
外研版八年级下期末 测试卷
1. What's the matter with Bill
A. He may have a cold. B. He may have a toothache.
C. He may have a sore back.
2. When does the man work in the animal hospital
A. On Sundays. B. On Saturdays. C. On Fridays.
3. Who will sweep the floor
A. Jane. B. Paul. C. Jane's father.
4. How many pieces of advice does the boy give to the girl
A. One. B. Two. C. Thee
5. Where might Ben be at the time of the rainstorm
A. At home. B. At school. C. At the bus stop.
听下面一段较长对话,回答6—7 小题。
6. What was Bob busy with recently
A. Practicing the guitar. B. Doing sports. C. Preparing for an exam.
7. Why does Linda advise Bob to go camping
A. Because it’s cheap. B. Because it’s safe. C. Because it’s relaxing.
8. When will the art show be
A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Saturday evening.
9. Where will the art show be
A. At the city hall. B. At the school art room. C. At the West Hill Park.
10. What is the relationship (关系) between the speakers
A. Schoolmates. B. Classmates. C. Teacher and student.
11. What kind of passage is it
A. A diary. B. A notice. C. A story.
12. What can volunteers do to the Grades 1 to 5 students
A. Read stories. B. Join a group. C. Choose homework.
13. How many subjects do Grade 6 students need help with homework
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5
14. When do homework helpers need to work
A. From 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
B. Between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
C. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays.
15.What’s the telephone number of the Elle Children’s Room
A. 845-3345 B. 845-3445 C. 854-3455
For most people, graduation(毕业)is an exciting day. But my graduation day was not. I still16 that weekend two years ago. Family and friends came to watch our celebration(毕业典礼).Just like everyone else in my class, I had watched the economy(经济)turn from bad to worse. We graduated,17 we had few job chances.
The following weeks weren't 18 .I drove to southern California to find work 19 I knew my small university town couldn't offer me any chances. But I found myself in the same 20 as I was before.
Do you know that feeling when you wake up in 21 ?That feeling continued in my life. Days felt like weeks, weeks like months, and those many months felt like long pain. Whatever I tried, I couldn't make any 22 .I hoped that everything that had happened to 23 was just a terrible dream.
So what did I do to keep going?I decided to 24 .Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearer and gave me hope. If you 25__want something, sometimes a little hope is all you 26 !
I put my feelings into a children's book 一 about a hero who refused to 27 his dream. Then one day, I was __28 to find that I received a publishing contract(出版合同)for my book. After that, things slowly began to get better. I was___29 a second book deal. __30 ,a few months later, I got an interview with the Walt Disney Company and got the job.
It takes time, but just work hard and hold on — things can change when you don't expect it.
16. A. remember B. believe C. enjoy D. expect
17.A. so B. but C. and D. or
18. A. busy B. safe C. quiet D. long
19. A. if B. because C. though D. unless
20. A. town B. habit C. situation D. environment
21. A. surprise B. peace C. excitement D. fear
22.A. decisions B. mistakes C. promises D. progress
23. A. it B. me C. us D. them
24. A. read B. think C. write D. paint
25.A. certainly B. hardly C. easily D. nearly
26.A. give B. take C. need D. know
27. A. look for B. pick up C. give up D. depend on
28. A. interested B. relaxed C. worried D. surprised
29.A. offered B. served C. lent D. sent
30. A. Finally B. Unluckily C. Slowly D. Usually
Paris is the biggest city in France(法国).It has been there for more than 1,400 years.Paris is famous for its nickname(昵称),the "City of Love. "It is one of the most famous cities in the world.The city also goes by another famous nickname,the "City of Lights".
When the sun goes down,Paris doesn't sleep.Instead,it comes alive with millions of lights through the city.However,all of these lights have nothing to do with the city's nickname.As for lights,many other cities around the world,such as New York City and Hong Kong,shine just as brightly.
Experts believe the nickname came about because Paris was the birthplace of the Age of Enlightenment(启蒙时期).The Enlightenment began in Europe in the late 17th century.During that time,philosophers and scientists made great progress in fields such as education and inventions,leaving away from the "dark" of the Middle Ages before.It lighted up the hope.The Enlightenment helped Paris become "La Ville﹣Lumiere, "meaning "City of Lights" in French.
31.From Paragraph 1,we know Paris   .
A.is a famous city in Africa
B.has two famous nicknames
C.is the biggest city in the world
D.has a history for less than 1,000 years
32.Paris is famous as the "City of Lights" mainly because it D .
A.was the birthplace of many scientists
B.has millions of lights through the city
C.shines as brightly as many other cities
D.lighted up the hope of progress at a special time
33.In the late 17th century,education and inventions A .
A.developed a lot in Europe
B.disappeared quickly in Europe
C.fell into a dark time in Europe
D.became meaningless in Europe
① As a language learner, you are not alone. About 1.2 billion people worldwide are learning a foreign language. However, not all of them enjoy success. We talked to hundreds of successful
language learners. They shared with us some of their habits.
② One key to long-term success is “always working for the goal ( 目 标 )”. Most successful language learners make sure to spend a few minutes practicing every day. Some learners practice their language only in class. In the long run, they can be much slower than those who practice every day. They are also more likely to “drop out.”
③ The second habit of successful language learners is that they don’t “binge study”. Instead, they study through a number of short-time learnings in a long period of time. Some learners only study before the test. Although they spend a long time, it doesn’t go well.
④ Some language learners always want to learn as much new material(材料) as they can. But it turns out that one forgets what he or she has learned little by little over time. Let’s be honest: Do you still remember all the English words and expressions you learned last year Successful language learners go over the old material regularly. Going over in time turns your short-term memory into long-term memory.
⑤ Are you having a hard time improving your English Then you may try to develop these good habits. Don’t worry if it takes time. Learning a second language is a long process(过程) — it should take time!
31. What are the good habits of a language learner according to the passage
① Binging study.
② Going over in time.
③ Always working towards the goal.
④ Making a number of short-time learnings.
⑤ Learning as much new material as one can.
⑥ Practicing language in class as well as out of class.
A. ①②③④ B. ②③④⑥ C. ①②④⑥ D. ③④⑤⑥
32. In Paragraph 2, the writer explains the idea of “always working for the goal” by .
A. giving reasons B. asking questions
C. sharing experiences D. comparing facts
33. Which of the following is more likely to be “binge study”
A. Going over what they have learned.
B. Practicing speaking English only in class.
C. Spending half an hour practicing English every day.
D. Learning English the whole night for the next day’s test.
34. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C
Have you ever dropped your phone in water If so, you're not alone--a third of people throw away their phones because of water damage (毁坏). Well, I can't promise anything. but today I' m going to tell you how to save a wet phone.
First, you must get the phone out of the water as soon as possible. Every second it's in the water, the more likely It is to be too damaged to repair. So, don’t stand there shouting “Oh no!” Just save it right away.
Next, you must switch(打开或关掉) the phone off right away to stop water damaging the electrical circuit(电子电路). If it was off when it got wet you must leave it off. Switching it on at this point is the worst thing you could do.
Now, dry out the outside of the phone. Then gently shake the phone, so that any water inside has a chance to come out.
After that, you need to dry out the inside of the phone as much as possible. Get some uncooked rice and put it in a box or bag, and put the phone in the middle of the rice. Close the box or bag so that the air can't get in, and then leave it for about 48 hours. While it's drying out, you mustn't keep opening it to see what's happening. It takes time!
After 48 hours you can take it out and try switching it on. You might be lucky and find the phone is working perfectly! But, be careful! You should back up everything on your phone as soon as you can because there may still be a problem and it could stop working again later.
Anyway, good luck, and take care of your phones!
38.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. The phone B. The water
C. The worst thing D. The electrical circuit
39.Which of the following shows the correct order of the instructions
a.Switch the phone off right away to protect the circuits.
b.b Switch the phone on and back up everything quickly.
c. Dry out the inside of the phone as much as possible.
d. Get the phone out of water as soon as possible
A. a-b-c-d B. a-d-b-c
C. d-a-c-b D. d-c-b-a
40. How does the writer organize Paragraph 5
A. By asking questions. B. By listing steps.
C. By giving examples. D. By using numbers.
41. What is the writer's purpose in writing this passage
A. To explain why phones drop in water
B. To introduce how to save a wet phone
C. To tell people when to repair wet phones
D. To advise where to solve phone problems
If you open your fridge, you may see some leftovers (剩菜剩饭),and it's very likely you will throw them away in the end. If the food in a supermarket is not fresh anymore or is near the "sell-by" date (保质期),it goes into trash bins too. Every day, a large amount of food is wasted.
To cut down on food waste, France passed a new law several months ago. It stops supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food .Instead, they must give it to charities (慈善机构).For food that isn't safe for humans to eat, it can be used as animal feed. If not, the supermarkets will face fines of up to 75,000 euros (around 542,200 yuan) or two years in prison. The law also encourages educational programs for schools and businesses about food waste.
People around the world are trying different things to deal with the food waste problem. Galdakao, Spain, put a public fridge in the center of town. Anyone can drop off food or leftovers and anyone can come and take them. A supermarket in Canada, Loblaws, encourages people to buy " ugly food" by selling them at lower prices, so food near the "sell-by" date won't end up being wasted.
In China, we also have the "clear your plate" campaign (光盘行动).This means .
42.According to Paragraph 1,what does people think of throwing away leftovers? ______
A. Common. B. Popular. C. Hard. D. Unusual.
43.Which of the following is true about the new French law? ______
A. French supermarkets can throw away or destroy unsold food.
B. French supermarkets should give unsold food to charities.
C. French supermarkets will be closed if they waste food.
D. French supermarkets should feed animals with unsold food.
44.What does the underlined word "ugly food" probably mean in Paragraph 4? ______
A. Food that is not safe for humans to eat.
B. Food that looks ugly and smells bad.
C. Food that is near the "sell-by" date.
D. Food that is thrown away by other people.
45.Which of the following can best fit " ______ " in the last sentence?
A. you should put leftovers into a public fridge in the center of town
B. you should give leftovers to charities or people who are in need
C. you should help sell leftovers and unsold food at very low prices
D. you should eat everything on the plate or taking away leftovers
Now a growing number of young people are wearing traditional hanfu, or Han Chinese clothing. You may see them eating, shopping, travelling or even working in hanfu.
Hanfu becomes popular in part because the government is promoting( 推广) traditional culture. Some TV shows about ancient China have also helped cause the public’s interest in traditional Chinese clothes.
What hanfu looks like is not the same since each Han-controlled dynasty had its own style(风格), but the clothes are usually loose(松), with sleeves that hang down to the knees and flowing robes that drape around the body.
In modern China, people in different fields are interested in wearing hanfu: from history lovers to students and even young workers.
“Clothes are the most important part of culture.” said Jiang Xue, who is a member of a hanfu club in Beijing. “If we as a people and as a country do not even understand our traditional clothing or don’t wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture ”
However, there is still a long way for the style to go into people’s daily life. Some say they are afraid of being watched by others when wearing hanfu in public.
46. Hanfu is a kind of ▲ Chinese clothing.
47. The country’s promotion and some TV shows about ancient China have helped make the public become ▲ in Hanfu.
48.In modern China, many people are in interested in wearing hanfu, from history _____ lovers to students and eve young workers.
49. Hanfu doesn’t always look the same. In different ▲ they are in different styles.
50. Though many people wear Hanfu now, there is still a ▲ way to go.
A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。
create, progress, as, patient, in person
51. She sat on the chair waiting for her turn to see the doctor.
52. China has made great ________on space technology in the 21st century.
53. My uncle often gives me fans________ presents because he knows I like them.
54. Charles Schulz the cartoon hero Snoopy based on his pet dog in 1950.
55. Even in his eighties, Yuan Longping checked the rice growing every day ______.
B. 给你短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
Bu Ai Hong Zhuang Ai Wu Zhuang(不要红妆爱武装)Have you 56 (曾经) read the English translation (翻译) of Chairman Mao’s famous line
Some might say: They love uniforms, not beautiful 57 (连衣裙).
Xu Yuanchong, a confident and 58 ( 可 爱 的 ) translator in China, thinks it’s not 59 (完美) . His translation reads: To face the powder (火药) and not to powder (抹粉)the face.
Xu has built a bridge 60 ( 在…之间) Chinese and Western literature. He has successfully 61 ( 介绍) Li Bai, Du Fu and many other great Chinese poets ( 诗 人 ) to the Western world.
Whenever he is translating Chinese poems (诗), Xu always asks 62 ( 他自己): Will Westerners enjoy the beauty of the poem He knows the great importance and 63 ( 价 值 ) of translation. So he always 64 ( 期 待 ) to make it better. This is a 65 ( 课 ) he likes to teach all of us: Good, better, best. Never let it rest.
Everyone needs magic recently — especially this four-year-old girl named Ann. __66__ the beginning of COVID-19, Ann was feeling a little lonely. So her parents helped her set up a fairy garden outside __67__ (they) home in California. One day, while Kelly __68__ (walk) in her neighborhood, she noticed the garden. She thought, "Well, maybe __69__ I left a note as a fairy (仙女), that would be really fun.”
The next night Kelly did just that. “My name is Sally,” she wrote. “I am a fairy who __70__ (live) in this tree.” The next day, she found a letter from Ann. It was __71__ first exchange between them and that began a magical relationship 一 nine months of letters and presents. They turned a year of sadness into a season of wonder. Ann felt she was the __72__ (lucky) girl in the world. But what she wanted most was to meet her friend.
Ann’s mom let Kelly know that the family was moving far away from here. Ann was sad, __73__ Sally let her know she had to move, too. And she would turn into a human when moving to a new garden with some magic. Finally, Ann and Sally met and spent one of the most important __74__ (day) together.
Kelly said, “I want people to believe that they don’t have to be a fairy to give magic to someone else. And it doesn’t have to be a child __75__.
新冠病毒疫情牵动人心, 抗击疫情我们万众一心。假设你是李华, 请根据下面的信息提示用英语给你的外国笔友Jack 写一封邮件, 分享抗疫经验。
心态调整 不要害怕….
防护工作 勤洗手, 多喝水, 充分休息….
居家经验分享 若外出, 戴口罩, 保持社交距离…….积极参与网课学习, 锻炼, 分担家务……
(3)词数80~100, 文章开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
参考词汇∶coronavirus新冠病毒 keep social distance保持社交距离 mask 口罩
Dear Jack,
I know that you are suffering from the coronavirus now and I do believe you are doing your best to fight against the virus.
Li Hua
外研版八年级下期末 测试卷听力、 答案
1. W: What’s the matter with Bob Does he have a headache
M: No, he’s having a toothache. He wants to see a dentist.
2. M: Where were you when I called you last evening
W: I was in the bathroom at that time.
3. W: Could you help me with the shopping bag
M: Sure, I’ll take them into the kitchen for you. What shall we eat for dinner
W: Fish and a vegetable salad.
4. W: Good evening. Where would you like to sit
M: Can we have a table by the window
W: Yes, of e this way. Would you like to see the menu M: Yes, please. And I would like to have the drink list first.
5. M: Good morning! What’s happening here
W: A tree fell over during the night and we can’t go through the road now.
Text 1:
W: Hi, Bob. Haven’t seen you for weeks. What were you busy with
M: Hi, Linda. I was preparing for my English test last week. You know what I passed the exam and got the highest marks.
W: Really Congratulations to you!
M: Thank you. And I want to have a good rest now.
W: So, would you like to go camping with us It’s relaxing.
M: That would be good. I’d love to.
Text 2:
W: Hi, Toby! Would you like to join our art show this Saturday
M: I’d love to, Kate. But on Saturday morning I’m going to a concert with my classmates in the city hall.
W: Don’t worry! The art show is in the evening. Can you play the violin on it
M: Of course. Where is it
W: At the school art room.
M: OK. By the way, will your classmate, Linda, play on the show, too
M: Yes, she will. You know her
W: I watched her play the guitar at the West Hill Park. It was amazing.
Dear friends,
Do you have free time in summer vacation Would you like to join our volunteer group
The Sunshine Public Library offers teenagers two different summer vacation volunteer jobs.
If you are good at reading, you can read stories for a child in Grades 1 to 5.
You can also choose to be a homework helper for students in Grades 1 to 6. Their subjects are English, math, history and geography.
As story readers, you can choose a child, and you two will meet at the library weekly for a half-hour reading course. Reading courses are between 3 p. m. and 5 p. m. on Mondays and Tuesdays, but 6 p. m. and 7 p. m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Teenagers who are good students and enjoy working with younger children can be excellent helpers. Homework helpers have to work from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. (from Monday to Friday) in the Elle Children’s Room. Teenagers who are interested in either of the roles can go to the Elle Children’s Room, call them at 845-3445.
We look forward to seeing you at the Sunshine Public Library.
一、1—5 BAABC 6—10 CC CBA 11—15 BABAB
19.B.连词辨析。A.如果,是否;B.因为;C.虽然;D.除非。根据前句"I drove to southern California to find work"我开车去南加州找工作。以及后句"I knew my small university town couldn't offer me any chances"我知道我的大学不能给我提供任何机会。可知此处存在因果关系,我开车去找工作是因为学校无法提供就业机会。故选B。
21.D.名词辨析。A.惊喜;B.和平;平静;C.兴奋,刺激;D.害怕,恐惧。根据后文"Days felt like weeks,weeks like months,and those many months felt like long pain."日子感觉像几周,几周像几个月,这几个月就像漫长的痛苦。可推知,作者毕业后由于一直找不到工作,每日在恐惧中醒来。故选D。
22. D.名词辨析。A.决定;B.错误;C.承诺;D.进步,进展。根据句意,无论我怎么努力,都没有任何进展。故选D。
24.C.动词辨析。A.阅读;B.思考;C.写作;D.绘画。根据后文"Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearer and gave me hope"把文字写在纸上让一切看起来更清晰,给了我希望。可推知,作者是决定写作。故选C。
30.A.副词辨析。A.最后;B.不幸地;C.慢慢地;D.通常。根据后文"a few months later,I got an interview with the Walt Disney Company and got the job"几个月后,我得到了迪斯尼公司的面试机会,得到了这份工作。可知,最后作者找到了合适的工作。故选A。
三、A篇: 【分析】文章主要介绍了巴黎"光之城"的昵称的由来.
【解答】31.B 细节理解题.根据段落1 Paris is famous for its nickname,the "City of Love. "It is one of the most famous cities in the world.The city also goes by another famous nickname,the "City of Lights,可知巴黎有2个出名的昵称,故答案为:B.
32.D 内容理解题.根据段落2 Experts believe the nickname came about because Paris was the birthplace of the Age of Enlightenment,The Enlightenment began in Europe in the late 17th century.During that time,philosophers and scientists made great progress in fields such as education and inventions,leaving away from the "dark" of the Middle Ages before.It lighted up the hope,可知因为巴黎在一个特殊的时期点燃了进步的希望,故答案为:D.
33.A 细节理解题.根据段落2 The Enlightenment began in Europe in the late 17th century.During that time,philosophers and scientists made great progress in fields such as education and inventions启蒙运动始于17世纪晚期的欧洲.在这段时间里,哲学家和科学家在教育和发明等领域取得了巨大的进步,可知17世纪晚期的欧洲教育和科技发展迅速,故答案为:A.
D篇 : 【解析】42.A.推理判断题。根据文中If you open your fridge, you may see some leftovers ,and it's very likely you will throw them away in the end. If the food in a supermarket is not fresh anymore or is near the "sell-by" date ,it goes into trash bins too. Every day, a large amount of food is wasted.可知,如果你打开冰箱,你可能会看到一些剩菜,很有可能你最终会把它们扔掉。如果超市里的食物不再新鲜或接近销售日期,它们也会被扔进垃圾箱。每天都有大量的食物被浪费掉。所以可推断根据第1段,人们对扔掉剩菜认为很普遍。故选A。
43.B.细节理解题。根据文中To cut down on food waste, France passed a new law several months ago.It stops supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food. Instead, they must give it to charities .可知,为了减少食物浪费,法国在几个月前通过了一项新法律。该法律禁止超市丢弃或销毁未售出的食物。相反,他们必须将其捐赠给慈善机构。故选B。
44.C.词义猜测题。根据文中A supermarket in Canada, Loblaws, encourages people to buy "ugly food" by selling them at lower prices, so food near the "sell-by" date won't end up being wasted.可知,加拿大的一家超市Lobalaws鼓励人们以较低的价格购买"难看的食物",所以接近"销售日期"的食物不会被浪费掉。所以 "ugly food"可能是接近"销售日期"的食品的意思。故选C。
45.D.推理判断题。根据In China, we also have the "clear your plate" campaign .可知,在中国,我们也有"光盘行动"活动。可推测下句应是This means you should eat everything on the plate or taking away leftovers.句意为这意味着你应该把盘子里的东西都吃了,或者把剩菜拿走。故选D。
46. traditional 47. interested 48. lovers 49. dynasties 50. long
A. 51.patiently 52. progress 53. as 53. created 55. in person
B. 56. ever 56. dresses 58. lovely 59. perfect 60. between
61. introduced 62. himself 63. value 64. Expects 65. lesson
66. At 67. their 68.was walking 69.if 70. lives
71.the 72. luckiest 73. so/then 74. days 75. either
(one possible version)
Dear Jack,
I know that you are suffering from the coronavirus now and I do believe you are doing your best to fight against the virus.
It is normal to be afraid, but there is no need to be scared. More exercise and communication will be helpful.
Please always remember to wash hands often and drink more water. Resting enough is also good for your health. If you go out please always wear masks and keep social distance wherever you go.
During the hard time, it's a good way to catch up with the top students by taking the online course actively. Moreover, my mum is glad that I do chores which I have seldom done before. Last but not least, why don't you take up reading as a new hobby Reading makes our life more colorful.
Hope we can talk face to face again soon, stay strong! Best wishes!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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