
8.A. because of B. as for C. except for D. regardless of
9.A. took back B. held back C. pushed back D. brought back
10.A. record B. review C. recite D. reproduce
11.A. approach B. view C. preparation D. material
12.A. spirits B. attitude C. expectation D. ideas
13.A. immediately B. anxiously C. approximately D. extremely
14.A. theory B. strategy C. plan D. decision
15.A. decrease B. enhance C. realize D. recognize
On my 16th birthday, I ran into my bedroom, closed the door and cried for an hour. I thought I had turned 16 and had not 16 anything in my life.
The feeling of not achieving adequately is 17 : Even the most successful people can feel like 18 at times. Goals and desires to achieve something great are 19 things. However, if we regularly become 20 by such feelings, this can lead to unhealthy thoughts.
As for me, 21 , through experience and an attitude change, I have been able to keep negative feelings under control and 22 .
Often we 23 our successes and we probably have achieved more than we 24 . A visual reminder of what you’ve done can work wonders for one to be 25 . Write down the small achievements, like graduating from high school. Another way is to have your life 26 . You may have friends and family that may be the hard-to-please types. This may be a huge 27 of your feelings of inadequacy. So what’s important is to 28 at least one friend that is your cheerleader. We all need that person who will always see the silver lining instead of the dark cloud.
Life is not a 29 though some people will have you believe that. It can be a lifelong process to keep you from thinking you are not doing 30 in your life.
16.A. created B. learned C. found D. achieved
17.A. different B. right C. common D. confusing
18.A. strangers B. advocates C. victims D. failures
19.A. positive B. necessary C. amusing D. simple
20.A. consumed B. defined C. judged D. attracted
21.A. suddenly B. fortunately C. occasionally D. effortlessly
22.A. turn around B. go away C. move forward D. give in
23.A. forget B. celebrate C. measure D. guarantee
24.A. get B. promise C. realize D. express
25.A. confident B. faithful C. independent D. ambitious
26.A. coaches B. caretakers C. advisors D. cheerleaders
27.A. reflection B. source C. result D. description
28.A. tell B. have C. call D. invite
29.A. journey B. dream C. story D. competition
30.A. early B. enough C. firmly D. fast
At least three people were possibly dead after a powerful earthquake. Others were injured from falling structures and homes, rural roads and 31 highways. Experts said it could take some time to 32 the full extent of the injuries and damage in the region.
Regina Rave, who is a geologist, was meeting with two 33 at his home when the earthquake 34 . Rave tried to stand up from his chair but couldn’t keep his balance and 35 in a kind of group hug with his colleagues, while plates and cups 36 from his shelves to the ground. His children, ages 9 and 2, had their drinks 37 over the edge of cups. Rave tried to calm everybody as the 38 continued for more than a minute.
About 10,000 people live in and around his town, which is 39 66 kilometers from the earthquake’s center. It’s a(n) 40 thing that earthquakes are felt here, but it usually doesn’t last as long and is not as violent as this one. It was quite strong.
People were feeling 41 . Rave was 42 through the damage to his home, which included a broken sewer pipe(污水管) judging from the smell. Friends elsewhere had messaged him with 43 of cracked roads, broken pipes and fallen debris(碎片), but hadn’t described major building collapses or munication seemed to have been 45 with some cell towers likely to have fallen. People were starting to clean up their houses and the streets.
31.A. damaged B. surrounded C. hidden D. buried
32.A. foresee B. assess C. recognize D. assume
33.A. roommates B. schoolmates C. colleagues D. parents
34.A. covered B. rose C. ceased D. struck
35.A. ended up B. came out C. carried on D. resulted from
36.A. squeezed B. crashed C. flashed D. pulled
37.A. turn B. knock C. flow D. blow
38.A. jumping B. hanging C. floating D. shaking
39.A. located B. listed C. considered D. posed
40.A. simple B. common C. popular D. awkward
41.A. puzzled B. tired C. frightened D. inspired
42.A. getting B. breaking C. cutting D. sorting
43.A. descriptions B. instructions C. explanations D. introductions
44.A. changes B. injuries C. beats D. attacks
45.A. handled B. improved C. affected D. removed
I was heading towards my favorite CD store when a display in a shop window caught my eye. Upon closer 46 , I realized the painting was a jigsaw puzzle, and the shop was full of such puzzles. When I stepped inside, I found myself suddenly 47 back to my childhood years.
Long ago on long summer days in my hometown, my sisters and I, well before the 48 of cellphones and video games, would spend the afternoons 49 jigsaw puzzles of colorful waterfalls and other natural 50 .
Many decades later, as I 51 shelf after shelf of puzzles, I wondered: Could fitting them together today be as 52 as in bygone years
Indeed, the two puzzles I purchased were just as fun as those of the past. But I found that I had 53 skills over the decades that prepared me to better complete the puzzles now and 54 the deep value of this pastime.
I knew I would need an eagle’s eye for different color matches and distinguishing details in the 55 for just the right piece. And when the puzzles seemed extremely 56 , I simply took a break, returned refreshed, and 57 found the piece that had long escaped me.
Among the valuable lessons and rewards that these puzzles offer is that 58 and willpower are enhanced(提高). But what is most beneficial is how we look for answers or clues, working tirelessly to find the 59 fit. It’s an approach that pays off when meeting any 60 that life presents.
46.A. connection B. inspection C. comparison D. location
47.A. kept B. put C. held D. brought
48.A. appearance B. loss C. growth D. operation
49.A. finding B. watching C. solving D. building
50.A. wonders B. resources C. conditions D. disasters
51.A. checked out B. stormed into C. glanced through D. went after
52.A. demanding B. exciting C. confusing D. shocking
53.A. learned B. ignored C. forgotten D. required
54.A. share B. explain C. predict D. appreciate
55.A. exchange B. preparation C. search D. reward
56.A. strange B. impressive C. flexible D. difficult
57.A. conveniently B. quickly C. intentionally D. frequently
58.A. bravery B. ambition C. patience D. intelligence
59.A. typical B. normal C. important D. perfect
60.A. challenge B. requirement C. surprise D. deadline
One day Gary and his partner were diving in the sea when two Atlantic seals appeared out of nowhere and took them by surprise.
The two divers were well-trained and had been taught not to 61 animals in their natural habitat, so they tried to stay as 62 as possible. However, the seals were so curious and playful that they began 63 them slowly. Gary realized this would be a 64 chance, so he took his camera out and 65 what could happen next.
It seemed like a 66 at the time. The seals swam closer and closer and James and his partner 67 the seals were just babies! The two divers could not believe their eyes, nor would they miss out this once-in-a-lifetime 68 . To keep on filming, they stayed calm and gentle in order not to 69 the baby seals away. Luckily, the seals didn’t leave but started going around the divers, 70 they wanted to make friends with them. One of the seals held out its flippers (鱼鳍) and shook “ 71 ” with the divers, who could 72 believe what was happening to them.
The record of the whole scene went viral and became very 73 on the Internet. Gary hopes to convey a clear 74 that the underwater world is beautiful and impressive, but at the same time it suffers from pollution and 75 . When you see these photos and videos, could you tolerate someone wanting to destroy it
61.A. hunt B. disturb C. raise D. observe
62.A. positive B. independent C. silent D. still
63.A. dragging B. chasing C. approaching D. touching
64.A. dangerous B. wonderful C. frightening D. simple
65.A. recorded B. announced C. discussed D. imagined
66.A. fact B. condition C. truth D. miracle
67.A. noticed B. expected C. remembered D. doubted
68.A. choice B. accident C. opportunity D. secret
69.A. block B. catch C. scare D. wake
70.A. even though B. as if C. so that D. ever since
71.A. signals B. tails C. notes D. hands
72.A. actually B. quickly C. hardly D. gradually
73.A. ordinary B. important C. specific D. popular
74.A. belief B. tradition C. religion D. custom
75.A. experiment B. destruction C. failure D. adventure
After spending the last two years terrified of getting Covid-19, last month our three-year-old daughter-too young to be vaccinated-got sick. There was an 76 in her Pre-K classroom, so as soon as she got a temperature, we did an at-home test.
We spent a few 77 nights fighting to bring her fever down as my kid coughed and struggled with congestion. Her doctor told us to only take her to the hospital if she had trouble breathing. The biggest “ 78 ” I had to help our little warrior was over-the-counter medicine to reduce her fever.
79 my little girl has now recovered, I can't stop thinking about how, as a country, the US just can't seem to 80 prioritize the well-being of children. How could we so excitedly tout (吹捧) having a vaccine when it doesn't 81 the young kids As kids across the country return to school without clear and accessible testing measures 82 , how can anyone be claiming to put children’s safety or protection first
At this point in the pandemic, the health of our children-not of our businesses-should be put first. For starters, that means we need a larger 83 of tests and clear, consistent rules for isolating if 84 or infected.
Even in the midst of the nightmare of my toddler testing 85 , I was so 86 we had at-home tests. But the only reason we had them was because my husband had thought 87 about our need for testing kits and masks during the holiday season. We were saved by pure 88 while many people have struggled to find tests. That is 89 .
As we enter year three of the pandemic, I have a 90 for the world’s richest democracy: Let’s prioritize children in 2022-their health and their rights because they’re the ones who have the highest price to pay.
And they’re already paying the bill.
76.A. isolation B. injection C. outbreak D. occasion
77.A. upset B. sleepless C. pleasant D. enduring
78.A. weapon B. tool C. treatment D. method
79.A. Unless B. But C. Since D. While
80.A. easily B. barely C. hurriedly D. effectively
81.A. apply B. take C. consider D. include
82.A. in place B. in line C. in order D. in sight
83.A. availability B. capability C. flexibility D. popularity
84.A. caught B. exposed C. injected D. touched
85.A. relative B. addictive C. active D. positive
86.A. depressed B. nervous C. grateful D. excited
87.A. aloud B. highly C. ahead D. little
88.A. joy B. terror C. luck D. surprise
89.A. unacceptable B. uncontrollable C. undeniable D. unavoidable
90.A. change B. proposal C. reform D. view
It’s a rare thing now to get into a new neighborhood and find yourself welcomed by the locals. Yet, Katie and Patrick Smith were accepted with truly 91 when they relocated to Newton. The residents came over with plates of cookies and dishes.
Katie got pregnant before the 92 a and within months of settling in, she gave birth to Rebecca. 93 , tests discovered Rebecca was born deaf. The Smiths knew 94 Rebecca was going to take some serious work and commitment.
The neighborhood was still 95 to welcome Rebecca with them, but they realized what a(n) 96 the situation was for her parents. They wanted to make things 97 for the family. Learning sign language to help Rebecca learn to 98 as she grew was a great idea. The neighborhood agreed to 99 the task of mastering an entirely second language for the 100 of their youngest member, although it was indeed 101 . When 3-month-old Rebecca learned at a center for the deaf, the 18 residents hired an instructor, who get all of them to be 102 in Rebecca’s growth. Neighbors kept things 103 for as long as possible to give the Smiths a surprise. They wanted desperately to interact with Rebecca. Finally, the time came to show the Smiths what they’d 104 . The family they found the welcoming 105 of their neighbors surrounded them.
Now at very tum in the street or the grocery store. Rebeca feels included language — she’s part of this community.
91.A.watery eyes B.firm mouths C.loose tongues D.open arms
92.A.move B.test C.gathering D.visit
93.A.Eventually B.Unfortunately C.Consequently D.Obviously
94.A.curing B.defending C.raising D.hearing
95.A.surprised B.disappointed C.excited D.worried
96.A.struggle B.urgency C.accident D.tension
97.A.more effective B.more helpful C.quieter D.easier
98.A.communicate B.survive C.compete D.follow
99.A.find out B.take on C.hand out D.pass on
100.A.protection B.recovery C.benefit D.support
101.A.pleasant B.necessary C.meaningful D.challenging
102.A.volunteers B.teachers C.witnesses D.participants
103.A.brief B.secret C.consistent D.smooth
104.A.overcame B.devoted C.achieved D.advocated
105.A.signs B.atmosphere C.smiles D.applause
It was 80 years ago when I wrote my first letter to Paul and Renee. I was about 13. Paul was the same 106 as me, his sister Renee was two years younger, and they lived in France. I was crazy about learning languages, so I was 107 when my French teacher assigned (分配) us pen pals.
It was quite a(n) 108 to get a letter from a foreign country, so I 109 receiving their reply. They weren’t good at English, so after six months, we were all writing in 110 , which helped me have a good knowledge of the language.
I decided to go to France on holiday in 1949 to 111 them. The family 112 me well, and I visited several times in the years that followed. The first time I met Renee, she 113 me up at the station, and we hit it off straight away.
I never.got to meet Paul. Renee wrote to me and 114 me that he had died shortly after joining the army. Renee and I continued writing to each other, and our friendship became 115 . We talked about our families, our 116 and cur troubles in life. After that I moved to South Africa for a while, married, had children, and changed jobs. Throughout all this, we 117 writing letters.
I’m 93 now and I still write to Renee. She has difficulty writing now, so she phones me to 118 . Most people don’t seem to have the 119 for letters anymore, but it gives me great pleasure to write. And this is the most valuable 120 I have ever had.
106.A.interest B.dream C.height D.age
107.A.sad B.pleased C.awkward D.angry
108.A.action B.thing C.problem D.debate
109.A.looked forward to B.was attracted to
C.signed up for D.took control of
110.A.Spanish B.English C.French D.German
111.A.help B.praise C.check D.meet
112.A.treated B.fitted C.knew D.protected
113.A.picked B.called C.brought D.held
114.A.warned B.told C.contacted D.calmed
115.A.calmer B.deeper C.flatter D.shorter
116.A.memories B.kids C.organizations D.hobbies
117.A.kept B.stopped C.avoided D.finished
118.A.explore B.remember C.revise D.reply
119.A.request B.mind C.time D.place
120.A.interest B.tradition C.friendship D.trip
Natalie Te Paa, a blind singer, was in London for her birthday with her friend Claire Sara. The two decided to go to get a 121 together at a restaurant. What happened after they ate 122 them both. The staff presented Natalie with a plate that 123 "happy birthday" written in Braille(盲文)using 124 !
In previous birthday celebrations, the staff in the restaurant simply sang to their birthday guests. But this was the first time the restaurant had 125 disability in such a special way. The staff went to great lengths to 126 her birthday——from looking up how to write the message in Braille to making sure the chocolate was cold enough so it would not 127 when Natalie touched it. And their efforts 128 ——Natalie was moved to tears.
Natalie's friend, Claire, 129 a video of the sweet moment, and she shared it online. The 130 scene was viewed more than 16million times, receiving over 4.3 million likes.
"The fact that people have responded so much just shows how much the world needs 131 right now," Natalie said. And the birthday girl went on to talk about how she hoped the video would 132 people to have a larger conversation about inclusivity(包容性).
" 133 is not easy. There are a lot of times when you do face discrimination and other things that are 134 and tough. So, the fact that they did that for me 135 opened up a conversation of awareness," she added.
121.A.gift B.meal C.job D.rest
122.A.confused B.amused C.surprised D.comforted
123.A.read B.wrote C.suggested D.declared
124.A.cream B.butter C.milk D.chocolate
125.A.cheered B.recognized C.considered D.understood
126.A.celebrate B.mark C.congratulate D.share
127.A.disappear B.collapse C.move D.melt
128.A.paid off B.got across C.worked out D.ended up
129.A.released B.shot C.launched D.found
130.A.dramatic B.touching C.common D.simple
131.A.concern B.sympathy C.equality D.warmth
132.A.support B.press C.lead D.persuade
133.A.Loneliness B.Friendliness C.Deafness D.Blindness
134.A.exciting B.frightening C.challenging D.boring
135.A.really B.eventually C.seemingly D.actually
It was a cool and breezy night. As I stood on the deck, I could feel the warm tangy smell coming from the sea. Earlier on, the ocean liner (邮轮) was still full of people who 1 and drank on the deck. Everyone was 2 asleep now and as I stood there, I could hear the hypnotic (催眠的) 3 of the waves
I sat down at a corner and decided to rest my 4 head on my backpack. Slowly, my eyelids grew heavy and I dozed off. Suddenly, I was awaken by the rain 5 that fell on my face. The wind was blowing stronger and the waves got higher. The calm sea had turned 6 . I struggled to stand up but lost my balance and fell as the ship was rocking 7 . Many rushed out but they 8 from one side of the ship to another. The raging waters were crushing the ship and thunder seemed to smash upon our heads. People started to ran about to seek shelter. After a long battle with the storm, it appeared to 9 . We breathed in 10 .
Suddenly someone shouted, “The shin is sinking!” Waters were rushing in as the side of the ship was damaged. I was 11 for wands and stared. "Hurry, John! There is no time to 12 !” I was 13 upon hearing my as I was totally in the worries in my brain. I turned around and saw the rest of the passengers began to 14 a lifeboat. Without second thoughts, I joined them.
Until today, that terrifying 15 is still imprinted in my memory.
136.A.fed B. feasted C. entertained D. treated
137.A.highly B.soundly C.lately D. solidly
138.A.murmur B.shout C. breath D. weep
139.A.faint B.heavy C.clear D.thick
140.A.storms B.spots C.dots D.drops
141.A. rough B.tough C.sharp D.deep
142.A.gently B.abruptly C.violently D. swiftly
143.A.paced B. swept C. rolled D. slid
144.A. turn down B. die down C. die off D. turn away
145.A.relief B. satisfaction C.delight D. anticipation
146.A. in confusion B. at a loss C. at ease D. in chaos
147.A. lose B.save C.throw D.leave
148.A. pleased B. Terrified C.startled D. amazed
149.A. board B.push C. squeeze D.drive
150.A. event B. challenge C.encounter D. adventure
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:大厅里的寂静;时钟的滴答声;邻桌人的内容表达。A.clicking点击;B.ticking钟滴答行走;C.dropping掉落;D.ringing响铃。根据前文“those of an anxious disposition”及“the clock”可知,钟的滴答声会让考生紧张。故选B项。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,那些担心考试的人比那些不担心考试的人表现得更差似乎不足为奇。A.slightly稍微;B.basically基本上;C.hardly几乎不;D.completely完全地。根据“that those who worry about tests do systematically 3 than those who do not.”可知,越是担心考试的人越考得不好,这是不足为奇的,hardly表示否定,符合此处语境。故选C项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A.worse更糟糕的;B.better更好的;C.less更少的;D.higher更高的。根据“that those who worry about tests do systematically 3 than those who do not.”可知,担心考试的人会比不担心的人表现更糟糕。故选A项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:是复习压力。A.presentation颁发;B.memory记忆;C.revision修订、复习;D.time时间、次数。根据前文“it isnot the pressure of the exam which causes the problem”并结合下文“in the earlier learning activities and the mock exam”可知,不是考试本身压力,而是复习压力会导致这些问题。故选C项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:塞洛博尔德博士发现,考试当天的焦虑程度根本不能预测考试成绩。A.atmosphere氛围、气氛;B.expression表达;C.outcome结果;D.anxiety焦虑。根据下文“Those who 7 well in these also did well in the real thing, 8 how anxious they were on the day.”可知,考试当天的焦虑程度不能预测考试成绩。故选D项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:预测结果的是学生在早期学习活动和模拟考试中展示的知识水平。A.prepared准备;B.forgot忘记;C.displayed展示;D.increased增加。根据“What predicted it was the level of knowledge”及“in the earlier learning activities and the mock exam.”可知,学生在早期学习活动和模拟考试中展示的知识水平对于预测学生成绩很重要。故选C项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:那些在这些测试中表现好的人在真实测试中也表现得很好,不管他们当天有多焦虑。A.performed(成绩、学业)表现;B.responded回应;C.behaved(行为举止)表现;D.activated激活。根据“Those who 7 well in these also did well in the real thing”可知,在早期和模拟测试中表现好的人在真实测试中也表现得很好。此处指的是学业上的表现。故选A项。
解析:考查介词短语词义辨析。句意同上。A.becauseof因为;B.as for关于;C.except for除了……外;D.regardless of不管、无论。根据“how anxious they were on the day”可知,无论如何焦虑,之前的学业成绩好,真实测试中也会表现好。故选D项。
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:真正阻碍学生考试的是考试前几周的高度焦虑。A.took back取回;B.held back隐瞒、阻碍;C.pushed back推回;D.brought back使……恢复。根据“high levels of anxiety during the weeks before the exam took place”可知,考前高度焦虑才是真正阻碍学生发挥的因素。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个学生在考试前几天越焦虑,他或她在考试期间获得的知识就越少,在考试期间可以再现的材料就越少。A.record记录;B.review回顾、复习;C.recite背诵;D.reproduce复制、繁殖、再现。根据“during the exam itself”可知,学生考前越是焦虑,在考前复习获得的知识越少,从而在脑海中可以再现的知识材料就越少。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个积极的发现,因为它表明焦虑者在复习时通过调整他们的方法可能会获得更好的结果。A.approach方法;B.view观点;C.preparation准备;D.material材料。根据“adjusting their 11 when revising.”可知,上文的发现,可以通过调整方法获得结果的改善。故选A项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:塞洛博尔德博士指出,当学生对成功的期望很低,同时又知道通过考试是极其重要的时候,考试焦虑是最严重的。A.spirits精神;B.attitude态度;C.expectation期待;D.ideas主意。根据“test-anxiety is at its worst”可知,当学生对成功的期望很低时,学生会十分焦虑。故选C项。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A.immediately立即;B.anxiously焦急地;C.approximately大约;D.extremely极其地。根据“test-anxiety is at its worst”并结合上一空语境可知,当期望很低,而考试又极其重要时,是最焦虑的时候。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了减少这种焦虑,她提出了一种策略供学生在复习时考虑。A.theory原理;B.strategy策略;C.plan计划;D.decision决定。根据下文“First, Second,”可知,此处Dr. Theobald提出了一种策略,帮助学生考试时缓解焦虑。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:其次,他们可以通过提醒自己,虽然这很重要,但这不是生死攸关的情况,来降低测试的重要性。A.decrease减少;B.enhance增强;C.realize意识到、实现;D.recognize认出、辨别出。根据“while it is important, it is not a life or death situation. It really isn't.”可知,Dr. Theobald建议学生们减少看待考试的重要性来减少焦虑。故选A项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我以为我已经16岁了,这辈子什么都没有成就。A. created创造;B. learned学习;C. found发现;D. achieved实现。根据下文“The feeling of not achieving adequately is 17 ”可知,此处说的是作者觉得自己已经16岁了,却一事无成。故选D项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有充分实现的感觉是很常见的:即使是最成功的人,有时也会觉得自己是个失败者。A. different不同的;B. right正确的;C. common常见的;D. confusing令人困惑的。根据下文“Even the most successful people can feel like 18 at times.”可知,甚至最成功的人也可能会觉得自己是失败者,所以这种一无所成的感觉很普遍。故选C项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:见第17题详解。A. strangers陌生人;B. advocates拥护者;C. victims遇难者;D. failures失败者。根据上文“Even”可知,此处为进一步说明:即使成功人士也会觉得自己有时是失败者。故选D项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:目标和愿望是积极的。A. positive积极的;B. necessary必要的;C. amusing令人高兴的;D. simple简单的。根据上文“Goals and desires to achieve something great”可知,这里指目标和想成就一些大事的欲望,它们应该是积极的。故选A项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,如果我们经常被这种感觉所影响,这会导致不健康的思想。A. consumed消耗;B. defined下定义;C. judged评判;D. attracted吸引。根据下文“this can lead to unhealthy thoughts”可知,如果我们经常被这样的感觉所影响,就会产生不健康的想法。be consumed by...意为“被....影响,充满....”,符合句意。故选A项。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:对我来说,幸运的是,通过经验和态度的改变,我能够控制负面情绪并向前迈进。A. suddenly突然;B. fortunately幸运地;C. occasionally偶尔;D. effortlessly毫不费力地。根据下文“through experience and an attitude change, I have been able to keep negative feelings under control”可知,作者身上发生了积极的改变,这对作者来说是幸运的事情。故选B项。
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:见第21题详解。A. turn around转身;B. go away走开;C. move forward前进;D. give in屈服。根据上文“and”可知,这里表示并列或顺承,因此and之后应为与keep negative feelings under control意义类似或顺承的短语,move forward前进,符合语境。故选C项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们常常忘记我们的成功,我们可能取得了比我们意识到的更多的成就。A. forget忘记;B. celebrate庆祝;C. measure测量;D. guarantee确保。根据下文“reminder”可知,我们经常忘记自己的成功。故选A项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:见第23题详解。A. get得到;B. promise承诺;C. realize意识到;D. express表达。根据下文“Write down the small achievements”可知,这里指很可能我们达成的成就比自己意识到的更多。故选C项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对你所做的事情的视觉提醒可以产生奇迹,让你自信。A. confident自信的;B. faithful忠实的;C. independent独立的;D. ambitious有抱负的。根据上文“A visual reminder of what you’ve done can work wonders”可知,原本我们觉得自己没什么成就,因此感到沮丧,现在提醒自己有所成就,就会感觉自信。故选A项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:另一种方法是拥有你的生活啦啦队队长。A. coaches教练;B. caretakers管理员;C. advisors顾问;D. cheerleaders啦啦队队长。根据下文“So what’s important is to 28 at least one friend that is your cheerleader.”可知,要有一个为你欢呼鼓劲的人。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这也许是你缺乏信心的源头。A. reflection反射;B. source来源;C. result结果;D. description描述。根据上文“You may have friends and family that may be the hard-to-please types.”可知,那种很难取悦的类型的朋友或者家人是缺乏信心的源头。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,最重要的是,至少要有一个朋友是你的啦啦队队长。A. tell告诉;B. have有;C. call喊叫;D. invite邀请。根据上文“Another way is to have your life 26 .”和下文“We all need that person who will always see the silver lining instead of the dark cloud.”可知,这里指至少要有一个朋友是为你加油鼓劲的人。故选B项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:生活不是一场竞争,尽管有些人会让你相信这一点。A. journey旅行;B. dream梦想;C. story故事;D. competition竞争。根据下文“It can be a lifelong process”可知,生活可以是一个终生的过程,所以它不是一场竞赛。故选D项。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:这可能是一个终生的过程,让你不会认为自己在生活中做得不够。A. early早地;B. enough足够地;C. firmly牢固地;D. fast快地。根据上文“The feeling of not achieving adequately”可知,这里指生活可以是一个终生的过程,所以在这个过程中,你就不会认为自己在生活中做得不够。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:其他人因倒塌的建筑物和房屋、乡村道路和受损的高速公路而受 伤。A. damaged 损害;B. surrounded 包围;C. hidden 隐藏;D. buried 埋葬。根据下文中的 “Experts said it could take some time to____32____the full extent of the injuries and damage in the region.”可知,此处说明的是受损的公路状况。故选 A 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:专家表示,可能需要一些时间来评估该地区受伤和破坏的全部程 度。A. foresee 预见;B. assess 评估;C. recognize 识别;D. assume 假设。根据下文中的“…the full extent of the injuries and damage in the region”可知,对于受伤的程度以及损坏程度是要 进行评估的。故选 B 项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:地质学家 Regina Rave 在地震发生时正在他家中与两名同事会面。 A. roommates 室友;B. schoolmates 校友;C. colleagues 同事;D. parents 家长。根据下文中 的“…and ____35____ in a kind of group hug with his colleagues,…”可知,此处是与他的两位 同事在一起。故选 C 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:地质学家 Regina Rave 在地震发生时正在他家中与两名同事会面。 A. covered 覆盖;B. rose 升起;C. ceased 取消;D. struck 袭击。根据首段中的“…after a powerful earthquake.”可知,此处指的是在地震发生,即袭击这个地方的时候。故选 D 项。
解析:考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:Rave 试图从椅子上站起来,但无法保持平衡,最终与同事 拥抱在一起,而盘子和杯子从他的架子上摔到了地上。A. ended up 告终;B. came out 结果, 出版;C. carried on 继续;D. resulted from 由……引起。根据上文中的“Rave tried to stand up from his chair but couldn’t keep his balance and…”可知,此处表示的是 Rave 未能保持平衡后 的结果。故选 A 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Rave 试图从椅子上站起来,但无法保持平衡,最终与同事拥抱 在一起,而盘子和杯子从他的架子上摔到了地上。A. squeezed 压榨;B. crashed 坠毁;C. flashed 闪烁;D. pulled 拉,牵。根据空前“plates and cups”可知,此处指的是地震的时候杯子盘 子会从桌子上坠落摔碎。故选 B 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他 9 岁和 2 岁的孩子,他们的饮料流过杯子的边缘。A. turn 转 向;B. knock 敲打;C. flow 流动;D. blow 打击。根据上文中的“His children, ages 9 and 2, had their drinks…”可知,孩子们喝的饮料流到了桌子的边缘。故选 C 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Rave 试图让每个人都平静下来,因为震动持续了一分多钟。A. jumping 跳跃;B. hanging 悬挂;C. floating 漂浮;D. shaking 摇晃。根据下文中的“…continued for more than a minute.”可知,在地震引起的晃动持续的时候,Rave 尽可能保持镇静。故选 D 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:大约有 10000 人居住在他的城镇及其周围,该镇距离地震中心 66 公里。A. located 定位;B. listed 列出;C. considered 考虑;D. posed 摆姿势。根据下文中 的“66 kilometers from the earthquake’s center.”可知,此处介绍的是地震的位置。故选 A 项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这里感受到地震是很常见的事情,但它通常不会持续那么久, 也没有这次那么猛烈。A. simple 简单的;B. common 常见的;C. popular 流行的;D. awkward 尴尬的。根据上文介绍的地震位置以及下文中的“…that earthquakes are felt here”可知,此 处能感到地震时很常见的事情。故选 B 项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们感到害怕。A. puzzled 迷惑的;B. tired 疲倦的,累的;C. frightened 害怕的;D. inspired 受鼓舞的。结合语境,地震了,人们当然是很害怕的。故选 C 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Rave 正在整理他家的损坏情况,其中包括从气味判断的下水道 破裂。A. getting 得到;B. breaking 突破;C. cutting 剪切;D. sorting 分类。根据下文中的 “…which included a broken sewer pipe(污水管)judging from the smell.”可知,此处说明的是 Rave 在震后“收拾,整理”家里损坏的情况。故选 D 项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:其他地方的朋友给他发了信息,描述了道路破裂,管道破裂和掉落的碎片,但没有描述重大建筑物倒塌或受伤。A. descriptions 描写;B. instructions 指导; C. explanations 解释;D. introductions 介绍。根据上文中提到的“Friends elsewhere had messaged him”以及下文中的“…cracked roads,broken pipes and fallen debris(碎片).”可知, 此处说明的是朋友发来的信息中描述着重大建筑物的倒塌或受损情况。故选 A 项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:其他地方的朋友给他发了信息,描述了道路破裂,管道破裂和掉 落的碎片,但没有描述重大建筑物倒塌或受伤。A. changes 改变;B. injuries 受伤;C. beats 击打;D. attacks 攻击。根据该空与上文中的“major building collapses”并列可知,此处应 该是“损害”。故选 B 项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:通信似乎受到了影响,一些手机信号塔可能已经倒塌。A. handled 处理;B. improved 改善;C. affected 影响;D. removed 清除。根据常识可知,地震时,通信 会受到信号塔的倒塌影响。故选 C 项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:仔细一看,我意识到这幅画是一幅拼图,而店里到处都是这样的拼图。A. connection联系;B. inspection查看;C. comparison比较;D. location位置。根据前文“in a shop window(在商店橱窗里)”以及后文“I realized…(我意识到……)”可推知,作者是走近仔细看了之后才发现那是一个拼图游戏。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我走进去时,我发现自己突然被带回到了童年时代。A. kept保持;B. put放置;C. held拿着;D. brought带来。根据后文“my sisters and I, well before the ____48____ of cellphones and video games, would spend the afternoons ____49____ jigsaw puzzles of colorful waterfalls…(在手机和电子游戏还没有出现之前,我和姐姐们会花一个下午的时间玩彩色瀑布和其他自然奇观的拼图游戏……)”可知,作者的童年总是会和姐妹们一起玩拼图游戏,因此,这家店里的拼图使作者想到往事,把作者带回了童年。动词短语bring back“使……回忆起来”。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:很久以前,在我家乡漫长的夏日里,在手机和电子游戏还没有出现之前,我和姐姐们会花一个下午的时间解决彩色瀑布和其他自然奇观的拼图游戏。A. appearance出现;B. loss损失;C. growth成长;D. operation操作。根据后文“would spend the afternoons ____49____ jigsaw puzzles of colorful waterfalls and other natural ____50____(会花一个下午的时间解决彩色瀑布和其他自然奇观的拼图游戏)”可知,拼图游戏应该是在手机和电子游戏还没有出现前作者他们主要用来消遣的游戏。故选A项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:很久以前,在我家乡漫长的夏日里,在手机和电子游戏还没有出现之前,我和姐姐们会花一个下午的时间解决彩色瀑布和其他自然奇观的拼图游戏。A. finding发现;B. watching观看;C. solving解决;D. building建造。根据后文宾语“jigsaw puzzles”意为“拼图”可知,拼图游戏是有一定难度的,应是动词“solving”。故选C项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:很久以前,在我家乡漫长的夏日里,在手机和电子游戏还没有出现之前,我和姐姐们会花一个下午的时间解决彩色瀑布和其他自然奇观的拼图游戏。A. wonders奇观;B. resources资源;C. conditions环境;D. disasters灾难。此处与前文“colorful waterfalls(色彩斑斓的瀑布)”相呼应,这里应是自然奇观。故选A项。
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:几十年后,当我浏览一书架又一书架的拼图时,我在想:今天把它们拼在一起是否还会像过去那样令人兴奋?A. checked out结账离开;B. stormed into非常气愤地进入;C. glanced through浏览;D. went after追逐。根据后文宾语“shelf after shelf of puzzles”意为“一书架又一书架的拼图”可推知,在这家店里,作者看着如此多的拼图,有了些想法,与“看”有关的短语为C项“glanced through”。故选C项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:几十年后,当我浏览一书架又一书架的拼图时,我在想:今天把它们拼在一起是否还会像过去那样令人兴奋?A. demanding要求高的;B. exciting令人兴奋的;C. confusing令人困扰的;D. shocking令人震惊的。根据后文“in bygone years”可知,作者将自己现在拼图的感受与童年时期拼图的感受相对比,那时他们可以花一下午的时间拼图,可见那时他们拼图时很兴奋。故选B项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我发现,在过去的几十年里,我学到了一些技能,让我现在能够更好地完成这些拼图,并理解到这项消遣活动的深层价值。A. learned学习;B. ignored忽略;C. forgotten忘记;D. required要求。根据后文“that prepared me to better complete the puzzles now(这让我现在能够更好地完成拼图)”可知,作者的拼图技能由所提高,由此可知,随着时间过去,他已经学会了技能。故选A项。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我发现,在过去的几十年里,我学到了一些技能,让我现在能够更好地完成这些拼图,并理解到这项消遣活动的深层价值。A. share分享;B. explain解释;C. predict预测;D. appreciate理解。根据末尾段落内容“Among the valuable lessons and rewards that these puzzles offer…(在这些拼图提供的宝贵经验和奖励中……)”可知,经过几十年之后,作者深知拼图游戏带来的更为深远的价值,即,他深刻理解这个游戏的意义。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道我需要鹰眼来辨别不同的颜色搭配和辨别细节,才能找到合适的那一块。A. exchange交换;B. preparation准备;C. search搜寻;D. reward奖励。固定搭配in the search for“寻找”。故选C项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当这些拼图看起来极其困难的时候,我只是休息一下,精神焕发地回来,很快就找到了我很久以前忘记的那块。A. strange奇怪的;B. impressive令人印象深刻的;C. flexible灵活的;D. difficult困难的。根据后文“I simply took a break, returned refreshed(我只是休息了一下,回来后精神焕发)”可知,作者在拼图时需要休息,重新备战,这说明他在拼图时遇到了困难。故选D项。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:当这些拼图看起来极其困难的时候,我只是休息一下,精神焕发地回来,很快就找到了我很久以前忘记的那块。A. conveniently便利地;B. quickly快速地;C. intentionally故意地;D. frequently频繁地。根据前文“I simply took a break, returned refreshed(我只是休息了一下,回来后精神焕发)”可知,作者休息之后,精神焕发,应是很快找到了那一块拼图。故选B项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这些拼图提供的宝贵经验和奖励中,耐心和意志力得到了增强。A. bravery勇气;B. ambition雄心;C. patience耐心;D. intelligence智力。此处与后文的“willpower(意志力)”相呼应,这里应是C项“patience”,拼图需要耐心和意志力。故选C项。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但最有益的是我们寻找答案或线索的方式,不知疲倦地寻找完美的契合。A. typical典型的;B. normal正常的;C. important重要的;D. perfect完美的。此处与前文“the right piece(正确的那一块)”相呼应,这里应是“the perfect fit”,意为“完美的契合”。故选D项。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一种应对生活中任何挑战的方法。A. challenge挑战;B. requirement要求;C. surprise惊喜;D. deadline最后期限。结合语境可知,前文“But what is most beneficial is how we look for answers or clues, working tirelessly to find the ____59____ fit.(但最有益的是我们寻找答案或线索的方式,不知疲倦地寻找完美的契合)”提及的拼图带给作者的最有用的价值也是应对生活挑战的方法。故选A项。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.hunt捕猎;B.disturb打扰;C.raise使………升高,饲养;D.observe观察。句意:这两名潜水员训练有素,并被教导不要打扰自然栖息地的动物,所以他们尽量保持静止。根据下文"in their natural habitat"可知,两位潜水员受过良好的训练,不会去打扰在自然栖息地的野生动物,故选B。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.positive积极的;B.independent独立自主的;C.silent沉默的;D.still静止不动的。句意:这两名潜水员训练有素,并被教导不要打扰自然栖息地的动物,所以他们尽量保持静止。根据下文"had been taught not to disturb animals"可知,见到海豹后,他们俩(为了不打扰海豹)在水里尽可能地保持不动的姿势,故选D。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.dragging拖拽;B.chasing追赶;C.approaching 靠近;D.touching触碰。句意:然而,海豹们好奇又爱玩,开始慢慢地靠近它们。根据下文"slowly"可知,没想到,俩海豹竟然慢慢地向潜水员游过来,approaching与前面描述海豹的curious and playful呼应,符合此句意思,故选C。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.dangerous 危险的;B.wonderful很棒的;C.frightening让人恐惧的;D.simple简单的。句意:加里意识到这将是一个绝妙的机会,所以他拿出相机记录了接下来可能发生的事情。根据下文"so he took his camera out"可知,海豹们没有游走,而是向他们游过来,Gary意识到这是个很好的机会,所以他拿出相机,故选B。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.recorded记录;B.announced宣布;C.discussed讨论;D.imagined想象。句意:加里意识到这将是一个绝妙的机会,所以他拿出相机记录了接下来可能发生的事情。根据上文"so he took his camera out"可知,Gary偷偷地拿出摄录机,记录接下来海豹们的场面,故选A。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.fact事实;B.condition状况,条件;C.truth真理,真相;D.miracle奇迹。句意:这在当时似乎是个奇迹。根据下文"The seals swam closer and closer'可知,幼年海豹与潜水员互动,简直是一场奇迹,miracle符合句意,故选D。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.noticed注意到;B.expected期待;C.remembered记得;D.doubted怀疑。句意:海豹游得越来越近,詹姆斯和他的伙伴注意到海豹还只是婴儿!根据下文"the seals were just babies"可知,随着它们慢慢靠近潜水员,Gary和伙伴发现这两头贪玩的海豹竟然处于幼年期,故选A。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.choice选择;B.accident意外事故;C.opportunity机会;D.secret秘密。句意:两位潜水员简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,他们也不会错过这干载难逢的机会。根据上文"Gary realized this would be a wonderful chance"可知,能接解触到幼年期的海豹,是终生难得的机会,与74题呼应,故选C。
解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.block阻挡;B.catch抓住;C.scare惊吓;D.wake唤醒。句意:为了继续拍摄,他们保持冷静和温柔,以免吓跑小海豹。根据上文"To keep on filming'可知,为了能继续拍摄,他们俩小心翼翼,生怕惊吓了小海豹们,故选C。
解析:考查连词及语境理解。A.even though即使;B.as if好像;C.so that以便,为了;D.ever since自从。句意:幸运的是,海豹并没有离开,而是开始在潜水员周围走来走去,好像他们想和他们交朋友一样。根据下文"they wanted to make friends with them"可知,调皮贪玩的小海豹绕着Gary和伙伴转圈圈,好像想和他们交朋友,故选B。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.signals 信号;B.tails尾巴;C.notes笔记,音符;D.hands手。句意:其中一只海豹伸出鳍状肢与潜水员"握手",潜水员简直不敢相信发生在他们身上的事情。根据上文"One of the seals held out its flippers"可知,小海豹伸出鱼鳍和潜水员握手,shake hands意为"握手",故选D。
解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.actually 事实上;B.quickly迅速地;C.hardly几乎不;D.gradually逐渐地。句意:其中一只海豹伸出鳍状肢与潜水员"握手",潜水员简直不敢相信发生在他们身上的事情。根据上文"It seemed like a miracle at the time"可知,小海豹的热情互动,让潜水员几乎不敢相信,就像一个奇迹,故选C。
解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.ordinary普通的;B.important重要的;C.specific特定的,具体的;D.popular受欢迎的。句意:整个场景的记录在网上疯传,并在互联网上非常流行。根据上文"The record of the whole scene went viral"可知,视频传到网上后,大受欢迎,D选项与空格前的went viral走红、迅速传播"相呼应,故选D。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.belief信念;B.tradition传统;C.religion宗教;D.custom习俗。句意:加里希望传达一个明确的信念,即海底世界美丽而令人印象深刻,但同时也遭受着污染和破坏。根据上文"Gary hopes to convey"可知,Gary希望借着视频的走红,传达一个清晰的信念、想法:海底世界美妙无比,请大家保护海洋动物。故选A。
解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.experiment实验;B.destruction毁灭;C.failure失败;D.adventure冒险。句意:加里希望传达一个明确的信念,即海底世界美丽而令人印象深刻,但同时也遭受着污染和破坏。根据下句"could you tolerate someone wanting to destroy it"可知,此处需要选出人类活动带来的不好影响,故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的学前班爆发了一场疫情,所以她一发烧,我们就给她做了家庭测试。A.isolation隔离,孤立;B.injection注射;C.outbreak(战争、疾病、暴力等的)爆发,突然发生;D.occasion场合。根据后文“so as soon as she got a temperature, we did an at-home test”可知,此处是指她的学前班爆发了一场疫情。故选C。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们花了几个不眠之夜努力让她退烧,因为我的孩子咳嗽和鼻塞。A.upset失落的;B.sleepless不休息的;C.pleasant令人愉快的,惬意的;D.enduring持久的,持续的。根据后文“fighting to bring her fever down”可知,此处是指花了几个不眠之夜。故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我帮助这位小战士的最大“武器”就是帮她退烧的非处方药。A.weapon武器;B.tool工具;C.treatment对待,待遇;D.method方法。根据“help our little warrior”可知,此处是指最大“武器”。故选A。
解析:考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然我的小女儿现在已经康复,但我无法停止思考,作为一个国家,美国似乎不能有效地优先考虑儿童的健康。A.Unless除非;B.But但是;C.Since因为;D.While尽管,虽然。根据后文“I can't stop thinking about”可知,此处是指虽然小女儿现在已经康复。故选D。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然我的小女儿现在已经康复,但我无法停止思考,作为一个国家,美国似乎不能有效地优先考虑儿童的健康。A.easily容易地;B.barely几乎不,几乎没有;C.hurriedly匆忙地,仓促地;D.effectively有效地。根据后文“As kids across the country return to school without clear and accessible testing measures”(因为全国各地的孩子返校时都没有清晰易懂的测试方法)可知,此处是指美国似乎不能有效地优先考虑儿童的健康。故选D。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当它不包括年幼的孩子时,我们怎么能如此兴奋于拥有疫苗?A.apply申请;B.take拿走;C.consider考虑;D.include包含。根据前文“too young to be vaccinated”(年龄太小,不能接种疫苗)可知,这个疫苗的接种范围不包括年幼的孩子。故选D。
解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:当全国各地的孩子返校时,却没有明确和可行的检测措施,谁又能声称把孩子的安全或保护放在首位呢?A.in place正在运作,就位;B.in line成一直线;C.in order整齐;D.in sight在即,在望。根据前文“without clear and accessible testing measures”可知,此处是指没有明确和可行的检测措施准备就绪。故选A。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先,这意味着我们需要更多可用的检测,以及在接触或感染时进行隔离的清晰、一致的规则。A.availability可用性,可得性;B.capability能力,才能;C.flexibility灵活性;D.popularity流行,普及,受欢迎。根据前文“without clear and accessible testing measures”可知,此处是指更多可用的检测。故选A。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:首先,这意味着我们需要更多可用的检测,以及在接触或感染时进行隔离的清晰、一致的规则。A.caught捕捉;B.exposed接触;C.injected注射;D.touched触摸,碰。根据“clear, consistent rules for isolating”可知,此处是指接触或感染。故选B。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:即使在我的孩子检测呈阳性的噩梦中,我仍然很感激我们有家庭检测。A.relative相对的;B.addictive使人成瘾的;C.active好动的;D.positive阳性的。根据前文“in the midst of the nightmare”可知,此处是指检测呈阳性的噩梦。故选D。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:即使在我的孩子检测呈阳性的噩梦中,我仍然很感激我们有家庭检测。A.depressed 抑郁的,沮丧的;B.nervous紧张的;C.grateful感激的;D.excited兴奋的。根据Even和“we had at-home tests”可知,此处是指“我”仍然很感激有家庭检测。故选C。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:但我们有它们的唯一原因是,我丈夫事先考虑过我们在假期需要检测试剂盒和口罩。A.aloud大声地,出声地;B.highly极其,非常;C.ahead提前,预先;D.little极少,轻微。根据后文“about our need for testing kits and masks during the holiday season”可知,此处是指丈夫事先考虑过在假期需要检测试剂盒和口罩。故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们被纯粹的运气拯救了,而许多人还在努力寻找测试。A.joy快乐;B.terror惊恐,恐惧;C.luck运气;D.surprise惊讶。根据前文“We were saved”可知,此处是指被纯粹的运气拯救了。故选C。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是不可接受的。A.unacceptable不能接受的;B.uncontrollable无法控制的;C.undeniable不可否定的,无可争辩的;D.unavoidable不可避免的。根据前文“As kids across the country return to school without clear and accessible testing measures in place, how can anyone be claiming to put children’s safety or protection first ”可知,此处是指这种状况是不可接受的。故选A。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在疫情进入第三年之际,我向世界上最富有的民主国家提出一项建议:让我们在2022年优先考虑儿童——他们的健康和权利,因为他们是需要付出最高代价的群体。A.change改变;B.proposal建议;C.reform改革,改良;D.view观点,看法。根据后文“Let’s prioritize children in 2022-their health and their rights because they’re the ones who have the highest price to pay”可知,此处是指提出一项建议。故选B。
解析:考查名词短语辨析。句意:然而,当凯蒂和帕特里克史密斯搬到牛顿时,他们被真正地接纳了。A. watery eyes水汪汪的眼睛;B. firm mouths最严; C. loose tongues最快; D. open arms接纳。根据文章第一句"It's a rare thing now to get into a new neighborhood and find yourself welcomed by the locals"可知,如今搬到一个新的社区,发现自己受到当地居民的欢迎是很罕见的。根据转折词Yet可知,然而,搬家到Newton的Katie 和Patrick夫妇受到了热烈欢迎。with open arms热烈地,热情地。故选D。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:凯蒂在搬家前怀孕了,在安顿下来几个月后,她生下了丽贝卡。A. move移动; B. test测试; C.gathering聚集; D. visit拜访。根据'when they relocated to Newton."可知,Katie搬家了。 故选A。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,测试发现丽贝卡天生失聪。A. Eventually终于; B. Unfortunately不幸地; C. Consequently结果; D. Obviously显然。根据下文中的"Rebecca was born deaf"可知,不幸的是(Unfortunately) ,经检查, Rebecca 天生耳聋。故选B。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:史密斯夫妇知道抚养丽贝卡需要付出很大的努力和承诺。A. curing治愈; B. defending防御; C.raising养育,提高; D. hearing听见。根据' tests discovered Rebecca was born deaf.”得知,这对夫妇知道抚养失聪的Rebecca需要认真的投入。故选C。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:邻居们仍然很兴奋地欢迎丽贝卡和他们在一起,但他们意识到这种情况对她的父母来说是多么困难。A. surprised惊讶的; B. disappointed失望的; C. excited激动的; D. worried担心的。根据"to welcome Rebecca with them"得知,Rebecca诞生使邻居们兴奋不已。故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:邻居们仍然很兴奋地欢迎丽贝卡和他们在一起,但他们意识到这种情况对她的父母来说是多么困难。A.struggle挣扎,难事; B. urgency紧急; C. accident事故; D. tension紧张。根据"tests discovered Rebecca was born deaf."得知,他们也意识到抚养失聪的孩子这对于她的父母来说是多么艰难的一件事。故选A。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们想让这个家庭的日子好过一些。 A. more effective更有效的; B. more helpful更有帮助的; C.quieter更安静的; D. easier更容易的。根据"Learning sign language to help Rebecca learn"得知,邻居们想做些事情让这个家庭的日子更容易一些。故选D。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:学习手语来帮助成长中的丽贝卡学习交流是个好主意。A. communicate交流; B. survive幸存; C.compete竞争; D. follow跟随。根据空前的"Learning sign language to help Rebecca learn to"和下文的"interact with Rebecca"可知,邻居们学习手语是为了帮助Rebecca在成长的过程中学会交流(communicate) 。故选A。
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管学习手语确实是有挑战性的,为了帮助他们最年轻的社区成员,邻居们一致同意承担学习第二语言的手语的任务。A. find out查明; B. take on承担; C. hand out分发; D. pass on传递。根据"They wanted…to interact with Rebecca."得知,邻居们一致同意承担学手语的任务。故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管学习手语确实是有挑战性的,为了帮助他们最年轻的社区成员,邻居们一致同意承担学习第二语言的手语的任务。A. protection保护; B. recovery恢复; C. benefit益处; D. support支持。根据their youngest member可知,为了帮助他们最年轻的社区成员。for the benefit of sb. "为帮助某人,为某人的利益"。故选C。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管学习手语确实是有挑战性的,为了帮助他们最年轻的社区成员,邻居们一致同意承担学习第二语言的手语的任务。A. pleasant令人愉快的; B. necessary必要的; C. meaningful有意义的; D. challenging挑战性的。根据上文中的"mastering an entirely second language"可知,学习手语确实是有挑战性的(challenging) 事。故选D。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位手语教练会帮他们所有人成为Rebecca成长过程中的参与者。A. volunteers志愿者; B. teachers老师; C. witnesses目击者; D. participants参加者。根据"The neighborhood agreed to...the task of mastering an entirely second language"得知,邻居们都学习手语,成为Rebecca成长过程中的参与者。故选D。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:邻居们尽可能长时间地保密,为了给Smith一家一个惊喜。A. brief简要的; B. secret秘密的; C.consistent一贯的; D. smooth顺利的。从下文中的“to give the Smiths a surprise' "可知,邻居们想给Smith一家一个惊喜,因此尽可能长时间地保密(secret) 。故选B。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:终于到了给Smith一家展示他们所取得的成果的时候了。A. overcame克服; B. devoted献身; C. achieved实现; D. advocated提倡。根据上文"to give the Smiths a surprise"可知,邻居们把学习手语这件事当成一个秘密,想要给Smith一家一个惊喜,因此此处指终于到了给Smith一家展示他们所取得的成果的时候了。故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家人-到达,他们就发现邻居们欢迎的手势语把他们包围了。A. signs手语; B. atmosphere氛围; C. smiles微笑; D. applause掌声。根据"Finally the time came to show the Smiths what they'd"得知,邻居们欢迎的手势语把他们包围了。故选A。
解析:考查名词。收到一封来自外国的信是件很了不起的事,所以“我”期待着收到他们的回复。quite a thing一件了不起的事情,一件不同寻常的事情。
解析:考查名词。根据上文"They weren't good at English"的提示可知答案。
解析:考查动词。根据下文"I'm 93 now and I still write to Renee."的提示可知,在整个过程中,我们一直在写信。
解析:考查名词。根据上文"Renee and I continued writing to each other, and our friendship became..."的提示可知,这是“我”有过的最宝贵的友谊。
解析:根据下文的"at a restaurant;after they ate"可知,Natalie Te Paa 跟朋友是去一家餐厅“吃饭”。go get a meal(去吃饭)符合语境。
解析:员工送给 Natalie的盘子上"写着"happy birthday。"read"此处的意思是"有……的字样;写着”。
解析:根据下文的"...from looking up how to write the message in Braille to making sure the chocolate was cold enough..."可知,盘子上的字是用"巧克力"写的。
解析:根据下文“from looking up how to write the message in Braille to making sure the chocolate was cold enough"这里的员工从查找如何用盲文写信息到确保巧克力足够冷可知,他们在竭尽全力为她庆祝生日。
解析:根据空白前的"...making sure the chocolate was cold enough"和生活常识可知,餐厅工作人员是想确保巧克力不会因为手触摸而“融化”。
解析:他们的努力有了"回报"——Natalie被感动哭了。pay off:有回报。
解析:根据后文“And the birthday girl went on to talk about how she hoped the video would ___132___ people to have a larger conversation about inclusivity."可知,Natalie的朋友把这一情景拍成了"视频"发到了网上,shoot拍摄;摄影。
解析:根据上文“...Natalie was moved to tears.”可知,这个视频很“感人”。
解析:根据文章第一句"Natalie Te Paa, a blind singer..."可知,Natalie作为一名"盲人"很不易。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:早些时候,远洋邮轮上仍然坐满了在甲板上吃喝的人。A. fed 喂养;B. feasted 饱餐、尽情享用;C. entertained 招待、请客;D. treated 对待、款待。根据句中并列动词“drank”可知,邮轮上的乘客应该是在甲板上又吃又喝。故选B。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在大家都睡着了。A. highly 高度地、非常;B. soundly 酣然地、香甜地;C. lately 近来、最近;D. solidly 坚固地、坚硬地。由下文中的“I could hear the hypnotic (催眠的) 138 of the waves.”可知,作者能够听到海浪催眠般的声音,说明很安静,人们应该都已经酣然入睡。故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我站在那里,能听到海浪催眠般的低语。A. murmur 低语;B. shout 喊叫声、呼喊;C. breath 呼吸;D. weep 哭泣。由句中“hypnotic”可知,此时海浪的声音应该是很轻柔的、催眠般的低语。故选A。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在一个角落里坐下,决定把沉重的脑袋靠在背包上。A. faint 苍白的;B. heavy 沉重的;C. clear 清晰的;D. thick 厚的、浓的。由前文“Everyone was soundly asleep now ”可知,大家都睡着了,所以作者应该也很困了,脑袋也变得沉重了。故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:突然,我被落在我脸上的雨滴吵醒了。A. storms 暴风雨;B. spots 斑点、污点;C. dots 小圆点、点;D.drops 水滴、滴。由空处前“rain”及句意可知,是雨滴落在了作者的脸上。故选D。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:平静的大海变得波涛汹涌。A. rough 汹涌的、风浪大的、粗糙的;B. tough 艰难的、严厉的;C. sharp 尖锐的、锋利的;D. deep 深的。根据上一句“The wind was blowing stronger and the waves got higher. ”(风刮得更大了,海浪也更高了)可知,原本平静的海面起了风浪,开始变得波涛汹涌了。故选A。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我挣扎着站起来,但由于船剧烈摇晃,我失去了平衡,摔了下去。A. gently 轻柔地、和缓地;B. abruptly 突然地;C. violently猛烈地、粗暴地;D. swiftly 迅速地、敏捷地。由句意可知,作者很难站起来,也无法保持平衡,结合前文的“The calm sea had turned rough”,可知,船应该是剧烈地晃动。故选C。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多人冲了出来,但他们从船的一边滑到了另一边。A. paced 踱步;B. swept 打扫、席卷;C. rolled 翻滚、滚动;D. slid 滑行、滑动。根据上一句“I struggled to stand up but lost my balance and fell as the ship was rocking violently.”可知,船在剧烈晃动,人很难保持平衡,所以在倾斜的并且湿滑的船上应该是从一边滑到另一边。故选D。
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:在与暴风雨进行了长时间的搏斗之后,暴风雨似乎逐渐平息了。A. turn down 调小声音、拒绝;B. die down 逐渐平息;C. die off 相继死去;D. turn away 避开、不准……入内。根据下一句“We breathed in 10”及本句句意可知,人们在与暴风雨长时间搏斗后轻松呼吸,应该是暴风雨逐渐平息了。故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们松了一口气。A. relief 宽慰、轻松;in relief 松了口气;B. satisfaction 满意、满足;C.delight 高兴;D. anticipation 预期、预料。由前一句“it appeared to die down”可知,暴风雨逐渐平息了下来,所以人们都松了一口气。故选A。
解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:我无言以对,茫然地盯着。A. in confusion 混乱、乱七八糟;B. at a loss 茫然、不知所措;C. at ease 舒适、自由自在;D. in chaos 混乱。根据上一句“Waters were rushing in as the side of the ship was damaged.”可知,船受到了损坏,就要下沉了,结合句中“stared blankly”可知,作者此时心里非常无助,茫然不知所措,也不知道该说什么。故选B。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:没有时间耽搁了。A. lose 失去、浪费;B. save 拯救、节省;C. throw 扔、投掷;D. leave 离开、留下。根据上一句“Hurry, John!”,并结合当时就要沉船的场景可知,时间非常紧迫,必须尽快逃离邮轮,说明没有可以失去或是耽搁的时间了。故选A。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一听到自己的名字就吓了一跳,因为我完全沉浸在脑子里的担忧中。A. pleased 高兴的、满意的;B. terrified 害怕的、惊恐的;C. startled 受惊吓的;D. amazed 惊奇的、惊讶的。根据句中“as I was totally absorbed in the worries in my brain. ”可知,作者当时完全陷入了担忧的思绪中,所以一听到有人叫自己的名字,就会条件反射般地被吓了一跳。故选C。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:转过身来,我看到其余的乘客开始登上救生艇。A. board 登上(火车、轮船或飞机);B. push 推动、敦促;C. squeeze 挤压、压榨;D. drive 驾驶、驱使。根据本段中“The ship is sinking!”及全段内容可知,船正在下沉,乘客们需要尽快逃离轮船,所以都在登上救生艇逃生。故选A。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到今天,那次可怕的遭遇仍然铭刻在我的记忆中。A. event 事件、大事;B. challenge 挑战;C. encounter 遭遇、邂逅;D. adventure 冒险、奇遇。由句中“terrifying”及全文内容可知,对于作者来说,这段经历是一次可怕的、意想不到的遭遇。故选C。



上一篇:2022-2023高三英语二轮复习专题练习(新高考)专题十四 七选五(含解析)
