Module 8 Time off. 测试卷(含答案+听力原文)

Module 8 Time off测试卷
1.Did the woman have a good time at Mount Tai
A.Yes,she did.   B.No,she didn't. C No,thanks.
2.What does the woman have to do
A.Spend some time at home.
B.Practice the piano at home.
C.Stay in Hunan Province.
3.What did she forget to take
A.Her new camera. B.Her clothes.
C.Her new bag.
4.How can they get to the top of Mount Tianzi
A.By car. B.By train. C.By cable car.
5.Has the man ever been to Disneyland
A.No,he hasn't. B.Yes,he has.vvC.It isn't mentioned..
听下面一段较长对话,回答6—7 小题。
6. What does the man advise the woman to take
A. A coat. B. A sweater. C. An umbrella.
7. What's the weather like in Los Angeles this week
A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy.
8. Why doesn't the man buy the tickets this evening
A. Because there are no tickets left.
B. Because it is too late to set off.
C. Because the weather is too bad.
9. Which train will the man take
A. The 8:20 train. B. The 9;15 train. C. The 12:30 train.
10. How much does the man pay for the tickets in all
A. 70 dollars. B. 60 dollars. C. 50 dollars.
11.When did David go to visit Salt Lake City
A.Last Sunday. B.This Sunday. C.Last Saturday.
12.How did David get to Salt Lake City from the City of Sandy
A.By bus. B.By train. C.By car.
13.Why did David join the English group
A.Because he wanted to practise English.
B.Because he was the guide's friend.
C.Because he liked the English guide.
14.What did David do after lunch
A.He posted some cards. B.He visited Temple Square.
C.He saw a film.
15.How did David probably feel about the trip
A.It was terrible. B.It was tiring. C.It was pleasant.
Once there was a very helpful and kind-hearted man. He would help anyone 16 expecting anything in return.
One day while walking along a dusty road,the man saw a wallet,so he 17 the wallet. But then he found it was 18 .Suddenly a woman and a policeman turned up and caught him.
The woman kept on asking where her 19 was,but the man answered,“It was empty 20 I found it.” The woman shouted at him,“Please give it back to me,and it’s my son’ s tuition(学费).”The man saw that the woman really felt 21 ,so he handed over all his money. He could see that the woman was a single mother. The woman left and the policeman asked the man more 22 .
One day while the woman was going to her son’s school,she noticed that 23 was walking
behind her. She thought that he 24 rob(抢劫)her,so she walked to a policeman. He was the same policeman that she had taken along to claim her money .The woman told him about the man following her. They ran to him, and saw that he was the same man that they had caught 25 days ago.
He looked very weak and the woman was 26 .The policeman said to the woman, “He wasn’t the thief that day,but having heard about your situation,he 27 you his money.
Then the man told the woman, “Please go ahead and 28 your son’s tuition. I saw you and followed you to make sure that no one would steal your money again. The woman was too moved to say 29 .
Life may give you a strange experience: Sometimes it shocks you 30 sometimes it may also surprise you. Be kind and generous. Learn to appreciate what you are given.
16. A. by B. without C. for D. with
17. A. threw away B. put down C .looked for D. picked up
18.A.empty B. dirty C. heavy D. cheap
19.A.bag B. son C. money D. home
20.A.before B. when C. until D. unless
21.A.poor B. serious C. dangerous D. sad
22.A.questions B. advice C. reasons D. examples
23.A.everyone B. anyone C. someone one
24.A.should B. can’t C. mustn’t D. might
25.A.little B. a few C. a little D. few
26 .A. happy B. excited C. surprised D. successful
27.A.sent B. gave C. kept D. filled B. borrow C. spend D. take
29.A.anything B. everything C. something D. nothing
30. .A. for C. and D. or
King's College Summer School is an annual (每年的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized.
This year's summer school will be from July 25 to August 15. More information is as follows:
Application (申请) date●Students in New York should send their applications before July 18, 2019.●Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16, 2019.● Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2019. Courses●English LanguageSpoken English: 22 hoursReading and Writing: 10 hours●American History: 16 hours●American Culture: 16 hours
Steps●A letter of self introduction●A letter of recommendation(推荐) from a teacherThe letters should be written in English with all the necessary information. Cost●Daily lessons: $200●Sports and activities: $100●Travels: $200●Hotel service: $400You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.
Please write to: Thompson, Sanders 1026 King's Street, New York, NY 10016, USAE mail: KC Summer School@
31. According to the article, who will give the courses
A. The teachers of King's College and the high schools in America.
B. The teachers of the summer school and other colleges in the United States.
C. The teachers of the high schools and the summer school in New York.
D. The teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York.
32. When should foreign students send their applications
A. Before July 10, 2019. B. Before June 1, 2019.
C. Before July 16, 2019. D. Before April 15, 2019.
33. If you want to live with your friends in New York, you will have to pay ________.
A. $300 B. $400 C. $500 D. $900
We spent a few days in Paris last week. We visited the famous city quite regularly. After all, it only takes three hours from London to Paris. It’s always a pleasure visiting places we really like and exploring areas we’ve never been.
The only unlucky thing this time was the weather. As soon as we got there the temperature reached almost 35 degrees (which lasted until we left).It was so hot that Matthew just couldn’t stand it—for him, it wasn’t the most enjoyable trip. I felt sorry for him because every time we go there he has to put up with (忍受) my endless shopping spree (狂欢) ...
Because of the heat, we ended up just having lots of ice cream and drinks most of the time, although we managed to pay a few visits to the new Herme shop on Rue de Vaugirard at least. It’s not as busy as the shop on Rue Bonaparte so you can choose whatever you like without worrying about a queue behind you! I really enjoyed his bread this time as well as the cakes. And I must say that his Croissant aux Amandes and Bostock were simply the best I’ve ever had.
34.The underlined word “stand” in the second paragraph means .
A.享受 B.忍受 C.站立 D.位于
35.What can you know about Matthew from the second paragraph
A.He doesn’t like shopping. B.He doesn’t like travelling.
C.He is one of the writer’s relatives. D.He isn’t a good husband.
36.The shops on Rue Bonaparte .
A.have no bread that the writer likes B.are often crowded with customers
C.don’t have anything the writer likes D.are not very busy all the time
37.What’s the best title for the passage
A.An unpleasant trip B.A great city
C.A shopping centre D.A trip to Paris
Travelling for holidays is very popular now. Making a good travel plan is very important. The following are some useful suggestions on making a travel plan.
★Choose the best travel_ package
Many companies offer travel packages to travellers, for example, Thomas Cook. Sometimes,they offer travel packages at low prices. You can find this kind of company on the Internet.
★Book your ticket earlier
Many airplane companies will offer cheap tickets to last minute travellers. However,if you want to travel by air,you'd better book your ticket earlier, and then you can also book hotel rooms earlier.
★Choose what you want to take
Be sure to take all necessary things. However, don't make your bag too heavy. You'd better take clothes that match the weather of the place you are going to. It is also important to take some medicine and all important papers for travel.
★Buy a guidebook
Remember to have a guidebook of the place you want to visit. You may have little or no knowledge about the interesting places there. Make sure the guidebook is new and also has some helpful words in the local language. This will help you when you want to talk with the local people,for example,when asking for directions.
38.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage
A.Delicious food. B.Travel bags.
C.Travel papers. D.Guidebooks.
39.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Many companies provide travel packages now.
B.Thomas Cook is a very famous place to travel.
C.It is not important to book your ticket earlier.
D.Travellers should take as many things as they can.
40.What does the “travel package” mean in Chinese
A.旅行包 B.旅行路线 C.旅行计划 D.旅行方式
41.What's the main idea of this passage
A.Travelling for holidays. B.The places to visit.
C.Suggestions for travelling. D.The transportation for travelling.
People often ask me for suggestions about how to learn English. As for it, everyone is different. I'll share some of my experience. I once took a school year English course in Wuhan University, but I mostly learned English on my own.
One thing I can tell you is that, once you've started learning, you should try to think in English as much as you can. If you see something when you're riding your bike or walking down the street, just think about "How would I say them in English " At first, it might be with simple words or phrases, but later you should think about longer phrases and sentences. Now I'm in America, and for most of the time, I would think in English and speak it directly. It's amazing how much this helps.
For several years after I started learning, I was often afraid of talking with others in English because I didn't want to make mistakes. Finally I got it over. And while traveling in America, I'd try to hang out with friends who couldn't speak Chinese, so that I'd have no choice but to speak English. And I also decided that if I said something stupid and other people laughed at me, then so be it. After that, my English started improving much more quickly.
Besides, it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing, and give you some suggestions for improvement.
42.According to the writer, _________is a good way to improve your English.
A. thinking in English B. learning English grammar
C. watching English films D. reading English books
43.The underlined phrase "got it over" in Paragraph 3 means "___________" in English.
A. stick to it B. depend on it
C. overcome it D. understand it
44.To the writer's surprise, his English improved quickly ___________.
A. in the university B. in the middle school
C. in China D. in America
45.The best title for this passage should be___________.
A. The Importance of English B. My English Learning Experience
C. My University Life D. My American Friends
What would you do if you felt anxious(焦虑的)?Would you feel better if someone else could share his or her experiences with you?In the United States,two teenage girls set up a mental health camp called “Healing(治愈)Hearts” to help people deal with anxiety.
The idea of creating the camp came from Dinah Martinez, 17,and her schoolmate Janet Martinez,18.Both girls suffered from anxiety.
Dinah Martinez always did well in school. “But then I just started to collapse(崩溃),”Dinah Martinez said. She stopped talking to her friends,stopped going to school for three weeks and stayed at home.
Janet Martinez was anxious in elementary school. Things got even worse in junior high. “It was a lot of pressure(压力)I put on myself. I would wake up in the morning and it was like my heart was racing,she said.
The girls’ camp idea got support from Girls Leading Our World(GLOW)in the US .The organization awarded them $5,000 to put on the camp for other teenage girls.
“The'Healing Hearts'camp was created to help deal with anxiety,especially with girls in high school because that’s when they are the most vulnerable(脆弱的),”Janet Martinez said.
On the first day of the camp,10 girls were there. Experts at the camp talked about anxiety. They helped girls who were experiencing anxiety. The girls learnt how to calm themselves when they are anxious. They learnt about calming methods like deep breathing and guided mediation(调节).
“It’s good to know that someone else is going through the same thing as me and we can both help each other out,Dinah Martinez said.
The “Healing Heart” CampTwo girls46.________from anxiety,so they came up with the idea of setting up a mentalhealth camp. Girls Leading Our World gave them an award of $5,000 to put on the camp for47._______ teenage girls. The camp was created to help deal with anxiety,especially with girls in high school when they are the most48.________.Experts talked about anxiety and helped girls with anxiety. The girls learnt how to keep49.______when they are anxious,like deep breathing and guided mediation. It’ s good to give a hand to those whose experiences are the50._______as Dinah Martinez’s.
A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。
shape, thirsty, sights, look after, climb
51. The dog is _______ and it went to the river to drink water.
52. Come and visit the beautiful _______ in my city.
53. I saw a kid________ up a tree when I passed by the playground.
54. The________ of the old trees in the park are really strange.
55. We should try to do something useful to _________ left-behind children.
B. 给你短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
About 14 mountains in the world are over 8 kiloometers high and eight are in Nepal. Nepal has always been a popular travel country for its 56. _______(风景) . But for some reasons, Western countries don’t want people to go there. However, we made a 57.________(仔细点) research and found nothing to be frightened. So we decided to go there. Before going to Pokhara, we stayed for a few days in Thamel, an 58._______(区域) of Kathmandu. It was a popular place for 59._________(游客). In Kathmandu we 60._______(醒来) up in the birds’ singing; we took walks along the different shapes of 61._______(小径). And we also got out first taste of yak cheese(牦牛奶酪). I had 62._______(几乎不) ever tasted such special cheese, but it was good. 63.________(在….期间) those days in Kathmandu, we also got on a so-called Everset Flight. But I thought it was very disappointing because we never got 64._______ (靠近)to the mountain. In my opinion, it was a total 65.________ (浪费)of money. I will never try it again.
Dear Ms Keating,
I am David Taylor and I work as a computer engineer in your company. The main reason I am writing this letter is to ask for a three __66__(weeks) holiday in August this year. I want to go __67__ a family vacation. I plan __68__(leave) on the first day of August.
I__69__(not be) able to spend any time with my sons on vacation for the past two years. And I have promised __70__(take) them to Shanghai Disneyland this year. Since they have the summer vacation in August, I think of getting your permission before __71__(book) tickets and making other reservations(预订).
As you also know, I place a good deal of importance on work, so you need not worry.I will hand over my work to my workmate Christopher Larson. I've also written a list of what he needs__72__(pay) attention to about the work. I hope that you kindly approve(批准) my holiday plan as soon as possible so __73__ I can get ready for my holiday. I will leave my WeChat, QQ and phone number in your office in case of an emergency(紧急情况) while I am away __74__ work. I hope I __75__(get) a reply from you very soon.
  Hi, John, I'm glad to hear that you're planning to travel around China during the summer vacation. I'd like to invite you to my home town
  I'm looking forward to meeting you!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Module 8 Time off测试卷听力、答案
1.M:Where did you go last Sunday
W:I went to Mount Tai.
M:Did you enjoy yourself
W:Yes, very much.
2.M:Would you like to spend some time with me in Hunan province
W:I’d love to,but I have to practice the piano at home.
3.M:Welcome to Beihai Park.
W:It’s so beautiful.But I have forgotten to take my new camera with me.
4.M:How can we get to the top of Mount Tianzi
W:We can take a cable car.I hope for a wonderful view of the lakes and forests.
5.W:Have you ever been to Disneyland
M:No,I haven’t.
Text 1:
听下面一段较长对话,回答6—7 小题。
W:What clothes should I take to Los Angeles this time
M:You need a sweater. It's a little cold there now.
W:Should I take the umbrella
M:No, you don't have to. It's sunny this week.
Text 2:
W: Good morning! Can I help you, sir
M: Yes, please! Could you tell me the time of the last train to Sydney this evening
W: There's one at 8: 20. But I'm afraid you are a little late. All the tickets have been booked already.
M: Then the time of the first one tomorrow morning
W: The first train leaves at 9:15.
M: Can you tell me when it arrives so that I can ask my friend to come and meet us
W: It arrives at 12:30 but may be a little late because of the had weather.
M: OK! How much does a ticket cost
W: 20 dollars or half price for children under 12.
M: All right! I'd like 2 tickets and another one for a child at the age of 10. Here is the money.
Hello, I'm David, an exchange student from China. I'm glad to share my travelling experience with you. Last Saturday I went to Salt Lake City alone. It is the first time that I have been to the city. I spent 45 minutes taking the bus to the City of Sandy and then took a train to Salt Lake City. I visited Temple Square first. There were many different language tour guides. I joined the English group so that I could practise my English by listening to the guide explain the history. After visiting the square, I got a free ticket to see a film. Then I went to a big mall to eat some food for lunch. You know that ordering the food was a little difficult for me, but at last I ordered my food by the menu. Before I left Salt Lake City, I went to the local post office to send some cards to my friends in China. I enjoyed this small trip so much.
一、16---20 BDACB 21—25 DACDB 26---30 CBAAC
二、16—20 21—25 26—30
三、A篇: 31. D细节理解题。根据短文Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. 可知选D。
32. A细节理解题。表格中“Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2019 ”可知外国留学生应该在7月10日之前发送他们的申请。故选A。
33. C  细节理解题。表格中有关费用的标准: Daily lessons: $200;Sports and activities: $100;Travels: $200; Hotel service: $400。因为住在朋友家里, 所以免去了宾馆的费用$400, 需要交$500。故选C。
B篇 : 【解析】本文作者主要记叙了上周的巴黎之旅。上周他们在巴黎呆了几天,他们经常参观这个著名的城市。从伦敦到巴黎只需要三个小时。这次唯一不幸的是天气。他们一到那里,温度就达到了35度。天气太热了,马修无法忍受。由于天气炎热,他们都吃了很多冰淇淋和喝了许多饮料。他们参观了Vujrad Ruede 街上的新商店。它不像波拿巴街上的商店那么繁忙,所以你可以选择任何你喜欢的东西,而不用担心你身后的排队!
34.B句意:第二段中的下画线单词“stand”意思是_________。stand “忍受,站立”的意思。结合上文As soon as we got there the temperature reached almost 35 degrees(我们一到那儿,温度就达到了35度。)和下文for him,it wasn’t the most enjoyable trip(对他来说,这不是最愉快的旅行。)可知此句It was so hot that Matthew just couldn’t stand it意思是“天气太热了,马修简直受不了了。”可知stand是忍受的意思,选B。
35.A题意:从第二段你能知道马修的什么情况?根据第2段最后一句I felt sorry for him because every time we go there he has to put up with (忍受) my endless shopping spree (我为他感到难过,因为每次我们去那里,他都不得不忍受我没完没了的疯狂购物。)可知马修不喜欢购物,故选A。
36.B题意:波拿巴街上的商店________。根据第3段第2句It’s not as busy as the shop on Rue Bonaparte so you can choose whatever you like without worrying about a queue behind you!(它不像波拿巴街上的商店那么繁忙,所以你可以选择任何你喜欢的,而不用担心你身后的排队!)可知波拿巴街很繁华,经常商店里挤满了顾客,故选B。
37.D题意:这篇文章最好的题目是什么?A. An unpleasant trip不愉快的旅行;B. A great city伟大的城市;C. A shopping centre购物中心;D. A trip to Paris 巴黎之旅。本文作者主要记叙了上周的巴黎之旅。故选D。
C篇 : 38—41 AAAC
D篇 : 42.A根据第二段中的"...once you've started learning, you should try to think in English as much as you can"可知答案为A。
43.C 根据上下文可推断,刚学英语之后的几年里,我经常因不想犯错而害怕和他人用英语交谈,但最终我克服了这一点。get over意为"克服",故答案为C。
44.D  根据第三段中的"And while traveling in America..."以及"After that, my English started improving much more quickly"可知,作者在美国时英语水平提升得很快,故答案为D。
45.B 通读全文可知,本文讲的是"我在英语学习方面的经验",故答案为B。
46.suffered 47. other 48. vulnerable 49. Calm 50. same
A. 51. thirsty 52. Sights 53. Climbing 54. Shapes 55. look after
B. 56. sights/views/landscapes 57. careful 58. area 59. travellers/visitors/tourists 60. woke
61. paths 62. hardly 63. During 64. close 65. waste
66. week 67. on 68. to leave 69. haven't been 70. to take
71. booking 72. to pay 73. that 74. from 75. will get
Hi, John, I'm glad to hear that you're planning to travel around China during the summer vacation. I'd like to invite you to my home town Fujian for a visit.
Fujian lies in the southeast of China with Fuzhou as its capital city. It has a population of over 39 million. Because of the nice environment, it's known as Refreshing Fujian. It attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad. If you come, you can enjoy fresh air, blue sky as well as beautiful mountains and clear rivers. Many famous places of interest like Mount Wuyi and Gulang Island are well worth visiting. What's more, you can taste different kinds of delicious food.
I'm looking forward to meeting you!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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下一篇:Module 5 Cartoons. 测试卷(含答案+听力原文)