Module 10 On the radio. 测试卷(含答案+听力原文

Module 10 On the radio测试卷
1. How can the woman become a good presenter
A. She should get up early every morning.
B. She should keep studying.
C. She should learn from others.
2. What is the result of the match
A. We didn’t know the result. B. It’s 2∶1. C. It’s 2∶3.
3. What is the girl’s dream
A. She wants to be a presenter. B. She wants to be a reporter.
C. She likes to work in the radio station.
4. What does the man want to know about
A. He wants to know about her experience.
B. He wants to know about her work as a presenter.
C. He wants to know about her work as a reporter.
5. How old was the girl when she began to present in school
A. Fifteen years old. B. Five years old. C. Fifty years old.
听下面一段较长对话,回答6—7 小题。
6.What did the man do yesterday
A.He had an interview.
B.He went to work.
C.He got a job.
7.Who seems to like the man
A.The woman.
B.The manager.
C.It is not mentioned.
8. How old is Shawn Baker
A. 23 years old. B. 24 years old. C. 25 years old.
9. What did Shawn Baker study in the university
A. News. B. Art. C. Sports.
10. How long has he worked in his school radio station
A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years.
11. What does Bernard Longmore do
A. He is a university student.
B. He is a reporter of a national newspaper.
C. He is a director of a school newspaper.
12. When Bernard was ______ years old, he decided to be a reporter.
A. 14 B. 15 C. 17
13. When Bernard was ______ years old, he started writing articles.
A. 14 B. 15 C. 17
14. Did Bernard go to university
A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn't. C. We don't know.
15. How long did Bernard work for the small newspaper
A. For two years. B. For three years. C. For four years.
Anne is a newspaper reporter. She chose this 16 so she could travel around the world. The work has taught her many unforgettable lessons. She 17 wars, earthquakes and death. But she has 18 seen courage, hope and happiness.
Last year, she 19 an award for her reporting in Africa. She was very proud 20 it. At first, she thought she got the 21 because of her good work. But then she realised that she should thank many other people for 22 help.
Anne was born 23 Jamaica. Her family was not poor, but it was not 24 , either. Her parents had to 25 hard so that she could go to school. At school, Anne was not a good student, 26 she enjoyed writing because her English teacher said, “Anne, you are a wonderful 27 .” The teacher encouraged her 28 .
Later, Anne went to university in Canada and then 29 for a job. It was very difficult. Then, one day, she went to visit the editor of a newspaper in Ottawa. The editor gave her a job. “Everyone needs a 30 at first,” he said.
( )16. A. book B. job C. sweater D. picture
( )17. A. sees B. see C. saw D. has seen
( )18. A. still B. never C. also D. only
( )19. A. wins B. won C. beat D. beats
( )20. A. to B. of C. for D. from
( )21. A. award B. money C. report D. job
( )22. A. my B. his C. our D. their
( )23. A. in B. on C. at D. of
( )24. A. rich B. new C. small D. big
( )25. A. study B. walk C. work D. play
( )26. A. but B. if C. because D. so
( )27. A. farmer B. nurse C. doctor D. writer
( )28. A. in silence B. in person C. all the time D. day by day
( )29. A. looked B. made C. joined D. found
( )30. A. ticket B. hobby C. chance D. habit
Popular music in America is what every student likes. Students carry small radios and listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street.
 Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, and the life of American people. Most of the radio programmes are music.
Pop or popular music singers make much money. They make a CD or a tape which radio stations use in many places. Once the popular singer is heard all over the country, young people buy his or her tapes. Some of the money from these tapes goes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her. Now the singer has become a famous star.
There are other kinds of music that are important to Americans. One is called folk music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans. Another is called Western or country music. This was started by cowboys who would sing at night to the cows they were watching. Today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called Western or country music.  
31.      kinds of music are mentioned in this passage.
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five
32. When pop singers     , they will become famous stars.
A. make much money B. are loved by all the young people
C. make a CD or a tape D. are wanted to sing on the radio
33. From the passage we know that folk music is about the     .
A. common life of Americans B. the young people
C. life of cowboys D. school life in America
Do you want to be a newsreader or a presenter By reading this you will know how to take the first step to be one! Making a radio programme is fun!
The most important thing you need to do is to decide what kind of programme you are going to offer. Have you always wanted to be a DJ just to play music If so,what kind of music And will others want to hear the music you want to play
Maybe it's not music but information that you want to offer. You may want to do a talk show about a special subject. If so, great! Choosing something you are interested in and will make it a great experience for you. If you are good at a subject, you will be known as a great presenter.
Or maybe you would like to make a programme like an interview with others. Programmes like this are easy to listen to and always interesting to make because you will never know what a guest is going to say and maybe your subject will change.
34.The most important thing you need to do is to decide ________.
A.when to offer B.what to offer C how to offer D.where to offer
35.What does the underlined word “DJ” mean
A.酷爱音乐的听众 B.体育解说员
C.新闻播报员 D.音乐节目主持人
36.What does the writer think of a programme like an interview with others
A.Easy and interesting. B.Hard but interesting.
C.Easy but surprising. D.Hard but possible.
37.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.The most important thing of making a TV programme.
B.How to practise your English listening skills.
C.The ways of listening to radio programmes.
D.How to make your own radio programmes.
A father sat at his desk and looked at his bills when his young son rushed in and announced: “Dad, because today is your birthday and you’re 40 years old, I’m going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!” When the boy started making good on his word (履行诺言) , the father shouted: “Andrew, don’t do it now. I’m too busy!”
The boy soon fell silent as tears fell from his big blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said: “You can finish later. The boy said nothing but quietly walked away.” That evening the father said: “Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didn’t.
Unfortunately, a few days later after the father’s birthday, the boy had an accident and died. His sad father wrote: “If only(要是...该多好) I could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words, and how much my heart is hurting.”
Love is a two-way street. We must warmly accept any loving act, or others will take it as a “NO” and it can leave a scar(伤痕). If we don’t receive love, our life will lose its true meaning. Nothing is more important than accepting love from those who are near and dear to us.
38. The boy felt   when his father refused him.
A. sorry B. surprised C. sad D. excited
39. A few days after the father’s birthday, the boy .
A. was badly hurt in an accident B. was killed in an accident
C. had to go back to school D. became unhappy with his father
40. The headline “Love is a two-way street” means__________.
A. love keeps one busy all the time B. love can make people happy and unhappy
C. we should learn to give and receive love D. it’s important to love people around us
41. We can know from the story that__________.
A. the father is busy with his work B. the boy is hard -working
C. the father doesn’t like the boy D. the boy is too careless
Even though she’s quite young, Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend (传奇). She was born on February 22, 1975, in California. Being from a family that produced great actors, she quickly found her way into the spotlight (聚光灯).
When she was 11 months old, she made her first advertisement on TV. She made her first movie at the age of 2. Five years later, she acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg’s famous film E.T. (1982).
However, it wasn’t all roses and sunshine when Barrymore was growing up. She once went to the dark side and became a big problem. Most kid stars in Hollywood fail to become stars as adults. And most of the time, once they’re out of the spotlight, they stay out. But Drew Barrymore doesn’t. As she was growing older, Barrymore started to realize that life is more meaningful than dangerous actions in the films. She started to build a career in 1997. She has made a series of successful films since then, including Charlie’s Angels (2000) and 50 First Dates (2004).
“In my life, there is darkness and drama, and I have yet to explore some of that in my work life. I just want to challenge myself and prove that I can do more.”
Actually, anyone who’s not familiar with her disordered childhood might find it hard to believe she’s such a sweet person now. Like many of the characters she plays in her comedy, Drew is easy-going and laughs a lot. In 2007, she was on the cover of People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People issue.
“Life is very interesting ... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths,” Drew said.
42. Drew Barrymore can be a Hollywood legend mainly because ___________.
 A. she always has roses and sunshine in her life
 B. she used to be a famous kid star in Hollywood
 C. she didn’t give up even when she met difficulties
 D. she was born from a family that produced great actors
43. Which is the correct order of Drew Barrymore’s life
①She made the film Charlie’s Angels.
②She went to the dark side and became a big problem.
③She acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg’s famous film E.T.
④She is on the cover of People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People issue.
A. ③②①④ B. ④②①③ C. ②③④① D. ①③②④
44. Which of the following chart (图表) can best describe Drew Barrymore’s career (till 2007)
A. B.
C. D.
45. Which of the following words can be used to describe Drew Barrymore according to the passage
A. Interesting. B. Strong-minded. C. Beautiful. D. Clever.
We all dream about things. We hope to achieve them in the future. But are everybody’s dreams the same Here are some of he findings of a survey about dreams, and thousands of students across China took part in it.
Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. Some are more realistic() than others. For example, many students said they would like to be volunteers for the Asian Games, maybe working as translators() or tour guides. Not quite a few said they dreamed of going to the moon one day.
According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also common, but may students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. Quite a few dreamed of becoming famous, perhaps famous sports players or singers. Some said they’d love to go on exciting trips: one students said she’d love to sail across the Pacific Ocean. And then there are impossible dreams: three students said that they’d like to be able to fly.
46. Thousands of students across China took part in the survey----What are your_______
47. The dream to be able to fly one day is not__________.
48. A girl’s dream is to _________ across the Pacific Ocean in the future.
49. There are quite a few students dreaming to be __________ people.
50. It is________ to achieve the dreams without working hard.
A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。
Listen, on air, avoid, seem, nation
51. Jack is worried about the English test. We should mentioning the test to him.
52. Britain has more than ten newspapers.
53. It that a large number of students begin to learn Chinese poems after watching Chinese Poetry Competition on TV.
54. If you’ve got any problems, you can talk with Mary. She’s a good .
55. Thank you for your listening. We will be back at 7 tomorrow morning.
B. 给你短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
Sally and some students are visiting Radio Beijing. Sally is going to do an 56. (采访;访谈) at Radio Beijing. She will play the violin. The 57. (导演;主管) is talking with her. A man is 58. (引领;带领) the students 59. (到处;向各处) Radio Beijing. He told them to try to 60. (避免) touching the working machine. And if the red light is on, it means they’re on 61. (播出) and the students shouldn’t make any noise in the 62. (背景). The man says they collect the latest big news and write reports in the newsroom. Lingling wants to be a 63. (主持人) in the future. The man says the presenter is a 64. (国家的;国内的) and 65. (国际的;世界的) person at the station and she needs to keep studying hard to speak English really well.
My teachers though ( http: / / )t I was the 66.______ (bad) student. My family also had 67.______ same thought as my teachers.
When I was going to ( http: / / ) give up my studying, a new teacher, Miss White came to our school. She was young, beautiful and knowledgeable (知识渊博的).
One day, I was sitti ( http: / / )ng alone in my classroom, Miss White came up to me and talked to me 68.______ (happy). Soon her smile took away my unhappiness.
“Do you think I c ( http: / / )an go to college ” I didn’t know why I asked such a question. I thought she must say “no”. Because everyone else said so. But she said, “Dear, you can do 69.______ (something) you want. Just try and you’ll get 70.______ (close) to success. I believe you are the best!”
I was touched 71.______ (deep) by her words. I decided to study hard. From then on, we became good 72.______ (friend). She often helped me with my study 73.______ in her free time.
In the end, I 74.______ (do) well in my studies and went to a good college .Miss White is an angel(天使). Her words have kept me going forward. She helped me to see that I am special and can be 75.______ (success) in life.
根据以下提示, 用英语写一篇短文介绍一下你们学校的广播电台, 80个词左右。
提示: 1. 电台有一名导演, 两名主持人, 两名记者;
2. 电台每周进行两次采访, 并于每周五下午播放;
3. 电台广播的内容包括体育运动、读书、娱乐等;
4. 同学们和老师们都非常喜欢它, 如果有任何问题, 可以给电台写信。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Module 10 On the radio 测试卷听力、 答案
1. W: How can I become a good presenter
M: First you should study English hard.
W: And then
M: You should keep studying all the time.
2. M: Do you like sports news
W: Yes, I’m a sports reporter.
M: What is the result of Germany football match
W: It’s two to one.
3. M: What do you think of the radio
W: I love it very much. I always think the radio presenter seems to speak to me in person.
M: I think you will be a radio presenter in the future.
W: That’s my dream. I hope it can come true one day.
4. M: It’s really nice of you to agree to talk to us.
W: I’m happy to talk to you. I enjoy the time at the radio station.
M: So can you tell us something about your work as a presenter
W: OK.
5. M: How old were you when you decided to be a radio presenter
W: When I was fifteen years old, I began to present music shows for the school radio.
M: It sounds interesting when you talk about it.
W: Yes, I love to do it very much.
Text 1:
听下面一段较长对话,回答6—7 小题。
W:Hi, Ben. I heard you’re looking for a new job.
M:Yeah I just had an interview yesterday.
W:Oh, how did it go
M:I think I did a good job. They will give me the result in three days’ time.
W:Oh. Do you think you have a good chance of getting the job
M:Yes, I believe I have a very good chance. The manager seems to like me very much.
W:Well, good luck, then.
Text 2:
W: Would you please introduce yourself to us, sir
M: I’m Shawn Baker and I’m 23 years old. I’d like to be a radio presenter.
W: Why do you want to work in our radio station
M: I know it’s a very famous news radio station and I studied news in the university.
W: Have you got any work experience
M: Yes, I’ve worked in my school radio station for two years.
Bernard Longmore ( http: / / ) is a reporter of a national newspaper. I talked to him recently and had found something interesting about him. He decided to be a reporter when he was 14. He started writing articles for the school newspaper when he was 15. He became the director of the newspaper when he was 17. He went to university and wrote for the university newspaper. Then he got a job as a reporter of a small newspaper. After about two years, he started working for a national newspaper. He has worked for them for four years now.
Bernard thinks that ( http: / / ) successful people know what they want to do when they are quite young.
一、1—5 BBABA 6—10 AB AAB 11—15 BABAA
二、16—20. BDCBB 21—25. ADAAC 26—30. ADCAC
三、A篇: 【解析】:这篇文章讲述的是美国的流行音乐,有民族音乐,西方音乐和乡村音乐。
31:B 细节题,文章中提到了民族音乐,西方音乐,乡村音乐。故选B
32B 根据文章Once the popular singer is heard all over the country, young people buy his or her tapes.和all the young people want to meet him or her. Now the singer has become a famous star. 故答案选B
33:A细节题。根据文章One is called folk music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans。故选A
B篇 : 【解析】 你想成为一名新闻播音员或一名主持人吗 读这篇文章你将知道如何迈出第一步。
34.B 细节理解题。由第二段第一句" The most important thing you need to do is to decide what kind of programme you are going to offer" 可知答案。
35.D 词义猜测题。由DJ 后的不定式"to play music" 可推知选D。
36.A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段内容,尤其是"because you'll never know what a guest is going to say and maybe your subject will change"可知答案。
37.D 主旨大意题。第一段是本文的主题段,下文结合几种广播节目给出了具体的建议,故选D
C篇 : 38. C。由文中第二段的第一句话The boy soon fell silent as tears fell from his big blue eyes男孩很快就陷入了沉默,眼泪从他蓝色的大眼睛落下。可知,男孩很伤心,所以答案选C。
39. B。由文中第三段的第一句话Unfortunately, a few days later after the father’s birthday, the boy had an accident and died. 不幸的是,父亲的生日后,男孩出了意外,去世了。可知答案选B。
40. C 从文章最后一段可以看出:“Love is a two-way street”意味着我们应该学会给予爱和接受爱,所以答案选C。
41. A。由文中第一段的最后一句话the father shouted: “Andrew, don’t do it now. I'm too busy!”可知答案选A。
D篇 : 【解析】文章大意:本文介绍了好莱坞巨星Drew Barrymore的传奇经历,包括她的出生、第一次拍广告、拍电影及成长过程,她经历了人生的低谷和辉煌,但她始终没有放弃自己,因为她要不断地挑战自己、证明自己。
42. C推理判断题。根据第3段中“And most of the time, once they’re out of the spotlight, they stay out. But Drew Barrymore doesn’t. … She started to build a career in 1997.”可知Drew Barrymore没有像其他人一样被困难打败,她克服困难创建了自己的事业。由此可推出她遇见困难时没有放弃。故选C。
43.A排序题。可以按照时间顺序来排序。根据第2段中“Five years later, she acted Gertie in Steven Spielberg’s famous film E.T. (1982).”可知她1982年参演电影《E.T》;根据第3段中“She once went to the dark side and became a big problem.”可知她在参演电影《E.T》之后陷入低谷;根据第3段中“She has made a series of successful films since then, including Charlie’s Angels (2000) and 50 First Dates (2004).”可知她2000年制作电影《霹雳娇娃》;根据第5段中“In 2007, she was on the cover of People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People issue.”可知她2007年登上《人物》杂志“最美丽的100人”特辑封面。因此可知正确的排序是③②①④。故选A。
44.D推理判断题。根据Drew Barrymore的曲折人生经历,从小出生明星之家→人生的低谷→事业的重新辉煌,可推断出图表D最能描述她的职业生涯。故选D。
45.B推理判断题。Interesting有趣的;Strong-minded意志坚强的;Beautiful美丽的;Clever聪明的。根据第3段中“And most of the time, once they’re out of the spotlight, they stay out. But Drew Barrymore doesn’t. … She started to build a career in 1997.”可知Drew Barrymore没有像其他人一样被困难打败,她克服困难创建了自己的事业。由此可推断她意志坚定。故选B。
46. dreams 47. Possible 48. Sail 49. Famous 50. hard/difficult/impossible
A. 51. avoid 52. national 53. seems 54. listener 55. on air
B. 56.interview 57. director 58. showing 549. around 60. avoid
61. air 62. background 63. presenter 64. national 65. international
66.worst 67.the ( http: / / ) 68.happily 69.anything 70.closer
71.deeply 72.friends 74.did 75.successful
There is a radio station in our school. We all enjoy listening to it. You can find so many interesting things while listening to our school’s radio station, such as sports news, music, interviews and stories. And if you have any questions, you can write to the director to ask for advice. There is one director, two presenters and two reporters. They do interviews twice a week and the station is on air every Friday afternoon. It is very popular with the teachers and students.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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